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August 19, 2008 Link to this post

Steel Spartan Kotobukiya, Brute Stalker Reviews
IGN has posted a 'Preview' of the Halo 3 Steel Spartan variant of the Kotobukiya Bubble-shielded figure - mostly, it's just a lot of screenshots... but it's a great figure. And while we're doing action figure reviews, Superheroes Base has a writeup of the McFarlane Brute Stalker. (Louis Wu 12:48:39 UTC)

August 19, 2008 Link to this post

Jasman Halo 3 Plasma Pistols - a Kotaku Review
Last week, Kotaku posted an 'unboxing' of a set of Jasman Halo 3 Plasma Pistols - a series of photos showing off the goods. They followed it up yesterday with an 'Impressions' article, discussing the actual gameplay, and including a movie. If you're a laser tag afficionado, this seems to be a nice way to fold in your Halo interests, as well. Vash10 started a discussion thread on our forum, if you have comments. (Louis Wu 12:45:39 UTC)

August 14, 2008 Link to this post

Play Halo on the big screen
If you live in Vancouver, BC, you've got a chance to play Halo on the big screen, whenever you want. Apparently, Cineplex Entertainment is going to be offering two-hour blocks of time in their theaters, outside of normal movie viewing showtimes, when a full surround-sound theater can be rented for $179. Get 16 friends together, that's less than $11/person, for two hours of giganto-screen Halo 3 goodness. (Louis Wu 13:29:34 UTC)

August 13, 2008 Link to this post

Breaking Boundaries - Halo 3, The Pretty Version
mendicantbias00 has put up a collection of screenshots and panoramas - swing by Breaking Boundaries to see the goods! (Louis Wu 19:08:22 UTC)

August 12, 2008 Link to this post

Legendary Crest - now for sale
A few weeks ago, we mentioned a Legendary crest that link4044 was working on - he's finished it. You can see pretty amazing pictures of the work on the page we set up for him - and if you like what you see... he's selling it on eBay. Starting bid is $350, and I have to say... if I had the space, I'd be bidding. You've got about 2 days to decide. Update: The eBay link was yanked - the crest was sold to a member of the RvB community. Apologies for the confusion. (Louis Wu 01:35:45 UTC)

August 11, 2008 Link to this post

Project Pangea - giving back to the community
The Handmade Hero has made a surprisingly generous offer - he's agreed to create for anyone who asks a portrait screenshot showing off their favorite parts of the game. Read the forum post (and the website) for full details. Personally, I think it's going to be pretty hard to keep up with demand if a lot of people send in requests... but the idea is great! (Louis Wu 21:44:34 UTC)

August 11, 2008 Link to this post

Campaign Moments
mendicantbias00 pointed out a note on Ascendant Justice, apologizing for a lack of updates, and offering a gallery of gorgeous 'Campaign Moment' screenshots to fill the waiting time. There are new thought-provoking articles from them coming soon - but in the meantime, check out the pretty pictures! (Louis Wu 12:54:16 UTC)

August 6, 2008 Link to this post

Top 10 Forge Art Halo 3 Screenshots
Hawty McBloggy has posted her Top 10 Forge Art Halo 3 Screenshots - go check out the creativity of Forgers everywhere! (Louis Wu 14:28:51 UTC)

August 6, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 still on top of LIVE activity chart
Major Nelson confirmed that Halo 3 is on top of the Xbox LIVE leaderboard, for the third straight week - this is starting to not be news any more. MyGEN has a piece looking at WHY Halo 3 is back on top - and that's more newsworthy. (This is actually the first of a two-part series... we'll let you know when Part 2 goes live.) (Louis Wu 14:28:23 UTC)

August 3, 2008 Link to this post

Sound of Cold Storage
tygron stopped by with a link to Silent Dragon11's 'Sound of Cold Storage' - a percussion piece made with gun clips and shots from Cold Storage. I wasn't expecting much - this sort of thing has been done before, and this one starts pretty slowly... but I stuck it out, and I liked it by the end. Go listen! (Louis Wu 19:44:06 UTC)

August 3, 2008 Link to this post

Rumble Pit World Series Season 2 Starts Tonight
TheChrisD stopped by to remind everyone that the Rumble Pit World Series Season 2 kicks off tonight at 8pm ET - swing by their website for full details! (Louis Wu 16:14:49 UTC)

July 30, 2008 Link to this post

Harold Ryan discusses creativity and success
Very interesting read over at The Cut Scene - it's a pre-E3 interview with Bungie's Harold Ryan, discussing how Halo has fit into the functioning of the studio for the past few years. There are tons of little tidbits that should be fascinating to anyone who wonders how Bungie does what it does, or why it left Microsoft, or when it started planning that move. Thanks, mendicantbias00. (Louis Wu 19:10:38 UTC)

July 30, 2008 Link to this post

Fan Art: Cortana 2.0
Hawty McBloggy has decided to start highlighting some fan art - and her first choice is a doozy. 'Cortana 2.0' was done by EvilFlesh, from DeviantART, and it's a really attractive piece. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:43:18 UTC)

July 29, 2008 Link to this post

Hot Spartan Pr0n
Just in case you thought Hawty McBloggy was a nice, sweet (bs) angel, she's posted an article that should quickly disabuse you of any such notion. Technically, it's safe for work - everyone in all the screenshots is fully clothed. However, her title ("Hot Spartan Pr0n") is definitely on-target. Don't follow the link if you're underage. Or if you do, pretend these are just screenshots of dead and dying multiplayer avatars, that happened to be caught in compromising poses. Or something. (Louis Wu 18:47:19 UTC)

July 29, 2008 Link to this post

Weta Halo 3 Collectibles - ComicCon Debrief
The Weta PR guys are winding down from their whirlwind week in San Diego, and they've got a preview page up of the upcoming Limited Edition Halo collectibles. Preorders start in August, and if you want to be the first to hear about this stuff, you should really sign up for their mailing list. More when we know it! (Louis Wu 13:29:46 UTC)

July 28, 2008 Link to this post

Untapped Potential
It's Monday, so as TTL Demag0gue tells us, it's time for Reclaimer 70 - and we're starting to see why the Chief is here. (Louis Wu 12:23:35 UTC)

July 24, 2008 Link to this post

Double XP Weekend - Team Snipers
Team Snipers Double Experience Weekend has started - go shoot someone! (Louis Wu 19:39:57 UTC)

July 24, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 RPG Released
Scotty wrote to let us know that Halo 3 RPG is now online - sign up to play Halo in this web-based RPG. There's a guest account if you want to see what you're getting into. Just tried it out... not sure I understand how it works. (I picked a playlist, it said I won. I picked another one, it said I came in 4th. I went head-to-head with someone, the next screen said I was beaten 5-0. And so on.) Check it out for yourself! Update: looks like we killed it. Sorry. (Louis Wu 19:02:01 UTC)

July 23, 2008 Link to this post

Armor Fusing
wwm0nkey1 wrote to let us know about an in-game glitch that can create some pretty bizarre Halo armor variants; start with two turrets, placed one on top of each other, and then two players, one on each turret, and you get some wild results! Lots and lots of examples, plus a map variant already built for you, in this thread on Bungie.net. Too bad you can't actually run around like that! (He's looking for someone with Recon to volunteer to help with some extra variants.) (Louis Wu 20:41:07 UTC)

July 23, 2008 Link to this post

Microsoft's Hiring - in the Halo universe
Bryan Young noticed a job listing at Microsoft (via Gamasutra, posted last week) for a "Creative Director - building a new Halo universe". The listing links to a job description that's several months old, and doesn't specify Halo explicitly - recycled description, or just an unfilled position? (Louis Wu 13:06:25 UTC)

July 22, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Corpse Alphabet - Complete
Hawty McBloggy wrote to point out that the Halo Corpse Alphabet is finished... complete with a font. Amazing! Check it out. (Please, though - go easy on the font usage; it's very cool, but I could see it getting... annoying pretty quickly.) (Louis Wu 20:52:44 UTC)

July 22, 2008 Link to this post

Let's hope it doesn't start moving.
Al7eredBeasT stopped in with pictures of an infection form plushie he made this weekend... cute! (Louis Wu 17:42:56 UTC)

July 22, 2008 Link to this post

GEE-MC - ready for prime time
Back in January, we mentioned a 'Build a Spartan' flash app created by Scotty GEE - it wasn't done, but it was pretty nice. We just got word from Scotty - it's done now. Very cool! Go play with it. You can even take a screenshot when you're happy with your creation! (Louis Wu 13:43:58 UTC)

July 22, 2008 Link to this post

A Halo screenshot worthy of mention
Yesterday, Google Alerts brought me news of a new screenshot released by Predator5791 and highlighted by bs angel on her I <3 Halo 3 Screenshots website. I'm hesitant to point out specific screenshots on our front page, because... well, because there are millions of them out there, and once you start to spotlight individual shots, you're opening the door to a force that could overwhelm the news page. So I posted it on our forum, instead - and the reaction it got was strong enough (and I got enough behind-the-scenes urging) that this time, I'm front-paging it. Go look. It's amazing what you can do with Forge. (Louis Wu 10:04:08 UTC)

July 21, 2008 Link to this post

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, I guess.
Bah. Hyokin sent along this screengrab from the 'Five Long Years' cinematic that Ensemble released to hype Halo Wars - it shows the Legendary emblem painted on the nose of some Pelicans. I don't have high hopes for the whole 'sticking to canon' thing when UNSC aircraft, meeting Covenant forces for the very first time in history, have a symbol created with a Covenant skull, and a machete written out of the Halo Universe more than eight years ago, emblazoned on them. Ah, well... (Louis Wu 22:54:13 UTC)

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