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Search results for start screen

Showing results 1801 - 1825 of 4250 matches

May 19, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars - a new screen?
Psychophan7 noticed an article at Kotaku discussing a claim at GamerCenterOnline.net that they'd put up 3 new shots from Halo Wars. Two of the three shots are quite old (the Sparrowhawk shot was first released in March 2007, and the ridgeline with Banshees comes from the original Halo Wars cinematic trailer released in September 2006)... which makes me a bit suspicious about the third shot. I can't find a source for it... but it looks 'old' to me. If we get confirmation, either that this is a new shot or that this is old, we'll update this news post. Update: Thanks to Mr Sprout, over at Halo Wars Central, for pointing out that that third shot is, indeed, old. (Louis Wu 13:59:40 UTC)

May 16, 2008 Link to this post

Sisterball Screen Contest
Over at Grifball.com, a new contest has kicked off - take a cool screenshot during Grifball weekend, top shot wins a Grifball t-shirt. Go read the rules, then get to screenshotting! (Louis Wu 18:03:15 UTC)

May 15, 2008 Link to this post

In the studio with Marty O'Donnell
Music 4 Games sat down with Marty O'Donnell to find out what drives him, what inspires him, what got him started. Fun read! Go check it out. Thanks, Greg. (Louis Wu 19:41:49 UTC)

May 14, 2008 Link to this post

Forum avatars, from cool screens
Hawty McBloggy let us know that she's been creating simple avatars out of some of the spectacular screenshots she's been collecting at I <3 Halo 3 Screenshots - swing by and see what's available! (Louis Wu 19:29:04 UTC)

May 10, 2008 Link to this post

Ar7is7s of Halo
AusQB has kicked off the Ar7is7s of Halo blog - a collection of cool screens. Nice initial work! Go look. (Louis Wu 14:28:18 UTC)

May 6, 2008 Link to this post

Helping you parse the Files Forum
Maximum Fear let us know that his site is running a weekly roundup of Halo 3 content, culled from the Halo 3 Files Forum at Bungie.net. They'll be including stuff like map and game variants in the future - but for now, it's just screenshots. Check it out - and submit your favorite links! (Louis Wu 09:51:28 UTC)

May 5, 2008 Link to this post

The Riot 98
Sigafoos wrote to say that The Riot 98 is now online - 23 minutes, 9 mb, full (of course) of community talk, deal of the day websites, and (not so expected) 'foos drinking hot sauce on the video show. Which you couldn't watch live, because they forgot to press record at the start of the show. (And which you really have to hunt for, because there is no friggin' link to the video stuff on their front page, or in the show updates. n00bs.) (Louis Wu 15:06:10 UTC)

May 1, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie's latest Double XP Weekend just started - since Cinco de Mayo is coming up, the theme is Fiesta gaming. Random weapons ftw! (Louis Wu 20:35:55 UTC)

May 1, 2008 Link to this post

Republican Space Rangers
A million and one people are pointing out the TV show 'Republican Space Rangers', an egg of sorts in GTA4. (It's one of the shows available on the TV in your room.) gunluva started a thread about it a couple of days ago, and opinions range from 'it's obviously a total parody of Halo' to 'it has nothing at all to do with Halo'. (Personally, I'm leaning towards the "not so much" end of that spectrum. The marines wear armor that bears a superficial resemblance to Mjolnir armor, and there IS an obvious tip o' the hat to Halo with the ring-shaped environment shown at one point... but past that, nothing.) In any case, it's now been duly noted, so you can stop sending email, okay? (Louis Wu 11:25:55 UTC)

April 30, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Screen Shots - new code, and a new home
Sorahn's Halo Screen Shots is a great place to store your Bungie.net screenshots - all the thumbs show up on a single page, there's no rigamarole involved in viewing the large versions, and you can see many collections quickly. And now, Halo Screen Shots is part of the bungie.org family - we're hosting them. (This doesn't mean their old hosting was unreliable - it simply means that as long as we're around, they have a home.) If you haven't visited, now's a good time! We've added a random screen, along with some statistics on the collection, to our Spotlight box over on the right; keep an eye on the growth! (Louis Wu 18:11:15 UTC)

April 29, 2008 Link to this post

Their armor's too strong for blasters!
It's not the first AT-AT built with Forge - but it looks to be one of the most playable. Lucifer7 dropped off a bunch of screenshots of his latest project - a fully-playable Star Wars-style AT-AT, on Avalanche. Lots of cool little details - read the post! (Louis Wu 14:48:03 UTC)

April 28, 2008 Link to this post

ManKitten gets in on the screenshot craze - some pretty nice ones in there! (Louis Wu 22:20:36 UTC)

April 26, 2008 Link to this post

Destructoid noticed a Flickr stream of Halo screenshots, enhanced to be more photorealistic - the creator, joshuadamon, felt that his work, which he calls 'Halotography', gives "a much needed breath of fresh air to Halo". Whether or not you agree with that statement, the pictures are absolutely worth a look - great job! (Louis Wu 23:19:43 UTC)

April 25, 2008 Link to this post

Hints of Bungie's next Halo title?
Solidly in the 'rumor' category, 1UP.com has some gossip it's pushing from Quartermann's Rumor Mill:

[W]e've heard rumblings that the first one will be a Halo spin-off due in late 2009. Our spies tell us to expect a third-person action/adventure shooter hybrid that takes place before the original Halo, chronicling early skirmishes between the ODST troops and the Covenant. This may or may not be the oft-mentioned "Peter Jackson Halo Project" -- though apparently Microsoft is hiring a seperate team for that -- but WETA is definitely involved in some capacity. Look for a massive reveal around the time Gears of War 2 ships this fall...

Bungie HAS been really busy of late - but this is the first I've heard of a "third-person action/adventure shooter hybrid". Don't get all excited yet - it may turn out to be true, or it may turn out to be a bit of undigested beef. (I found this in my Google Alerts mailbox, but I just checked the forum, and it looks like Red_Breast started a thread about it about an hour ago.) (Louis Wu 14:03:49 UTC)

April 24, 2008 Link to this post

When Missiles Go Rogue
PaulMc's friend was playing on Valhalla, and took a shot at a Banshee with his missile pod, from pretty close range. He missed, the Banshee boosted in and splattered him. Pretty standard, right? Well... the missile ALMOST got a lock... so it decided it was gonna follow that Banshee after all. The 'shee had headed for the enemy base, looking to see what it could hit... the missile caught up to it as it rounded the spire. It started down for the kill... and then it found a new target. This one was moving more slowly, perhaps, or maybe it was the peanut-butter coating on the Elite armor. We'll never know. The missile flew into the ground behind the running Elite that had just spawned, killing him. The cool part? That running Elite was PaulMc's friend, back from purgatory just in time to be killed by his own missile. Check this post for HD download links of the 24-second film clip, if you don't want to download the Fileshare'd Saved Film Paul put up. This one needs a special medal, I think... (Louis Wu 20:23:07 UTC)

April 24, 2008 Link to this post

Inside Halo 13
Whoa, that was quick. Inside Halo 13 is now online - The Dead Pixel shows off some cool screens, details a new request for submissions (you'll have to watch it yourself for specifics), executes some mailbag hijinx, and gives you a taste of the endtimes. Go watch! Thanks, Adam Kovic. (Louis Wu 20:12:10 UTC)

April 23, 2008 Link to this post

Pretty Pictures
I've said it before - we're not going to get into the habit of front-paging every screenshot (or screenshot collection) that comes to our attention; the risk of being flooded is too great, and there are already great places to see cool screenshots (try I <3 Halo 3 Screenshots or haloscreenshots.net, for example). However, there are occasionally collections posted on our forum that I like a lot - Leviathan stopped by this morning with a handful that are pretty cool. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 16:27:09 UTC)

April 22, 2008 Link to this post

Frag a Friend!
kilaMOMjaro let us know that it's time once again for the PraetoriaGuard-sponsored Frag a Friend event that happens each month. Attendance is open to community leaders (clan leaders, website maintainers, etc) - you have to sign up, and your eligibility will be screened by a human before you're added to the roster (last time, there were almost too many people to play), but it should be a good way to get together with others who are shepherding the fan community! If you're signed up, look for gamertags Smackafied or kilam0mjaro at 9pm on Friday, April 25! (Louis Wu 19:18:11 UTC)

April 20, 2008 Link to this post

Interview with Charity Gamers
AnTi PRO, of Arm the Flag, has done a machinima-style interview of KSI Freedom 6, the leader and creator of Charity Gamers. Go watch to learn how these guys got started, and what they're doing to help cure cancer! In addition to both sites mentioned above, the video can also be seen on YouTube, and HaloTube. (Louis Wu 15:53:36 UTC)

April 18, 2008 Link to this post

A bunch of nice shots
S043 took a bunch of nice screenshots, and posted 'em on our forum. Normally, I'd let these go by - we see a LOT of screenshots on our forum - but I liked this batch. (He posted a second batch later in the evening.) And radiant penguin stopped by, as well, with some new (and really, really impressive) vertical panoramas taken on the Legendary maps. I LOVE 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' - and 'Cold Feet' is a great composition, too. Update: HaLo2FrEeEk decided to get into this, too - check the post for four Legendary map panoramas. (Louis Wu 13:08:08 UTC)

April 13, 2008 Link to this post

Portrait of Steve Downes
JAY132 found a pair of videos from UnMaskChief - Austin Pruett and Jack Francis McTigue put together an interview (and some nice documentary footage) of Steve Downes, the voice of the Master Chief. (It's in two parts - start with Part 1, then watch Part 2). It's a pretty interesting look at the man behind the voice - and how the Halo phenomenon has affected him! (Louis Wu 15:45:33 UTC)

April 13, 2008 Link to this post

Bait MasterPaper
ZZoMBiE13, upon request, has sent us a panel from yesterday's installment of Another Halo Comic Strip sized for widescreen wallpaper. Go spruce up! (Louis Wu 12:59:00 UTC)

April 11, 2008 Link to this post

So in Bungie's writeup of the Humpday challenge this week, SketchFactor mentioned an epic stop by team HBO, keeping Bungie from scoring a third flag at one point. Turns out the hero was mnemesis - he was able to provide a screenshot, but a screenshot doesn't do the event justice. So I've taken Sketch's film clip, and converted it to 720p video footage - swing by our forum to download the flavor of your choice. (Louis Wu 18:40:40 UTC)

April 11, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 second in total sales this year
Next-Gen has posted the 100 best-selling games in the past 12 months (March 1, 2007 - March 1, 2008). Proving that it's the holiday season that drives all sales for the year, seven of the top 10 sellers were released in the final three months of last year - and Call of Duty 4 has surpassed Halo 3 in total sales at this point. Interesting numbers all around! (Louis Wu 15:49:12 UTC)

April 10, 2008 Link to this post

Out of Bounds Panoramas
Well, yesterday's news was frozen at midday in order to keep the Vidoc story at the top; I thought it was a worthwhile sacrifice. However, it means there's a bit of built-up queued news at this point... let's start with some very cool panoramas posted yesterday by RVideo. (There's also one extra one in this post.) He's been playing with getting out of bounds with the 'pan-scan' camera - the pictures he's getting are glorious testaments to Bungie's artwork in areas that you normally can't see much detail. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 11:50:14 UTC)

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