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July 28, 2006 Link to this post

Eric Nylund is NOT working on Bungie's next title.
Eric Nylund wrote to squash some rumors that have been floating around; You might have seen the note at SPOnG today that speculated that a new, non-Halo Bungie title would be announced at X06 in Barcelona in September. This came hot on the heels of the pickup of a small tidbit from a Nylund blog post a couple of weeks ago (CVG wrote it up here, SPOnG discussed it here - I can't explain why these sites are two weeks behind on this one)... and lots of forums began putting these bits together. Bungie's announcing a new non-Halo title... Nylund, who has a history with Bungie, is working on a new Microsoft title; you can see where the gears started spinning. Stop 'em now; Nylund's newest project has nothing whatsoever to do with Bungie. That's straight from the horse's mouth (well, Nylund's, anyway - not really nice to call him a horse). Now we just gotta figure out if the SPOnG rumors about X06 are true! (Louis Wu 03:04:42 UTC)

July 25, 2006 Link to this post

Project BlueStreak - a boon for modellers
Whoa. TheGhost has created a new tool to 'bridge the gap between 3ds max and Halo' - basically, it's a series of scripts that allows for easy (REALLY easy) imports and exports of Halo models and animations. Project BlueStreak has a site page up - the first released script is the GBXModel Importer. In TheGhost's words: "Basically what it does is reads any exported model tag from HaloCE (which can be accessed with the HEK or some sort of tag extractor) and re-creates the tag in 3ds max." Wonga. A thread's been started on the Gearbox forums for feedback and bug reports - check this out! Update: TheGhost has put together a quick 5-minute tutorial (9 MB, 800x600 .wmv) on how to use the script to import a rigged and textured Ghost model into 3ds max - if you'reunfamiliar with 3ds max and maxscripts, this can show you what the script does. Check it out! (You must watch this on a PC; the encoding is not Mac-friendly.) Update 2: for anyone (like me) who was having trouble viewing the tutorial in WMV format, TheGhost went to the trouble of creating a Flash version. Beautiful! (Louis Wu 11:16:19 UTC)

July 23, 2006 Link to this post

QuickTactical's WMM Tutorial
QuickTactical wrote up a pretty comprehensive guide for using Windows Movie Maker - if you're just getting started in Halo machinima, and you have a PC, you DEFINITELY should read this piece. He originally posted it on the HaloGrid forums - but gave us permission to host it here, as well. Awesome stuff - a top-notch resource! (Louis Wu 01:20:40 UTC)

July 21, 2006 Link to this post

New Content at Dead Man's Hand
Dead Man's Hand has been busy - lots of new Halo content over there right now. There's a discussion of story-driven games (using Halo as a positive example), a look at the franchisement of Halo (Masterchief Shampoo... hmm), an Ode to Banshee (you know you love something when you start writing poetry about it), and an interview with Athena Twin PMS, one of the leaders of the PMS gaming clan and a Halo fanatic. There's plenty of non-Halo content as well... so get to reading! (Thanks to Dweezle for stopping by and letting us know.) (Louis Wu 11:08:40 UTC)

July 15, 2006 Link to this post

More Hide and Seek
The Se7enth Prophet decided to copy c0ld vengeance and create a series of Hide and Seek pics - these are on Outskirts, as well (because his disk is scratched) and the pics are photographed off the screen (which makes them a little hard to interpret) - but as of now, they're not all solved, so go look! (Louis Wu 00:05:53 UTC)

July 14, 2006 Link to this post

7 on the 7th... what happened?
So the deadline for the latest 7 on the 7th contest is coming up in a couple of days... and we don't have any submissions yet! If folks have been waiting until this weekend to create their lawn-based masterpieces, cool - but if you've forgotten, now's the time to think about it! C'mon... lots of you mow your lawns every week anyway; why not, before you start, cut something cool into the lawn, snap a photo, then go back and finish the job? You get cool schwag for almost no work! (If you're running into trouble with this one, and it's something we screwed up on this end, please - tell us.) (Louis Wu 13:01:51 UTC)

July 14, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Movie Status - from the Script Rewriter
It's not much - but it's the most REAL Halo movie news we've seen in quite some time. Game Set Watch interviewed DB Weiss, who's currently in the process of rewriting the Halo script:

How far along with the screenplay are you?

Just starting in on an entirely new second draft.

Lest you think it's an old interview that's just being posted now, there's a question that asks for feedback about an article at Gamasutra that was published just a couple of weeks ago. Give the whole interview a read - there's a bit more info about how he got involved. Thanks, Cunbelin. (Given that the script is just beginning to be rewritten, the fan hopes for a 7/7/07 release of this movie are looking pretty untenable...) (Louis Wu 11:31:57 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

Talking to the young turks
A couple of nice articles over at MLGPro.com - 'On a Power Trip - Next Stop: Chicago' takes a look at MoBPowerTripBev.com, one of the up-and-coming teams hoping to play as one of the top 8 teams in Chicago... and 'The Zone 6 Interview: Making A Stand' has Trunkers sitting down with Zone 6, another of those hungry upstarts. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 21:41:47 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

A lot of blood, sweat, and tears
Newsarama has interviewed Brian Jarrard about the Halo Graphic Novel; info about how the project started, where the stories came from, how the artists and writers were signed up. Great questions, solid answers - go read! Several brand-new pieces of artwork, as well. Thanks, drummand. (Louis Wu 17:43:11 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

Some records aren't meant to stand forever.
Heh - depending on how you look at the numbers, Halo is still the media king - or it's not. Much hay was made of the fact that Halo 2 made $125 million in its first 24 hours, and that this beat the record for 'biggest opening weekend box office take', held at the time by Spider-Man ($115 million). Well... Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest just had a bigger opening weekend - $135.6 million. Yeah, but that's 3 days, you say! And the first day was only $56 million! And even if you count the first TWO days (because Microsoft counted the first 24 hours, which technically spanned two business days), it's STill only $100 million! Yeah, well... first off, Halo 2's $125 million takes into account all pre-sales for the game - money for which was collected sometimes months in advance. And second off, if you're gonna compare opening weekends, compare opening weekends; don't start messing around with 'well, it's the opening weekend when the total is below our cutoff, otherwise we're gonna look at per-day grosses'. Any way you cut it - Halo 2 made a BUNDLE, but so did Dead Man's Chest. You decide who you think should be on top. thanks to PhyrVurm for pointing this out. (Louis Wu 12:34:48 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

Xbox Live Summary, Halo-style
Only peripherally Halo-related... but interesting nonetheless; Gamasutra has an artcle discussing Xbox Live - and a pretty amazing 60% attach rate for Xbox 360 owners. (That means 60% of all 360s are linked to an Xbox Live account - compare this to the Xbox attach rate of only 10%.) Halo plays a large role in what XBL offers; Halo 2 continues to be the most-played game on Live, Halo trailers account for absurd numbers of download bytes (speaking of which, the Halo 3: Behind the Scenes documentary is now available for download on Xbox Live Marketplace - 400 mb worth of 720p, Dolby 5.1-soaked goodness; go see it as it was meant to be seen), and Halo 2 Vista will be one of the first games (along with Shadowrun) to take advantage of Live Anywhere, a feature that let's you access Live features simultaneously from your Xbox or your PC. (Again, just so we don't start any rumors: Halo 2 Vista will NOT be able to interact directly with Halo 2 Xbox; the Live Anywhere functionality will involve your Friends List in this case.) (Louis Wu 11:56:40 UTC)

July 10, 2006 Link to this post

Spotlight on Ducain
Ducain, the man behind High Impact Halo, the premier Halo 2 tricking site on the web, has been interviewed over at Bungie.net; go see what got him started with Halo! (The questions are quite a bit more serious than the last few spotlights... I think KP is scared of Ducain.) (Louis Wu 22:27:21 UTC)

July 10, 2006 Link to this post

HaloPlanet's First BMU: Guns
DrLime and Dog Fashion have started a new monthly column at Halo Planet, called 'Bungie Monthly Underground' - the first installment is a treatise on the guns of Halo 2, and how they stack up (or, in the eyes of the authors, DON'T stack up) to the guns as implemented in Halo. If you're tired of the 'bring back the pistol!' debates, or the 'Halo 2 is unbalanced' screed, you should pass this one up. Maybe the next installment will contain a slightly less-beaten horse. (Louis Wu 10:51:30 UTC)

July 10, 2006 Link to this post

117 Spin.
Stuntmutt feels that c0ld vengeance is getting too much front-page space with his rotating screenshots... so today's One One Se7en is his own take on the genre. I think he should stick to humor. Hmm... I mean... oh, never mind. (Louis Wu 02:36:14 UTC)

July 8, 2006 Link to this post

c0ld vengeance grabbed a really nice 3D shot of the atmospheric processing station hologram visible at the start of the 'The Perfect Plan in the Perfect Storm' chapter of the Oracle level - check it out in regular QT or QTVR formats in this forum post. Beautiful timing! (Louis Wu 13:08:43 UTC)

July 7, 2006 Link to this post

Halo CE in the news
Rob Oplawar has started work on a new Halo CE Campaign level; you can check out the website devoted to it (which includes a movie of his progress so far). Get to reading! (Louis Wu 17:30:18 UTC)

July 7, 2006 Link to this post

7 Rings to rule them all
c0ld vengeance has ANOTHER 3d screenshot for you today; this one shows the 7 Halos from the hologram at the end of Great Journey. The standard QT movie lets you spin around them, while the QTVR version gives you a great view from any angle. QuickTime required, and be patient - this one's a bit larger than most (5-6 mb, depending on the version you pick). If you choose to see the QTVR version in-browser, the controls will remain greyed-out until the whole file is downloaded, so just hang on. (Louis Wu 11:50:40 UTC)

July 7, 2006 Link to this post

This week's Halo Humpday Challenge was against the Cayote Cavegirls - if you don't know who they are, the writeup starts off with an interview of their lader [sic]. The overall result - a tie, no matter how KP tries to spin it; this brings Bungie's not-losing streak to 3. (Of course, their winning streak - of one - ended two matches ago, but who's really counting?) Go read the whole writeup - I missed this when it was posted, but Pazicles picked it up. (Louis Wu 03:51:39 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

Right this way!
c0ld vengeance continues with his 3D Screenshots series - this time, it's Cortana, looking on as the Master Chief sticks a Brute. Sweet! Available both as a QuickTime rotating vid, or a QTVR file. Take a look! (Louis Wu 15:38:42 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

Gamasutra gets into the podcast game
Over at Gamasutra, they've started their own podcast (everybody's doing it!), and the first one is actually a recording of the talk given at the 2003 Game Developers Conference by Marty O'Donnell, Jaime Griesemer, and Mat Noguchi, entitled 'Halo: Development Evolved'. It's just over an hour long, weighs in at only 14 mb, and is pretty darned interesting to listen to. (The volume level is REALLY low.) Thanks, Char. (Louis Wu 02:20:19 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

c0ld's Halo Hide and Seek
He's at it again; c0ld vengeance has posted 10 screenshots on our forum, and challenged you, the viewer, to come up with an exact location for each one. You're going to need to be pretty specific on these... check it out! Update: DOH! 2 minutes after I posted this, c0ld confirmed that Dojorkan had nailed all but one of these. I should have gotten to it sooner... guess you'll have to wait for the next round. (Louis Wu 00:22:51 UTC)

July 4, 2006 Link to this post

HaloGM - Halo on Source
HaloGM is a CS Source-based Halo mod using Garrysmod - this forum post contains download links and a few screenshots of Wizard. Take a look! Thanks, Samir Patel. (Louis Wu 12:23:37 UTC)

July 3, 2006 Link to this post

Halo and Terrorism
Heh - a newspaper article in the Halifax, Nova Scotia Chronicle Herald was picked up by Kotaku, where it was seen by MereCatFish; Kotaku and most of the posters in Mere's thread seem to see this as yet another example of the media vilifying video games as potential causes for all sorts of ills (in this case, the Halo-obsessed individual is Zakaria Amara, the alleged ringleader of a group accused of plotting terror attacks in Ontario). I read it slightly differently, though (looks like Cunbelin and My Liege see this spin, as well); the guy didn't start messing with terrorism until HE QUIT PLAYING HALO. In other words: Halo has the potential to keep you out of trouble! I hear it'll make your hair grow back, too. (Louis Wu 12:27:23 UTC)

June 30, 2006 Link to this post

End of June, end of the week, time for fanfic
Nineteen new pieces - stories and poems - up for you in the Fan Fiction section today - go see what you can find! (vector40's long-unfinished fanfic (started in December 2004) has its final chapter posted today.) (Louis Wu 13:53:04 UTC)

June 23, 2006 Link to this post

French Project Spartan
Oleg stopped by our forum to point out his blog (it's in french), which contains information about a set of spartan armor he's building (follow the 'Projet' link in the navbar). Great start! (Louis Wu 16:19:02 UTC)

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