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September 12, 2007 Link to this post

Museum Delivers
Wow. The press for the 'Museum' ad is simply amazing. Joystiq says "we're not sure if we've ever been so moved by a Halo commercial". Ars Technica says it's "stunning". Be A Design Group says it goes way beyond marketing to gamers - It's "emotionally bigger, and almost too big at that" than Halo. I'd agree - with all of these. It's a very powerful piece, and one that has much wider appeal than a game-specific ad. 2OpGaming (thanks, Avateur) and GamesIndustry.biz both have informational articles about the piece itself, that go into greater detail than the simple page at Yahoo. There's also a nice description over at Xbox.com's Believe page - thanks again, Avateur. If you haven't watched this one yet, do so. And show it to your non-Halo-playing friends/family, and see what their reaction is. Update: Hmm... maybe it isn't ALL positive. Delta found this commentary at Canada's National Post - you can't please everyone. Update 2: GhaleonEB pointed out that the full press release (visible at Gamerscoreblog, Kotaku, 2OpGaming) contains a new campaign shot (local mirror). (Louis Wu 19:48:13 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

Where would you buy those, anyway?
Okay, I'm starting to worry a little about Warbow - his latest Calvin and Halo seems to be a little too 'out there' to be purely fictional. (Louis Wu 19:28:28 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

New ActionClix Figure Pics
Avateur pointed out that some new content from the Tokyo Game Show has been added to TeamXbox's Halo 3 Screenshots gallery. The actual screens aren't new, but except for fan shots, this is the first view of some new Halo ActionClix characters. (If I told you what they were, I'd have to label this post with a spoiler tag. Which should tell 99.9% of you what they are.) (Louis Wu 18:57:09 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

News Roundup, Wednesday Morning
Wow, when a release as big as Halo 3 comes along, being gone for even one day can cause mail to back up tremendously. News articles pertaining to Halo 3 in the last 24 hours:

  • The Technology & Console Blog wants to tell you why Halo 3 HAS to be great. (Hint: it has to do with Microsoft's bottom line.)

  • Technomical has an interesting tidbit on Halo 3 - it's the first video game with real time audio signal processing. Emotional immersion for the win!

  • Games Digest wins the award for Most Bombastic Title of the Week.

  • The Inquirer has a picture of the line ALREADY IN PLACE outside the Metreon in San Francisco. Yes, there are a bunch of people on the street, two weeks early, to ensure that they get a copy of Halo 3 as soon as they possibly can. (If I were that hardcore, I'd move to New Zealand - they'll get it before EVERYONE.) And won't those guys need to go home and take a shower before they can actually play? Defeats the purpose, doesn't it? Update: Luke Smith points out that they're NOT waiting for the game, they're waiting for a chance to play Halo 3 on an IMAX screen. My bad. (Well, The Inquirer's bad.)

  • Gamersyde has an early copy of the 'Museum' ad that's supposed to be exclusive to Yahoo today - it's not up on Yahoo yet. Update: It's up on Yahoo now.

  • Best Buy has a picture pack and a Halo 3 theme available for (free) download on Xbox Live, according to Major Nelson - if you don't mind the Best Buy yellow tag logo on all your blades, the theme's not bad. (They're not available for previewing at Dashboard Themes yet, but I'm sure that'll change soon.)

  • 24/7 Wall Street believes that the Halo 3 Launch is a legitimate event, financially - no new news there for Halo fanatics, but it's pretty cool to see this discussed so far outside the gaming press.

  • According to Kotaku, Gamestop will be firing employees who so much as NICK the tape sealing the cases of Halo 3 that arrive before September 25th.

There is other news to post, but that's a decent summary of the Google News Alerts I got yesterday that weren't repeats. (Louis Wu 13:11:37 UTC)

September 10, 2007 Link to this post

New Halo 3 Screenshots
The Final Fight was poking around the Indian Halo 3 site (it may or may not be the official Microsoft site, but it seems to be), and they found four spankin' new Halo 3 screenshots. Purty! (You gotta check out the Characters page, as well - I've seen insane-looking Cortanas before, but never quite like this.) Thanks, MasterChief2829. Update: Simpsons Rule points out that the Cortana pic is a fan-generated render snagged from Halomods' render gallery. (Louis Wu 20:42:35 UTC)

September 9, 2007 Link to this post

EW Goes Inside Bungie
Remember a couple of weeks ago, when we mentioned some new screenshots at Entertainment Weekly? Well, the article that made it into their print mag is now online, as well. A pretty good read! (Louis Wu 20:16:24 UTC)

September 7, 2007 Link to this post

It's Starting.
MCV, a British trade site for game marketing, reports that Xbox 360 sales were up 260% two weeks ago, resulting from the Elite model and the price drops. The following week decreased only 20%. And all of this is BEFORE Halo 3 hits the market. Looks like the hope that 360 sales would rise dramatically (a requirement, if Halo 3 is going to set any sales records past that first week) might not be unfounded! (Louis Wu 16:33:59 UTC)

September 6, 2007 Link to this post

Taking Leaks Seriously
Wow. Not really sure how to explain this one succinctly. Start at The Hushed Casket, I guess (thanks, Rampancy.net), to learn how a bunch of people got unauthorized access to the Halo 3 Epsilon. Then swing by homicidal insomniac to see the followup - Microsoft banned both the gamertags, AND the Console IDs, of those involved. (Permanent bans on both, invalidating both a $50/year Gamertag and a multi-hundred-dollar console, at least for Live use.) THEN, follow the Xboxic forum thread link in that last article to hear from one of the guys involved - and realize that he's one of those people who buys busted (RROD) consoles, fixes 'em, and resells 'em... but he plays on 'em, first. So know that if you buy a used console, you might just find that it's been permabanned from Live. Oh, so many lessons in one little story! (Louis Wu 19:59:04 UTC)

September 6, 2007 Link to this post

Not a bad percentage of the total
Stingraid noticed a list at Guns Lot - The Fifteen Most Influential First Person Shooter Video Games. The comments would suggest that there are lots of fans that disagree with some of the choices - but hey, Halo's there. And so's Marathon... and Pathways, even! (Louis Wu 10:46:54 UTC)

September 5, 2007 Link to this post

More armor pics from James Falcon
James Falcon sent along another batch of pics of his armor in progress - this time we've got forearm guards, the start of his S108 Sniper Rifle, and some pics of him messing around with his AR5. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 20:22:31 UTC)

September 5, 2007 Link to this post

New screenies at Gamersyde
Remember those hidden screenshots on Xbox.com? Gamersyde has giant versions of 'em... along with a very nice Multiplayer shot, as well. (Red Team FTW.) Thanks, Mike Carson. (Louis Wu 18:15:16 UTC)

September 4, 2007 Link to this post

More new screens at Radio Shack
Yesterday, we mentioned a set of new screenshots at the Radio Shack page that's selling Halo 3 preorders. (There were 23, some of which were new.) Today, ComWave lets us know that another batch of 22 are up (a half-dozen or so of which haven't been seen before). (Louis Wu 17:33:41 UTC)

September 4, 2007 Link to this post

Sony insults the competition on Wikipedia
Awesome. WikiScanner is a tool developed by a guy who was interested in seeing who was doing the anonymous editing on Wikipedia pages. All sorts of interesting information surfaced once people started using it; companies saying good things about their own products, or dissing the competition... Halo's now on the list. According to this Lasersharks post, derogatory edits to the Halo 3 page on Wikipedia were made from an address that traces back to Sony's Liverpool Studios. How childish! (Louis Wu 13:13:52 UTC)

September 4, 2007 Link to this post

Maybe we should start writing hatchet jobs, too.
Heh. This article, from Xbox 360 Rally, showed up in my Google Alerts mailbox - it rants about a piece at GameDaily that seems to have been written specifically to drive Halo fans into a tizzy. For that reason, they've actually posted the whole article... so you don't need to visit the original and give them the pageviews they were looking for. (Louis Wu 11:54:10 UTC)

September 3, 2007 Link to this post

Next up: Staples, maybe?
Avateur stopped by last night to point out that Radio Shack is now selling Halo 3 - and their 'screenshots' section contains a few pictures that haven't been seen before. (Thread readers seemed to like this one a lot.) (Louis Wu 14:57:07 UTC)

September 1, 2007 Link to this post

New Screenies at Xbox.com - if you can find 'em
Littlebigman, and others, pointed out a new treasure hunt in the latest Xbox newsletter - there are a bunch of exclusive screenshots on Xbox.com. Most of us could only find 2 - can you find the third, or did Xbox.com make a mistake? (Louis Wu 14:08:45 UTC)

August 31, 2007 Link to this post

When Shipping Departments Screw Up
Wow. nash--housewares found a thread on an Italian forum with some pictures that, if they're what they look like, do NOT bode well for keeping Halo 3 secrets until launch day. We're looking into this - but if it turns out to be what it looks like, I'm thinking we'll probably close the forum down for 3 weeks. Starting... really soon. Stay tuned. Update: MGS marketing has confirmed that those pictures are the EMPTY pre-order/promotional boxes. No game discs have shipped to any retailers yet. Thank goodness! (Louis Wu 19:29:26 UTC)

August 31, 2007 Link to this post

Fans in Japan
Next Generation has a tidbit about the Halo 3 marketing flood in Japan. More of a wave, actually. They're giving out fans. (The paper kind.) (Louis Wu 15:25:06 UTC)

August 31, 2007 Link to this post

Entertainment Weekly has new Halo 3 screenshots - a baker's dozen. (Well, a few are not new - but most are. Unfortunately, all the new ones have a huge EW.com watermark right over the middle of them...) (Louis Wu 13:51:59 UTC)

August 31, 2007 Link to this post

A subculture of hard-core video games
Interesting mainstream writeup of Halo in Time magazine this week - it still talks about Halo as though it's an underground obsession and gamers are still geeks who live in their parents' basements... but they're STARTING to see the power of the brand. (Louis Wu 11:36:04 UTC)

August 27, 2007 Link to this post

The Power of Fans
Many of you probably remember Peter Marks - he was a Bungie.net admin during the Myth days, then he worked for Bungie during Halo's development (Hang 'em High is his design, among others), before moving off to other jobs in the games industry. I recently got word that Peter's been diagnosed with a pretty aggressive form of cancer. Now, we might not be able to help with the medical side of that - but we can sure help with the encouragement side. We've set up a simple website where you can leave your best wishes for Peter - stop by and let him know you're pulling for him! Thanks to his friends at Bungie and Certain Affinity for getting this started. Peter, if you're reading this - we love you. Good luck. (Louis Wu 17:55:11 UTC)

August 27, 2007 Link to this post

Below Par.
I think Stuntmutt's been waiting to use the joke in today's One One Se7en since this strip started. Thanks a LOT, Bungie. (Louis Wu 16:06:59 UTC)

August 26, 2007 Link to this post

Halosophy opens its doors
FireDragon04 has started a website devoted to Halo theories - his first movie is up. Go see what you think. (Louis Wu 12:52:13 UTC)

August 26, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 - Gold?
In 2001, Matt Soell let us know that Halo had gone Gold. In 2004, we received official word again, this time from SketchFactor. We've received no public word this time around - but this screenshot posted by Lamonster (and the Halo 3 entry on Frankie's Mygamercard.com profile - thanks, FuzzyWhisper) would suggest that the game has, indeed, been finished. If we get official confirmation, we'll certainly post it - but it's a good bet that it's in the can. (Louis Wu 12:32:23 UTC)

August 25, 2007 Link to this post

Worst Newspost Ever
There's a ton of Halo news waiting to be posted - but I haven't been around much the last couple of days. Start with tonight's Bungie Weekly Update - more will come tomorrow. Sounds like Bungie's busier than I am... (You can, as always, read it in our Weekly Update Archive if you prefer.) (Louis Wu 03:14:07 UTC)

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