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March 12, 2007 Link to this post

Fan-Made AR Progress
link4044 got some more parts in for his amazing Assault Rifle - check out the progress pics (they start here). He says he should be done sometime next week! The detail is incredible... (Louis Wu 14:01:17 UTC)

March 10, 2007 Link to this post

New H2Vista Screens
A few days ago, 3 new screenshots from Halo 2 Vista circulated the web; we mentioned several articles about the program (news from GDC, mostly), and most of the articles contained one or more of these three pics. I didn't really see the need to draw special attention to them. Today, though, WorthPlaying has posted 5 new ones - one each from Burial Mounds, Containment, Elongation, Warlock, and Zanzibar - and they're gorgeous. Go see! (Louis Wu 22:11:45 UTC)

March 7, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 2 Vista info dump
Tons more Halo 2 Vista info coming out of the Game Developers Conference - a hands-on at Gamespot (thanks, LoneRanger 2.5), a preview at Shacknews, a hands-on at GamePro, and a summary of new features at Game Informer. Things you might not know yet (or that have changed in recent months):

  • The game is expected out 'later this year' (originally, it was going to ship at the same time Vista did)
  • A DX9 video card is all you need (there are no DX10-specific features)
  • Your Xbox Live account that works with an Xbox works with Halo 2 Vista, too
  • A Silver account is enough to play Halo 2 Vista (it's free)
  • H2V will be the first PC game that allows players to set up dedicated Live servers
  • H2V will ship with a map editor
  • You can use mouse and keyboard, or game controller, or (and this is odd) mouse and game controller
  • No online coop
  • No splitscreen play

There's more info in all four articles - go check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:38:36 UTC)

March 6, 2007 Link to this post

Next-Gen's Hot 100 Game Developers
Next Generation is doing their annual 'Hot 100 Game Developers' list (last year, both Jason Jones and Alex Seropian made the list, which was ordered alphabetically) - this year, the list is ordered by influence. Seropian's not on the list this time around (Wideload Games has been pretty much under the radar until very recently), but Jones makes it again - at number 4! Nice. Thanks, madcowjim. (Louis Wu 16:44:27 UTC)

March 6, 2007 Link to this post

The Mausoleum of the Arbiter
Youngblood (AKA Indiana_Pwns) has joined in the blogging craze - Ghosts of Onyx starts off with some suggestions on fan fiction writing. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:33:59 UTC)

March 6, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 2 - The Most-Played XBL Title
Microsoft recently announced that the Xbox Live service hit 6 million members (several months sooner than they expected), and they listed the top 10 Live titles (by number of unique users) - Halo 2 is at the top of the list. I guess that 2-year headstart on Gears of War made a difference! Thanks, GhaleonEB. (Louis Wu 16:11:54 UTC)

March 4, 2007 Link to this post

The Uneven Elephant
Coweh stopped by to point out The Uneven Elephant, a new Halo-related blog he's started up. The first real post is a speculation about the X-button functionality, but he promises more activity as the Halo 3 beta gets going. (Louis Wu 13:00:24 UTC)

March 2, 2007 Link to this post

It's Rumor Week, I Guess
This one's DEEP in the rumor category - and remember, the Mole is right, at best, about half the time. According to Planet Halo, OXM's Rumor Mole suggests that Certain Affinity, the team started by Halo Multiplayer Lead Max Hoberman that is currently working on some Halo 2 maps to be released soonish, is ALSO working on "a multiplayer-centric Halo Tournament type of game". Not sure what that means, exactly - and I CERTAINLY haven't heard it anywhere else, so don't forget that sandbag full of salt. (Louis Wu 17:55:36 UTC)

March 1, 2007 Link to this post

False Rumor - dual betas
Okay, rumor-busting time. There's a doozy, going around (see QJ.net and Computer and Video Games, for example) that there may be two different Halo 3 beta groups; the first will be for competition winners (including the first two phases of the Rule of Three), the second will be for Crackdown purchasers. According to these articles, their start dates will be a couple of months apart. Before you Crackdown purchasers go ballistic, here's the word, straight from Frankie at Bungie:

There is only one Halo 3 Public Beta. Folks who play it because they bought Crackdown are playing the same game as the ones who won the Rule of Three contest.

Both groups will start at the same time - this rumor is false. Thanks to runnersdialzero for the heads-up on the rumor, and Frankie, for the breath of sanity. (Louis Wu 23:00:30 UTC)

February 27, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Heads - Live Again
In the last 6 months, we've chronicled the release of 50 episodes of the Halo Heads comic on these pages... but a couple of weeks ago, fans started noticing that the site was unreachable. An unfortunate disaster had occurred, and the original blogspot website was gone - but never fear, a replacement has been created! We're now hosting the strip, at haloheads.bungie.org - go see if you missed any! (The blog posts are gone, unfortunately, along with any comments - but look on the bright side; the strips are housed in a spiffy new standards-compliant design!) (Louis Wu 18:55:55 UTC)

February 27, 2007 Link to this post

Mr. Smite, Indeed.
The official World of Warcraft website has a monthly comic contest - the Honorable mentions for February were posted yesterday, and one of them is Halo-related. Thanks, JeSteR 343. (Louis Wu 17:13:31 UTC)

February 23, 2007 Link to this post

Halo: Traitors
Dennis Powers, of HaloMaps, pointed out a thread on their forum about a fan-made Halo game using the Byond game engine. I can't find any screenshots (and the Mac version of the engine is text-only, no graphics, but apparently, a lot of work has been put into it. Take a look! (Louis Wu 16:00:23 UTC)

February 20, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Machinima Association
Deekor posted to let folks know that the Halo Machinima Association is live and ready to start getting on with keeping "viewers entertained with awesome movies and a great community!" Check it out! (mnemesis 04:35:54 UTC)

February 18, 2007 Link to this post

Ordained Insight Starts Up
Urban Reflex has kicked off a new blog, 'Ordained Insight', that he's created to chronicle his experiences with the Halo 3 beta. Gonna be a little shy of content for a bit... but keep an eye on it. (Louis Wu 18:43:08 UTC)

February 17, 2007 Link to this post

Hardcore Fan Printing
Heh - over at Halo Base (a German site), forum user Johnson has already printed out the Halo 3 Teaser poster from last night's Weekly Update - looks great on his wall! Thanks, Legend. (Louis Wu 20:57:09 UTC)

February 14, 2007 Link to this post

Energy: The Series (Trailer, plus info)
A couple of days ago, Simply Greg stopped by our forum to mention that his group's upcoming series, Energy, will be released on March 1. He'd linked to a trailer for the series, but I'd forgotten to mention it here - so I'm doing so now. Earth has been polluted to the point where humans are forced off it - the series starts when humans realize they're not alone on the planets they move to. Give the trailer a look! (Louis Wu 14:50:38 UTC)

February 13, 2007 Link to this post

Penitent Prophet Kicks Off
IceWeasel started up a new blog - with a heavy focus on Halo (and Halo 3). Add it to your list! (Louis Wu 20:42:32 UTC)

February 13, 2007 Link to this post

Fan Music - En Masse
We got email from Erik "P3PP3RM4N" Fikkert yesterday - he had a bunch of fan music he'd created, wanted to know how to get it out to our audience. Well, that's easy, right? We just post it, and tell you to go listen! Some of these pieces are really slick - I'd suggest starting up a forum thread if you're interested in working with Erik on a machinima project; Halo vids are always better with original music! (Louis Wu 16:29:47 UTC)

February 11, 2007 Link to this post

Gentle Giant Halo Figures
Wow - word of yet ANOTHER company getting into the Halo figure game; looks like Gentle Giant plans to start making Kubrick figures soon. Thanks, Tango. (Louis Wu 19:12:05 UTC)

February 10, 2007 Link to this post

Elite Render
Great Pretender noticed a thread started at Bungie.net, containing some pretty cool model renders of an Elite. Check it out! (Louis Wu 01:42:34 UTC)

February 8, 2007 Link to this post

Writing the Halo Screenplay
Gamasutra has a podcast interview with DB Weiss, the most recent Halo screenplay writer. He talks quite a bit about the process, and about working with Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh. My copy seems to have gotten corrupted at about the 28 minute mark - but by then he was pretty much done with Halo anyway. Thanks, Michael Smith. (Louis Wu 13:29:50 UTC)

February 7, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 2: The Series Trailer (redone)
A couple of years ago, comradx started a pretty ambitious project - he was going to create a full-length feature film based on Halo 2. He released the first of seven episodes, covering Cairo Station... but then abandoned the project. Jamie98s has just picked it up; he's starting from scratch, and has plans to actually finish at some point. He's a significant way into the production - but what we have for you today is a trailer, to whet your appetite. 16.4 mb in WMP9 format, 16.3 mb in QuickTime format - and more on the way when we get it. Update: These have now been mirrored by GamingTV. (Louis Wu 17:18:26 UTC)

February 7, 2007 Link to this post

The Community Awards show
Sigafoos dropped us a note about The Riot's First Annual Community Awards podcast, now available at Second Foundation. Awards are presented by community luminaries (heh), with a musical guest and everything. Congrats to all the winners - and in fact to all nominees; this community is only as strong as the people who help build it. 24 minutes, 10 mb. (RVideo has started a thread on our forum, if you have comments.) (Louis Wu 13:36:39 UTC)

February 5, 2007 Link to this post

How to make Machinima in Halo 2 Part 1
Machinima.com is putting together some tips and tricks for making machinima using Halo 2 - Part 1, now available at YouTube, shows how to get rid of the camerman's weapon, and how to get rid of the HUD. Great start! Thanks, Adam Kovic. (Louis Wu 21:50:37 UTC)

February 4, 2007 Link to this post

Sunday Art Deluge
The art submissions have been building up since late November; as always, I apologize for the tardiness. Swing by the Miscellaneous Art section for 72 new entries - 95 pictures in all. As always, there's a bunch of spectacular stuff in there (along with artwork which shows more love and enthusiasm than, say, raw talent - but remember, everyone starts somewhere). Fun stuff, serious stuff, tradional media or digital... it's all in there. There's at least one artist I'll probably be contacting soon about a new gallery page here... (Louis Wu 18:57:18 UTC)

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