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Showing results 1901 - 1925 of 4250 matches

January 26, 2008 Link to this post

A second chance at a great poster
Wow. A couple of years ago, we helped Bungie auction off a bunch of cool schwag, with proceeds going to help Katrina victims. One of the items was a Halo 2 poster, signed by the majority of the Bungie team. Final price was $1736.70. It's back up on eBay again, this time with a starting bid of $2500. (The original buyer is selling off a lot of his Halo collectible stuff; hit the 'View seller's other items' link on that page for many joyride figures.) (Louis Wu 19:53:24 UTC)

January 24, 2008 Link to this post

Don't cut yourself.
Bah. Hawty McBloggy sent this to me last night - somehow I forgot about it. Which is silly, because it's pretty darned cool. She found a stainless steel Energy Sword on eBay - starting bid is $125, and there are 6 days left in the auction. It looks pretty deadly! (Louis Wu 18:54:10 UTC)

January 22, 2008 Link to this post

iHaloStats - iPhone Stats, to the Max
A month ago, we mentioned a small app you could use from your iPhone to get your Halo 3 stats - now there's another option, and it's pretty amazing. iHaloStats.com shows you everything from a summary page to your medal chest to your weapons stats. All nicely formatted for the iPhone. Check it out! (This was created by the same guy who showed you how to make stereoscopic screenshots from Halo 3.) (Louis Wu 20:02:00 UTC)

January 19, 2008 Link to this post

One on One
OddGodHMK also noticed that Halo got a brief mention in today's Ctrl+Alt+Del comic... it might not make sense unless you start at the beginning of the current arc. (Louis Wu 15:45:24 UTC)

January 18, 2008 Link to this post

The Last Spartans - Portraits of Warriors
This is interesting... a photographer in Nashua, NH is starting a photo project in which he'll present Halo 3 gamers side by side with their in-game avatars. He's looking for subjects in close geographical proximity to Nashua - check his project website for full details. Sounds like something to keep an eye on! I found this in the Nashua Telegraph. (Louis Wu 16:49:32 UTC)

January 18, 2008 Link to this post

Insomniac Games talks to Bungie
MasterChief2829 points out that Episode 19 of Insomniac Games' Full Moon Show podcast has a couple of mystery guests - and that those guests are Frankie and Luke, who talk about all sorts of things, including Halo 3. A fun listen - go check it out! (The Bungie boys start about nineteen and a half minutes in.) (Louis Wu 14:52:28 UTC)

January 14, 2008 Link to this post

Wizard - now playable in UT3
Over on the Epic Games forum, Zubren posted screenshots (and a download link) for a new mod he's created for Unreal Tournament 3 - Halo's Wizard has been ported to the PS3. Nice! (Louis Wu 21:39:08 UTC)

January 13, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Armor, from a prolific community
Xavier contacted us with a bunch of armor-related news from the 405th - let's see what we've got.

The 405th is the place to go if you're looking to make wearable Halo gear. Those guys are SERIOUS. (Louis Wu 18:42:31 UTC)

January 11, 2008 Link to this post

Official pics of new McFarlane figures
Spawn.com has updated their website with official information about the Series 2 Halo 3 figures we mentioned yesterday - and lots of screenshots. Swing by if you want to get better acquainted. Brian Curry was first with this news, but Smurfa got a thread started before I got this post up, if you'd like to discuss it. (Louis Wu 16:29:21 UTC)

January 11, 2008 Link to this post

Joyride Halo Figure Collection for Sale
MikeSierra is selling his collection of Joyride figures; they're not in their original packaging, but he HAS kept them pristine, and he'd love for them to go to a Halo fan. You can see pictures on his eBay auction page. (He's in the UK, and starting bid is £350, if that affects your desire to bid.) (Louis Wu 15:50:03 UTC)

January 9, 2008 Link to this post

The Hummer HX - Warthog-like?
A new concept Hummer was unveiled ahead of its appearance at the Detroit Auto Show this weekend - it seems to have a lot in common with Bungie's Warthog. Hawty McBloggy was the first to us with this news, but there's a discussion thread on our forum, started by Koholint, if you want to toss in your two cents. (Louis Wu 15:31:32 UTC)

January 7, 2008 Link to this post

DualView - cool? Or lame?
This product looks like it could be awesome... or it could totally suck. If it works, it means full-screen Halo goodness for two people - on a single screen. If it doesn't... it means a chunk of money out of your pocket, for something you'll never use. I guess we'll wait and see! (Louis Wu 20:40:52 UTC)

January 7, 2008 Link to this post

Wow, they must all be Level 60
Heh - Kotaku.au got hold of a screen from Halo 3 matchmaking that suggests that the algorithm that counts online players might have... some problems. (Remember that Xbox LIVE just passed 8 million total subscribers a few weeks ago.) (Louis Wu 19:47:03 UTC)

January 6, 2008 Link to this post

More discussion of server browsers
Mr. Titan's call for a server browser generated some pretty interesting discussion - but there are two posts, in specific, that you should read. One is from Narcogen - it gives a decent fans-eye view of why a server browser might be a bad thing in the Haloverse... and one is from Achronos, who makes it clear that Bungie has thought about this quite a lot, and the lack of a browser is NOT because they forgot - it's because they decided it didn't make sense. I still think the ability to advertise your partially-full custom game to people outside your friends list (and your friends-of-friends list) would be a cool feature - but I'm starting to see the other side of it, too. (Louis Wu 18:16:58 UTC)

January 5, 2008 Link to this post

Gamers Doing Good Things
Last March, we reported a story about Zach Wigal, who tried to set up a Halo tournament at his high school - but got shut down at the last minute by people who misunderstood what he was trying to do. There was a followup in April, in which Zach had turned those negative feelings around and was starting a non-profit group to raise awareness and money, and another one when that group's website went live. He's back - with a huge tournament planned for late February. It's not Halo-only, but there will be a 2v2 Halo 3 tourney with a $1000 grand prize, and all the money raised will go to a local branch of the Autism Society of America. You can read about the event on their site, and register for the event at MPCon, a LAN group that's been putting on big LANs for a while. Congrats to Zach for following through with this! (If you're a company that's looking to sponsor worthy gaming causes, they're looking for corporate sponsorship, so that the money they raise from players can go straight to the charity. Contact info is on the website.) (Louis Wu 19:28:35 UTC)

January 4, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Still Selling Like Hotcakes
VVM noticed a post at MajorNelson.com that updates us all on some sales stats. You might remember that the worldwide numbers at the start of December were a bit below 6 million copies of Halo 3 sold - according to MN, worldwide numbers are now at 8.1 million copies, suggesting that 2.3 million copies were sold in December. (Sounds like a lot of people got Halo 3 for Christmas.) Additionally, a worldwide sales total of 17.7 million Xbox 360s was announced - meaning that across the globe, the attach rate of Halo 3 is an absurd 46%. (That's not quite the 52% figure for the US alone, but still ridiculously high - almost one in two Xbox 360 buyers have also picked up a copy of Halo 3.) (Louis Wu 13:47:25 UTC)

January 3, 2008 Link to this post

Master Chief Paintball Mask
Hawty McBloggy found a custom Master Chief paintball mask on eBay - the picture has a bunch of other masks which are cool too, but it's pretty clear which one's for sale. Starting bid is $30 - take a look! (Louis Wu 18:46:39 UTC)

January 3, 2008 Link to this post

Halo: FTW
zugy pointed out a mod for Halo PC that basically reskins every level. Halo: FTW is (mostly) the work of Pepsi and Nessa, and adds shiny new textures to each level of the game. The HaloMods forum post contains a billion screenshots, or you can watch a fly-through movie for more dynamic info. (Louis Wu 14:56:16 UTC)

January 2, 2008 Link to this post

Could Halo 3 have been as good as we wanted it to be?
1UP Features Editor Jeremy Parish, has been posting his personal Top 7 games of 2007, and a couple of days ago he listed Halo 3 as Number 6. What makes this news is the insightful way he's chosen to pin down the hurdles Halo 3 faced before it even hit the stands. His discussion of the story presentation, too, might help you to focus your thoughts about how good a job Bungie did (or didn't do) to bring the Halo universe to its fans this time around. There's more good discussion in the comments following his article, and more still in the thread on our forum started by LoneRanger 2.5. (Once again, I'm struck by the absolutist terms a lot of posters use when ranting on the internet... but if you look beyond the hyperbole, there are many decent points made.) (Louis Wu 13:51:45 UTC)

January 1, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Spitfire
deftangel found a video which appears on YouTube, GameVideos, and Mythica.org. It's a montage - but it's not like any montage I've ever seen. It was created by UnfilteredNoise (his YouTube handle)/krushedNsorted (his GameVideos/1UP handle), and although the music grates strongly on my nerves, the camerawork is amazing. It's not about awesome snipes, or triple kills, or unreal sticks - it's about Halo gameplay, shown in such a way that you just want to pick up a controller and start playing. Go watch. (The YouTube version is crap; download the higher-res version from Mythica or GameVideos.) (Louis Wu 19:22:47 UTC)

December 30, 2007 Link to this post

Trolling the web, so you don't have to
Hawty McBloggy has a whole bunch of goodies to show you; starting off, there's a Master Chief helmet created in Forge. (I thought I'd seen this before - but I can't find it in our news.) Then, she mentions an auction for an item she does NOT want you bidding on - because she wants it. Finally, she points out an auction for a custom Halo 3 Guitar Hero III for the 360. Nice! (Louis Wu 21:10:22 UTC)

December 28, 2007 Link to this post

In Space...
Luke McKay has finished the doodle he started in late September (we mentioned it here) - check it out in his Gallery section! Once again - Halo 3 spoiler warning. (Louis Wu 20:22:01 UTC)

December 28, 2007 Link to this post

MLC Armor - the underpinnings
Xavier sent us a few 'preview' shots of MLC's fiberglass armor under construction; they start here, and run through leg pieces and the assault rifle. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:47:07 UTC)

December 26, 2007 Link to this post

Halo: Last Resort
Spartan 501 created a standalone comic (in the 'filter a screenshot' style) telling the story of a lone ODST Helljumper. The text is a little hard to read... but there's a lot of work here! The entire series is hosted (41 images, over 150 panels) at Photobucket. (Louis Wu 15:36:36 UTC)

December 24, 2007 Link to this post

Dean's Top Ten
Dean Takahashi posted his Top Ten Games of 2007 - Halo 3 came in #3 (he said the only reason it wasn't first was because of originality, and "that's the problem when you're building off such a solid base from the earlier games." Yeah, Bungie, next time start with crap, okay? (Louis Wu 15:18:16 UTC)

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