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September 27, 2006 Link to this post

More screens
More Halo Wars info here, at Xbox.com - keep searching! (Louis Wu 18:24:17 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

Do we need to start HEO?
The really, really big news today from Microsoft is the announcement of 'Halo Wars', from Ensemble Studios (the guys behind Age of Empires, and other similar games) - a Halo Real-Time Strategy game! It hasn't been announced on the live feed yet - but Luke Smith has announced it on 1Up. Stay tuned for more details! (Louis Wu 17:12:24 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

X06 Starts NOW.
X06 coverage is going live very soon - the Xbox.com feed seems to be busted for most viewers, but keep trying. In the meantime, Luke Smith, from 1Up.com, is going to be liveblogging (thanks, Morangie), so if you can't SEE what's up, at least you can read about it. We're not positive what's coming from Bungie - but it's a good bet that it's big, and it's Halo-related. Update: Thanks to c0ld vengeance for the direct video feed links (Hi | Lo)! (Low feed might be only audio... beware) (Louis Wu 16:56:25 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

Trevor Chesler's Mjolnir Armor
Trevor Chesler has embarked on the creation process for a suit of Mjolnir armor - he's shooting for a very high quality finished product. He's just starting out right now, but you can see his gameplan, and the first few photos, on this page. As we get more from him, we'll add them (and let you know). Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:25:35 UTC)

September 26, 2006 Link to this post

The Spartan Effect: Episode 2
The MPRRS went into something of a hibernation over the weekend... but a little kick-start this morning got reviewers reviewing again, and a movie stuck in the queue for 5 days was spit out this afternoon, with pretty high marks. It's 'The Spartan Effect: Episode 2', from Rookie Rabbit Productions, and it continues the story of a team of Spartans faced off against the Covenant in Containment. This episode is as funny as the first one, with very high production values. Looking forward to future episodes! But let's not get ahead of ourselves... grab a copy of Episode 2, in either WMP9 format (61.9 mb) or QuickTime format (53.4 mb), and get laughing! (Louis Wu 17:00:05 UTC)

September 25, 2006 Link to this post

When the cabin boy gets cabin fever...
KP's been looking for stuff to do - he updated two somewhat neglected sections of Bungie.net, the Gallery (with a cool ninja-kick screenshot) and the Voting Booth (where you can weigh in on the Bungie Podcast). I'm saddened by early returns in the poll... (Louis Wu 19:07:40 UTC)

September 23, 2006 Link to this post

Boren Dishes The Dirt
Over at Rampancy.net, Narcogen noticed a tasty tidbit in the weblog of Brannon Boren, who was once heavily involved in the maintenance of the Halo Bible - he's going to be discussing some of his professional experience - and he's starting, tomorrow, with 'Creating A.I. for Halo'. Sounds great! (Louis Wu 12:51:18 UTC)

September 15, 2006 Link to this post

Egg DB online at HIH
Over at High Impact Halo, Ducain posted a notice about a new Halo 2 Easter Egg Database; it's a work in progress, and right now contains (mixed in among the real easter eggs) a bunch of stuff that probably shouldn't be considered 'eggs', per se... but it's a fantastic start, and it'll be polished up as time goes on. For now, give it a look-see; check out some stuff you might have missed, and let THEM know about stuff THEY might have missed! (Louis Wu 13:53:46 UTC)

September 15, 2006 Link to this post

The Depth of the Details
Jordan117 half-jokingly asked Bungie to acknowledge this... they might, or they might not, but it's a pretty interesting read, so I'm putting it here, because I think more people should see it. He's got some interesting theories about Earth-related backstory - stuff that hasn't actually been discussed, but which (if you check out his meticulously gathered evidence) shows up in a LOT of places, suggesting a lot of Bungie artists and modelers have been involved in fleshing this out. Go read 'em - then leave your own commentary. (I'd love to see some screenshots of Earth from Cairo Station, for comparison...) (Louis Wu 02:23:59 UTC)

September 13, 2006 Link to this post

Terminal Announcements
Jordan117 discovered that the loudspeaker announcements on the multiplayer map Terminal range from the mundane, to the Easter-eggish. I think anyone who's played the map knows that there are a variety of announcements... but nobody (that I know of) has gone to the trouble of transcribing them before. He didn't have any way to record them - but he gave such specific instructions on how to hear the snippets well that it was trivial for me to go in and record a bunch. I only let the recording run for 15 minutes, and captured only 18 of the 25 listed - but it's a fine start, and I'm sure someone else can grab the last 7. Great stuff! Go hear the snippets in our Dialogue Databank. Update: Thanks muchly to Psychophan7, who submitted 6 of the remaining 7 clips. (They're mixed in with the original 18 at this point.) Marty also stopped by to tease everyone with a question... got any answers? (Louis Wu 15:17:02 UTC)

September 11, 2006 Link to this post

Species Episode 1 - Finally
Several months ago, a movie was submitted to the MPRRS - but the submitters stated in the description of their movie that they had a higher-resolution version they wanted to use if the movie passed. It DID pass, and we sent them a note, asking for that higher-res version. After a few days went by, we tried again. No response, either time. After the second attempt, things got busy - and the movie totally slipped off the radar. Until last week. The submitters - the MjR37 Team - sent along an email, explaining that a drive crash killed all their existing high-res work, which is why we never heard from them. They're working on HD versions of FUTURE episodes of this series, however, and asked us if we'd be willing to point out the website to the Halo community at large. Of course we would - this is a vid that passed the MPRRS, after all! The series is known as 'Species', and all episodes to date can be found on this page. You should start with Episode One, though - that's what was submitted to the MPRRS, and it's what we're hosting. (Save their bandwidth - use ours; we've got both QuickTime format - 44.4 mb - and WMP9 format - 41.2 mb.) It's called 'Where the End Begins', and it looks at a team of soldiers who are suddenly faced with an alien invasion. Great use of mods. If you like the series, they've got Episode Two, as well as a trailer for Episode Three, up for download. Fun stuff, all around! (Louis Wu 20:02:34 UTC)

September 8, 2006 Link to this post

Dead Man's Hand - The Weekly Goodness
Dead Man's Hand remains a hotbed of Halo discussion and speculation; new articles this week include a writeup of Dead Man's Potluck (a night of gaming I'm really sorry I missed), a discussion on when playing Halo on XBL stops being fun and starts to be stressful, 22 Questions with Wheezin Geezers' Overlord Sunburned Goose and artist extraordinaire Pinkuh, an ode to the beauty that is Halo, and a short look at what can happen when you run out of equipment. All in all, a collection of articles that should keep you entertained for longer than it took me to write this! Dweezle stopped by our forum to point this stuff out, but thanks also to Pinkuh. (Louis Wu 11:19:43 UTC)

September 6, 2006 Link to this post

HSH Tribute
Over at High Impact Halo, Ducain pointed out a new tribute vid created to pay homage to the Halo Speedrunners, that group of fans that does their best to make it from the start to the end of a level in as little time as possible. It's long (17 minutes) - but a pretty impressive piece of work! It's available in a lot of sizes - go grab one! (Louis Wu 13:31:01 UTC)

September 5, 2006 Link to this post

HaloPC in top 20 PC Games (unit sales)
A month ago, Next Generation ranked the top 100 Games of the 21st century, based on sales volume - and the Halo franchise came in second. last week, they did the same for PC Games - and Halo PC came in 20th. Not too shabby! Thanks, Phan7om. (Louis Wu 22:06:36 UTC)

September 4, 2006 Link to this post

808 Guilty Spark
Chris Simpkins sent us a link to a Halo-inspired trance song he'd created called '808 Guilty Spark'. 8.2 mb in MP3 format... starts slow, speeds up! (Louis Wu 10:52:57 UTC)

September 3, 2006 Link to this post

Phys Ed - yeah, right
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned a Halo sighting in the current issue of Wired Magazine - for those who don't actually READ Wired (you should, it's chock-full of good stuff every month), you can see this online at Wired's site. Thanks to ChrisVioxxx for reminding me of this (which made me go check for the online version). Update: KP pointed out that the same issue contains a story about Lil Poison, the world's youngest pro Halo player. Well-known around here - but nice to see the wider coverage in mags like Wired! (Louis Wu 10:58:47 UTC)

September 3, 2006 Link to this post

Tapping the Vein
Over the past month or so, a whole bunch of people known mostly for their presence in the Halo fan community have gotten jobs at Bungie Studios. For a lot of people, going to work for Bungie is a down-the-road goal, but the number of people hired from the fanbase has been meager for a while. Not any more. In rapid succession, Stosh (known mostly on the B.net forums), Cunbelin (an old-school fan for sure), Mrs Doublefire, and NiTrOuSoXiDe (the last two prominent members of the HaloCE community) have all started work with Bungie paychecks - I'm sure there are more I don't know about, as well. Congrats to all these guys, congrats to Bungie for taking advantage of some of the fantastic talent available in the fan community - and to everyone who strives to get a position with Bungie... know that it's possible! Update: Oops, I forgot - Pynion, an artists who posts semi-regularly on our forum, starts in less than two weeks, as well! (Louis Wu 10:26:42 UTC)

September 2, 2006 Link to this post

Controllers for GIs
Over at Halo3Forum.com, there's a thread started by someone working at a military base in Kuwait - he's looking for donations of used controllers and copies of Halo 2 (the conditions there are such that controllers don't last long). Swing by and read the details - and help out if you can! Thanks, QuickTactical. (Louis Wu 20:28:39 UTC)

September 1, 2006 Link to this post

Of ninjas, and hospitals
On our own forum, Darkneshasfallen has started a contest, as well - create the best 'Halo 3 is like' simile, win a drawing of your masterpiece. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:12:47 UTC)

September 1, 2006 Link to this post

Jackson chats about Halo filming
Pete Williamson ran across an interesting article on Stuff (in New Zealand) - Peter Jackson was in a talkative mood. The article is about a new Jackson-produced film called 'Dambusters', but Halo came up:

Jackson said Halo was likely to start shooting early next year - and it was possible Halo and Dambusters could be shot about the same time.
Not really surprising, I suppose - but definitely not commented on by any OTHER parties involved, yet. I like this Jackson guy! (Louis Wu 02:21:20 UTC)

August 30, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Heads Ep 1
Paul Maestri has started up a comic strip that focuses on 'scifi elements' - his first strip is here. I always wondered about that... (Louis Wu 12:29:58 UTC)

August 30, 2006 Link to this post

Hush Yo Casket!
This is what the Halo community is all about. rapture wrote up a summary of the last year for The Hushed Casket - a Halo-centric (though not exclusive) group in Huntsville, AL. Good friends, good times, good games. And some bad. (Sorry about the 360, rap.) Give it a read. Makes me want to start a local group! (Well, maybe not.) Thanks, Mintz and Slayer. (Louis Wu 12:27:22 UTC)

August 30, 2006 Link to this post

4 Marines and a Hog (starring Charlie Sheen?)
Heh - Ducain pointed out a new Halo vid, again by BigGruntyThirst, over at High Impact Halo... it builds on the technique shown in his recent variety vid, but as Ducain says, the kicker here is how easy he makes it all look! (This trick, from start to finish, is anything BUT easy.) Worth a look! (Louis Wu 12:08:37 UTC)

August 28, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2's Peril, for Orchestra
Over at Rampancy.net, there's a new transcription of Peril, arranced for an orchestra. The download archive (which requires that you're logged in to see) contains a PrintMusic file and a PDF. Just in time for the school year to start! (Louis Wu 13:56:55 UTC)

August 28, 2006 Link to this post

Marathon Logos in Metal - Redux
Spartan Jag continues his metal-working - and it sounds like if he can get permission, he'll start selling this stuff. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:46:16 UTC)

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