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Search results for theme

Showing results 476 - 500 of 605 matches

December 6, 2004 Link to this post

I haven't seen THAT for a while...
Pcsme found a truly retro Halo-themed logon screen for Windows users at WinCustomize. It's so old, it's new! (Louis Wu 14:20:09 UTC)

December 3, 2004 Link to this post

Halo CE Movie Contest
Gearbox Software, EPG Servers, and Halo Maps have teamed up to present a pretty nice contest; create a 90 second video on the theme 'Play Halo CE', and win free dedicated server hosting for Halo CE and Gearbox schwag. The full details can be found over at the Halo Maps website. You've got December 31 to get your entry in - go read the rules and get started! (Louis Wu 21:21:17 UTC)

November 30, 2004 Link to this post

Art and film at Halo Babies
Large art update over at Halo Babies - plus a movie. (Apologies to zero, the movie's creator - he submitted the link to us a few days ago, but I let it slip.) I'm not sure I get it, entirely... it's a whole bunch of Halo 2 clips strung together, but I was having trouble finding a theme. However, that's for you to decide, not me. Go look at the art, download the movie, enjoy the day! (Louis Wu 15:12:58 UTC)

November 23, 2004 Link to this post

New Group themes at Bungie.net
Dolbex points out that there are two new themes for groups over at the Seventh Column. I've switched the HBO Junkies to use the Mullins Halo 2 theme, and Dolbex has set Been Mawed to use the Column WW theme, so you can see them both in action. Nice! (Louis Wu 17:27:23 UTC)

November 17, 2004 Link to this post

Eric 'Siva' Salzman, who's posted some pretty nice desktops in our Wallpaper section, celebrated his wife's birthday a few days ago with a Halo-themed cake (front and side views). (The X is for 'extraordinaire' - a fine epithet for a wife.) Siva says, "This is the first time I've tried to incorporate Halo into food and it was fun!" Go ahead - try this at home! (I'm only wishing I got to this on the 14th, so Mrs Siva X could have had another birthday present...) (Louis Wu 10:04:22 UTC)

November 16, 2004 Link to this post

The origin of a REALLY famous bit
Nico, of Red vs Blue and Trocadero fame, was listening to his Myth II soundtrack... and suddenly recognized a riff. "I KNOW WHERE THE HALO THEME CAME FROM!" he yelled. Listen for yourself. This is a 24-second snippet (378K) from the Myth II Epilogue, a 4 and a half minute dirge that beautifully finishes the game. (Louis Wu 15:21:31 UTC)

November 8, 2004 Link to this post

Lock and Load
Kevin634 writes to point out a Halo 2-themed comic in the Toronto Daily Star. Hehe, that is SO my son right now. ;-) (mnemesis 05:05:10 UTC)

November 5, 2004 Link to this post

The British - they're subtle, you know.
Stuntmutt and Ross Mills have both reported in with word of a new ad campaign in the UK - Stuntmutt heard a radio ad that was truly subtle:

10 sec if I'm any judge - it was the Halo monks chanting the theme. Then a deep, old man's voice says "from November 11th, work won't matter any more." No other branding.

(Classy!) If we can get copies of these (and permission to host them), we will. Likewise, Ross saw Halo 2 posters up around a college campus in southern England with the tagline "Come November 11th, Lectures won't matter any more." These are my kind of ads! Update: Ross tells us it was Tiana Whatley who actually found the posters. (Louis Wu 16:06:06 UTC)

November 3, 2004 Link to this post

The first of many Wallpapers
As mentioned frequently, the Art sections here (Miscellaneous Art and Wallpaper) have been neglected for too long - it's been almost a month since we added any new desktops. Unfortunately, one of the oldest items in the queue was a Halloween-themed image... apologies. The first 10 are up right now in the Wallpaper section, with more coming each day. (I'll do my best to get Misc Art going soon, too.) (Louis Wu 15:39:22 UTC)

November 2, 2004 Link to this post

Theme Building: an Easier Way
Not too long ago, Bungie posted a Theme Builder on Bungie.net - an HTML template for creating new themes for their 7th Column site. The problem is, most designers work better in some sort of visual mode - jumping back and forth between their design and Bungie's HTML (in both the main file and the style sheet) can get confusing. To the rescue comes Rip-Saw. He's created a layered photoshop document (zipped, 282K) with every element on its own layer, nicely labeled - adjust things to LOOK as you want them to, and then just translate back when you're finished. Should save loads of time. He apologizes for the fact that there "may be a few errors in the labeling, and one or two CSS elements were left out due to me not being able to figure out what they were for". A small price to pay for such a convenience! (Louis Wu 19:20:51 UTC)

October 27, 2004 Link to this post

B.net pours it on
Nine thousand people noticed the new Top Story at Bungie.net - it's a Dual Wielding guide. Which weapons work together, how to use particular pairs, that sort of thing. First heads-up goes to Swirlfire, who was beaten only by Frankie, it would seem. Every single one of you, however, managed to miss the 7th Column Themes article - there's a new theme builder (HTML template for messing with) for folks who want to customize their 7th Column chapter - except for The Morningstar. (Louis Wu 02:12:31 UTC)

October 21, 2004 Link to this post

I Always Win
Tony Albert sent along a kind note with a description of some new music of his:

I've been a lurker of the forums and news pages for a couple of years now, and although my involvement in the community is non-existent, my admiration for the creativity surrounding Halo is immense. That said, I wanted throw my own creativity into the fray by submitting a song to you that I have written in homage to Halo. I believe it has universal appeal, but hopefully readers of Eric Nylund's 'Halo: The Fall of Reach' will be hard pressed to identify it's speaker as anyone but the master chief, John 117 himself.

The song, a 6.4 mb mp3, can be grabbed from our server. Solid southern rock, with a nice Halo-based theme after the second chorus. Give it a listen! (Louis Wu 17:40:59 UTC)

October 18, 2004 Link to this post

Now that's a RANGE.
Wow - two WILDLY different audio submissions today - actually, one came in this weekend, but I didn't get to it (sorry, guys!).

  • Welcome to Halo was created by Kil and Lox - it's a Halo-themed version of the Welcome to Atlanta remix from Jermaine Dupri. Guns and rap - they just seem to go together, don't they? 3:21, 4.6 mb mp3
  • Death of Cortana Sample is another Mothergoat creation - don't worry, there aren't any spoilers here (at least none that Mothergoat knows of); he came up with the idea after reading First Strike. A moving piano piece - I'm looking forward to the full version. 1:36 long, 1.4 mb mp3

Grab them both - or pick the style that appeals to you. (Louis Wu 13:33:19 UTC)

October 18, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Theme: Mjolnir Mix
Wow... very nice. If you visit nilerogers.com, you can listen to a 1:45 long snippet of the Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix - composed by Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori, with guitars by Steve Vai. It rocks. Thanks, palatine. (The Flash popup that goes with the song is pretty nice, but if you're having trouble with it, the music is here.) (Louis Wu 00:18:17 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

I looked for a unifying theme... none, sorry
Gah - two OTHER comic-related offerings today from around the web; Dork Tower mentions Halo (thanks, Brad) and there's a new episode of Marines at Sector 7 (thanks, Wolfy). Go read! (Louis Wu 12:48:13 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

Incubus - in the news
We got a couple of notes about Incubus yesterday - they're another of the mainstream bands whose work is being used in Halo 2, you might remember. The first comes from uberblue, whose friend saw them in concert in Charlotte, NC a few days ago - apparently, they played the first 20 seconds or so of the Halo theme, and then their DJ somehow morphed that into Pistola, one of their more popular songs. (You can listen to various small clips of it on the Media page of their web site. What's even odder, however, is this news report, which suggests that the lead singer might not have even MADE it to that concert - he was arrested in New York, on the way down, for having a switchblade in his carryon bag. (Not Halo-related at all, except that had he not cleared it all up in time, uberblue's friend wouldn't have heard anything.) Don't worry - we're not going to start covering bands with ties to Halo 2, I just thought it was interesting that we got two separate Incubus-related tidbits on the same day (heck, they're even related to the same EVENT), and one showed that they've clearly got Halo 2 on their minds. (Thanks, John.) (Louis Wu 12:35:39 UTC)

September 29, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Slurpee cups
Sanjuro Tsubaki, who works at 7-Eleven, was kind enough to grab all three Halo2-themed Slurpee cups (we mentioned them Monday) and snap a couple of pictures. Side one (144k)... and side two (143k). To those offended by the cheapening of the Master Chief - live with it, this is popularity in the US. (Louis Wu 10:53:21 UTC)

September 16, 2004 Link to this post

Thursday's Themes
Seven new pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section - apologies for the outages earlier this morning. (Looks like a router got swapped out without the datacenter being warned... SOMEONE got chewed out pretty good.) Go read some Halo fiction and relax. (Louis Wu 17:21:23 UTC)

September 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Theme, Arranged for Piano
Jarrad Whitaker, aka Akdor 1154, has arranged the Halo main theme for piano, with the approval of its composer, Marty O'Donnell. There are two versions, both in PDF format; the original theme, from the main menu (405K), and the extended version that plays during the warthog run in the Maw (Truth And Reconciliation Suite - 563K). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 13:10:54 UTC)

September 14, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Theme - Tabbed Again
CreepHunter pointed out yet ANOTHER guitar tab of the Halo theme he found at Video Game Jam - he liked this one better than the last one we mentioned. Again - I can't read these, so I'm not passing any judgement at all... but they're out there, if you want to use them. (Louis Wu 10:28:03 UTC)

September 12, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Theme Tab
Blitzwolf found a guitar tab for the Halo theme at MXTabs.net. I couldn't tell you what it sounds like - I don't read this stuff - but if you do, go check it out. (Louis Wu 13:32:58 UTC)

September 6, 2004 Link to this post

I think that's the Spec-Ops one...
Following in the Jackal theme, Tina Leyk sent along a quick sketch of a Jackal, just to show a friend that they CAN be drawn... you'll find the new guy at the bottom of her Fan Art page here at HBO. Rockin'! (Louis Wu 22:20:54 UTC)

August 5, 2004 Link to this post

The Monks, The Monks
He'th Baskin really enjoyed the monk chanting in the Halo theme, but was frustrated that it was never by itself. So he mixed his own, 3:32, 4.8 mb mp3 version.

I have listened to as much Halo related music I could get my hands on but was always disappointed to find the monk chanting to be limited and always mixed with other instruments. So I set it upon myself to try and mix and match chant music from different Bungie tracks into a track of its own.

You can listen to it, too - we're hosting it for him. Update: we've replaced the original with a new version that has less noise - he'th spent a couple of hours cleaning it up after release. (Louis Wu 13:39:33 UTC)

July 19, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Skin
aiMutation is a Windows program for modifying the appearance of the AOL Instant Messenger. Recently, a new skin was released with a Halo theme. Thanks to Baldev Patel for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:38:43 UTC)

July 13, 2004 Link to this post

Do NOT get between these guys.
Tina Leyk tried her hand at a Halo 2-themed pic; she started with information in recent magazine articles (the idea that Elites and Brutes aren't the best of friends) and ended up with what I consider to be one of her most stunning pieces to date. Check out 'Elite vs Brute' on her Fan Art page. (Louis Wu 11:10:26 UTC)

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