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July 2, 2008 Link to this post

New Halo Wars HD Screens
newguy2445 pointed out that the Screenshots gallery at the Halo Wars website has been updated - four new high-res (720p) screens are available for your viewing pleasure (with more coming soon). Man, this game is starting to look nice! (Louis Wu 13:35:08 UTC)

June 29, 2008 Link to this post

7 billion on the 7th - regular updates
If you want to keep track of how the 7 billion by 7/7 challenge is going, some folks over at WoW United (yes, a World of Warcraft website) have put together a nice tracking page - time, enemies left, day's target, and more. (There's a separate page that keeps track of the official Bungie.net total that's updated every 15 minutes.) Thanks to DancingJesus for the heads-up. It's not looking very good - we need a little less than 175 million kills left, and the total over the last 24 hours is less than 15 million. On the other hand, the WoW United page is counting down to the very START of Bungie Day (midnight between the 6th and the 7th) rather than the very END (midnight between the 7th and the 8th), so there is potentially 12% more time than they expected to finish the project. Are you doing your part? (Louis Wu 16:51:38 UTC)

June 29, 2008 Link to this post

Demented Weekly - a new Comic
Demented Decoy sent word that he's been working on a series of screenshot-based comics called 'Demented Weekly' - so far, there are 4 issues (well, 3, the first one is more of a preview of the series). They're downloadable in PDF format, and they follow the antics of the Across the Waves crew in Matchmaking. Swing by to grab 'em! (Louis Wu 14:54:22 UTC)

June 29, 2008 Link to this post

Interesting coincidence - or something more?
John_117 pointed out a thread he started on Bungie.net, with an interesting picture comparison. (While you should visit his thread here, or his thread there, in order to comment, I've archived a copy of the picture for posterity - so that when someone goes back and reads this news post down the road a ways, they'll know what it's talking about.) (Louis Wu 14:52:28 UTC)

June 28, 2008 Link to this post

7 Billion by 7/7 - Step It Up!
A few days ago, we mentioned a pretty fun goal the Halo community could shoot for - 7 billion campaign kills by Bungie Day (July 7). GhaleonEB, over at the NeoGAF forums, has been crunching the numbers each day since this challenge started... and it's not looking good, at the current rate. Unless we pick up the pace, we're going to fall short by about 50 million kills. The good news is, there are still 10 days left in the challenge, and speeding up the carnage just a little bit could make all the difference. If you haven't done any Campaign killing recently... why not jump on and contribute? If you don't care WHERE you play, and you just want the fastest way to build your kill count, jump into Crow's Nest at Rally Point Bravo, on Easy - seems you can crank out 75 kills in about 3 minutes (then do it again!). Thanks to the whole NeoGAF crew for inspiration - I know we've got people on our own forum working on this, but they're not discussing it. (Louis Wu 19:26:00 UTC)

June 28, 2008 Link to this post

Little Red Adventures: Episode 2
Obie let us know that a Halo 3 machinima series he started back in December has been updated with a second episode. Little Red Adventures: Episode 2 follows Little Red and Goosey as they continue their search for hacks for Halo 3 - and meet some new friends! Great cinematography, lots of fun. You can watch this on YouTube, or you can download the high-res Divx version (55 mb) from Obie's site - or you can grab a QuickTime version (57 mb) from us. Enjoy it! (Louis Wu 15:26:08 UTC)

June 28, 2008 Link to this post

Xbox Live Friends for Mac Users - Updated
Wil, from Mindquirk Software, let us know that there's a new version of Xbox Live Friends, with new Halo 3 features (screenshots, recent games stuff) - if you're running Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard), grab this! It's free, and it's cool! (Louis Wu 13:39:12 UTC)

June 27, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie Weekly Update, June 27
Bungie's posted the June 27 Bungie Weekly Update quite a bit earlier than usual (it's been up since before 4 pm, their time) - it contains more exhortations for anticipation of Good Things on both Bungie Day and PAX Weekend, a recap of the Content License Transfer Tool we mentioned yesterday, new overhead screens of Cold Storage, a matchmamking update, and... something else. As usual, you can read it in our Weekly Update Archive, if you choose. (Louis Wu 23:31:06 UTC)

June 27, 2008 Link to this post

I switch to your side - you let me go! Deal?
Captain Spark was playing Campaign, and started hearing a bunch of new Grunt dialogue. He's not coming out of retirement - but he sent along nearly 50 new snippets for our Halo 3 Dialogue Databank. Some of them are simply priceless. Go listen! (Louis Wu 14:37:08 UTC)

June 26, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Cutscenes - now in HD
A few inquisitive souls have already found the new links... but for the rest of you, I'm (tentatively) pleased to announce that our Halo 3 Cutscene Library has just been upgraded with HD versions (thanks, once again, to Cody Miller) - this leaves only the Halo 1 scenes in standard res. (That's almost completely my fault; we've got people chomping at the bit to record, and I've been too busy to process stuff. But that's neither here nor there, right now.) Swing by and grab (some) Halo 3 scenes! To explain the hesitancy: I'm nervous, because we're talking about a LOT of bandwidth, and even though I've devoted three servers to the situation, I'm not totally confident we can keep up with demand if people start downloading the entire collection at a shot. So be gentle... but go see what you can find! And if you see Cody, say thanks. (Louis Wu 23:13:54 UTC)

June 25, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars: UNSC Arsenal
Whoa, very cool. The Halo Wars website has started to post info about the UNSC Arsenal on their website - check this page here. There are still some 'hidden' sections - but those will probably come online in the near future, as we ramp up to E3. Thanks, Botolf. (Louis Wu 21:06:38 UTC)

June 24, 2008 Link to this post

7 Billion by 7/7
We've gotten a number of emails about a challenge put forth by Sir Killalot33 over on the Bungie.net forums - in light of the fact that a few days ago, the number of Campaign kills surpassed the population of this planet, and the fact that Bungie Day is just 13 days from now... can we, the Halo community, pass the 7 billion kills mark before 7/7? This has been front-paged at Bungie.net, and there's a sizeable thread going right now on our own forum - if you want to help, jump in and start playing! (ACEfanatic02 has some nice suggestions in terms of efficiency.) (Louis Wu 10:15:39 UTC)

June 24, 2008 Link to this post

A Halo Fan's Recommended Reading Primer
Yesterday, SinisterSamurai asked about recommended reading - it started off as a 'what are some books recommended by the Bungie dudes who worked on Halo?', but has since branched off a bit - the thread is FULL of recommendations of all sorts of good Sci-Fi (and other stuff). Dave Candland tossed in a list he compiled during an internal email exchange at Bungie, and mnemesis cleaned it up a bit (and combined it with an older list Bungie actually published). If you're looking for summer reading - check out this thread. (Louis Wu 09:52:38 UTC)

June 24, 2008 Link to this post

I miss the shoulder missiles.
Over at Bungie.net, you can see a screenshot that recreates the very first Halo screenshot ever released - in a slightly updated engine. Go look! (Louis Wu 09:52:17 UTC)

June 23, 2008 Link to this post

Green Screen map for Halo 3 Machinimators
iGuardian managed to get a teleporter outside Guardian, to a place surrounded with just green. Why does this matter to you? Well, if you're a machinima creator, this gives you a green screen for use with your Halo characters. Funky! Downloadable map is here, movie showing the effect is here. (Louis Wu 14:21:26 UTC)

June 23, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Monthly Update - and a preview
The Halo Wars Monthly Update was posted on Friday (thanks to Omega for pointing it out yesterday - I feel behind, now). There's info about the upcoming E3 show (and what will be seen there), info on the Cyclops unit, some strategy advice, and word that the screenshots archive is going to be updated soon. (Don't forget the large screenshot collection posted recently by GamePro.com - and I hate to say it, but I totally missed the preview of the game that went along with those screens - thanks to Planet Halo for noticing that.) (Louis Wu 14:14:59 UTC)

June 21, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Corpse Alphabet
Hawty McBloggy has kicked off the Halo Corpse Alphabet, a rather macabre project aimed at reproducing the standard English alphabet in... well, dead Spartans. The news story shows off an example of an X. Go see what you can contribute! (Louis Wu 19:36:56 UTC)

June 21, 2008 Link to this post

The Battle Rifle, Cold Storage, and More
Last night, Bungie posted their Weekly Update (available, as always, in our Weekly Update Archive in addition to Bungie.net), and it contains a monster writeup of the Halo 3 Battle Rifle, and how it was designed to work. (This week saw a lot of discussion around the net about how the battle rifle is 'broken' - its bullet spread is too random at long range for many hardcore users. The explanation in the WU makes it clear that this is by design - and only affects the weapon at long range. Bungie wanted the BR to be used primarily as a mid-range weapon, with long-range tasks (like pinging a sniper to pull him out of scope, or finishing off an unshielded target), but without the ability to be used as a universal "I can kill anything on the map with this puppy, regardless of location" tool.) Past this very detailed writeup, there's also information about the San Diego Comic Convention, mention of a couple of dates to keep track of, and a couple of gorgeous screenshots of Cold Storage (nee Chill Out). Large versions of the Cold Storage shots are available in Bungie's Screenshot Gallery. Go read! It's a good 'un. (Louis Wu 10:38:03 UTC)

June 19, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Addict Podcast Ep 1
Sam152 let us know that Halo Wars Addict has started up a podcast - first episode is just over half an hour, 32 mb, and discusses all the new Halo Wars info coming out now. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:27:12 UTC)

June 18, 2008 Link to this post

Josh Brookes let us know he's working on a machinima series called 'Veracity' - it's the story of a man fighting to protect his city from demonic forces. It's got three episodes so far (though each is broken into pieces, because they're too long for YouTube); you can watch them all starting at this playlist link. (Louis Wu 12:36:34 UTC)

June 18, 2008 Link to this post

More Halo-related Spore Critters
We mentioned the Spore creation of KraZi Chief yesterday - a thread on our forum has exploded with new content from other creators. Browse through (starting here) for a Halo Wars concept critter, some grunts, some elites, and a jackal! In many cases, the creature file is included, if you want to play with it yourself. Nice work from TheSneak and thebadgerwithin! Update: Looks like Hawty McBloggy's getting in on the action, too. (Louis Wu 12:12:41 UTC)

June 18, 2008 Link to this post

New Halo Wars Screenshots
MrSprout was the first to point out a new batch of about 40 Halo Wars screenshots (really new, this time, not snagged from a released trailer or scrounged up from some obscure past), over at GamePro.com. This game is looking pretty good! (Louis Wu 12:03:31 UTC)

June 17, 2008 Link to this post

Blind Wolf - in Spore
Heh, cool. Remember the Blind Wolf? It made its first appearance in 'Evolution', a retrospective look at Halo's development, and then showed up as concept art (screenshot, 60k) in the 'Cutting Room Floor' feature of the Halo 2 Special Edition DVD. This morning, KraZi Chief sent us a shot taken from within the Creature Creator demo for the game Spore - nice start! (KraZi Chief complained about the color palette and the lack of resources remaining - and hinted there might be more 'Halo-esque critters' coming later on. Even with the limitations, this looks great!) (Louis Wu 13:11:17 UTC)

June 17, 2008 Link to this post

New Halo Wars Screens Surface
Worth Playing posted 3 new screenshots from the GamePro Halo Wars spread - when I was trying to figure out if these were authorized or not, I ran across three OTHER ones on GamePro's website, posted last week. The WP shots look digital, which is a step towards the light side (they're not scans, at least). Check 'em out! Update: Psychophan7 pointed out (correctly) that the Worth Playing shots came from last year's E3 Demo (still available on the Halo Wars website). Bah. I hate sites that sleaze their way to pageviews. (The three shots on the GamePro site are definitely new, though.) (Louis Wu 12:49:09 UTC)

June 17, 2008 Link to this post

Inside Halo 17
Adam Kovic reminded us that Inside Halo 17 was released a few days ago - eep, we missed it. (Especially bad, since it highlighted HBO...) Also contains some great flag-related screenshots, and potentially dead puppies. Go watch! (Louis Wu 12:48:30 UTC)

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