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Search results for theme

Showing results 451 - 475 of 605 matches

November 5, 2005 Link to this post

A Halo Birthday
Hehe - last weekend, I attended the birthday party of Miguel Chavez's oldest son with my kids (Rafi turned 10). The party had a Halo theme... but I didn't put up any pics or a writeup because... well, because Rafi is 10. The cake, however, was designed by Gruntsbane, over at Halo Babies, and Mig sent THEM a bunch of pics... so go check it out! (Louis Wu 22:09:43 UTC)

October 31, 2005 Link to this post

Stuntmutt goes with a holiday-themed Monday strip for today's One One Se7en. I hear moaning already! (Louis Wu 16:32:05 UTC)

October 28, 2005 Link to this post

Bargain Bin Costume
Halo Babies has put up a Halloween-themed strip today... I'm LOVING it. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:11:09 UTC)

October 14, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Themes for your Pocket PC
Pvt. Jenkins submitted a series of Halo themes for the Pocket PC - you can look at previews and grab the individual themes below. (If you wnt them all, grab this zip file (1 mb).

Backwash: download | preview
Burial Mounds: download | preview
Elite Boarding: download | preview
Ivory Tower: download | preview
Lockout: download | preview
Lockout Hall: download | preview
Relic: download | preview
Sniper: download | preview
Turf: download | preview
Waterworks: download | preview

Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:52:29 UTC)

September 29, 2005 Link to this post

Thursday Themes
8 new Fan Fiction pieces in this mid-week update. Go read! (Louis Wu 16:22:50 UTC)

September 27, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Theme - Live, on Video
Wow, very cool. This is the first clip I've seen of the Video Games Live production of the Halo music - visit this page, as of right now it's the first 'Live Performance' (a few down from the top). Short film, but makes me want to see that show! Thanks to Schedonnardus for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:01:07 UTC)

September 24, 2005 Link to this post

Name That Tune
Video Games Live, the concert tour that was planned for this summer and will now kick off at the end of October, has a 'Name That Tune' game online to show you some of the music they play. (Halo's main theme, of course, is among the pieces.) Give it a whirl - and check out the tour dates while you're there! (Louis Wu 10:52:43 UTC)

August 5, 2005 Link to this post

Baby Love
Halo Babies has a new strip up today (of course they do - it's Friday)... but they also have a new contest: come up with a Red vs Blue-themed plot for a Halo Babies strip, you could win a copy of the Red vs Blue Season 3 DVD. Nice! (For those keeping track, 'A Changing of Hats' contains minor Halo 2 spoilers.) Hey, and while you're there... there's another Humpday-like writeup for a clan match between HaloBabies and the Mob of Angry Peasants. (Louis Wu 13:37:20 UTC)

August 2, 2005 Link to this post

Another Halo Tab
Over on the Power Tab Archive, Shadowsniper689 found a guitar tab for a Halo theme that wasn't used in the game (but is available on Bungie.net). I can't read .ptb files, and there's no link to the original, so your guess is as good as mine - but if you're looking for tabbed Halo music, you can add this to your collection. Update: Billy clarifies which piece we're talking about. Thanks, Billy! (Louis Wu 19:14:06 UTC)

July 31, 2005 Link to this post

Game Development talk
Chaos Recon pointed out a presentation, in PDF format, called 'Research in Game Development: Halo 2' - it looks at how different problems can be attacked, and what some of the pros and cons of each technique might be. It looks like this was presented at the Microsoft Research Asia Theme Workshop 2005, in Beijing, this past May, by someone named Hao Chen. (I don't know exactly who this is - the server hosting the bios for the conference isn't up at the moment.) A good read, for anyone interested in the tech behind the eye candy! Update: oops - Hao Chen is listed in the Halo 2 credits under 'Engineering' - my bad! (Louis Wu 22:44:42 UTC)

July 19, 2005 Link to this post

Zelda mod alpha available
Dennis Powers, of GearboxGameZone, writes to point out that Jahrain, the creator of the Zelda mod we've mentioned a few times (for Halo Custom Edition), has released a 'pre-alpha' version of a single level.

The map, Hyrule Field, features a Zelda biped instead of the Spartan and includes new weaponry in the Zelda theme, a working and mountable animated horse and a large interesting landscape. Although there are still some Halo style weapons and a large "bug list" this early release will give players a taste of what is to come.

You can grab a copy from GGZ. (Louis Wu 15:08:01 UTC)

June 16, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Main Theme Transcription
Another transcription of the Halo main theme has been posted at Rampancy.net; Devin Eastman has submitted an archive including a MIDI file, a PrintMusic document, and a PDF containing the score. You can find comments by Devin in the R.net news post. (Registration - free - is required to download the archive.) (Louis Wu 15:34:27 UTC)

June 7, 2005 Link to this post

Mjolnir Mix, Tabbed, Again
deadmonkey found a new guitar tab for the Mjolnir Mix over at Mxtabs - check the forum thread for possible corrections. (Louis Wu 10:19:03 UTC)

June 5, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Themed Recital
Anelf3 submitted an audio recording of a piano recital he performed a couple of weeks ago - his subject material was the Halo theme (figured out on his own, rather than read from published material). The MP3 is 2.7 mb, and just under 3 minutes long. Give it a listen! (Louis Wu 15:09:17 UTC)

June 4, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Armegeddon
There's a Worms-based Halo Flash movie at Newgrounds - that is, a movie showing a Worms-like battle, but with Halo-themed worms. Well done, but a bit slow. Thanks, Eww. (Louis Wu 11:47:43 UTC)

April 19, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 Theme Tab
Calvin Chaos noticed a new tab for the Halo 2 Theme over at Mxtabs.net - if you play, go grab this! (Louis Wu 14:11:56 UTC)

April 18, 2005 Link to this post

Mjolnir Mix, by the Video Game Pianist
Ross Mills pointed out a website called 'Video Game Pianist' - it's some really nice piano work focused on (wait for it) video game music. There's a really nice version of the Halo 2 Theme (Mjolnir Mix) - but the only way to get it on the website is to download an entire CD's worth of video game music (70 mb or so). This may appeal to many of you (almost certainly DOES appeal to many of you)... but it's overkill for those who just want to hear the Halo piece. We've gotten permission from Martin Leung, the Video Game Pianist, to host the theme here; 2.7 mb, MP3 format. If you like what you hear, explore the site! (Louis Wu 01:50:16 UTC)

April 6, 2005 Link to this post

Midi Halo
Damian has sent along a midi file of the Halo theme... 8k. (Louis Wu 15:58:36 UTC)

March 25, 2005 Link to this post

A home for your toys
WOW. If you're a Halo action figure collector, you want to know about these guys - Out of Reach Constructions, an Australian firm specializing in Halo-themed display structures for your action figures. They ain't cheap (the two existing structures are A$160 plus shipping and handling, with four new prototypes on the way)... but they're beautiful. The site contains photos of the various models, plus info about the manufacturing process. I want! Thanks to Halo Planet for the heads-up on this. (Louis Wu 21:51:46 UTC)

March 21, 2005 Link to this post

How much is too much?
prometheus added a new article on Halo Machinima to his Halo-themed blog, Tru7h and Rationalization. Is the field growing too crowded? Sound off! (He's also posted a link on our forum, so you can chime in there, as well.) (Louis Wu 14:27:20 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

Mjolnir Mix, Tabbed
Eternity 117 sent along a tabbed version of the Halo 2 theme, Mjolnir Mix, as played by Steve Vai. Go play! (Louis Wu 01:09:58 UTC)

February 8, 2005 Link to this post

Truth and Recon Suite, annotated
The Halo Sheet Music collection at Rampancy.net has grown again; Spencer "Poop Scoop" Anunsen has submitted the theme from the Truth & Reconciliation Suite. Registration (free) required for download. This one comes in a 3-pack; you get a Midi file, a .mus file (I don't know what can read this on a Mac), and a PDF. Go grab it! (Louis Wu 13:19:35 UTC)

February 3, 2005 Link to this post

Follow Tab
The Se7enth Prophet found a tab for Incubus' Follow on powertabs.net, and transcribed it on our forum. (The original is a Power Tab Editor file.) If you're a guitar player, give this a shot! Update: He's added the Halo and Halo 2 themes, and Blow Me Away from Breaking Benjamin. (Louis Wu 18:10:48 UTC)

January 12, 2005 Link to this post

Busy Bungie Bees
Wow. When they're not running around for PR, those Bungie boys are busy. Two new articles for you over on Bungie.net (since I left for lunch, even): there are 3 new themes to customize the look of your Group pages (I'm pretty partial to Halo Babies, myself), and they've got a link up to GamePro's Reader's Choice Awards, now accepting votes (Halo 2 is up for Best Combat/Shooting Game and Game of the Year). Go read! (Louis Wu 19:23:08 UTC)

December 26, 2004 Link to this post

Happy Holidays... from the fans.
A number of people sent along holiday wishes - XLNC created a new HUDless shot, Dennis Powers put together his own Halo CE Christmas Video (broadband and dialup), and Hawaiian Pig put up a nice RvB-themed image. I'm sure there are others that i managed to miss - if I find them, I'll update this news post. (Louis Wu 15:35:06 UTC)

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