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Search results for going nowhere fast
Showing results 1 - 25 of 40 matches July 13, 2006 Link to this post Legendary Library - less than 900 seconds. When we hosted our 'Going Nowhere Fast' contest a few years ago, the winning time for the Library speedrun was 20:57 - and that was 5 minutes faster than the second-place finisher. Since then, time has been chipped off that record... but yesterday, a new vid was uploaded to High Speed Halo (WMP9 format, 29.2 mb) that blew away the competition. Riptor turned in a 14:25 run - on Legendary. (Well, of COURSE it was Legendary. Duh.) It's pretty amazing; partly for the ways he finds to decrease enemy spawns, partly for how easy he makes some of it look. Make no mistake; the Library, in under 15 minutes on Legendary, is not by ANY measure an easy task. You wouldn't know it from watching this, though... thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 12:14:50 UTC)
June 5, 2006 Link to this post Halo, Legendary - in 1:42:54. Wow - time marches on. Over at High Speed Halo, the final speed record set by the winners of our Going Nowhere Fast contest has fallen - Truth and Reconciliation has now been completed (on Legendary) in 18:21. Congrats to Riptor for closing the book on this one! Thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 14:12:46 UTC)
November 11, 2005 Link to this post Two Betrayals. Less than 12 minutes. Gah. I totally spaced on putting this up earlier this week. insidi0us continues his work on speedruns (yeah, I know, we should be leaving this stuff to High Speed Halo... but insidi0us sends it here, and it's just so amazing!) - his latest target is Two Betrayals. The current run is only on Normal difficulty... but he shaved SO much time off the Going Nowhere Fast record of 25:03 that I couldn't pass it up. He finished the level in... yep, 11:52. (!!!!) Probably the sweetest move in the run comes at around 9:20... but man, the whole run just kicks. This is big - because it's long - and the quality isn't fantastic... but if you're a fan of speedruns, you gotta see this. (He released a 17:23 Legendary run last
month, so while he might not be able to get a sub-12-minute run on that difficulty, we know for sure he can beat the previous record by at least a third.) Two Betrayals, less than 12 minutes: WMP9 is 87 mb, QuickTIme is 90 mb. (Louis Wu 15:28:59 UTC)
September 1, 2005 Link to this post Speedrunning SC, revisited Last year, we hosted the Going Nowhere Fast competition - taking speedrunning to a new level. It inspired the creation of highspeedhalo.org, a website devoted to Halo speedruns. A couple of days ago, over on the MLG forums (you'll have to be registered to see that thread), insidi0us posted a new run for Silent Cartographer - and though he does it on Normal (rather than the GNF-required Legendary), he beat goatrope's GNF-winning time by 25 seconds - an astounding feat when the total time was just over 4 minutes to begin with. I was impressed enough with the run that I wrote up a short analysis of the places where he gains time over goatrope's run - and now that it's not the end of the month any more, we've got the bandwidth to host this puppy, so you can watch it, too. WMP9 version is 44.2 mb, QuickTime version is 46.6 mb. Thanks to l3Dl SHREK 2 for bringing this to my attention in the first place. (Louis Wu 17:10:32 UTC)
May 18, 2005 Link to this post GNF Highlight Reel at Archive.org Gah - I almost forgot that I'd submitted the Going Nowhere Fast Highlight Reel to archive.org! You can grab all four flavors (high and medium res, WMP9 and QT) from their download page; we haven't run out of bandwidth on other links yet, but it's always nice to have a really large pipe at your disposal. (Could use a review or two, as well, to keep from looking so lonely...) (Louis Wu 10:53:30 UTC)
May 15, 2005 Link to this post GNF Highlights - now for direct download In the last two days, more than 1300 copies of the Going Nowhere Fast Highlight reel (first posted here) have been downloaded via BitTorrent - close to 200 gigabytes worth of downloads. That should be enough that the direct download demand is back within reachable limits. A few sites have put up the high-res copies we released via BT - 640x480, 130+ mb; if you want one of these, and
BitTorrent isn't an option, you can grab them here (some have already been posted, but I'm re-summarizing): For those who don't want the high-res version, and would rather save 50 mb on the download, there are also 480x360 versions available (84-87 mb, depending on flavor): There are more mirrors coming (both high and medium res). (Louis Wu 17:10:27 UTC)
May 14, 2005 Link to this post Direct Download links for GNF Highlights hinch put up a few direct download mirrors (here and here) for the Going Nowhere Fast highlight reel we posted - if you can't use BitTorrent, give one of these a try. (If they die before new mirrors go up, don't panic - we'll be putting up more links soon.) If you CAN use BitTorrent, you'll get MUCH better speeds from the links in this post. (Louis Wu 02:14:07 UTC)
May 13, 2005 Link to this post An almost-forgotten promise... realized 9 months ago, we wrapped up a contest here at HBO that really captured the spirit of what makes the Halo community strong. Going Nowhere Fast was a chance for folks to show how fast they could race through Halo - straight speedruns, anything was allowed except modded Xboxes. We received dozens of entries, but there could be only one winner per level - and given the size of the films, we simply couldn't afford to release ALL runs. We promised a highlights video, showing the best bits from all the entries (rather than just the winning entries)... but real life and the demands of this website conspired to keep that promise from being realized. Well... once again, the community has come through. Cody Miller, who participated in the contest (and won two of the levels) came to HBO HQ for a lanfest in early April, and while he was here he picked up a dozen (more?) VHS tapes and a 160GB hard drive filled with GNF content. He did what I didn't have time to do - and he did it with s7yle. (This reel is lightyears beyond what I could have done.) The final product is eleven and a half minutes long, and in hi-res format weighs in at over 130 mb. We're going to release this via BitTorrent first, because 130 mb is pipe-killing. After the initial rush has died down, we'll put up versions for direct download; they'll be in the same form factor as the original GNF releases (480x360), and will save you 50 mb or so in downloads. Given that some of the original footage was pretty lousy, you might even be better off waiting for the smaller version... but the hi-res parts of this vid are great in hi-res. We're seeding it with quite a bit of initial bandwidth, so downloads should be snappy. You can grab torrents for a QuickTime version (138.7 mb) or a WMP9 version (133.9 mb) - please, leave your client open after download! And please - drop by our forum to let us (and Cody) know what you think of the work! (Louis Wu 14:13:31 UTC)
September 14, 2004 Link to this post Three Towers highlight reel posted Ducain has finished the Three Towers highlight video (he says 'finally' - making me feel even WORSE that the Going Nowhere Fast vid isn't done yet, thanks, Ducain), showing the best stunts of the entries for this contest. WMP9 format, 9 minutes long, 23.2 mb. If there's demand, I'll toss up a QuickTime version. Update: Due to popular demand, I've put up a QuickTime version for folks who need it. (Louis Wu 11:27:40 UTC)
August 3, 2004 Link to this post Going Nowhere Fast - Finished! Watching (and judging!) 8 hours of video was a non-trivial exercise... but we've done it. The judges' votes for our Going Nowhere Fast contest have been tallied, and a winner has emerged. By a really narrow margin, goatrope's Silent Cartographer run was edged out by Trefitch's Maw run - and Tre will be able to practice for the NEXT contest we host on his brand new Limited Edition Halo Xbox. (Kudos, too, to Cody Miller's Library run, which also garnered high marks from all judges.) Again - you can download all 10 winning runs from the Going Nowhere Fast Status page. Congratulations to EVERYONE who entered - we had a blast watching these, and it was wonderful to see the interest this generated. Even if you didn't win, just entering puts you in a pretty small minority of Halo speedrunners! (And yes, there is one more movie still coming; a best-of, cool tricks vid. Timing is still unknown, but we haven't forgotten about it!) (Louis Wu 18:48:16 UTC)
July 31, 2004 Link to this post 82 mb of Maw Goodness The final winning run in our Going Nowhere Fast contest, Trefitch's Maw sprint, is now available via Direct Download from the GNF Status page. If you're not one of the 900 people who have already grabbed this 82 mb file via BitTorrent - now's your chance to get an HTTP download. It's a gorgeous run... check it out! (Again - announcement of the Grand Prize winner should be sometime in the coming week.) (Louis Wu 19:57:05 UTC)
July 30, 2004 Link to this post Movies, movies, movies It's Friday - I guess it must be Movie day again. Merecatfish has made another PSA for Halo CE - you can snag it off his Halocity site. (WMP9 format, 320x240,
3:51, 5.6 mb) 45 Sion has made a pretty foul-mouthed vid called 'SouthPark MC Class' - WMP9 format, 640x480, 57 seconds, 5.6 mb... thanks, c0ld vengeance. Legend has made a teaser for an upcoming 'Halo Revolutions' film; you can find it on Halo Orbit (thanks, Oliver Sopienski). I'm not sure what it has to do with Revolutions at this point... but the sniping's pretty good. (MPEG1 format, 320x240, 1:10, 18.8 mb) Team EP has put together a teaser for a new map they're building (still in Alpha) - Ndugu has snowboards (with all the grinding and tricks that suggests), plus snowball launchers, pickaxes, and more. WMP9 format, 640x480, 2:29, 9.8 mb. A thread about the release can be found on the Gearbox forums. And [CHP] member Vinx has put together a long (9:25) video of gameplay on the Halo CE map New Mombasa. (It's in WMP9 format, 640x480, and weighs in at 56 mb downloadable.) Thanks to HaloPlanet for these last two. And to people who've submitted movies to US for hosting - please be patient. The Going Nowhere Fast contest releases have hit us pretty hard, bandwidth-wise. We'll be in better shape come August 1. Update: oops, one more from our own forum - scabbronumber1 posted Game Over, a 9.6 mb WMP9 that's 4:01 worth of mostly Blood Gulch tricks and gameplay. (Louis Wu 19:10:08 UTC)
July 29, 2004 Link to this post Keyes - Directly Direct downloads of the Keyes winning run of our Going Nowhere Fast contest are now available; visit the GNF Status page for your choices. Quick Update on BitTorrent stats for the contest vids in general - 12,000 total downloads have been handled by the network, accounting for 1.2 terabytes over the past couple of weeks. (Our normal bandwidth needs haven't decreased because of this contest - this number is in ADDITION to what we normally handle.) Direct downloads account for another very large chunk of bandwidth - I don't have exact numbers, because I don't have access to all the server logs, but I'm guessing it's on the same order as the BT downloads. For this particular series of downloads, BitTorrent made a HUGE bandwidth requirement tolerable for our network of self-supported servers. (Louis Wu 11:17:40 UTC)
July 28, 2004 Link to this post GNF Phase 10 The final winning run for our Going Nowhere Fast contest, Trevor Fitch's Maw run, is now available for download via BitTorrent. Once again - it hasn't been mentioned for a bit, so here is a BitTorrent client download link. This run is really efficient - no deaths at all, and some really classy moments. 82 mb, QuickTime format. Go grab it! Now that all 10 winning runs have been released, we're ready to begin consideration of the Grand Prize winner - these 10 runs, plus 20 more, will be analyzed for style and speed, and the run that comes out on top of the heap will garner for its owner a brand-new Limited-Edition Halo Xbox. Expect an announcement sometime next week. (Louis Wu 08:58:14 UTC)
July 26, 2004 Link to this post Two Betrayals - Directly We've put up direct-download links for Taylor Jones' Two Betrayals run, released last Friday in the continuing Going Nowhere Fast series. You can find the links (and direct download and BitTorrent links for all OTHER runs except the last couple) on the GNF Status Page. (Louis Wu 17:56:01 UTC)
July 26, 2004 Link to this post GNF Phase 9 Later than usual, but the ninth segment of the Going Nowhere Fast contest winners is now available via BitTorrent. goatrope's Keyes run isn't always pretty, but it's the fastest we received (and several people tried). Give it a look; at just under 100 mb, you should be able to give the BitTorrent network a run! (Louis Wu 15:42:46 UTC)
July 24, 2004 Link to this post The Library, Directly Standard web downloads are now available from a half-dozen mirrors for Cody Miller's 153 mb, less-than-21 minute Library run for the Going Nowhere Fast contest. You can find them (along with BitTorrent links for the first 8 runs, and direct downloads for all OTHER levels prior to the Library) on the GNF Status page. If you haven't seen it, this is a pretty impressive run; there are a LOT of 'how did he not die?' moments. (Louis Wu 14:51:25 UTC)
July 23, 2004 Link to this post GNF Phase 8 The next level in the Going Nowhere Fast competition, Two Betrayals, is now available for download via BitTorrent. Taylor Jones spends a relatively quick 25 minutes whipping through this level - his handling of a rocket launcher is a joy to watch. He gets a vehicle through the broken door in an amazingly no-fuss manner... but my favorite moment comes at around 22:20 - you get a quick glimpse of how tough Legendary can really be. My vote for best death in a run, period. This puppy is is 182 mb - open that BitTorrent client and grab it! (Louis Wu 08:24:50 UTC)
July 22, 2004 Link to this post 343GS now available for direct download A tad later than usual - but never fear, we get to stuff eventually. The Direct Download links for the sixth Going Nowhere Fast video (343 Guilty Spark) are now posted on the Status page. If you aren't one of the 900 or so BitTorrent downloaders, go grab a copy of this 49.4 mb run via http! (Louis Wu 16:20:07 UTC)
July 21, 2004 Link to this post GNF Phase 7 Cody Miller, who took first place on Truth and Reconciliation, also aced the Library for our Going Nowhere Fast contest. Beating his nearest competitor by 5 minutes (and the third place finisher by almost 25 minutes), he raced through this level of relentless destruction almost without stopping. The video is 153 mb large, and available (for now) via BitTorrent. (And because we haven't mentioned it in a few days, here's a BitTorrent download link - there are still folks who haven't grabbed a client yet.) (Louis Wu 09:59:34 UTC)
July 19, 2004 Link to this post GNF Phase 6 It's Monday, so there's lots of action on the Going Nowhere Fast front. The sixth level run - 343 Guilty Spark - is now available for download via BitTorrent, to begin with. It's a 58 mb file; 7:41 to dash from the Pelican dropoff to the final pickup spot, and the first use of the purple boxes as traditional videogame crates - making the Time to Crate value rather high for Halo overall. Watch this run; you'll find some amazing ways to shave a few seconds off here, a few seconds there... Also, since it's been three days since Sean Oehrle's Assault on the Control Room run was made available via BT (an even 1000 downloads, as of right now), we've provided direct download links for this 52 mb film. You'll find them on the Status page. (Thanks, once again, to all the mirror sites for these files; BitTorrent alone has served over 900 GB worth of movies in the past 10 days, but the direct download links have accounded for hundreds of gigabytes more; we couldn't do it without you guys. (Louis Wu 09:11:27 UTC)
July 17, 2004 Link to this post Silent Cartographer - Gone in 260 Seconds The fourth Going Nowhere Fast run, goatrope's zippy Silent Cartographer dash, is now available via direct download from a half-dozen mirrors. If you haven't watched this 33 mb piece... you should grab it now. (Louis Wu 17:44:26 UTC)
July 16, 2004 Link to this post GNF Phase 5 Going Nowhere Fast winner Sean Oehrle's run of Assault on the Control Room is now available for download via BitTorrent. It has been known for some time that by jumping off the first bridge, enemies for MOST of the level will not be spawned (because the trigger to spawn them has been bypassed) - Sean shows a pretty impressive descent and a quick way to the nearest vehicle. The download is 52.2 mb in QuickTime format. (Louis Wu 08:20:45 UTC)
July 15, 2004 Link to this post Truth and Recon via Direct Download Apologies for the delay - the third release of the Going Nowhere Fast winning runs, Truth and Reconciliation, is now available via direct download. 850 people have already grabbed the vid via BitTorrent (along with 2000 copies of the Pillar of Autumn run and 1000 copies of the Halo run) - but I know there are always those who would rather use their web browser, so for you folks, we have a number of high-capacity download links. You'll find them on the GNF Status page. (Louis Wu 19:51:45 UTC)
July 12, 2004 Link to this post GNF - Phase Three As promised, the next installment of Going Nowhere Fast is now available for download via BitTorrent. Cody Miller does a great run in under 25 minutes, taking advantage of a (little-known, apparently) glitch that causes the cutscene to kick in early if certain triggers are avoided. (His method for AVOIDING those triggers is, as far as I can tell, unique.) The run's a monster, due mainly to the extreme length; 181 mb to download. Don't let that stop you, though - it's a lot of fun to watch! Also, in keeping with our pattern of releasing runs for direct download 3 days after the BitTorrent goes up, you'll find download links for gwdpto's Halo run from more than half-a-dozen mirrors on the GNF Status page. (Louis Wu 08:27:28 UTC)
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