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Showing results 1851 - 1875 of 4250 matches

March 19, 2008 Link to this post

The Halo Mountain Dew Vending Machine
So, last night we got mail from quinion, who pointed out an auction on eBay for a 'Signed Halo Mountain Dew Vending Machine'. The seller was 'bungie_llc', with 0 feedback, and the picture was pretty generic - and too low-res to actually see any signatures, if there were, indeed, any to be seen. The description claimed that all proceeds were to go directly to the Make a Wish Foundation - but the auction was not being run through MissionFish (eBay's partner in handling charity auctions). All in all, it looked awfully suspicious... even bogus. So I contacted Bungie. It's real. Not only is it real... according to Frankie, it's "the only one on Earth". Now, if you're not in the Seattle area, getting this puppy shipped is going to be EXPENSIVE... but on the other hand, it's the only signed Halo Mountain Dew vending machine on the planet. Bidding starts at $117, and runs for six more days. (I'd consider bidding if I didn't think my wife would kill me.) (Louis Wu 18:04:04 UTC)

March 16, 2008 Link to this post

Arbiter Helmet - Detailing Starts
Keegan has begun work on the detailing of his Arbiter helmet. (Search our news for earlier posts.) This pic is a bit out-of-focus... but it's still clear enough to see that this is looking good! (Louis Wu 14:30:24 UTC)

March 15, 2008 Link to this post

Whisper in the Storm in HD - on BT for now
Okay, the next Halo 2 HD cutscene release is ready... but this one's a little different. Whisper in the Storm is 5:40 long - an enormous piece of work. In HD, it's also an enormous file - it's roughly a quarter of a gigabyte. To save our servers just a little bit, we're holding back on the direct download until some of the initial demand is sated via BitTorrent - swing by the Cutscene Library and click the 'bittorrent' link for either the QuickTime or the WMP9 versions, and leverage the power of peer-to-peer filesharing! (Depending on demand, we'll release the direct download later this weekend... but if you can utilize the BT link, we'd really appreciate it.) We're seeding the torrent with 20Mb/sec for each flavor to start, so even early downloaders should see speedy downloads. This one's great - go watch it in HD glory! (Louis Wu 02:47:18 UTC)

March 15, 2008 Link to this post

A New Fantastic Point Of View
Sane Intolerant has restarted Halo Toy Box - he, too, has switched to McFarlane figures, and like Elnea, has noticed Cortana's hawtness. (Louis Wu 02:43:22 UTC)

March 14, 2008 Link to this post

Another Friday, Another Update
Bungie's Weekly Update is available now over at Bungie.net (and in our Weekly Update Archive) - lots of details about the upcoming MLG playlist, some stats about the popularity of various settings and armor choices, a few random Recon giftings, and some great screenshots of vehicles that have received a cosmetic (and in the case of the Hornet, gameplay) update for the upcoming Legendary Map Pack. Go read! (Louis Wu 23:51:13 UTC)

March 13, 2008 Link to this post

Forge Art Contest
Maximum Fear let us know he's hosting a Forge art contest at his website - create a piece of art using Forge, take a screenshot, win a Bungie Store certificate! Go read all the rules and details. (Louis Wu 18:14:17 UTC)

March 13, 2008 Link to this post

Grifball Spring League - Starting Up
Quikthnkr (the new commissioner of the Grifball Spring 08 League) dropped by to point out that signups are happening now. If your team participated in the Winter League (and didn't get cut), you can sign up now - if you're interested in starting a new team, signups begin today at noon (central time). More details and info can be found in Quik's post. Get goin'! (Louis Wu 13:31:58 UTC)

March 12, 2008 Link to this post

TTL Demag0gue pointed out that Reclaimer Chapter Three, Part Eleven has been posted - are you starting to get an idea about Archimedes? (Louis Wu 13:50:40 UTC)

March 11, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Championship - kicking off tonight
SketchFactor reminds everyone that the official playlist for the Halo 3 Championship sponsored by the Army and Xbox.com will be online starting tonight, at 9pm PDT. (That's a little more than 15 hours from the time of this writing.) You've still got a few days to register, if you haven't yet. (Louis Wu 09:49:42 UTC)

March 9, 2008 Link to this post

The Halo CE Chronicles Comic
Getting into the screenshot-based comic game is Dennis Powers, who's creating a graphic novella about a couple of characters you'll see more of in the Season 5 machinima of The Halo CE Chronicles, currently in production. New episodes will be up once per week. (Details about the comic are here - the comic itself is here.) (Louis Wu 14:05:57 UTC)

March 8, 2008 Link to this post

Luke doesn't want your manbabies.
SPARTAN 294 was the first to notice the new Bungie Weekly Update (it's in our Weekly Update Archive, too, if you'd rather have the light background) - lots of cool info in this one. Stuff about how matchmaking deals with 'mixed skill' parties, fascinating details about how the game chooses which spawn point to bring you back on, a cool tidbit about your plasma pistol, info about how screenshots are put together... and more. And a trap. bar. Go read! (Louis Wu 02:40:52 UTC)

March 7, 2008 Link to this post

The beginnings of an Arbiter helmet
Keegan stopped by to let us know that he's started work on an Arbiter helmet; you can see some early progress pics in his forum post. NIce! (Louis Wu 13:12:18 UTC)

March 6, 2008 Link to this post

Master Chief vs Spiderman
spu7n1k has been working (for a while) on a 'Master Chief vs Spiderman' comic - he's decided to start posting these to spur himself to faster progress. I'm not sure if you should ask why these two guys are fighting... but if you wanted to see them do it, swing by his post! (Louis Wu 15:20:35 UTC)

March 5, 2008 Link to this post

A Halo Comic - a fan takes on Marvel
Dan Baker contacted us and told us that because he was disappointed with Halo: Uprising, he decided to do something about it. He's started his own Halo comic - penciled, inked, painted in Photoshop, laid out in InDesign. He's going to be providing it in two formats - an online version posted panel by panel as he completes them, and a decent-res PDF that folks can download and print, if they choose. The first few pages are up now - and quality is VERY high. Check this out! (Louis Wu 01:23:36 UTC)

March 5, 2008 Link to this post

Halownage.com FFA Tourney
Lani let us know that Halownage is running a small 32-player online tournament - play starts and ends on March 20, with Microsoft points, XBL subscriptions, and HoC credits on the line. Go read the Halownage forum post for the full details. (Louis Wu 01:08:31 UTC)

March 4, 2008 Link to this post

If she starts singing Debby Boone, I'm leaving.
Hawty McBloggy found an interesting lamp on eBay recently; a jackal squares off against a pair of spartans in a tree. Check it out! Update: That's it. I've had it. (Louis Wu 19:25:15 UTC)

March 4, 2008 Link to this post

CoD4/Halo 3 Mystery... solved.
SPARTAN 294 pointed out that according to Major Nelson, Call of Duty 4 is still on top of the LIVE activity charts. I did some math... and I'd like to personally apologize for this. You see, CoD4 started this run on February 7... the day before I stopped playing Halo 3 - except for three short social games this weekend. (I haven't been playing CoD4 - I haven't been playing ANYTHING. Life's been too crazy.) Coincidence? I don't think so! (Louis Wu 19:11:57 UTC)

March 4, 2008 Link to this post

I Wemember Wanda
I love it when a plan comes together. At least, that's what it SEEMS like is happening with Halo Action Figure Theater - Elnea let us know that HAFT 133 went live last night, and things are STARTING to look like they have a shape. (She's also got some interesting background info on the lengths she had to go to in order to get the shot...) (Louis Wu 18:34:11 UTC)

March 4, 2008 Link to this post

Recovery One, Part 1 - For Everyone
Back in November (well, starting in late October, I guess), Rooster Teeth posted a machinima series on Xbox Live Marketplace and on their website, for sponsors - Recovery One is a four-part series that follows up on Out of Mind, and expands the RvB universe. (It's considerably darker than the standard RvB fare.) It's now available for free for all on their website - if you haven't seen it, go watch Part 1! (Sponsors should visit, too - Director's Commentary for Part 1 has been posted, as well.) (Louis Wu 13:32:08 UTC)

February 29, 2008 Link to this post

Friday Caption Fun
Hawty McBloggy kicked off a new feature in her blog - Friday Caption Fun. She grabs screenshots from her OTHER blog, i <3 halo 3 screenshots, and presents them for captioning. Go check out the first one - and add your own witticism! (Louis Wu 19:44:35 UTC)

February 29, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie played their Halo Humpday Challenge against the crew from Fyreball, a startup founded by a number of Ex-Bungie employees. They planned to whip the Fyreballers soundly... and the plan worked out. It's not all bad news, though - read the writeup for details on how you can snag a suit of the elusive Recon armor, simply by helping out the Fyreball Beta! Thanks to LackOfKnowledge for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:58:47 UTC)

February 28, 2008 Link to this post

Where did that orb come from?
Last night, Pixellated also wondered about the origins of 343 Guilty Spark - and the thread brought out a number of potential inspirations for the character. Check them all out - see which ones you think might have given Bungie some ideas! (The video that Pixellated started with is 10 minutes long; you can see the two relevant clips in my first response to him. For the other suggestions, you'll have to navigate on your own.) (Louis Wu 13:03:55 UTC)

February 25, 2008 Link to this post

European Halo 3 Tourney Announced
Microsoft has announced The Official European Halo 3 Tournament - signups start today, the tourney runs from March 18-30. Nice goodies on the table! Check out the full rules and regs here. (Louis Wu 13:09:53 UTC)

February 23, 2008 Link to this post

Coccinella septempunctata
ZZoMBiE13 shows what happens when Master Chief starts playing practical jokes in the latest installment of Another Halo Comic Strip. (Louis Wu 18:57:24 UTC)

February 22, 2008 Link to this post

2D to 3D - or vice versa
pete_the_duck decided to see if he could map out the floor plan of Ghost Town, based solely on the three screenshots Bungie released yesterday. According to a Bungie employee, he did pretty well! Check it out. (Louis Wu 21:05:25 UTC)

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