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December 4, 2006 Link to this post

Halomega megastuff
CiphA from Halomega wrote with a recap of the goodies you could find on their website over the past week; a mirror of TalenT's Montage is being hosted there, along with a 1v1 Montage from DoX, and the dualtage Gears of War/Halo 2 montage mentioned over at H3F earlier. There's a new Snipe of the Week competition starting today; submit a clip of your sickest snipe, forumgoers will vote on the best entry. (Last week had some fun ones.) They accept random funny vids (Halo-related or not), with a shot at a weekly prize. There's lots more - swing by to see what you can find! (Louis Wu 16:34:34 UTC)

November 30, 2006 Link to this post

CGI Ad Teaser
Whoa. Over at Bungie.net, you'll find a screenshot from the upcoming Halo 3 ad, airing this Monday night on ESPN. If you don't have access to ESPN, you'll be able to see a 720p version on Xbox Live Marketplace soon after. (If you don't have a 360, I'm certain a version will be on YouTube within minutes of the airing.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:36:57 UTC)

November 29, 2006 Link to this post

Barbed Comments.
Last week, our forum was awash with complaints that the Halo screenshots released recently looked more like Halo 2 with a spit-shine than 'next-gen graphics'. The folks voicing their opinions didn't want to hear that these shots came from an alpha build of Halo 3, or that some of the textures used right now are placeholders, cribbed from Halo 2. They just wanted to know why Bungie would release less-than-perfect examples of what Halo 3 will bring us. Stuntmutt has his own ideas about this - check today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 20:42:50 UTC)

November 29, 2006 Link to this post

Issue of the week - Turret
PEZ writes to point out that over at halowiki.net, they've started up a new feature - Issue of the Week. This week's focus is the Halo Turret - go read about it! (Louis Wu 17:06:34 UTC)

November 28, 2006 Link to this post

Halopeno So Hot Editing Contest
Halopen Films is celebrating their one year anniversary (it was yesterday, actually, but I didn't get this posted in time) with the Halopeno So Hot Editing Contest. This is an editing contest using stock materials - Halopen Films is supplying the soundtrack, and the video footage will come from our Cutscene Library. $70 in Gamestop prizes are on the line. Go read the contest page for more details - and start editing! (Louis Wu 01:36:07 UTC)

November 27, 2006 Link to this post

Ornamental Fever
Thanksgiving is over, I guess it's time to start thinking about Christmas... Omega certainly is. (Louis Wu 01:03:29 UTC)

November 26, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 3 Icons
Thanks, JPOGDNA wrote about some Halo 3 icons he created from the new screenshots you could use for MSN, AIM, or other places where ~100x100 icons are useful. No registration needed to view the page. (Louis Wu 19:29:59 UTC)

November 25, 2006 Link to this post

Freelancer: Combat Evolved Updates
William Sullivan-Angulo, of the FL:CE team (a Halo conversion for Freelancer), wrote to point out a bunch of new stuff - an intro video for the game, a teaser video for the Inner Colony Seiges (story stuff), new screenshots, and a new store. They're also up for some Mod of the Year Awards - you can vote here. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 16:27:08 UTC)

November 24, 2006 Link to this post

Immure 2 Released
Earlier this week, we mentioned an imminent release of a Halo CE map; this morning, NeuroKoNeza stopped by our forum to point out that Immure 2 was now available for download. Check out the forum post for links, including a screenshot and a dev-cam flythrough video! (Louis Wu 17:00:03 UTC)

November 24, 2006 Link to this post

That Screenshot Text
I didn't think this was news, but it's spawned so many threads on our forum (and others) that if I DON'T front-page it, it's going to overrun us. In one of the screenshots released recently, there's some faded text behind the blue Spartan on the left - clearly, whoever photoshopped the text out only did half the job. The text reads 'Out of Ammo' on the first line, and 'Press [X or Y - only half of the letter shows]' on the second. RVideo makes a solid case for 'X' in this post on the Halo3Forum, actually. Folks first noticed the words when the scans from LEVEL magazine started circulating in late October - I didn't mention it then because of our policy about magazine scans. Now that high-resolution versions of these screens are posted legally, though, more and more people are noticing this, and many of you it's some sort of an egg, or something. If it really reads 'X' in the second line, it might have been removed because Bungie doesn't want us to know what the X button does in the new UI, yet - but it might have simply been removed to make the screenshot cleaner. Either way, there's not really enough info to figure out what it WOULD have said after the pressable letter... but now that it's been front-paged, I hope folks don't feel the need to start new threads in our forum, pointing it out. (There are dozens already.) And to whoever cleaned up that screenshot for release to the web in the first place... hey, next time could you do a more complete job? Thanks. (Louis Wu 16:49:56 UTC)

November 24, 2006 Link to this post

Frag Dolls on This Spartan Life
First off, apologies for scaring anyone yesterday - I'm fine. On to the news... let's start with Chromium's post about an interview with the Frag Dolls, done by This Spartan Life's Damian Lacedamian, created for Spike TV's 2006 Video Game Awards. (You'll need to click on the 'This Spartan Life' link on the left to see the vid.) As usual, the interview takes place within Halo - but this one will give you a little bit of insight about the Dolls - where they come from, how they got involved in this stuff. Go listen! (Louis Wu 16:37:16 UTC)

November 23, 2006 Link to this post

Go eat turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I had visions of getting up a bit early this morning, before the preparations started (we'll have over 20 people in the house in less than 3 hours) and putting up whatever Halo news we've got in the queue... but that was before spending several hours last night in the emergency room with electrodes taped all over my body (don't even ASK). So, new plan... we here at HBO wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and we'll see you back here tomorrow! I'm offline for the next 12-24 hours. (Louis Wu 16:37:22 UTC)

November 22, 2006 Link to this post

Things you might have missed
Over at Bungie.net, there's a pretty cool screenshot dissection; go read it, and see what you might have missed in the high-res screens released yesterday. Lots and lots of little details... thanks to sui, in irc's #hbo, for the heads-up. (Warning - the page is pretty huge to load right now; the full, 5+mb screenshots are embedded. If you're on a slow connection, you might want to wait a bit until this is fixed - shouldn't be long.) (Louis Wu 19:32:04 UTC)

November 21, 2006 Link to this post

Hi-res screens
Bungie has put 5 of the new screenshots (floating around the net at this point, victims of a misunderstood embargo date) on Bungie.net, in hi-res splendor. 2 are at standard 720p size (1280x720), but three of them are huge - 3840x2160 - and give you a wonderful chance to zoom in on details. (There are lots - look around.) Clearly, more will be coming in the not-too-distant future. Thanks to KP, who pointed these out on our forum. (Louis Wu 13:49:21 UTC)

November 18, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Vidcast 6
3Suns stopped by to point out that MLG Vidcast 6 is now online; Jason and Trunkers look at the chances of the up-and-coming teams, in terms of which ones have a shot of breaking into the top 3 at Nationals, which start today in Las Vegas. It's a 10 minute piece - lots of detail. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:39:06 UTC)

November 18, 2006 Link to this post

1Up Multiplayer Map Chat
The 1Up Show, Episode 56, is now available from the 1Up Show page - it contains 10 minutes of Halo 3 analysis (in-depth looks at the three maps the EGM guys got to play, including strategies and fighting highlights), starting around 26 minutes in. If you want just the Halo portion (there's tons of other stuff on the 1Up show, including info about the PS3 launch, the Wii, and the Motorstorm demo), you can grab it at GameVideos.com (it's about a quarter the size of the large 1Up show versions). This finishes up 1Up's Halo coverage for the week - but there's another 3 day's worth of stuff next week! (Louis Wu 00:52:56 UTC)

November 16, 2006 Link to this post

That's just... big.
Heh - if you're interested in a super-high-resolution version of the campaign screenshot released yesterday (uncompressed TIFF format, 5120x2880, 28 mb), you can find one over at HaloPlanet. Nice! (Louis Wu 16:17:41 UTC)

November 16, 2006 Link to this post

1Up puts up THEIR Halo screens
Heh - I should check ALL mail before posting. Looks like 1Up decided to go ahead and release all the new assets they have, since they're already out there on the web. (There's been no announcement from Bungie yet about this content, but I'm guessing it'll come today.) Oddly, though the news post says they've released concept art and renders, I can only find the new screens - but maybe that'll change soon. Anyway, thanks to Black Six for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:11:39 UTC)

November 16, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Base pulls screens down
We were contacted by Oliver, of Halo Base - turns out the word they got from GameCity about the screens yesterday was that GameCity was allowed to release them; they wouldn't have linked to them (or mirrored them) otherwise. They've taken DOWN their mirrors, now, because they've learned from a Microsoft PR representative that the official release date is still a little ways off. (I'm not sure that's not going to change - seems like the horse is out of the barn, at this point - but pulling them until they've been officially released is certainly the honorable thing to do.) They've asked that you stop following links to their screenshots page for the time being; there's nothing there any more, and their servers are a tad overloaded from yesterday. Thanks! (Louis Wu 14:59:08 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

New screens... a bit early
Wow... seems like every time there's a big coordinated content release, and European gaming sites are in on it, stuff gets leaked before the official release date. It's out there now - so you might as well check it out. Be aware, though, that this material was distributed to LOTS of gaming sites, all at the same time - and the ones that aren't showing it to you are following the rules. (Won't matter much soon - Bungie will likely put up official versions on their site asap, since it's already out there... but you gotta wonder, why is it just the European sites breaking embargo every time?) The screens originally showed up on the Swiss site GameCity, and have been picked up by Halo Base, in Germany - who've got things nicely organized into screenshots, renders, and concept art . Update: Halo Base has pulled down their mirrors until the screens are officially released. (Louis Wu 20:20:01 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

The UNSC Shortsword
More new Halo content today - this time, though, it's Halo Wars, not Halo 3. Swing by the official website for a new screen (in multiple sizes) of a UNSC Shortsword, a pretty nice looking Flying Wing. (Louis Wu 20:06:38 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

Female Marine Screentest
RVideo whipped up a short screentest showing what Halo might look like with a female marine as the main character. He warns that he didn't spend a lot of time putting this together - but I found it to be fascinating. Great angles! (Do him a favor - use our download links, save his bandwidth.) (Louis Wu 16:15:32 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

Whole Lotta Halo Love
The REALLY big news today is embodied in an article called 'Happy Halo Day' over at Bungie.net. In fact, there are 4 separate stories, all bundled into one jaw-dropping article. There's a CG Halo 3 ad (with new music) that will air on Monday Night Football on December 4 (and be available on Marketplace, and presumably online, after that), and the next installment in the 'making of' documentary series will be released soon after; there are new Halo 2 maps coming out next spring - you'll likely need to have an Xbox360 if you want to download them; there will be a Halo 3 public beta next spring, as well; and there's a new Halo 3 screenshot, taken in a campaign level. You'll want to pore over the actual article for the low-down nitty-gritty on all of these bombshells. It's shaping up to be a fun year for the Halo Nation! (That's our new 'official' name, apparently. Details of THAT are in the article, as well.) This, too, has a sizeable thread already in our forum, for discussion. (Louis Wu 13:41:36 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Pours on the Content
3Suns collected up all the new content available at MLGPro.com for us - to start with, there's a sneak peek at Episode 2 of the MLG Pro Circuit, airing this Saturday at 10 am. (A lot of pros are actually going to be at the Nationals in Las Vegas when this one goes live, so a sneak peek isn't a bad idea.) After that, there are a bunch of previews of the top-rated teams; Legendz, XiT Woundz, and one we missed a couple of days ago, Shook on3 Gaming. Check 'em out... Nationals are just 3 days away! (Louis Wu 13:30:07 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

Anniversary Panel
There is an enormous amount of new content at Bungie.net this morning - I'm afraid, in fact, that there's so much some of it is going to get lost. Let's go in order, I guess. First up is an article posted last night - it's called 'Anniversary Panel', and it's a compilation of 5 mini-interviews with 'press' folks (I'm not sure I'd call myself 'press'), getting a sense for what we're looking forward to, what we hope has been improved, what we hope remains true. There's a surprisingly large range of answers (surprising to me, anyway) - check it out! There's a thread about it on our forum, started by Horus, if you'd like to discuss it. (Louis Wu 13:21:12 UTC)

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