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Search results for start screen

Showing results 2351 - 2375 of 4250 matches

October 18, 2006 Link to this post

Unyielding Screenies
Laird stopped by our forum last night with some screenshots from the upcoming Unyielding Part 2. He's shooting for January... looks pretty good! (Louis Wu 13:48:29 UTC)

October 14, 2006 Link to this post

Halo CD Key Recovery Tool
Wow, very cool. We've received quite a bit of mail over the past 3 years from people who've lost their Halo PC CD Key (because they lost the case it was attached to) - and wanting to know if we knew how to extract that CD Key from their registry. Up until now, we've had to tell people that they were out of luck. TheGhost sent us a note last night, however, pointing to a thread on the Halo 2 Vista forums, announcing a new tool he'd created - it can extract, and decrypt, that Key from your registry, allowing you to reinstall Halo PC from your CD without needing that small orange sticker you started with. Having had trouble finding the original case to MY Halo PC CD in the past, I applaud this tool! (Louis Wu 12:01:34 UTC)

October 14, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Pro TV Broadcast Dates
GameBattles has concrete dates for the broadcast of MLG content on USA Networks starting in November - check it out, and mark the dates on your calendar! (Louis Wu 11:55:19 UTC)

October 13, 2006 Link to this post

Don't Try This at Home
Paul Maestri points out that Halo Heads 17 is online - I'm starting to worry about the intelligence of that GoO spartan... (Louis Wu 18:01:38 UTC)

October 12, 2006 Link to this post

She's not Mrs. Cart... Yet.
In a move guaranteed to startle the cynical among you, I've managed to keep on top of the Miscellaneous Art queue - here are 30 more entries (more than 40 individual images), clearing it out through today. Sketches, cartoons, scans of everything from pencil drawings to oil paintings, composites... there's something for everyone in here, and a whole lot of it is great. Go look! (Louis Wu 19:12:13 UTC)

October 12, 2006 Link to this post

When Artists Want to Mess With Your Head
Wow. Bungie fans are nuts. Omega was scanning over some hi-res promo pics, pixel-by-pixel, it seems, when he ran across a Marathon logo tucked into a corner of the Halo 3 Assault Rifle. On an image that's almost 2500 pixels tall, the logo takes up a square that's 18x18 pixels... meaning that on a 720p screen, that puppy would be all of 5 pixels on a side, and on a (far more standard) 480p screen, you're looking at 3 or 4 pixels on a side. Absolutely, totally invisible in-game... but CLEARLY there. (I redid his picture, and made the reference file available, for anyone who wants to look for themselves.) I'd call this an honest-to-goodness egg... nice find! (Louis Wu 11:18:37 UTC)

October 11, 2006 Link to this post

B.net Intervwu
More Bungie.net content for you today, an extensive interview with everyone's favorite admin, Louis Wu. It's done in a new format for the Spotlights, via instant messenger, so it's a bit more relaxed and insult-laden. Alright, a lot more insult-laden. I'd really like to see some feedback on this format (though all you Wu-ites are obviously biased so I'll have to discount most of it), if you prefer not to venture into the Bnet forums to do so, you can use the HBO thread started by Big Goalie Dan. (KP 01:02:57 UTC)

October 9, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Scale Comparison Updated
Stephen Loftus has updated his Halo Scale Comparison article; the beginning of it hasn't changed, but if you scroll down near the bottom of the page, you'll find an entirely new scale navigation system. Starting with the Halo itself, you can drill down through the various constructs in the game and compare them with like-sized items. He's added dozens of items to the charts; go explore! (In a totally coincidental but rather fortuitous bit of timing, In_Amber_Clad just happened to ask about this info this morning; if you have questions or comments, this thread is a fine place to put them.) (Louis Wu 13:34:48 UTC)

October 7, 2006 Link to this post

Over the Limit - Act 0 - The Pheonix Army
Pothole Studios submitted 'Over the Limit, Act 0 - The Pheonix Army' (yes, the typo's intentional) to the MPRRS; it lingered for a bit, but the reviewers are back on track and have cleared out all backlogged submissions - this one passed. They didn't want hosting - the video is available from their site, in DivX format (45 mb), but if they run into trouble, we'll certainly put up mirrors. It's an interesting start - can't wait to see the rest! (Louis Wu 13:48:05 UTC)

October 7, 2006 Link to this post

Ranked Multiplayer now Random on Live
Ouch. Latest news about Gears of War (Joystiq and Xboxic) is that you will not be able to play ranked games with your friends; the TrueSkill ranking system requires that you go into a game paired up with people with roughly the same ability as you have - randomized. You can play with a party - just not in a ranked game. This, apparently, is now a requirement of Microsoft Live certification. Halo 2 was released before this requirement was implemented, so it's exempt - which is why you can put together a party of friends for Big Team Battle, or Team Slayer - but Halo 3 will likely be subject to the same rules GoW is now facing. If you want to discuss this, 3Suns has started up a thread about it on our forum. Update: Wow, this has generated quite a bit of discussion on our forum - mostly negative (towards the policy, as it's understood). There's a comment by Achronos on the Bungie.net forums that suggests that there's a misunderstanding here... but closer reading of joeGraf's comments in the Gears of War forum thread that started the firestorm makes me think that Achronos is incorrect. If we get better clarification, we'll be sure to pass it along. (Louis Wu 13:14:43 UTC)

October 7, 2006 Link to this post

PstP Halo Nod
Pixellated noticed that over at Press Start To Play, there's a piece of promotional art for Otokon that features a Spartan and an Elite (check the October 6 news post). (Louis Wu 12:55:44 UTC)

October 6, 2006 Link to this post

Halo to Myth II
Back in March, there were reports of a couple of different Halo mods for Myth II - this one, at PlayMyth.net (thanks, Chris Arthur) which also led me eventually to this one, at Project Magma; it's unclear whether either of these went anywhere after March, or whether any actual files were released... but the screens are nice! (Not sure why these didn't cross our radar before now...) (Louis Wu 11:08:49 UTC)

October 6, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
23 new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week. Sounds like a lot - but a number of submitters released 2 or 3 chapters at a time this week. Anyway, lots to read. Get started. (Louis Wu 10:14:08 UTC)

October 6, 2006 Link to this post

More beautiful with each passing month.
Bungie has posted the second Halo 2 Vista Developer Diary - Matt Priestly, H2Vista's producer, discusses the state of development in areas like performance, UI, and the keyboard-vs-controller debate. Their preferred screen resolution is 1920x1200... and they have it running at 60fps. Nice! (I wonder what sort of stats your PC has to have to manage that, though...) Looks like TheGhost was first with the heads-up, via email. (Louis Wu 09:56:39 UTC)

October 5, 2006 Link to this post

Game Trailers Leading
Next Generation has posted an article about how important trailers have become to the marketing of videogames - as they are for the marketing of movies. Halo 3 is held up as a prime example of how to do it right. Thanks, LegendaryMark. (Louis Wu 17:37:15 UTC)

October 4, 2006 Link to this post

Halo: Mobile Portal Code - Cracked
Wow. So the letters on the news page (I'll be yanking them soon, so look now) were noticed by two separate groups within 60 seconds of going live. (Probably more - but c0ld vengeance mentioned them in IRC's #hbo channel, and Pratch sent mail about them; nobody else pointed them out to ME.) c0ld started a thread on the forum, which got a lot of decent speculation... and then on irc, Decommissioner (with a little spelling help from Konrad) nailed it down - half an hour after it went live. The hive mind works well! The Portal code, for those who can find the Vault on their Verizon phone, is 'GRAVEMIND' - courtesy of IN-FUSIO and the HBO community. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:12:34 UTC)

October 4, 2006 Link to this post

The Rescue
Over at HaloGrid, imSuck put together 'The Rescue', a webcomic that uses screenshots from the Halo Wars trailer and his own very internet brand of humor. lolz. (Louis Wu 12:40:23 UTC)

October 3, 2006 Link to this post

New Halo 3 content next month from EGM
1Up.com is crowing about a huge content blowout Electronic Games Monthly will be bringing you with the December issue (on newsstands November 14, likely in subscribers' mailboxes a couple of weeks before that) - Halo 3, baby! New screens, video content (well, that will be delivered on the website), new secrets. (No guarantee on that last - we all know how tight-lipped Bungie can be. Definitely screens and vids, though.) Thanks, chargeorge. (Louis Wu 13:27:25 UTC)

October 2, 2006 Link to this post

Bottom of AotCR - Again (but worth it)
The first visit to the bottom of Assault on the Control Room (that I know about) was Frogblast's, back in August 2002. (Others had gotten to the banshee boundary earlier - but nobody had gotten through it.) Now, more than 4 years later, 3rd Person revisits the idea - and does it in s7yle. He uses a checkpoint-delay system I've never seen before; it adds a bit of extra work at the start, but MAN does it save time later. Beautifully filmed, perfectly explained. I can remember the days when I would have been horrified that a single Halo trick required a 65 mb movie to display... but this was beautiful. Thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 14:21:19 UTC)

October 1, 2006 Link to this post

GiA Team Swat Tourney Wrapped Up
Bootsman stopped by our forum to announce that the Team SWAT tournament they started up in June has come to an end - Invalid Mob took top prize, and went home with $200. Full details can be found on their forum. (Louis Wu 14:24:32 UTC)

October 1, 2006 Link to this post

What a crappy way to start a Sunday.
So I got some email from a guy claiming to be the leader of Random Outburst Pro, taking us to task for hosting his videos without his permission. Seems someone submitted them to the MPRRS without his permission. He felt it was unacceptable that we didn't crosscheck the submitting email address with the address listed on his website to confirm that it was him, in fact, submitting the work, and he asked us to pull it. I've pulled it (which seems ridiculous to me; he was getting free hosting, and free publicity, and NOBODY was taking credit for the work away from him - but hey, it's his work, so it's his call), but I need to make this absolutely clear from this point forward:

If someone contacts us about work submitted to the MPRRS, and shows us that the submitter had no right to submit it, we'll pull it. (This has ALWAYS been the policy, in fact.) We will NOT, however, be double- and triple-checking submissions, crosschecking with websites, verifying email addresses, or anything else, BEFORE THE FACT. We take IP ownership pretty seriously around here, and will crack down on offenders as soon as we find out about them (again, as we've done in the past) - but it is not, and never will be, our policy to require picture ID before you can submit work to us. If you run across something of yours that we're hosting that you didn't submit, feel free to ask us to take it down... but don't for a minute think you can lecture us that we didn't do due diligence before we hosted it. That is NOT something we have time for. (Louis Wu 12:47:45 UTC)

September 28, 2006 Link to this post

Out of the gate at a flat run
Hmm... this is pretty bizarre... Team Xbox has Halo Wars on the list of games arriving in time for the holidays this year; I have a little trouble believing that, since that means they pretty much need to have sent it to the duplicators by now... but hey, stranger things have happened. I say, until Ensemble confirms, count this as a typo. Update: Thanks to Black Six, who noticed an all-but-invisible line (see screenshot) which separates some of the games on this list from the actual Holiday releases - Halo Wars is NOT coming out this year. (Louis Wu 21:27:01 UTC)

September 28, 2006 Link to this post

Wikipedia never sleeps
Heh - rapture is amused by how quickly Wikipedia info is compiled - check it out, there's already a pretty comprehensive page on Halo Wars. (rapture also wanted to point out that the new H2 for Windows screens are browsable at halo2pc.org - though if you happen to be browsing in Safari, the page is invisible.) (Louis Wu 15:08:16 UTC)

September 28, 2006 Link to this post

He's hit bottom, and just started digging
Foo Mo Jive points out new content at Podtacular.com. Episode 82 has been posted, with guest host Stuntmutt, who is so self-effacing that the Podtacular boys have started a 'save Stuntmutt' fund. (It also covers stuff like the Bungie Podcast, Halo news, a glitch roundup, and more. This was all recorded on Sunday, which means the X06 revelations from yesterday aren't mentioned.) And Halo News 6 is up, the latest episode of a new parody machinima news show, in both YouTube (Flash) and iPod (mp4) versions. Get to downloading! (Louis Wu 13:39:52 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

H2Vista Screens
In all the rush to cover Halo Wars and the Wingnuts stuff, we totally forgot that Bungie was going to be talking about Halo 2 for Vista in Barcelona today; if you swing by the Xbox Press section, you can grab a 50 mb zipfile containing a fact sheet, some logos, and 12 hi-res BMP screenshots (thanks, Veegie). Pretty, pretty! Update: H2Vista.net is now hosting these files, if you want to view them without downloading the zip. (They're smaller, too, because they've been resaved as JPEGs.) Thanks, TheGhost. (Louis Wu 21:30:14 UTC)

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