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November 14, 2006 Link to this post

Beating 'em at their own game
Rampancy.net noticed a quote in an Xbox.com article about Gilbert Arenas, of the Washington Wizards, in which he stated that he wanted to start modding his Xbox, to get revenge on the modders that are ruining his Halo 2 rankings. Hookay... (Louis Wu 15:54:35 UTC)

November 14, 2006 Link to this post

Making the good better
The second half of EGM's Monday content is now up at 1Up.com - Combat Evolving, a discussion of multiplayer aspects as they stand in Halo 2, and ways that Bungie is working to make them better (or more fun) in Halo 3. Great info - lots to look forward to! Go read. Update: Looks like Esteban Lagarde started a thread on our forum about this, if you'd like to discuss it. (Louis Wu 01:40:02 UTC)

November 13, 2006 Link to this post

Guilt O' Lantern 06 - Results Are In
Voting ran for a week on the 2006 Guilt O' Lantern contest - and while a significantly smaller group of people voted this year than last (under 2,000, compared to last year's nearly 6,000), there still emerged a clear winner - congratulations to Lacie O.! Michael Coffing, who won the last two years, and was actually forbidden from winning one of the top three prizes this year, had the second-highest total of votes. Second Prize, with just a few fewer than Michael went to Adam Beeman, and Third Prize belongs to Ryan Heiner. We'd had some lofty goals for prizes - they didn't work out, so we've fallen back to gift certificates. All four prizewinners will get their choice of store - The Bungie Store or Gamestop/EB Games; first prize will get a $150 certificate, Second Prize $100, Third Prize $75 - and Michael Coffing will get a $25 certificate. (Don't feel too bad for him; his haul in the past two years includes a pair of Xboxes, a copy of Halo, a gift card, a bunch of small stuff, and two custom recordings from 343 Guilty Spark on his answering machine.) Check out the voting... and start thinking about designs for next year! (Louis Wu 14:08:15 UTC)

November 12, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Base posts Halo 3 'screenshots'
Germany's Halo Orbit has renamed itself Halo Base - and they've posted 5 new Halo 3 'screenshots'. (These are technically scans from the December EGM magazine - but they got them by screen-capturing the images off the recently released 1Up Show vid; as video screen caps, they're definitely legal for posting on the web.) Thanks, Legend. (Louis Wu 17:01:15 UTC)

November 11, 2006 Link to this post

The Halo-only version of the 1Up Show
EGM's Mark MacDonald pointed out that the Halo-specific portion of the 1Up show can be watched via streaming flash (or downloaded, in hi-res form) from GameVideos.com. And I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that I'm a little silly sometimes; I described the Halo content in the first news post of the day - but I was describing the content of Episode 53, not 54. This new one contains video footage of the EGM team in Kirkland (though no onscreen action), as well as interviews with Lars Bakken, Tyson Green, and Marty O'Donnell. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:55:07 UTC)

November 11, 2006 Link to this post

1Up has Halo 3 multiplayer impressions
Over at 1Up.com, their Friday Halo 3 content has been posted - the 1Up Show, Season 4, Episode 5 contains footage from the EGM visit to Bungie (among other things). The movie's huge - 344 - 977 mb, depending on format and resolution; I can't tell you anything about it yet, because it's going to be at least an hour before I see it. However... my guess is, it's worth the download. Thanks to many people in this thread started by Esteban Lagarde - especially Bad Pogo, who found a direct link to the show. Update: Okay, I've seen it now; the Halo 3 content is actually chat between three of the EGM staffers who were at Bungie, discussing what they saw, how they reacted, what they thought, etc - no footage, no screens, but some pretty interesting content nonetheless. (Louis Wu 00:00:44 UTC)

November 10, 2006 Link to this post

All we need now is John Madden.
3Suns pointed out a new preview of the upcoming MLG TV content - and it's pretty amazing how 'pro-sports' it's all starting to look! Swing by and check it out... it looks fantastic. (Louis Wu 13:23:12 UTC)

November 9, 2006 Link to this post

Is it a Spider?
Max (]-=ODST=-[ Epsilon) sent along a screenshot (3k) of a Gears of War achievement that pays tribute to Red vs Blue - Burnie mentioned this last week in his Red vs Blue journal, because they're thinking about giving a cool prize to the first person to earn this achievement, but for those of us without a 360 (or a copy of Gears of War), now you can see it for yourself. Get tagging! (Louis Wu 16:20:22 UTC)

November 9, 2006 Link to this post

Stained Glass Halo
Tucker Barrie noticed a really nice looking Halo 3 stained glass window for sale on eBay - but you have to be able to pick it up in Buffalo, NY; the seller isn't shipping. Starting bid is $500, you've got another day before the auction ends. This is definitely a unique piece! Update, 29 July 2008: the eBay listing has long since expired, and I never saved a copy of the image itself - but Empress Cortana pointed out an article at deputydog that looks at stained glass geekery, and the Master Chief is there. In case THIS article goes down someday, too, we've mirrored a local copy. (I figure since deputydog got it from the eBay listing (see the watermark), they won't mind too much.) (Louis Wu 16:00:52 UTC)

November 8, 2006 Link to this post

New Halo 3 Stuff at 1Up
Dry Ice pointed out some new Halo 3 images at 1Up.com - four of 'em. (I'm not sure I'd call 'em 'screens'... they're cutouts and concept art. But they're definitely new, and pretty cool!) Credit goes to Umbra, on the Bungie.net forums, apparently - link in Dry Ice's post. (Louis Wu 16:23:27 UTC)

November 7, 2006 Link to this post

Energy Sword for Sale
DHalo noticed an Energy Sword available for purchase on eBay - starting bid is $230, and the auction has 5 days to run. This is the same guy who makes needlers with real crystal (we've mentioned him before) - he's also the guy who won a thousand dollars for his Spartan costume last week. Check it out! The sword looks pretty nice in the dark... (Louis Wu 14:22:17 UTC)

November 7, 2006 Link to this post

Heh - the new EU commercial for the Xbox 360, Cops and Robbers, shows some cars with nicely customized license plates. Gears of War, 1106 (wait, that's NOW!), and Halo 3, 07 (sounds about right) - fun homage! Nice catch by Wolverine Monkey. (Screengrabs in this post.) (Louis Wu 02:41:50 UTC)

November 6, 2006 Link to this post

1Up Halo Torrent Starts
The flood of Halo info from EGM has started - you can find blog entries from Dan Hsu, Mark MacDonald, and Luke Smith, chock full of personal observations (and in Dan's case, pictures), now live on the 1Up website. There's plenty more coming - we'll keep you informed! Update: Crispin Boyer's blog is now updated, as well. Thanks, DHalo. (Louis Wu 19:00:57 UTC)

November 4, 2006 Link to this post

1Up Show talks Halo 3
1Up.com's Halo coverage starts for real on Monday (keep your eye on this minisite), but the most recent 1Up Show (Episode 53) contains quite a bit of Halo coverage. It's huge (266-755 mb to download, available for streaming as well), but according to Cocopjojo, worth watching. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:19:18 UTC)

November 3, 2006 Link to this post

Achronos said there's a Wraith, too.
PEZ wants to collect all the clues about Halo 3 multiplayer in one place - what better place than a Wiki? Swing by halowiki.net and peruse his starting collection - and if you have other confirmed info, add it! (Louis Wu 19:28:39 UTC)

November 3, 2006 Link to this post

It's time for the Mackies
A quick reminder - the Mackies, the annual Machinima Awards, take place this weekend, and the Machinima Festival that goes with them starts tomorrow; you can read articles at both Newsday.com and Wired.com. Halo projects feature prominently in both articles. (Louis Wu 17:53:27 UTC)

November 2, 2006 Link to this post

Good Morning, Worm, Your Honor...
I'd meant to post this yesterday, but things got busy... RVideo went to a little trouble to capture a full view of the Gravemind cutscene in Halo 2, using a devcam. (This is considerably more difficult than it sounds, because that particular scene already has scripted camera motion, rotating around the characters; it's a delicate dance to keep your focus in this environment.) The view he provides allows you to see the entire cave Gravemind is sitting in - and, in fact, all of Gravemind. It's a view behind the curtain; it's like a panning shot that shows you how a filmmaker created a shot in a movie. You see the props that don't normally make it onscreen. It's pretty cool, but if you're one of those that loves the magic of the presentation, you might want to give this a miss, because it definitely shows you where the limits are. (I'm putting a spoiler tag on this post, as well, because Gravemind himself is a Halo 2 story spoiler.) You can grab this in WMP9 format (28.6 mb) or QuickTime format (32.6 mb). I say thanks to RVideo for the peek! (Louis Wu 00:57:53 UTC)

November 1, 2006 Link to this post

Bungie.net Fan Art
Last week, we mentioned that Bungie.net was going to start highlighting community artwork. Last night, the first batch was posted - and I must say, there's some killer stuff in there! Here's hoping some of those people choose to submit their work to our Art sections, as well! Lots of folks noticed this - Sep7imus was first. (Louis Wu 15:19:08 UTC)

November 1, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 3 Pre-Order Info Blitz
Quite a number of people let us know that Gamestop and EB Games are taking pre-orders for Halo 3 (all three versions of it) starting today. The earliest mention came in this forum thread, started by Max Power - there are details, as well as an audio recording of the message Gamestop has been leaving on voicemailboxes all over the country. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether there's any real need for pre-ordering... but the info's out there. (Louis Wu 14:31:01 UTC)

October 31, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Movie Postponed
Wow. Looks like the Halo movie is on hold at this point. A press release (quoted by both Ain't It Cool News and the Halo The Movie blog, though not, apparently, available on the web anywhere) from Peter Jackson and Wingnut Interactive states that they've agreed to "postpone making a feature film based on the Halo video game universe until we can fulfill the promise we made to millions of Halo fans throughout the world that we would settle for no less than bringing a first class film to the big screen." This is not a cancellation of the project - but it does put a kink in a 2008 air date, that's for sure. Check both sites above for more details. (Louis Wu 13:37:39 UTC)

October 30, 2006 Link to this post

New Halo Movie Review Blog Opens
Demag0gue stopped by to say he's started a new Halo movie review blog, entitled Penitent Tangential. Very cool idea - check it out! (Louis Wu 22:52:01 UTC)

October 28, 2006 Link to this post

Stupid + Lazy = Busy; hey, I'm gonna start using that
The Bungie Weekly Update discussed some Halo 3 matchmaking tests (cool to see that sort of thing happening at this stage), and commented on (sort of) a couple of the Halo news bits that came out this week. Light, but hey, they're busy guys! You can read it at B.net, of course, or you can read it in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 06:44:01 UTC)

October 27, 2006 Link to this post

Moving Forward On Movie Stuff
Over at IGN Movies, there's a short article today about the Halo movie, and its current situation. Looks like the two likeliest possibilities are that 1) Warner Bros. and Paramount will step in with funding, or 2) Microsoft will go it alone. Either way, money isn't going to be the biggest hurdle - it never was. There aren't a lot of other movies in this position, though - to have your primary financial backing bow out, and to be able to say 'meh' - that's cash in the bank, baby. And through all of this - there's talk of yet ANOTHER screenplay rewrite, this time by Josh Olsen, who wrote the screenplay for 'A History of Violence'. We'll keep you informed! (Louis Wu 19:56:25 UTC)

October 24, 2006 Link to this post

Bungie.net Community Art Spotlight
Saw a note over at Bungie.net that they're going to start highlighting community artwork. This isn't supposed to eat into existing art outlets around the community; if you're highlighting your wares on a specific website already (like this one), this should be considered a bonus, not a replacement. Give the thread a read - and get to creating! (Louis Wu 16:16:39 UTC)

October 21, 2006 Link to this post

After 4 years, Halo's still in the lineup
Three years ago, IGN started a Top 100 Games of all time list (updated annually, of course) - Halo came in 39th. The following year, IGN let the readers decide - Halo and Halo 2 placed 18th and 19th, respectively, on the list. In 2005, it was back to the editors - Halo placed 30th, Halo 2 wasn't even on the list. (Ouch!) A week or so ago, they started listing this year's winners (thanks, Brian O'Sullivan) - it wasn't until Thursday that the full standings of the Halo franchise were known. (This year, Halo placed 14th, and Halo 2 placed 25th.) You really gotta wonder how much of this is darts on a dartboard... and how much is careful analysis. Thanks to HaloPlanet for reminding me to revisit the top 100 site. (Louis Wu 20:22:12 UTC)

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