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Showing results 2151 - 2175 of 4250 matches

June 21, 2007 Link to this post

H3 Brute Captain, Modelled
ethereal has been working on modeling the Halo 3 Brutes, as shown in the Brute ViDoc a few months ago. Awesome start! (Louis Wu 15:07:49 UTC)

June 20, 2007 Link to this post

ARG News
Nathan Gibson pointed out Maximum Fear, a summary of the Alternate Reality Game started with Adjutant Reflex's appearance a bit over a week ago. It's concise and clear, and pulls its data for the most part from the Bungie.net group CompoundIntelligence (founded when the ARG went live). If you find args.bungie.org daunting to jump into with a crib sheet, this is a great place to start. (Latest news, for those who missed it - Adjutant Reflex was destroyed last night by an entity whose identity is currently unknown, and the countdown clock has finished its run - for some, that means it's down to zero, for others it's frozen at 001 012 034 053. Your input is welcome - drop by and put in your two cents!) (Louis Wu 12:04:43 UTC)

June 19, 2007 Link to this post

Zune Pictures Online
Kostas Tzounopoulos has put the preloaded pictures you can find on a Halo 3 Zune online on his website, Zune-Online.com; these are extracted directly from the Zune, so the quality is as high as is available. There is some spectacular artwork in here. (Gizmodo showed all of this content a few weeks ago - but they put up photographs of the Zune's screen - this did NOT do the artwork justice.) (Louis Wu 21:54:11 UTC)

June 18, 2007 Link to this post

Master Replicas Weapons - coming soon
Interesting - X1Zero noticed a pair of scaled weapon replicas up for preorder right now at GameStop - a BR55 Battle Rifle, and a Covenant Carbine, both being attributed to Master Replicas, and both due in early September. (No pictures yet.) Back in February, we mentioned a press release stating that Master Replicas was getting into the game - but it wasn't known what they'd be making. I guess we know the start of the line... Update: Sh0rtBusKid found pics at the UK site Game Lifestyle - nice! (Louis Wu 23:48:39 UTC)

June 15, 2007 Link to this post

Watching... and waiting
The new ARG that kicked off a few days ago is exploding; last night saw the uncoverings of an absurd amount of new information. There's a summary of the earlier parts of the timeline at args.bungie.org, written by Sir Topham Hat - it's a bit behind right now, but it's a good start. (It would seem that all of this began with a link found in a newspaper that wasn't supposed to be released before the weekend - we might be ahead of the game here.) Poke around args.bungie.org to learn about a comic on Halo3.com, the base-7 countdown clock, a mysterious MySpace page, and the identity of the company behind this game. And more. (I'd really like to suggest that newcomers READ a bit before they start posting; you'll find that an awful lot of what you want to talk about has already been talked about. Bring yourself up to speed FIRST, and you'll be contributing to the signal, rather than the noise.) (Louis Wu 11:31:19 UTC)

June 14, 2007 Link to this post

History Circling Back Upon Us.
The big news this morning is an email that went out to folks who've signed up for Xbox Flash mail. Compton started a thread on our forum about this (but you're probably better off getting a discussion going at the ARG forum, since this is almost certainly related). For folks who didn't get a copy, you can see it online here (in English or French - thanks, Zulag). As many, many people have noted, this feels like the early Cortana letters... nice to get back to roots! (Louis Wu 14:32:14 UTC)

June 13, 2007 Link to this post

Try, try again
Screen Play, a column in The Age (a Melbourne, Australia newspaper), has a post up today that suggests that the Halo 3 Beta had nothing whatsoever to do with beta testing, and everything to do with hype-building. (The main argument is that since you haven't been contacted by Bungie for feedback now that the beta is complete, they clearly didn't WANT your feedback... so how could this be a 'beta'?) It sort of ignores everything Bungie's ever said about the beta's purpose - that it was specifically set up to test their backend stuff, the stats reporting, the tools for measuring validity of spawn points, etc.) Everyone's entitled to their opinion, I suppose. Thanks, Brett Cunningham. (Louis Wu 15:14:34 UTC)

June 13, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Zune Giveaway - Start Voting!
Voting is now open for the first category of the Halo Zune Giveaway - swing by and grab the 7 finalists for the Original Song category, and then pick your favorite! Update: Hold tight - turns out one of our finalists had to be disqualified (it had been released 3 years ago, and has been out on the web ever since); we're currently working on its replacement, and will be ready to go soon. Sorry about this! Update 2: We've settled on a new finalist - voting is open again. Sorry for the delay! (Louis Wu 12:07:13 UTC)

June 12, 2007 Link to this post

Anything Goes - Last Chance!
Adam Kovic, over at Machinima.com, pointed out a page containing 40 entries to their Halo 3 Anything Goes contest - voting starts in 2 days, so you still have a tiny bit of time to get an entry in and be eligible to win a free copy of Halo 3! (We first mentioned this contest last month - the deadline has moved up since then.) (Louis Wu 20:49:23 UTC)

June 8, 2007 Link to this post

I Wasn't Allowed To Call Her John.
We have a very special One One Se7en for you today - as of last night, Stuntmutt is a daddy! He's going to be taking some paternity leave, but don't fret - he's lined up some awesome guest artists for the next few weeks. We'll start rolling out those strips on Monday. For now... check out the cute widdle baby! (Louis Wu 16:32:25 UTC)

June 8, 2007 Link to this post

MLG Meadowlands - coverage kicks off
Bunch of Pro Halo news; MLG's second tournament of the season kicks off today in the Meadowlands, and there's a bunch of buzz. The Newark Star-Ledger has a summary article, Amped eSports looks at the key matches, and MLGPro.com has plenty of its own content (thanks, 3Suns) - team changes (again), Sound Arguments Ep 16, and a look at the Carbon/FB rivalry. Go read - gaming starts soon! (Louis Wu 15:46:20 UTC)

June 6, 2007 Link to this post

Halo: pixelated project update
A few months ago, Leviathan mentioned he was working on a 2D version of Halo - today he's back with new screens. Looking good! (Louis Wu 14:28:44 UTC)

June 6, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 2 Strategy Guide updated for Vista
Stephen 'SoundEffect' Loftus wrote to let us know he'd picked up the Strategy Guide for Halo 2 Vista. Basically, they updated the Halo 2 Strategy Guide (for Xbox) with new screenshots, keyboard info (duh), and all the new maps released since 2004. Finally, there's a section on Achievements (including details on how to get them). Looks like it might be worth grabbing if you've got H2V! (Louis Wu 12:12:00 UTC)

June 4, 2007 Link to this post

Putting His Back Into It.
Last week, Bungie posted an article about the audio for Halo 3 (see here) - it started off with a description of Jay Weinland's hunt for specific sounds. Stuntmutt has an idea about where some of those sounds might be coming from... check today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 16:28:46 UTC)

June 4, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 2 Cardboard Cutout for Sale
Toby Allen wrote to point out an auction on eBay.uk - It's a Halo 2 cardboard cutout, the kind you'd find in a game store. Looks to be in pretty good shape. Starting bid is £19.99, almost 10 days left on the auction. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:17:23 UTC)

June 4, 2007 Link to this post

Xbox.com's Halo 2 Challenge
Back in early April, we mentioned a teaser for an upcoming 'Halo 2 Challenge' that was found in Trixie's blog on Xbox.com. The Thurmanator noticed that an info page is now up at Xbox.com - go check it out! Cool prizes, 15 days to play (starting, probably not coincidentally, the day after the Halo 3 Beta ends). (Louis Wu 15:11:28 UTC)

June 3, 2007 Link to this post

Red Light, Green Light
Sane Intolerant sent word of his latest Halo Toy Box effort - Red Light, Green Light. You know... I'm starting to wonder if I'm living in someone ELSE'S video game... (Louis Wu 20:39:56 UTC)

May 30, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Beta Customs
There's a lot of buzz on Halo forums about Custom Games in the Halo 3 Beta. I've written up some thoughts about them (including some of the reasoning why this kind of thing makes, or doesn't make, the news here) in a forum post. You'll also find a link to one of the more complete guides to the existing Custom Games screens. Please - take the caveats to heart. Poke around, enjoy yourself - but always remember that Bungie did not enable these games in the Beta for a reason. Yes, their oversight allowed you access - but do NOT mistake that for planning; there is no implicit agreement that any of the options you can mess with now will be available in the shipping game. Enjoy them as concepts, not promises. (Louis Wu 12:55:19 UTC)

May 29, 2007 Link to this post

The Scissor Sisters Game with Fame
Yesterday, Jillybean stopped by the forum with a somewhat cryptic message about the Scissor Sisters and Halo 2 - it didn't make sense to me until I saw a press release this morning. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, that press release isn't anywhere public yet - but here are the relevant paragraphs:

LONDON, 23rd May 2007 -It was revealed today that chart topping superstars, Scissor Sisters, will be taking on gamers from across Europe in a unique Game with Fame event on the Halo 3 Multiplayer BETA via Xbox LIVE™.

The band, who launched Xbox Soundtracks in February with their remixed version of "She's My Man" cut to the Halo Wars trailer will be playing members of the 6 million strong Xbox LIVE community at 11.00 BST on 30th May 2007 direct from their hotel in France before going on stage later that day as part of their latest tour.

11.00 BST is UTC+1, or 6am EDT, or 3 am PDT. So, if you're interested in finding these musicians online, you should start looking in about 18 hours. (Louis Wu 16:10:15 UTC)

May 29, 2007 Link to this post

Zune Giveaway - folks are shooting themselves
Wow. Sometimes... I gotta wonder. So we're offering folks the chance to win one of four free Zunes, right? And there's a page we've put up that contains rules and regulations. They're pretty simple rules and regulations... or so I thought. I looked into the uploads directory today, to get a sense of how much work we were going to have ahead of us when this contest ends - and there were 62 uploaded entries. Thinking that I could get a jump on the sorting, I downloaded them and began to look through them... and commenced pounding my head against my desk.

  • 11 entries were commercially-released songs
  • 4 entries were previously-released material (songs or movies)
  • 18 entries did not meet our format/size requirements
  • 2 entries weren't even Halo files

Folks - if you want to participate in this contest, read the rules. File types, file sizes, SCREEN sizes - they're all defined. And the rules state that if you can't bother to meet those requirements, your entry will be discarded. Why waste your time - and mine? Check before you submit. Thanks. (Louis Wu 14:50:32 UTC)

May 26, 2007 Link to this post

Over The Top
2P START! had a comic this week that looked back at the music of Halo; I think their predictions might be a bit off. Thanks, Walshicus. (Louis Wu 22:29:47 UTC)

May 26, 2007 Link to this post

Spartan Laser Replica
CitizenErased27 has begun work on a Spartan Laser Replica - you can see plans (and read about them) in this post. Great start - looking forward to the final product! (Louis Wu 14:10:42 UTC)

May 26, 2007 Link to this post

Halo: Blood Covenant: They're Not Dead Yet!
Xieros let us know that the Halo: Blood Covenant team has set up a new website and added a new screenshot. The site redirects to another domain for me - one that doesn't resolve - but Marcus-626 pointes out that Halowiki has updated info about the revival of this game. (Search our news for older information.) (Louis Wu 13:46:30 UTC)

May 25, 2007 Link to this post

Hot Coffee for the Master Chief
So the really big news in the Halo community this morning appeared on the Next Generation site yesterday - an email from a Microsoft representative read, in part,

It has come to our attention that an unfortunate, obscure content error which includes partial nudity was included in our initial production of "Halo 2" for Windows Vista.

They're recalling boxes already on shelves so that they can put a warning label on the outside - and they've posted a patch online that will remove the content. More details about what, exactly, the 'partial nudity' refers to are unavailable - but hotly speculated. First I heard about this was from FyreWulff, on our forum. Update: Nick has posted the 'partial nudity' that started this whole mess (confirmed by the ESRB in this GameDaily article). The image isn't particularly safe for work - but I hardly think it's worth getting this bent out of shape about, either. Maybe that's just me. (Louis Wu 12:04:22 UTC)

May 22, 2007 Link to this post

Tuning Lightmaps for Gameplay
D. Scott Brown wrote up an interesting article about tuning lightmaps to improve gameplay. Examples from Halo 3, Halo 2, and Gears of War are included. If you're not interested in the stuff behind the magic of what you see onscreen, this won't be for you... but I found it an intriguing read. (Pretty pictures, even.) (Louis Wu 13:31:36 UTC)

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