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April 9, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Vidoc
Bungie has posted 'Mapmaker, mapmaker make me a map!' - a brand-new Vidoc that looks at the three new maps coming next week in the Legendary Map Pack. This one is fun - it's along the lines of the old 'Evolution' video, where a bunch of Bungie guys get together and discuss the content, and crack jokes. In this case, each map is covered by some of the artists and developers that worked on it - there's gameplay discussion, background, and Paul Russell phone call jokes. You get a look at what's available via Forge (including the new screen effects), and you get a look at the flow of the maps themselves - all the while being entertained by Bungie devs having a good time. (Don't forget the great camera work!) This puppy is 10 minutes long, so downloads are hefty - if you'd rather, you'll be able to grab it from Xbox LIVE Marketplace (for free, of course) tomorrow. Go watch - and get pumped up! (Louis Wu 17:33:34 UTC)

April 8, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Screenshots - Writ Big
As we mentioned earlier today, Bungie held a small press event last week, focused on the Legendary Map Pack. Writeups from that event are embargoed for a little while longer - but the artwork assets that were distributed to attendees are allowed to go up today. (Many of these images were included in last Friday's Bungie Weekly Update - but there are some new ones, and there are certainly higher-res versions here.) Most sites will slap their own watermark on the bottom, and resize the images to something appropriate for the web - but we love you, so we're giving you full-sized, unwatermarked (well, beyond what Bungie already put on some of them) images. Swing by the Legendary Map Pack Assets page for more details. (Louis Wu 16:54:34 UTC)

April 7, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 for $40
Time is short, because I was out yesterday afternoon - but the Best Buy website is having a Springtime Sale that ends today (it started yesterday), and Halo 3 is selling for $39.99. If you need an extra copy, now's the time to snag it! (Louis Wu 13:54:10 UTC)

April 7, 2008 Link to this post

The latest panorama craze apparently kicked off a month ago when Crab sent us a batch of images he'd been working on. This inspired a number of other fans to create their own images, or release them. (Halo panoramas are nothing new - but sometimes, you're exhorted to action when you see something that grabs you; this seems to have happened to a bunch of artists recently.) Last week, Crab sent us three new images to add to his collection; the email managed to get buried until today. Go look, though, because they're great shots from the end of Sierra 117. In our forum, radiant penguin added his own site to the panorama cornucopia; he started working on these when Tied the Leader opened Haloramics back in February. radiant penguins' shots are different from many that we've seen here recently, in that he's actually tweaked contrast and saturation, yielding images that are bolder than your average screenshot. Feedback on the forum is quite positive - so be sure to browse the Panoramas section of Halo Prints! (Louis Wu 12:20:45 UTC)

April 3, 2008 Link to this post

Be careful who you anger.
Wow. Over at DLSReports.com, there's a story about a guy who does (well, did) tech support for Comcast who got cheated on while playing Halo 2 - and he took his revenge by using Comcast's internal tools to find the cheater's home address and phone and calling the guy's father. The DSLReports story focuses on the inappropriate use of proprietary information - but the lesson stands; you're almost never as anonymous as you think you are. Thanks, Z (who apparently undeleted the post linked to at the start of the story, since I can read it there again). (Louis Wu 11:13:03 UTC)

April 3, 2008 Link to this post

I thought he built those in Photoshop.
The discussion of how big the Ark really is pops up now and then on our forum - occasionally, some interesting data is thrown into the pot by well-placed screenshots. Omega did exactly that yesterday with some bizarre out-of-map pictures he took on the last level of the game... follow his Bungie.net link for a collection of really odd screenshots. (I don't think the inclusion of the name 'Ark' should be considered a spoiler - but there's probably info in the thread that is. I'm just telling you this so I don't have to flag the whole post.) (Louis Wu 11:08:43 UTC)

April 2, 2008 Link to this post

More goodies from Installation 05
We got word from Tyler Tschida, of Installation 05, that a regular from our forum - JeSteR 343 - won the free ActionClix set they gave away last month. (Congrats, JeSteR!) They've got a new contest up right now - submit a cool screenshot, win a McFarlane Brute Chopper. Go read the page for full details! You've got until April 26 to submit. (Louis Wu 15:13:05 UTC)

April 1, 2008 Link to this post

The Halo Movie - of interest to screenwriters
You may remember the name 'El Mayimbe' - he works over at LatinoReview.com, and breaks a lot of movie stories. He showed up here in 2005, when he reviewed the original Halo movie script. I'm not sure April 1 is the best choice of 'days to break interesting news'... but if you swing by LR.com, you'll find a story about Stuart Beattie, the screenwriter behind the upcoming G.I. Joe. Apparently, he's written a spec script roughly based on the Fall of Reach storyline. Who knows where this will go? (Louis Wu 15:23:49 UTC)

April 1, 2008 Link to this post

High Impact Halo is no more
In sad news, it looks like High Impact Halo has closed its doors - visiting the site shows a domain parking page, so I guess Ducain let the domain expire. I knew he was starting to get tired... but I hadn't realized he was ready to hang it up. We'll miss you, man. (Louis Wu 14:27:25 UTC)

March 31, 2008 Link to this post

Catching Up with CJ
Next-Gen has an interview with CJ Cowan, Halo 3's cinematics director - read it for a glimpse inside the studio, a look at how the work pipeline has changed over the years, and a positive spin on Seattle's weather! Thanks, LordGideon. (Louis Wu 17:46:44 UTC)

March 31, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3, Legendary, No Deaths
A couple of years ago, Cody Miller announced that he'd finished Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty, with no deaths - if you wanted to watch it in a reasonably viewable form, you had to download a two-gigabyte file. A couple of days ago, we were contacted by SPDN p0iz3n0us, who's now done the same thing for Halo 3 - but thanks to Bungie's built-in assets, the downloads are much smaller, and you don't have to take his word for it. Swing by his fileshare for 9 downloads, one of each level of Halo 3. All are done on Legendary, all are done with the Iron Skull on. (For those who don't pay close attention to Skulls, the Iron Skull resets you back to the beginning of the level each time you die - so if you finish the level with it on, you've successfully completed it with no deaths.) Theater mode rocks! Update: Cody Miller pointed out (rightly) that this accomplishment is not really analogous to his Halo 2 run, since the levels were not done in one sitting. Apologies to anyone who feels betrayed by my neglect in including this info from the start. (SPDN p0iz3n0us never claimed it was a single runthrough - just that he'd completed all 9 levels on Legendary without dying. Any confusion was my fault. For what it's worth, I'm STILL impressed; this is the first such set of runs I've seen.) (Louis Wu 13:16:35 UTC)

March 31, 2008 Link to this post

Sizing the Ark
This has been discussed before, but the inclusion of our planet for scale is a nice touch. Stephen Loftus has used a screenshot from Halo 3 along with some previous reference info to estimate the size of the Ark. That's one big structure! (Louis Wu 13:15:16 UTC)

March 30, 2008 Link to this post

Sleek? I don't think I'd call it sleek.
Not surprisingly, when Wired Magazine took a look at powered suits in honor of the upcoming release of Iron Man, your favorite Mjolnir outfit made the list. (Louis Wu 18:57:30 UTC)

March 30, 2008 Link to this post

Grifball Hijinx
QuikThnkr let us know that there are two grifball-related goodies for you to listen to or watch: Week 1 Episode of the Grifball Explosion podcast is up and ready for download - guests included trigger119, who announced that GamingTV would be broadcasting some matches live, with commentary, in the upcoming season... and American Dream has put together a second training video celebrating the start of the Spring Season. (They did this in advance of a big match last season, but we didn't highlight it.) (Louis Wu 13:45:30 UTC)

March 30, 2008 Link to this post

The internet makes people meaner.
Last week, I asked for stories from couples that game together, or that met while gaming. (It seems that submissions to that thread have dwindled; I guess it's time to start thinking about compiling the info into a story...) On the other side of that issue is this kind of thing. People have always groused to friends when their spouse is spending too much time doing something they find less than valuable... but blogging about it - grousing to a MUCH larger potential audience, most of whom don't actually know you or know how lighthearted (or serious) your grousing is - seems... meaner. (Louis Wu 13:36:15 UTC)

March 29, 2008 Link to this post

I think he was trying to make baby hammers.
Wayward Spleen was pretty amused by the fact that he and retsamolah crossed a sword and a hammer... and actually parried each other. (I've seen it happen before, but rarely - and never with good screenshots.) Check out his post for more details (and pretty pics). These were taken from a practice game played amongst team HBO last night, after we won our first two Spring League Grifball matches (8-1, 9-0). (Louis Wu 16:35:21 UTC)

March 29, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie Weekly Update - it's all about Multiplayer
Last night, the Bungie Weekly Update was posted as it usually is on Friday nights - there's some fun stuff in it. The Heroic maps are now free, and Bungie reminds you to download the maps if you want to play them in Matchmaking playlists. There's also discussion of Team SWAT (running this weekend) and the MLG playlist going live on Monday. There's also a call for help from fan communities - Bungie would like fan groups to start sorting some of THEIR members' best Halo 3 creations (screenshots, films, games, etc), so that the Bungie Favorites section can be populated with a more selective group of items. And finally, there's an overhead view and a Halo 2/Halo 3 comparison of Blackout, to get you ready for the Legendary Map Pack release in a few weeks. If you'd rather, you can read it in our Weekly Update Archive. Go look it over! (Louis Wu 15:45:18 UTC)

March 28, 2008 Link to this post

New HaloCE content at HaloMaps
Dennis Powers let us know that 30 new maps have been added to the Halo Maps archive this week - including a slick new level called 'Desolate Keep', from Dontu. You can see screenshots here. (Louis Wu 18:37:47 UTC)

March 28, 2008 Link to this post

It is the east and Juliet is the sun!
Hawty McBloggy's now-traditional (if by 'traditional' you mean 'going strong after 5 weeks') Friday Caption Fun feature has results from last week, and a new screen for you to caption. Just don't take mine. (Louis Wu 13:59:58 UTC)

March 28, 2008 Link to this post

Halo: another view
I thought this writeup of Halo 3's good and bad points (more bad than good, according to the writer) was interesting just because of how differently we interpreted parts of the game. The writer found the opening level of Halo to be claustrophobic, plodding, and badly paced - I found it to be nearly the opposite.

In a mission desperately crying out for a sniper rifle you're only given one towards the end of the level, at the point in which its theoretical usefulness had already expired.

I guess he missed all the collectable snipers from Jackals... I was equally amazed by the comment that Halo 1 "wasn't a big multiplayer game, Perfect Dark still being preferred for split screen thrills." In general, I found it a great example of how two people can look at the same thing and see not just different things... but diametrically opposed things. (Louis Wu 13:55:40 UTC)

March 27, 2008 Link to this post

BELIEVE Spiker for sale tomorrow
Wow. If you've got REALLY deep pockets, the Spiker from one of the Believe commercials is being auctioned off live, tomorrow - starting bid is $3500, with an expectation that it might reach $5500. (I've never participated in a live auction on eBay before - but apparently, they get to charge a premium on top of your standard bid - realize that whatever you SAY you're bidding, you'll be owing 20% more. That means starting bid is actually $4200...) Thanks, x Zero x. (Louis Wu 22:32:08 UTC)

March 27, 2008 Link to this post

Only two million matches in the last 24 hours.
If it wasn't enough to see articles that say "Halo sucks, even though it gave us the underpinnings of an entire generation of shooters", and "Halo sucks, even Barbie's Horse Adventure is more fun", now SPARTAN 294 reminds us that Halo sucks, and has come in second again, to Call of Duty 4, for the 856th consecutive week on Xbox LIVE. Excuse me - I've got to go start a website for a different game. (Louis Wu 15:39:00 UTC)

March 23, 2008 Link to this post

Hooking Up with Halo - a Followup
Yesterday, I asked for stories of people who met (or just played with) their significant others on the Halo battlefield. The thread started off really slowly... and I was afraid it was a bust. (The first couple of posts were dumb jokes, and the next series was totally off-topic.) However, I woke up this morning to a whole bunch of exactly what I was looking for - swing by the thread and check out folks who found their love online, who introduced their love to Halo (and then saw that blossom into more than tolerance), who find Halo as a great way to interact. If you've got a similar story - chime in! This stuff is great. (Louis Wu 14:07:00 UTC)

March 20, 2008 Link to this post

Hi-res Avalanche Screenies at Bungie.net
Gravemind noticed that Bungie has put up high-res versions of the Avalanche screenshots released yesterday in their Screenshots section. Go grab 'em! (Louis Wu 17:41:23 UTC)

March 19, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 2 HD Cutscenes - now through Oracle
I've been meaning to post this all day - but things keep getting in the way. We've posted six more HD cutscenes in the Halo 2 Cutscene Library - starting with Juggernaut, and running all the way through Edification, these cover all of the Arbiter and Oracle levels. Thanks, as always, to Infectionist Machinima (and HaLo2FrEeEk), and to Wraith7n, for the mirror help. Go download now! (Louis Wu 19:49:35 UTC)

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