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Search results for start screen

Showing results 1876 - 1900 of 4250 matches

February 21, 2008 Link to this post

Ghost Town - coming soon
wolfman was first to post on our forum with news of Bungie's upcoming Ghost Town map - Bungie's posted screenshots and an interview with the guys who built it. I'm having trouble getting a feel for the layout from the existing shots... but MAN it's beautiful. Check it out! (Louis Wu 23:16:52 UTC)

February 21, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Stats Widget
uberpuppy whipped up a Halo 3 stats widget for folks using Mac OSX - grabs your most important stats, and puts them a keystroke away in your Dashboard. Check it out! You can see screens, and download the widget, at his website. (Louis Wu 13:03:11 UTC)

February 18, 2008 Link to this post

Theater Mode Gorgeosity
thepwnshoppe has posted a few screens snagged from saved films... nice work! (Louis Wu 20:57:51 UTC)

February 18, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 4v4 Team League Finals on SKY tonight
XLEAGUE.TV is televising the 4v4 Team League Finals - in fact, as of this writing, they've already started. (8 pm Local Time in the UK - 3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific). Channel 208 on SKY, or on www.xleague.tv, with £10,000 on the line for the top 4 teams. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:53:48 UTC)

February 16, 2008 Link to this post

A note to a friend
As per tradition, today (it's still the 15th in my corner of the world) we remember our good friend Brian Morden, aka *Ar-Isildur. Five years ago the evil that is cancer, specifically Ewing's Sarcoma won the battle and took this 19 year old young man. But not the war. Never. Sign the guestbook if you feel moved to do so. Or you can post on a thread Skav started a few days back.

I'm now heading out to meet some old friends for a few drinks and to hear some bands. They don't know it yet, but I'm gonna tell them about my brave friend, and what he, in his youth, was able to teach this old man about perseverance and faith. And love. Peace to you Brian, peace to you, brutha.

(Ding 01:30:26 UTC)

February 15, 2008 Link to this post

Master Chief: Pwned Life: Episode 2
tb2571989 pointed out thaqt AxS CALiBER has made another episode of 'Master Chief: Pwned Life' - it's starting to feel less like an homage to DigitalPh33r's Master Chief Sucks at Halo, and more like a derivative work. You might enjoy it, though. (Louis Wu 12:30:28 UTC)

February 15, 2008 Link to this post

A community of builders
Xavier dropped us a note to let us know what was going on over at the 405th, in the field of Halo armor and sculpture.

  • Favos has built his own Master Chief figure out of Apoxie and polymer clay. He looks great!
  • BishopX and Slavefive have been hard at work on an assault rifle - check out the pictures in the 'Weaponry' section of their website. (Poke around in other sections, too.)
  • Sigma-LS is building a Hayabusa helmet - fantastic start!
  • He also finished up a CQB helmet - you can follow production progress (and see videos of the final product) in this thread.
  • We mentioned Belakor's Recon helmet back in December; progress continues (check the whole thread), and there are pictures of the helmet in its latest iteration, along with some Recon armor to go with it, on page 7.

Awesome stuff - if you're interested in armor and sculpture, the 405th's the place to hang out! (Louis Wu 12:19:20 UTC)

February 14, 2008 Link to this post

X3F's Community Content: Zombie Plan Edition
Xbox360Fanboy is kicking off a new feature called 'Community Content' - they're showcasing what they consider to be the best in Halo 3 community-generated maps and gametypes. The first offering is called 'Armory Infection' - swing by to see rules, screenshots, and download links. (Louis Wu 20:49:51 UTC)

February 12, 2008 Link to this post

ThisIsSpartan117 Contest Results
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned a contest over at ThisIsSpartan117.com - they were soliciting for a new screenshot to use as their background image. The winner was announced yesterday. Thanks, alacaboose. (Louis Wu 14:57:36 UTC)

February 10, 2008 Link to this post

Seeing Double
Pointless Lists has posted a series of stereoscopic Halo 3 screenshots, using the technique put forth by Kato a few months ago. If you've got 3D glasses, take a look! Update: whoa. Guess I should have checked our forum, first - Mike Carson (the guy behind Pointless Lists) mentioned this there about an hour ago. (Louis Wu 23:32:44 UTC)

February 9, 2008 Link to this post

Amazing Shots
Hawty McBloggy has posted some of the most impressive shots that have gone up in the past two weeks at i <3 halo screenshots - check 'em out, and then browse through the rest of the amazing collection. She's adding several every day - and there are more features coming soon. (Louis Wu 23:12:07 UTC)

February 5, 2008 Link to this post

She Less-Than-Three's Halo Screenshots
Hawty McBloggy has been working on a Halo 3 Screenshots blog for a little while; she's dropped a few hints in her main blog, but hasn't wanted too much press before now, because she wanted to make sure she had something to show you before it went 'public'. Cat's out of the bag, though - Xorian stopped by our forum with words of praise... and Hawty says she's ready, so go look. She's planning on adding five a day, collected both from Bungie.net and from her email. There are some amazing shots there! (Louis Wu 18:10:30 UTC)

February 4, 2008 Link to this post

PoA Floorplan - in Excel
This was submitted a LOONNG time ago - but for some reason, I never got around to posting it. Last June, OdieTurbo sent along an Excel file which shows off the floorplan of the Pillar of Autumn, created in conjunction with some fan fiction. I don't think I'd have ever considered Excel as a creation tool for something like this... but it's a great job! The Excel file is quite small (67K), but if you don't have Excel, and would like to see what was done here, I've taken a screenshot of the first floor sheet (shrunk a bit to fit on most screens). (Louis Wu 18:13:48 UTC)

February 4, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3-inspired Xbox 360 Laptop - I want one.
Black Six was the first to point out a new Xbox 360 Elite Laptop from Ben Heck - he found it at Engadget. It's Halo-newsworthy because the case design was inspired by Halo 3, and the demo movie uses Halo 3 to show off the screen. Amazing stuff! (Louis Wu 16:42:16 UTC)

February 2, 2008 Link to this post

Installation Disintegration: Part 6
ZZoMBiE13 finishes up his special series of visits to other Halos in today's installment of Another Halo Comic Strip - man, those things get all SORTS of weird visitors. Starting next week, he's back to his usual Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule for releases. (Louis Wu 14:15:31 UTC)

February 2, 2008 Link to this post

The Halo Shoe - from Adidas this time
Ross Mills pointed out a blog post at Complex.com that looks at a new, ultra-limited run of Halo-themed shoes, created by Adidas for Gil Arenas. ("Ultra-limited" means 100 pairs, total. No, you're not getting one.) Narcogen mentioned this as well, though he found it at Kotaku (who, in turn, got it from Complex). This means different things to different people - read each site's spin (and toss your own comments into the thread Ross started). (Louis Wu 13:45:43 UTC)

February 2, 2008 Link to this post

Working Class HALO - reproducing gameplay in comics
mrsmiley, over at Halo Babies, pointed out Working Class HALO, a site run by a bunch of guys that love Halo - and express it by creating screenshot-based comics of their matchmaking exploits. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:28:18 UTC)

January 31, 2008 Link to this post

A second chance for actors
Anton P. Nym noticed an article in Scientific American about voice acting in video games - and both Keith David (the voice of the Arbiter) and Marty O'Donnell are mentioned prominently. The issue of residuals (an ongoing piece of the pie, paid to actors as the game sells, as opposed to a flat fee for the voice work) has been a bone of contention for years; check out this blog post from Wil Wheaton back in 2005, when the Screen Actors Guild settled with video game producers - and the other side of the story, from game girl advance during the same time. (Louis Wu 16:51:52 UTC)

January 30, 2008 Link to this post

HBO News Widget, from a Fan
Terminator182 created an HBO News Widget for Mac OSX's Dashboard. Get your news fix without touching a browser! Download url (with a screenshot) is in the forum post. (Louis Wu 11:40:08 UTC)

January 30, 2008 Link to this post

Build a Spartan
Raulboy stumbled across a 'Build a Spartan' Flash app while perusing the B.net forums - add your own helmet and armor, change the color, and outfit your weapons! Doesn't look totally finished yet, but it's a nice start. Update: Scotty GEE (the creator) let us know that his project, GEE-MC, will actually be hosted at this URL from now on. (Louis Wu 11:28:43 UTC)

January 29, 2008 Link to this post

Get stuff for your screenshots
ThisIsSpartan117.com is running a small contest - submit a cool screenshot, and the winner will have their shot made into the background of the site, as well as gathering up 500 Microsoft Points. Thanks, Alacaboose. (Louis Wu 22:05:25 UTC)

January 29, 2008 Link to this post

kilaMOMjaro sent us a note about her middle son - he's building cool things in Forge. My question is, though... does it walk? (Louis Wu 21:43:23 UTC)

January 29, 2008 Link to this post

Soundtrack Analysis, Part 1
Over at Rampancy.net, Narcogen wrote up an article that examines the Halo 3 soundtrack, and how it reinforces gameplay and your emotional ties to the action that happens onscreen. It's a great read - I can't wait for Part 2! (Louis Wu 15:28:37 UTC)

January 29, 2008 Link to this post

Random Halo 3 Screenshots
Hawty McBloggy spent a lot of time perusing screenshots collections at Bungie.net, and put together fifteen of her favorites. (Three came from Bungie's Favorites list, but the rest were all dug out by her.) Some really cool shots in there! (Louis Wu 13:37:52 UTC)

January 29, 2008 Link to this post

Starting Early
Sep7imus ran across a fun magazine cover at The Onion... it's a parody, yeah, but it hits a little close to home. (Louis Wu 13:06:16 UTC)

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