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April 16, 2007 Link to this post

Final Boss Wins in Charlotte
MLG's opening tournament was action-packed - you can read about the final match between Carbon and Final Boss here. The Halo 2 VoD stream is currently offline (Monday morning), but should be back at some point. There's plenty more tourney coverage - check their main page. And thanks to Drazenx, who started a discussion thread on our forum. (Louis Wu 12:43:01 UTC)

April 15, 2007 Link to this post

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your Engines
imSuck has kicked off the HaloGrid.com Affinity map tricking race - find (and record) glitches in the new maps after they are released, post your results in their movie forum. No prizes beyond a spotlight on your work, if you're first. Thanks to Black Aye for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 15:22:46 UTC)

April 15, 2007 Link to this post

Counting Down
Urban Reflex has posted a new blog entry at Ordained Insight, looking at the upcoming Halo 3 beta. Let him know what you think, either in his blog, or in the forum thread he started. (Louis Wu 15:19:21 UTC)

April 12, 2007 Link to this post

Squeezing the Customers
Over at The Age Blogs (commentary from an Australian newspaper) there's a rant about the two new maps coming next week, and how they're an example of Microsoft's money-grubbing policies. The argument is that since the maps will show up in most matchmaking playlists, and if you don't have them, you won't be allowed INTO those playlists, they constitute an unfair twisting of the purse strings; you MUST pay an additional $4 to continue to play Halo 2 matchmaking. Heh - when the maps were announced, and it was suggested that they might be for the 360 only, I remember complaining that it was unfair that I would be required to pay an additional $400 to buy a 360, just to continue playing Halo 2 Matchmaking. I'm not sure I could line up against an identical argument, even though the money required has dropped by two orders of magnitude (to $4), without sounding like a hypocrite... but the truth is, $4 just doesn't seem like a huge price to pay, to me. Make up your own mind - read the article. (Louis Wu 12:57:44 UTC)

April 11, 2007 Link to this post

New Map Shots from CA
Wonga. Certain Affinity has posted a large batch of screenshots and concept artwork for Tombstone and Desolation (and there's more if you poke around... at least until they decide to close off directory browsing - thanks, MasterChief2829 and pillar of awesome). Gorgeous stuff - and you can get a really good sense for how they've laid these two levels out! Only a few more days until we can play them ourselves... Update: Heh - directory browsing turned off now. Sorry. (That took less than 15 minutes...) Update 2: I was going to leave this on the forum, but it seems a lot of people are interested. With Shishka's blessing, I mirrored the content on the CA server; you can see the pictures on the pages they've got up, but also a few that AREN'T there. This is everything that was available before directory browsing was disabled. (Louis Wu 17:45:49 UTC)

April 11, 2007 Link to this post

Affinity Machinima Challenge
We heard from imSuck (and others) about a new contest being held by HaloGrid - the Affinity Machinima Challenge. You've got between April 17, when Tombstone and Desolation are released for Halo 2, and May 1, when the contest ends, to create a cool new piece of machinima involving those two maps. There are cash prizes on the line for each of 4 categories (Action, Comedy, Montage, Music); check out imSuck's post for details on rules, dollars and more. Start planning today! (Louis Wu 12:09:11 UTC)

April 11, 2007 Link to this post

Full-sized Master Chief statue for auction
Adam Chapman ran across an auction of one of the full-sized Master Chief statues (6 feet tall) on eBay; it's pickup-only, in New York City, and there's about 2 days left on the auction. Starting bid is $500 - the statue has quite a lot of chipped paint, so if you buy it, realize that you're in for a restoring job. (These have gone for upwards of $1000 in good shape, so you'd be getting a bargain.) (Louis Wu 11:34:15 UTC)

April 11, 2007 Link to this post

Vidoc, Analyzed (within an inch of its life)
As could probably be expected, Bungie fans went a little crazy yesterday after the release of the Multiplayer Vidoc. Lots and lots and LOTS of tiny details were teased out of those seven minutes of footage. While many of these details were discovered one at a time, a few people have gone through the Vidoc and done a 'frame-by-frame' style analysis. Darkninja90 and Sk8erdmg both wrote up their views on our forum. Geary noticed a video version at GameTrailers. QuickTactical posted his at HaloGrid. IGN did one, too, but it falls a little short after looking at the depth the fans went to in the links above. Most of the screens/signs in the background have been deciphered, and lots of cool details like the new HUD have been discussed. (Beorn, for example, has taken looks at the HUD and " A message from Bungie" - and there are plenty of other morsels to be found.) Bungie employees tossed in a bit of info themselves; Evil Otto, for example, explained why much of the footage shows a green HUD, instead of blue. If you're late to the party, check out what others have noticed! Update: Narcogen has added an annotated gallery of screenshots to Rampancy.net, pointing out major features. (Louis Wu 11:02:54 UTC)

April 7, 2007 Link to this post

District Details Delineated
darthbob noticed that Gamespot has an article about District, the second of two new exclusive maps coming out with Halo 2 Vista next month (the first is Uplift, profiled by GameSpy recently). 6 new screenshots - this level looks to be an amalgam of Turf, Terminal, and Outskirts. Check it out! (Louis Wu 05:21:57 UTC)

April 5, 2007 Link to this post

Legolas releases enormous montage
MLGPro.com has a story about a ridiculously long (and large) montage from one of its pro gamers - Legolas has released 'My Side of the Story', a 24 minutes, 373 mb vid. It's not ALL gameplay - there are movie clips, commentary screens, and other tidbits interspersed - but it does seem a bit... excessive. If you've got the time, there are a few download links in the forum post MLG directs you to (you have to be a member there to read it). Tyger and 3Suns both let us know about this. Update: Apparently, the use of the word 'pro' with respect to Legolas (who is a very active MLG forum member, and a participant on the Pro Circuit, but not a 'pro', since he doesn't have a contract with MLG) has bothered some people. My sincere apologies - and if you have any other concerns, please see KP. (Louis Wu 09:28:50 UTC)

April 4, 2007 Link to this post

FS2H - Details
Devrous has posted another weekly update of FS2H, his Freespace 2 Halo mod. There's a big Q&A about the project, plus a whole passel of screenshots. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:46:26 UTC)

April 4, 2007 Link to this post

Uplift Revealed
GameSpy has an interview with Jeremy Statz, of Hired Gun (the guys putting together Halo 2 Vista), looking at Uplift, one of the two new maps coming to H2V. (The other is called District.) There are 6 screenshots, as well; you can get a good sense for the strategies that will be needed on this map next month by checking this out! Thanks, Bootsman. Update: late, but better than never - Jeremy let us know that he's actually with Pi Studios, who did the editing tools and additional level content, not Hired Gun. Sorry about that! (Louis Wu 12:39:13 UTC)

April 2, 2007 Link to this post

Foolish Fansites
It seems that every year, people have trouble figuring out which April Fools stories are true, and which are not. (We don't help very much; we intersperse regular Halo news bits with April Fools stories as they come in, and rarely draw attention to the fact that they may or may not be real.) For anyone still scratching their head, here's the word on yesterday's news stories, from first to last (start at the bottom and work your way up): true, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, true, true. And that's all I have to say about that. (Louis Wu 10:50:11 UTC)

April 1, 2007 Link to this post

Hey Look, A Mark Two.
After almost four years of strips, Stuntmutt has finally updated the look of One One Se7en. (Details on the changes can be found in his personal blog - swing by and let him know what you think of the new look!) (Louis Wu 14:55:10 UTC)

March 31, 2007 Link to this post

Hi-Res CA Screens
Phan7om noticed that Certain Affinity's website is hosting very high resolution versions of the two new screenshots - 3480x2106 pixels apiece, to be exact. Nice! (Louis Wu 19:45:03 UTC)

March 30, 2007 Link to this post

Mark April 17 on your Calendar
Over at Bungie.net, you'll find a new Top Story - it's a look at two new maps soon to be available for download ($4 for the pair). Tombstone and Desolation are remakes of Hang 'Em High and Derelict, respectively, and there are screenshots in the Halo 2 Gallery. It'll be really interesting to see if Certain Affinity has managed to solve some of the problems that kept HEH from being ported 3 years ago... but I must say, it sure LOOKS gorgeous. Check 'em out! Thanks to TheBadgerWithin, who noticed 'em pretty quickly. (Louis Wu 16:17:14 UTC)

March 30, 2007 Link to this post

The Five O'Clock Guru Episode 1
trigger119, over at GamingTV, pointed out a new video from the Machine Enema crew - it's called 'The Five O'Clock Guru Episode 1', and it's... out there. REALLY out there. It's hilarious - but it's not what you expect. Pesto might turn out to be the best Halo machinima character since RvB's Tex. The episode is nearly 12 minutes long; our mirrors (WMP9 | QuickTime) weigh in at 56.1 mb and 53.2 mb, respectively. I wish there were versions with a larger screensize! The effects are those you've come to expect from Machine Enema productions, the voice acting is fantastic, the humor is bizarre and rip-roaring. Go download! (Louis Wu 15:30:57 UTC)

March 27, 2007 Link to this post

That extra code...
Okay, I figured that the little bits of text visible in the recent Warthog QuickTime VR were obvious enough that they didn't need a news post - after all, they were pointed out in the same forum post that announced the article in the first place (and quickly corrected with an accurate transcription). However, There are at least three separate threads now about this code - so in the interests of consolidation, here's what we've got: the code reads, in its entirety:

X.XX.713 > ghost.713/non-auth/activity ongoing

And Beorn did a nice job of putting together a composite image of all the individual frames of the movie. So that's what we know - if you'd like to speculate about what it means, feel free, but please, don't start a new thread asking if anyone knows what it says. (Louis Wu 14:57:10 UTC)

March 26, 2007 Link to this post

Dennis Powers pointed out a TON of new Halo CE maps available at Halomaps.org - you can browse them by visiting the HaloCE maps section (they're already sorted by date), but he wanted to point out Hydrolysis (we mentioned it yesterday, but there are a couple of great screenshots on the Halomaps page), along with 5 from FireDragon04: Cliffrun, Cliffedge, Escalade Mount, Pellude, and Enclosed. On top of those there's a lava level from Stuntman (Olympus Mons) and two from first-time mapmakers - Hellfire, from Flubear, and Vector, from Chris Johnston. And that's not even the full list of yesterday's released maps! Go check out the goodies. (Louis Wu 00:07:23 UTC)

March 22, 2007 Link to this post

Firearms Divisions... you slay me.
Link4044 sent along three new pics of his in-progress AR5 model - and man, does that thing look awesome! Scroll down to the bottom for the March 22 shots - they start here. Wowsers! (Louis Wu 21:41:21 UTC)

March 22, 2007 Link to this post

Devrous posted a note on our forum about a new project he's working on - a Halo mod of Freespace 2. Give it a read - and check out the screenshot! (Louis Wu 21:35:30 UTC)

March 22, 2007 Link to this post

Humpday Challenge: ILM
Lone Ranger was the first to notice a writeup of last week's Halo Humpday Challenge - Bungie employees (and friends) took on the guys from Industrial Light and Magic, and (with the exception of Frankie), acquitted themselves nicely. The game links are wrong (except for the first one) - they all point to the first match played, on Ascension - but thanks to the new hawtness at B.net, you can follow the 'newer games' link in the top right corner of that screen to see the next two games. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:36:49 UTC)

March 18, 2007 Link to this post

UEG Gen Flugins and UEG LT Smash put together a montage inspired by HMV Hell - lots of little music clips, setting popular songs to Halo action. Some of them are very funny. (There are many of them - the video is almost 9 minutes long.) I was pessimistic when I started to watch it - it's been done before, and my experience with out-of-the-blue vids like this is that most could use work - but I enjoyed this quite a bit by the time it was over. Clever twists, interesting mix of songs, a sense of humor... worth watching. 91 mb in WMP9 format, 102 mb in QuickTime format. (Louis Wu 13:33:21 UTC)

March 15, 2007 Link to this post

Get into the H3 beta in Germany - for 10 euros
Interesting. If you live in Germany, you can spend €10 to buy the 'Halo 3 Pre-order Pack' - the money will go towards Halo 3, once it's released, but in the meantime, it'll buy you access to the Halo 3 beta program. This is for sale at both Amazon.de and Gamestop.de. You have to be 18 to buy this. Marc, from Halo Universe, who pointed this deal out, notes also that the Amazon page specifies April 2007 as the start of the beta program. Seems like a feasible date... though we'd hasten to remind you that Amazon, and every other retailer out there who've reported dates in the past, is far from perfect at predicting releases. (Louis Wu 14:07:08 UTC)

March 13, 2007 Link to this post

Machinima Aesthetics: Genre or Processes?
Over at the website for Digital Producer magazine, there's an article about machinima, and where it might be going. Part 1 (discussing machinima's origins) starts here, Part 2 (aesthetics) starts here. Both mention Halo (via Red vs Blue). (Louis Wu 15:58:22 UTC)

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