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Search results for start screen

Showing results 151 - 175 of 4250 matches

July 23, 2015 Link to this post

New Halo Fleet Battles ships and Deal on Starter Set
We've mentioned the Halo Fleet Battles tabletop game (which is out now) from Spartan Games before, but Morhek on our forum noticed the community at Spartan Games has already discovered some new ship models coming soon!

While checking out their forum, I also noticed a special edition of the tabletop game with $40 worth of extra ships for free will be made available July 30th through August 2nd at GenCon in Indiana and online next week! Might be a great time to buy if you've been wanting the game! (MacGyver10 15:24:22 UTC)

July 8, 2015 Link to this post

Authentic UNSC Spartan Supplies
Ever wanted to dress like a casual employee of the UNSC? Looks like Musterbrand, a company that specializes in 'everyday cosplay-ish threads', has reached a deal to start carrying items from within the Halo universe. Thanks Revenant1988! (MacGyver10 19:23:56 UTC)

July 6, 2015 Link to this post

So Chief, Tell Me About Your Mother
The Escapist recently started a new series with video game characters spending some time on the couch of a therapist. Our mjolnir wearing hero spends some time talking about teabags and his dearly-departed, AI sidekick in an episode from last month. Thanks General Vagueness! (MacGyver10 14:05:32 UTC)

July 1, 2015 Link to this post

I want my, I want my, I want my Splitscreen Play
Forbes has an opinion piece on why Halo 5 can't pass over split-screen... it's more of a plea than a solid argument, but a lot of fans feel this way. Go give it a read! (Louis Wu 21:35:54 UTC)

June 30, 2015 Link to this post

No Split Screen or LAN for Halo 5: Guardians
I believe we might have seen some hints at this before, but ArsTechnica has confirmed there will be no split-screen of any kind in our new Halo adventure. There's also the talk of no LAN support which is a downer for the communities (including our own) that get together to play Halo in person at times. Thanks for the heads up uberfoop! (MacGyver10 20:15:10 UTC)

June 26, 2015 Link to this post

Lumberjackals Hate Trees
Rockslider is back with some more H1 goodies. The video starts out with a bang and has plenty more fun and freaky gameplay pulled from the Halo game that started it all! (MacGyver10 19:02:19 UTC)

June 23, 2015 Link to this post

Not the Posters We Deserve, but the Posters We Needed
Quirel showed off on our forum some pretty amazing '21st-century movie posters' as he put it, of the Chief and Locke! Why again aren't theaters using TV screens for movie posters yet? (MacGyver10 17:36:37 UTC)

June 19, 2015 Link to this post

Halo and Hand Cramps
Looks like TeamBeyond landed a pretty sweet interview with Josh Holmes of 343 Industries going into great detail on the new Warzone multiplayer mode, Req Packs, Arena multiplayer and more. Some of the highlights (or lowlights in some cases) are spartan customization, further req card explanation, no offline LAN support and on-map powerups are returning. Bounce-A-Gon put up a summary and started a discussion in our forum as well. (MacGyver10 16:08:08 UTC)

June 19, 2015 Link to this post

Cortana on HoloLens Kickstarter in 2016?
One of the surprises at E3 was a Halo 5: Guardians briefing with HoloLens that many were able to experience before trying Warzone multiplayer for the first time. Ryan Mccaffrey tried it out and wrote about his experience over at IGN. (MacGyver10 15:33:31 UTC)

June 14, 2015 Link to this post

Cutscene Library - now with more ODST
It's taken a few days to organize, but if you swing by our Cutscene Library, you'll find that the ODST page has been augmented with full 1080p, 60fps versions - thanks to Cody Miller and Chris101b! Go grab that full-screen HD goodness! (Louis Wu 11:43:34 UTC)

June 13, 2015 Link to this post

Halo 5 Info from RUL
Greenskull from ReadyUpLive got a chance to play some Halo 5: Guardians recently, and the info dump is rather substantial. Bounce-A-Gon's done a great job of itemizing what's available - swing by his post for starting points! (Beware - if you're looking to go into the campaign completely fresh, there ARE spoilers here.) (Louis Wu 14:55:37 UTC)

May 1, 2015 Link to this post

GrifballHub needs you NOW!
Kal Belgarion reminds us that tomorrow is the last day of the GrifballHub Kickstarter campaign to fund a Grifball booth at RTX this year. As of this writing, with 27 hours to go, they're at $11,675 of their needed $11,750 - just $75 short! Can you help? Update: Less than 5 minutes after I posted this, someone pledged $76. They just hit $11,751 - full funding! That's awesome. There are stretch goals, though, so don't stop now! (Louis Wu 23:54:52 UTC)

April 9, 2015 Link to this post

Help fund GrifballHub's RTX booth
GrifballHub is running a Kickstarter to help fund a Grifball booth for this year's RTX. There's 23 days left to help fund the booth and reward levels start at $1. Go donate! Thanks, Kal Belgarion. (colindosaj 22:27:38 UTC)

April 3, 2015 Link to this post

Steal My Kill
This is so six weeks ago... but it made me laugh, so I'm posting it. The Warp Zone (yeah, they like One Direction) has a parody of OD's "Steal My Girl" that's pretty good. Plus, there's a Grunt Plushy in there! Go watch. (SEspider posted it on our forum a couple of weeks ago - but it was STILL a month old then. We gotta start keeping up!) (Louis Wu 23:52:58 UTC)

March 12, 2015 Link to this post

Canon Fodder - Novel Ideas
This week's Canon Fodder is live and it focuses on Halo novels that are releasing this year - there are quite a few, including one by Joseph Staten. Grim also interviews Frankie about his upcoming novel, Halo: Saint's Testimony. We are also teased about a new community screenshot feature on Waypoint - prepare for your first assignment! (colindosaj 21:22:05 UTC)

February 18, 2015 Link to this post

Xbox Ultimate Game Sale
Starting today, Xbox will be discounting various digital titles through February 24th. Halo 4 is currently 60% off for Gold members and 50% off for Silver members. According to this promotional shot, The Master Chief Collection will see a 60% discount during the weekend. You can check out the rest of the deals here, including discounts on Destiny and the Digital Guardian Edition. (colindosaj 20:38:54 UTC)

February 11, 2015 Link to this post

L-058: A Halo Fan Film (Round 2)
Back in October, we posted a note about a Kickstarter campaign to fund a Halo fan film called 'L-058', based on Linda, a Spartan-II who showed up first in Halo: Fall of Reach (the book). They got 62 people on board - but didn't raise enough money to hit their goal ($21,000). A couple of weeks ago, they fired up a page on Indigogo - they're trying again, and this time they're asking for half as much money. Check out the page - they've got some concept art up, details on where the money will go, and more. If 500 people shoot 'em $20, they'll be good to go! Thanks to Diego (who contributed to the original Kickstarter campaign, and has been keeping an eye on them since) for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 23:39:30 UTC)

February 11, 2015 Link to this post

Leviathan was commissioned to create some Halo-based artwork for Blackt1g3r, using the Spartans he and his wife used in Reach. Blackt1g3r had the piece printed on metal - and it's pretty gorgeous! (You can see his attempts to photograph it - semi-successful, because of the material - and the digital artwork he started with, from Levi, over at DBO.) Now I want one of those! (Louis Wu 23:32:27 UTC)

February 9, 2015 Link to this post

Reclaimer Recap EP 1 - Beta Changes
Mixmasterchief dropped by to let us know that the Reclaimer Radio crew have started a new weekly video recap series. If you're looking to catch up on Halo news then this might be for you. (colindosaj 21:47:37 UTC)

January 26, 2015 Link to this post

Green Team Ep: 4 Split Screen Fun
fake_frogs came by with a link to some gameplay with his buddies - splitscreen fun! (Louis Wu 21:45:54 UTC)

January 17, 2015 Link to this post

Free month of LIVE for early MCC users
Did you log in to play the Master Chief Collection during its first month after launch? If so, you should receive a free month of Xbox LIVE Gold as part of your apology compensation for the early problems the game had. The messages announcing this started arriving today - log in to see yours! Thanks to Schedonnardus for the heads-up. Free Month for your troubles (Louis Wu 00:24:02 UTC)

January 15, 2015 Link to this post

I think we're just getting started.
Are you a lore junkie who couldn't wait to read the latest installment of 'Canon Fodder' in the (old) Halo Bulletin? Are you sad that the feature disappeared when the Bulletin converted to a video format? Be sad no longer! According to GrimBrother One, over at Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder is being spun off into its own blog! Swing by to read the plans, and see some new Universe entries. Oh, happy day! (Louis Wu 23:04:55 UTC)

January 6, 2015 Link to this post

Cheesecake... or maybe Gun cake
Hmm... Impact Props has fired up a Kickstarter project that's already fully funded (and then some)... are you interested in a 2015 Car Calendar featuring Master Chief? Go jump on board! (Thanks to gamerguy2002 for this one, too.) (Louis Wu 18:12:10 UTC)

December 31, 2014 Link to this post

Goodbye to 2014 - See You Next Year!
We're definitely ending this year on a slower note than we started it - not from a Halo news standpoint, but from a Halo news coverage standpoint. And for this, I'm really sorry. Fingers are crossed that time will become easier to find in the new year! In the meantime, enjoy the Halo 5 Beta, going on now, and from the crew here at HBO, best wishes for a fantastic 2015! (Louis Wu 21:49:45 UTC)

December 15, 2014 Link to this post

Drinking Games Ep 5 - Screen Watchers
Once upon a time, we let you know about a group called TeamSexy (most of the posts were in 2003 and 2004, though there've been a few references to SexyJosh in the following five years) - they liked Halo, a lot. Recently, they've been hosting a series called Drinking Games, and in honor of the release of The Master Chief Collection, they devoted an episode to Halo. I found it pretty entertaining. Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:14:00 UTC)

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