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Search results for logo

Showing results 76 - 100 of 282 matches

May 17, 2007 Link to this post

The Paper Spartan Army Grows
Nomi's been pretty busy recently; if you check out her Paper Spartans page, you'll find a number of new spartans (scroll to the bottom), as well as a cool reproduction of the UNSC logo. (It's hard to tell from that photo, but it's made the same way the paper spartans are - with layers of construction paper.) (Louis Wu 14:06:25 UTC)

March 23, 2007 Link to this post

SiR Tyner's First Montage
Z pointed out a new montage from SiR Tyner over at Halo3Forum.com - lots of great gameplay, but I gotta say, I hated the logo stamped over the top left corner, it really distracted me. If you can be more flexible than me, it's a fun watch - 7:47 long, 107 mb, WMP9 format. (Louis Wu 11:58:53 UTC)

October 12, 2006 Link to this post

When Artists Want to Mess With Your Head
Wow. Bungie fans are nuts. Omega was scanning over some hi-res promo pics, pixel-by-pixel, it seems, when he ran across a Marathon logo tucked into a corner of the Halo 3 Assault Rifle. On an image that's almost 2500 pixels tall, the logo takes up a square that's 18x18 pixels... meaning that on a 720p screen, that puppy would be all of 5 pixels on a side, and on a (far more standard) 480p screen, you're looking at 3 or 4 pixels on a side. Absolutely, totally invisible in-game... but CLEARLY there. (I redid his picture, and made the reference file available, for anyone who wants to look for themselves.) I'd call this an honest-to-goodness egg... nice find! (Louis Wu 11:18:37 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

H2Vista Screens
In all the rush to cover Halo Wars and the Wingnuts stuff, we totally forgot that Bungie was going to be talking about Halo 2 for Vista in Barcelona today; if you swing by the Xbox Press section, you can grab a 50 mb zipfile containing a fact sheet, some logos, and 12 hi-res BMP screenshots (thanks, Veegie). Pretty, pretty! Update: H2Vista.net is now hosting these files, if you want to view them without downloading the zip. (They're smaller, too, because they've been resaved as JPEGs.) Thanks, TheGhost. (Louis Wu 21:30:14 UTC)

September 23, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 3 Logo Wallpaper
Bungie's released a new Wallpaper incorporating their brand-spankin'-new Halo 3 logo (okay, so it's not EXACTLY new, but the finalized version is) - it's available in four resolutions, so go and grab the one that fits your monitor best! KP broke the news first (surprise, surprise). (Louis Wu 10:17:34 UTC)

September 23, 2006 Link to this post

A Cavalcade of Audio Fun
The Bungie Weekly Update has been posted - it's a doozy. A full-length podcast is available (50 mb, 55 minutes); amazing music and dialogue (well, the dialogue's cool, the music is... go listen). On top of that, there's a bizarre 'making the logo' bit (with lots and lots and lots of pictures), and something called the 'Halo Mobile Portal', which means lots of Halo content on your cell phone. (There are lots of pictures of this, too.) Don't look for this unless you have Verizon service - but Cingular, T-Mobile, and Sprint are coming soon. Finally, there's some great news about Halo 3 dev progress, and a nice leg (with a cool tattoo on it, for good measure). You can't go wrong! (All of it, except for the podcast, can also be found in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 00:51:38 UTC)

September 16, 2006 Link to this post

Marathon Logo in Qatar
Schedonnardus noticed a banner that shows up on the main page of the Texas A&M University Campus in Qatar which shows a building which shows a building that contains a design that looks a lot like the Marathon logo. (This really belongs on the Marathon's Story page... but Hamish isn't really updating that any more, so I'm posting this. It doesn't mean I'm gonna post the next 50, though.) (Louis Wu 21:44:17 UTC)

August 28, 2006 Link to this post

Marathon Logos in Metal - Redux
Spartan Jag continues his metal-working - and it sounds like if he can get permission, he'll start selling this stuff. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:46:16 UTC)

August 28, 2006 Link to this post

Carry Your Laptop, Halo Style
The Bungie Store has a listing for an Ogio messenger bag, complete with Spartan logo. Bungie employees have been carrying these around for a while, but we haven't mentioned them for sale in the Bungie Store yet - thanks to Jinno for pointing them out. (Louis Wu 13:37:08 UTC)

August 27, 2006 Link to this post

Heh - Bryce Sigourney found a pretty unusual instance of Halo-branded clothing... a Halo Suede Kippah (maybe more commonly known as a yarmulke, a thin skullcap worn by observant Jews). It's unclear how much this costs - but the non-logo versions run about $4.00, so if you're interested, you can email them for details. Love the store name, too! (Louis Wu 23:01:35 UTC)

August 26, 2006 Link to this post

More Maralogo artwork
Brian Haworth sent in pics of a keychain fobs he made recently - it measures about an inch across, and is made from blue and yellow translucent acrylic, with a piece of 1/16" polycarbonate sandwiched between to hold them together. (yellow side | blue side) He made a similar, but much larger, version for his girlfriend last fall - that one is 5 inches across, and she keeps it in a display stand on her dresser. (No pics, sorry.) (Louis Wu 17:53:30 UTC)

August 19, 2006 Link to this post

More Halo Art for Auction
A couple of days ago, we mentioned a hand-painted faceplate on eBay - that's gone (it went for just over $100), but the artist reminds us that he's got other Halo goodies available for sale there. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 13:40:27 UTC)

August 17, 2006 Link to this post

Hand-Painted Halo Faceplate on eBay
Kotaku has a bit about a hand-painted Halo Faceplate for sale on eBay - if you hurry, you can still get your bid in. (It's currently sitting at $84, with a bit over a day still remaining.) I've provided a link to the US eBay site - but if you're in Canada, you can use the Kotaku link, which goes to the Canadian site. Thanks to JeSteR 343 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:38:04 UTC)

July 21, 2006 Link to this post

7 on the 7th Results
Our most recent 7 on the 7th contest had the fewest number of valid entries to of any contest to date; I blame the short timeframe and the relatively unorthodox ruleset. That said, we got some great entries! The hands-down favorite of all the judges was Omega's 'Grunt Crossing' - but this is a 7 on the 7th contest, so we don't HAVE just one winner - we have 7. You can see them all from this hastily-put-up page (winners have stars). Congrats to RAWPOWER95 (One One Se7en, painted), Doctor Zoidberg (Mister Chief), ICDedPpl (Legendary Skull, painted), Simen (Marathon logo), ManKitten (One One Se7en - nice lawn!), and przybysz86 (rocket launcher) for making the cut - and thanks to EVERYONE who contributed images to this contest! Frankie and Sketch are down in San Diego for Comic-Con, so I can't even tell you what the winners have won yet - yes, this is unusual. Sorry. Soon! In the meantime, check out the entries. Update: doh! I forgot to pull the .htaccess file - you couldn't get in without a username/pass. Sorry! Fixed now. (Louis Wu 20:33:17 UTC)

May 14, 2006 Link to this post

More Hi-res Halo 3 Goodness
Home. Exhausted. Crashing. Before I go, though: if you go back and grab the Halo 3 Press Kit from Xbox.com, you'll find that it's grown in size from 70 mb to just over 100 - the added space is filled with Master Chief cutouts (the MC with no background image), Halo 3 and Bungie logos, and high-res versions of the storyboards up at Bungie.net. Awesome stuff. Thanks, Deimos. Now, bed... (Louis Wu 01:24:02 UTC)

March 19, 2006 Link to this post

eBay Halo Stuff
X1Zero found a few eBay auctions - there are a couple of the small Muckle Master Chief statues (here and here, same seller - Buy It Now prices are really high; remember that the last dozen or so of these to pass through eBay have sold for less than $200), and a new magnum. This is listed as the M6C, not the M6D, and is NOT the same as the pistols we've mentioned a bit in the past few months (the most recent one of those can be seen here, for comparison). Halo is still big business on eBay! (Louis Wu 17:37:21 UTC)

February 15, 2006 Link to this post

Stubbs: A Substantive Guy
Narcogen continues his defense of Stubbs the Zombie by dissecting a short review, and by contrasting Stubbs to analogous parts of Halo 2. This entry is a bit more strident than the last two... almost petulant in places. Still a good read. (Louis Wu 12:31:15 UTC)

December 22, 2005 Link to this post

Easiest way to make a new logo...
Heh. In Surfers Paradise, in southern Queensland (east coast of Australia), there's an attraction called 'Spacewalker' - their website, as noticed by lightinfantry, uses an image that is rather familiar to most of us here. (I've taken a screenshot, on the off chance that any legal interest generated by this news post actually makes them alter the site.) You gotta wonder... do people just think that something as big as Halo is simply public domain at this point? (Louis Wu 14:23:39 UTC)

November 17, 2005 Link to this post

3.5 years later...
Back in April, 2002, NFL246 sent along some pictures taken in the Control Room on Two Betrayals; there are some decent (but not perfect) images of the huge Marathon logo created by the layout of the room. Yesterday, insidi0us sent along a new shot (104k); we don't really do Trick stuff any more, but this was a pretty beautiful screen cap. (He got it by flying up in a banshee, then jumping out and swapping weapons really quickly.) Nice work! (Louis Wu 14:28:20 UTC)

August 26, 2005 Link to this post

Can't Touch This.
A movie called 'Untouchable', by TheHaloGod, cleared our Movie Peer Review Rating System this morning, with a pretty unprecedented score. It's a montage vid - but the timing is simply astounding, and the music choice is great. As luck would have it, I'm not anywhere near home today (nor will I be for the next couple of days), so the tools available for multiple formats are not what they should be. We're offering the original WMP9 version, 44.7 mb - quality is fantastic. We're also offering a somewhat larger, somewhat lower-quality QuickTime version (49.2 mb) - it's still quite watchable, but not as beautiful as the WMP9. I'd point out the spots that made us all go 'OMG' - but they're more fun to experience on your own. Even if you're pretty jaded with respect to montages, this is worth watching. (Louis Wu 19:55:50 UTC)

August 18, 2005 Link to this post

The High Impact Halo logo contest has come to an end - you can see the winner (and a fine choice it is) on their front page. Congrats to T010! (And taking a page from the HollywoodHalo playbook, there is a Video Update summarizing the past week - multiple formats, 25-35 mb, depending... give it a watch!) (Louis Wu 14:46:28 UTC)

August 4, 2005 Link to this post

Metroid Online needs a new logo
Seraphim writes that the Metroid Online Mapping Team is hosting a new logo contest - winner will get his/her alias stamped on the bottom of Samus' boot. You've got a bit under 2 weeks - results can be posted on their forum. (Louis Wu 19:55:58 UTC)

July 21, 2005 Link to this post

MacOSX Halo Screensavers
Edwin Davis wrote to say he's got some Halo screensavers up on his site - these work with MacOSX 10.4 (Tiger). One is our news feed, on your desktop... the other is flying Halo logos! Check 'em out. (These are pretty cool - but be warned, if you're running a monitor off a PCI card, all you'll get is a black screen and 'Quartz Composer' running around it - I guess these need the video bandwidth of an AGP connection.) (Louis Wu 15:27:56 UTC)

July 17, 2005 Link to this post

MC statue on eBay
HaloGod points out a 3-foot statue of the Master Chief he won in a GameCrazy tourney, and is now selling on eBay. Current bid is $250, 9 days remaining. (This is the same kind of statue I mentioned here back in January.) Go look! (Louis Wu 19:53:14 UTC)

July 2, 2005 Link to this post

Better Pics of new Joyride figures
Nathan Koga noticed a new page over at Figures.com, devoted to the series 5 and 6 action figures coming soon from Joyride. We already pointed out pics of these figures at Joyride's own site - but these images are larger, giving you a better look at the figures. Is it just me... or does that center Spartan look like it has the Subnova logo as his emblem patch? (Louis Wu 09:54:33 UTC)

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