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October 12, 2007 Link to this post

Screenshot Screensaver
Brad, from Soundspoof.com, let us know that he's created a screensaver that "scrapes the user submitted screen shots from bungie.net and shows them as a slide show." It's a Windows-only app, and there are two versions - one that just shows you the pics, the other that "takes your gamertag and uses that to gather all kinds of stats", plus newsfeeds from a variety of Halo sites. This one costs $2. (Louis Wu 00:15:31 UTC)

October 10, 2007 Link to this post

Halo... as art
yankeyhotel stopped by to point out abstrakt, a new blog which showcases screenshots taken within the Halo 3 engine in an artistic way. The shots up now (if you have trouble getting to the site, you're not alone; I have two internet connections, and one can't get there at all) are pretty interesting. They've been resized to fit on the page, but links to the originals on his Bungie.net fileshare are included, both to ensure that the pictures are not modified after the fact and to provide you with hi-res downloadable versions should you want them. He's not the first to play around with this aspect of Saved Films (Injunfett toyed with the idea a week ago, and dogsounds posted a bunch of wallpapers he'd made using the concept yesterday), but as far as I know, this IS the first site devoted to Halo screenshots as art. Check it out! (Louis Wu 11:29:21 UTC)

October 9, 2007 Link to this post

No mystery why he's marrying her...
We got an email from Greg Haupt, who gave up Halo when he started dating his fiancée. He says, "i think i didn't want her to think i was a video game freak." That was three years ago. This weekend, she surprised him for his birthday by... well, watch the vid. (Louis Wu 13:41:39 UTC)

October 9, 2007 Link to this post

Gravesite - now posted
A lot of people (starting with diabeatu) also told us that the last Believe video is finally up at halo3.com; to get to it, you need to do a virtual flythrough of the diorama. It shows up right after the Master Chief. It's called 'Gravesite', and it discusses the death of the Master Chief. Remember: the folks who made the Believe series did NOT have access to the Halo 3 storyline; the reality they created is NOT the same as the game's reality. The MC's 'death' in this series has no bearing on whether he lives or dies in the game. (Louis Wu 11:46:28 UTC)

October 9, 2007 Link to this post

Market cap: $37k... and rising
DHalo has begun trading shares of HBO on a fantasy stock market, ThotMarket. If you'd like to get in on the action, visit the HBO page there, and make an account. (Apparently, you get 1000 starter 'Thot dollars' when you create an account, and if your investments go up, you earn more.) This all seems sort of surreal... but go ahead and see if you can increase the 'net worth' of halo.bungie.org! (Louis Wu 11:28:32 UTC)

October 9, 2007 Link to this post

Combat Part 2 - now on Marketplace
The third Neill Blomkamp short, Combat Part 2, is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace in both SD and HD formats. The HD version (154 mb) is amazing. Thanks to A B for the heads-up (who also noticed that the second short is NOT available on Marketplace, yet). Update: apparently lots of people are having trouble FINDING this short; from the Marketplace blade, start with 'Media and Entertainment', and then choose 'Clips'. It's called 'Halo Short - Full Version'. (Louis Wu 03:57:15 UTC)

October 8, 2007 Link to this post

Guilt O' Lantern: Yes, It's Happening
GAH! Curses! I forgot AGAIN! Last week, I was reminded that we hadn't announced anything about this year's pumpkin-carving contest, which has become a tradition here at HBO. I realized I hadn't even thought about it - probably had something to do with some stupid videogame launch or something at the end of last month, it sort of sucked up all my time. I said I'd look into the possibility of prizes (which I did)... but I forgot to actually DO anything about it. So this is a news post that says no, we don't have a page up yet, no we can't tell you what the prizes are going to be, but yes, there's going to be a 2007 Guilt O' Lantern carving contest, and yes, we'll have a host of sweet prizes, with a deadline of October 31, 2007 for entries. Do NOT send us anything yet; we aren't set up at this point. But if you want to start planning your carving... go for it. Full announcement coming soon. (Louis Wu 21:47:19 UTC)

October 8, 2007 Link to this post

The most recent episode of Two Sides Wide is Halo-related, and shows how misunderstandings can start - thanks, Ross Mills. (Louis Wu 13:35:11 UTC)

October 8, 2007 Link to this post

Monday Morning's Review Lineup
A few reviews for you from around the web:

  • Lancaster Online says Halo 3 is a good reason to buy an Xbox 360.
  • Something Awful gave it a 26/50, campaign was a moldy potato to go with the multiplayer steak (thanks, Ross Mills)
  • Talk Xbox did a video review, and gave it an 'enjoyable' - the highest category the reviewer had.
  • The Village Voice gave it a 9/10 - they weren't thrilled with the graphics, but they loved the gameplay.

Wide-ranging... (Louis Wu 13:26:27 UTC)

October 7, 2007 Link to this post

Even when you're killed, it feels fair.
Ryan Pearson wrote a piece about how well the Halo 3 matchmaking system works; how it's still fun for beginners, right from the start. If you've been tentative about jumping into Live... read this. (Louis Wu 17:49:47 UTC)

October 7, 2007 Link to this post

Section 3: Desert Troopers, Part 3
V10L3N7 JAY stopped by to point out Issue 5 of Section 3, his comic-from-screenshots story that's been unfolding for the last week or so, is now available. Action galore! (Louis Wu 14:56:35 UTC)

October 6, 2007 Link to this post

Take cool screens, win cool cash
The360Forum.com is hosting a Halo 3 Screenshot contest - there are 5 categories, with a $50 prize on the line for each one. Go read the rules! Thanks, Z. (Louis Wu 19:16:11 UTC)

October 5, 2007 Link to this post

Request for content
Over the years, we've become known as a repository for certain static types of Halo information. Today, there are more sites out there that are collecting data... but we feel that having local copies of the more important stuff simply... makes sense. Fansites come and go, after all.

With the release of Halo 3, we're looking to build these sections up. Some of them we've already gotten started on; we have a volunteer working on filming the cutscenes, to add to our Cutscene Library, I've contacted Mike Miller about a Halo 3 Legendary Guide (though that might be a while in coming; he's got some commitments that are more important than Halo at the moment), and there are some people working on a full multimedia library of the Halo 3 Terminals. There is still need for more volunteer help, however; we'd love to have transcripts of all the campaign levels, for example. If you're interested in this, here's what you should know: we're interested in the dialogue for all difficulties, we're interested in accuracy, and we're interested in mainly scripted material. (It's not very important - or practical - to try and catalogue the combat dialogue you hear - after all, there are 20,000 lines of it. But Cutscene dialogue, and in-game scripted material, including difficulty variants, are definitely wanted.) Send us some email (at halostory@bungie.org) telling us which level(s) and at which difficulties you'd like to work on, so that there's not too much overlap. And thanks! (Louis Wu 20:12:09 UTC)

October 5, 2007 Link to this post

Screenshot Collection
Someone had to do it - a site has been created where someone has been collecting funny screenshots from fileshares, and putting them in one place. (As far as I can tell, there's zero attribution to the original screenshot taker, which sort of stinks.) What's amazing to me is the nearly 2000 diggs this has gotten in the last day... (Louis Wu 13:03:47 UTC)

October 4, 2007 Link to this post

New Schwag
Some new stuff at the Bungie Store - there's a dual deco MC hoody (embroidered AND screened), a pair of mixer glasses (they look perfect for beer), and free with every purchase, a Halo 3 Video Calibration Filter (useful only to those with Halo 3 Essentials Disc One, which comes with the Limited and Legendary editions). Go shopping! (Louis Wu 16:15:44 UTC)

October 4, 2007 Link to this post

More access to an egg
Frogblast has supplied a video walkthrough to get you (by yourself) to an easter egg on The Storm; yes, you could get there easily from any saved film of the level, but Frogblast has ALWAYS been about the 'elegant', rather than the easy. (This egg was revealed in [T]rickety Trick 6, released a week ago - if you have two players, you can try their method as well; it starts at around 3 minutes in.) If you'd rather find eggs on your own, don't follow EITHER of these links. (Louis Wu 13:09:22 UTC)

October 2, 2007 Link to this post

Halo on the Nintendo DS - again
Wow, weirdness. Back in January, Matt Casamassina, editor of IGNCube, discussed a port of Halo for the Nintendo DS. Nobody ever confirmed it, and the rumors eventually died away. Today, it seems he's posted some videos of the game being played, to PROVE it's real (and, he says, to convince someone to start development up again). The videos have very odd dates on them (two years ago today - I'm guessing that's just a typo)... but they sure LOOK real. Thanks, Laird. (Louis Wu 20:45:07 UTC)

October 2, 2007 Link to this post

Review Roundup for Tuesday:

  • Australian IT says it starts slow, but is awesome once it picks up - 9/10

  • Pariah's Guild put up the second part of their review, this one focusing on the Campaign - it gets a 4/5. (They felt it was "seriously shorter than Halo 2's", and that the ending was disappointing.)

  • Ars Technica (who gave Halo 3's campaign a 7/10) rated the Multiplayer at a 10/10, and a final overall score for the game came in at 9/10 (thanks, Rota Jota). They called it "one of the best online experiences on any system in recent memory."

  • PopMatters gave Halo 3 4 stars, and said it "speaks eloquently".

  • Hexus.gaming says it's a Good Value and an Editor's Choice, but liked Gears of War better. 8/10 for campaign, 9.5/10 for everything else.

  • Silicon Gaming says it's so addictive it should come with a public health warning.

  • Ace Gamez gave it a 10/10; the writeup was loved by Rockslider.

Yeah, there are still plenty. (No, we still haven't found time to write one here - we're too busy writing THIS stuff.) (Louis Wu 16:17:12 UTC)

October 1, 2007 Link to this post

Open your mouth, you're risking a lot
During the ramp-up to Halo 3, Bungie was, for the most part, VERY careful about what they said about the game. This bothered a lot of fans; I mean, why all the secrecy? Why so vague with details? Just say what you mean, man! Well, there's a piece over at Advanced Media Network (thanks, Avateur) that describes a segment of the Bungie community that is 'outraged' that a feature discussed a year ago by one of the UI designers didn't make it into the final game. The fact is, LOTS of proposed features don't make it into the final game - it's just that you don't hear about most of them... because Bungie is very careful about what they say in public. (Lots of features that weren't thought about until late are in the final game - it goes both ways.) When they DO slip and mention a feature that hasn't been set in stone yet... the community gets 'outraged' and starts petitions if it gets dropped before the game ships. I'd stay pretty quiet, too, with that sort of reaction. (Louis Wu 14:06:36 UTC)

September 30, 2007 Link to this post

Flashbacks of Halo Rings...
Heh - Trevelyan X ran across an interesting info message while messing around in Forge... always nice to see that Bungie's retained its sense of humor. (For what it's worth, the flipee in this case is an elephant. There are films in Trevelyan's fileshare (labeled hhh and flippa) if you want more info.) (Louis Wu 15:02:19 UTC)

September 30, 2007 Link to this post

Origins 1
Sane Intolerant looks back on how the characters in Halo Toy Box got started. (Louis Wu 14:28:24 UTC)

September 28, 2007 Link to this post

More Machinima Stuff
Yesterday, we described what you need to do in order to lower your weapon in Halo 3. We got a note from Burnie, over at Red vs Blue, with some followup info; a similar combo (swapping only DPad-Down for DPad-Up) will give you camera global coordinates and look vectors; this info should help you reproduce a specific camera position for advanced shots. For folks who don't know what they'd be getting, here are three screenshots: normal | no weapon | camera coordinates. (Louis Wu 14:27:50 UTC)

September 28, 2007 Link to this post

Section 3
Last Friday's Bungie Weekly Update contained a section called 'Sketch's Build-Your-Own-Halo-Comic' - it showed off a series of screenshots, with some basic Photoshop filters applied, and suggested that they could easily be turned into a comic. Apparently, V10L3N7 JAY and friends did exactly that - Section 3 is a comic composed of screenshots taken in Halo 3, filtered, with a storyline added. In fact, the very first comic is simply Sketch's artwork, with titles and sound effects added. There are three episodes now (the third was announced by V10L3N7 JAY last night). Go look! (Louis Wu 13:53:50 UTC)

September 27, 2007 Link to this post

3 for 3, Round 3
JawReich and DisciplineN2k team up to remind you that the Halo 3 for 3 Sweepstakes Round 3 starts today. (Might not actually be live yet; I'm having trouble getting a confirmation.) (Louis Wu 16:20:43 UTC)

September 27, 2007 Link to this post

Stealing from the Neighbors
I visited Rampancy.net last night, and found a bunch of interesting articles I'd missed:

Just remember: Rampancy.net has been there since the very beginning of Halo fandom (they were the Core before they were R.net, and it's not completely clear whether they, or we, were the first site on the scene) - if they're not on your Halo rounds list, they should be. (Louis Wu 15:41:27 UTC)

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