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Showing results 1726 - 1750 of 4250 matches

July 21, 2008 Link to this post

'im on fire' - dangerous screenshot?
Last night, we got a message from a pretty trustworthy Halo 3 player, discussing an incident that occurred in a game played a few minutes earlier. Before the veto countdown had finished, the opposite team sent messages to all players, and one of the recipients opened the image file included in the message - that player's 360 froze, removing them from the game (and leaving the other team with a 4-3 advantage). The file being blamed as the culprit is on Bungie.net - but is not viewable online. (Update: image has been removed by Bungie.) The thread associated with the file suggests that others have had the same trouble, or have used the file to CAUSE the same trouble - and this morning, the warning showed up on our forum, as well. I'm sure Bungie is looking into the issue - but in the meantime, I'd recommend that you not open screenshots sent to you by unknowns while you're on your 360. (Louis Wu 17:01:16 UTC)

July 19, 2008 Link to this post

McFarlane Halo Points Explained
Ever since McFarlane began releasing action figures, folks have noticed 'Halo Points' on the packaging material - but nobody knew what they were for. The information has finally been released on the Spawn.com website - and it actually looks pretty cool! You can upgrade your action figures - with a Hayabusa katana, with Recon armor (!!), and you can get exclusive schwag like a lithograph or a Gold Master Chief by redeeming your points. Redemption starts this winter, and you'll need at least 100 points for the smallest reward (that's 10 action figures, for the most part). Thanks, DHalo. (Louis Wu 09:57:30 UTC)

July 19, 2008 Link to this post

The Flaming Ninja Challenge
pete_the_duck has issued the Flaming Ninja Challenge - an obstacle course built in Forge, designed to test your ninja skills (and provide you with some fun map-running). Check out the screenshots in his post, download the variant, read the rules... and get to practicing! (Louis Wu 09:51:48 UTC)

July 17, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Cutscenes - now in HD
It's been a long time coming, but we've finally got the Halo 1 cutscenes for you in HD format, thanks to HaLo2FrEeEk of Infectionist Machinima. These were recorded from the PC version, and are available in both WMP9 format and H.264-encoded QuickTime format. We're starting with the first Pillar of Autumn scenes - depending on demand, we might speed up the release rate. (As an added bonus, all the smaller versions have been re-encoded, as well - though the QuickTime versions there are still use the Sorenson3 codec.) Go browse! (Louis Wu 16:36:10 UTC)

July 17, 2008 Link to this post

The Halo Corpse Alphabet - still needs a few (dead) bodies
The last time we checked in with the Halo Corpse Alphabet, it was just getting started - there was exactly one letter. Now it's four weeks later... and it's nearly complete. There are three letters remaining - and some additional characters and symbols have been added. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:56:58 UTC)

July 16, 2008 Link to this post

Sadness Continues
A bit more on the surprise cancellation: Kotaku has a short item that ties the situation to a "high level executive". There are plenty of forum posters out there willing to speculate who that might be. (On the off chance that the Kotaku piece is pulled, here's a screenshot.) (Louis Wu 04:35:04 UTC)

July 15, 2008 Link to this post

Cold Storage as a Canvas
Psychophan7 posted a 'Mission Log' - a series of (very cool) screenshots (well, screenshot amalgams) with some storyline tossed in. I hope he continues with this. Check it out! (And be sure to look at the full-sized versions. They're spectacular.) Update: He's added a new pic, some explanation, and textless versions of the first five images. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:25:39 UTC)

July 14, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars - Asset City
As expected, there was no announcement from Bungie today (that will almost certainly come Wednesday). However, there WERE new releases from Ensemble; the Halo Wars FAQ, the Screenshots section (complete with battlemech-style mystery units that might or might not be the previously-mentioned Cyclops, and a Prophet in the midst of battle (thanks, GatchamanUK), along with other goodies), and the Renders section all got updated, along with a new trailer entitled 'Five Long Years', showing prerendered battle footage. (If you're having trouble with the WMP9 versions, we've slapped up a 720p H.264-encoded QuickTime (68.2 mb), and a 360p Sorenson3-encoded QuickTime (15.1 mb) - it's definitely worth watching.) There's a rather sizeable discussion thread on our forum, if you want to toss your two cents in. Update: apparently, it's on Xbox Live Marketplace, as well, now. (Louis Wu 21:40:02 UTC)

July 14, 2008 Link to this post

More Halo Wars artwork
DHalo noticed an article on Halo Wars over at the 360 Magazine - it contains a nice writeup, and a bunch of new screenshots. (Most of the new ones are concept art shots like this one - but there's also this shot, which was just added (in a larger format) to the Halo Wars site in the last couple of days. (It wasn't there on the 10th, when the last update was mentioned.) You sort of have to wonder about that pattern on the ground...) (Louis Wu 13:27:37 UTC)

July 11, 2008 Link to this post

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
Forecast The Series Episode 5 has been uploaded - there's a new guy on the base, and it's a good thing, because everyone's starting to go a little stir-crazy. Swing by and watch for more internet acronyms than you ever wanted in one place. No natty dreadlocks, though. (Louis Wu 13:18:48 UTC)

July 11, 2008 Link to this post

New Halo Wars Screens
newguy2445 let us know that there are three new HD screenshots for Halo Wars up on the official website. There's also word on their front page that upcoming issues of OXM France and X-360 (a UK mag) will have Halo Wars coverage. It's ramping up! (Louis Wu 11:01:09 UTC)

July 10, 2008 Link to this post

Fiesta Weekend - Now Open
Eep - looks like I forgot to post this - but before I got home this afternoon, Bungie posted news about the latest Double XP weekend - started 4 hours ago. It's Fiesta - 8 player Free-For-All, random weapons. Arriba! (You've got until 2 am PT, Monday morning, to play this.) (Louis Wu 21:50:29 UTC)

July 10, 2008 Link to this post

Guitar Halo
Anton P. Nym was the first to notice (via Kotaku) a very intriguing screenshot over at a Fable II fansite - if that's real, it's a pretty cool easter egg! (If it's not, it's a pretty good photoshop.) Chime in. (Louis Wu 17:58:40 UTC)

July 7, 2008 Link to this post

A tale of woe, McFarlane style
Okay, let's start at the beginning. Back in October of last year, McFarlane released a schedule for Halo action figure release in 2008. Littlebigman transcribed the Spawn.com list, which is good, because it's been edited since then. At that point, the plan for vehicles was a Series 2 release in June, consisting of a Scarab, Wraith, and Mongoose, and a series 3 release in August, consisting of a Banshee, Hornet, and Scorpion Tank. At some point in the next month or two, the Series 2 group was canceled - but then in February they were added to the Series 3 release. By April, the six vehicles slated for Series 3 was cut back to 3 - the three original Series 2 vehicles. And today, Subnova's 3of9 got an email from Big Bad Toy Store:

McFarlane Toys has just informed us that these items has been cancelled and that will not be produced. We apologize for the inconvenience. We have cancelled all preorders and removed the item from our site.

From 6, to 3, to 0. Ack! Here's hoping they get reannounced in an upcoming series. (Louis Wu 16:32:16 UTC)

July 7, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Recut - Winners Announced
Back in January, a European contest sponsored by Xbox.com started up - Halo 3 Recut was looking for short movies showing the off-screen antics of the Halo characters. Winners were just announced (thanks, Planet Halo, who found the announcement at TeamXbox) - congrats to Scott Robertson, whose "Master Chief's Day Off" won Scott a four-week film-making trip to Los Angeles. His film is pretty funny! (Louis Wu 15:28:16 UTC)

July 7, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie Day Wallpaper
The Wallpaper queue is quite long, and contains stuff that is many, many months old - and for that, I apologize. We're putting up a single entry today, though, because it's Bungie Day - thanks to ZZoMBiE13 for whipping it up! It's 1440x900, widescreen format. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 14:54:23 UTC)

July 7, 2008 Link to this post

Cold Storage already generating goodies
A bunch of our forumgoers immediately started playing with the Pan-Cam as soon as they got their hands on Cold Storage - go check out the panoramas (and the empty canvas map from pete_the_duck!) in this thread. (Louis Wu 14:42:09 UTC)

July 7, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie Day at the Social
The Social has put up a bunch of Bungie Day news - they're having a screenshot contest (with a 13-month live subscription as the top prize), they've announced a Halo 3 RPG, and they've redone their site layout. Go read all the details! Thanks, Scotty. (Louis Wu 14:40:10 UTC)

July 7, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Millennium Falcon
Mags89 SBG wrote to say he'd released 'Fallen Falcon' - Han Solo's Millenium Falcon, reproduced in Halo 3. Pretty cool! Go check out the screenshots in the B.net description, then download the map! (Louis Wu 14:39:40 UTC)

July 5, 2008 Link to this post

RPWS Bungie Day
TheChrisD let us know that Rumble Pit World series is holding a special 'Sevens' tournament on Cold Storage on Monday, in honor of Bungie Day - festivities start around 8 pm EST. 7 parties, 7 players, 7 minutes before a final with a first prize of $77! Go read the rest of the details at the site. (Louis Wu 14:20:06 UTC)

July 5, 2008 Link to this post

Halo project rumors flying
Probably the biggest news making the rounds yesterday was a rumor - it started over at Sarcastic Gamer on Thursday (with a quick followup a little later) - they claim that an anonymous source asserts that Halo 4 is in full development by Bungie. The followup claims that this project will be announced at E3. These claims were picked up by many, many sites out there (Narcogen did a nice job of summarizing some of the bigger ones in this Rampancy.net newspost) - there's a thread on our forum, started by Red_Breast, for folks who want to discuss this. It looks pretty clear that SOMETHING new and Halo-related will be announced at E3 - but whether it will be 'Halo 4' from Bungie, or details of Peter Jackson's Halo project, or something entirely different - we'll just have to wait and see. (IGN predicts it'll be the Peter Jackson project - in an article that also places Halo Wars at #7 on their Most Anticipated Games of E3 2008. Thanks, Planet Halo.) Thanks to the many, many people who sent in news about this stuff. For now - we're filing this firmly in the 'Rumor' cabinet. (Louis Wu 09:58:39 UTC)

July 5, 2008 Link to this post

Now on Bungie.net - Matchmaking Playlist Breakdown
Something that's been needed for a LONG time on Bungie.net has been a summary of the details of the playlists - what games/maps are in which lists, and how often, that sort of thing. Thursday night, Shishka (with some help) finally put this up - go visit to read about the lists! A comment thread was started in our forum, if you want to contribute. (Louis Wu 09:46:04 UTC)

July 5, 2008 Link to this post

Pro vs GI Joe - Halo 3 tourney for racers and soldiers
Here's hoping everyone's 4th of July was memorable! I had a lot of Halo stuff facing me when I returned... let's see if I can get through a little of it before my day REALLY starts. First up - Watkins Glen International raceway held a special event on Thursday - they teamed IndyCar Series drivers up with US soldiers in Kuwait for a tournament they called 'Pro vs GI Joe'. You can read writeups on the News 10 Now website and the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Fun! (Louis Wu 09:44:22 UTC)

July 3, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie Day. It's Coming.
A full day and a half ahead of schedule, the July 4th edition of the Bungie Weekly Update is online - and trust me, you want to read it. It starts off with some warnings for folks abusing the Halo 3 File Share feature, and reminds us that the deadline for the 7 billion by the 7th challenge is fast approaching... and then moves into Goodies territory. New podcast is coming next week. Cold Storage is coming next week, and it's gonna be free. Gamerpics are coming next week. A new playlist is coming next week. And there's STILL more. Go read it - either at Bungie.net, or in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 17:06:20 UTC)

July 2, 2008 Link to this post

StoshTacular - killiing Stosh 5 times in 4 seconds
It's been a while... but there's a new Halo 3 Humpday Challenge writeup over at Bungie.net... and it's full (and I mean full) of Cold Storage screenshots. It was internal, so who cares who won? Just go read for the pretty pictures. (Louis Wu 19:38:43 UTC)

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