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September 29, 2008 Link to this post

She has strange dreams.
That woman... she's gonna be the death of me. A risqué title for a new article over at Hawty McBloggy's leads to a discussion about a fan-made grenade that started life as a Christmas ornament. This somehow got her to dreams of sticky blue balls - oh, man. Go read. (Louis Wu 20:31:17 UTC)

September 28, 2008 Link to this post

Brute Spiker for sale on eBay
A few weeks ago, we mentioned smick6's Brute Spiker - if you really, really wanted one, now's your chance. He's selling one on eBay - starting bid is $250, and you've got almost a week to make up your mind. Go look! (There are lots more pictures of the project as it was being completed in our gallery.) (Louis Wu 14:28:43 UTC)

September 27, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Field Manual Update
Simon H let us know that the Halo Wars website has been updated - the Field Manual now includes info on the Flamethrower (scroll down to the bottom if that link doesn't bring you right to it), and some new concept art of the Wolverine (also linked in the 'Screenshots' section). (Louis Wu 11:07:36 UTC)

September 27, 2008 Link to this post

Weekly Update - Bungie Looks Back
The Bungie Weekly Update was released on schedule last night, and inside you'll find a summary of the upcoming changes to the fileshare functionality of Bungie.net (good stuff on the way!), some details about the Title Update that went live this week, and a great set of reminiscences from the Bungie team about high points in the Halo 3 development cycle for each of them. You can, as always, read it in our Weekly Update Archive. Congratulations, Halo 3 - you're a year old now! Is it time to start practicing for your driver's license? (Louis Wu 10:02:29 UTC)

September 26, 2008 Link to this post

Friday Comic Madness
anthraxgoon visited yesterday to point out a new webcomic, X36. Still a little rough around the edges, but it shows promise! Nick Ambrose let us know about The Biased, Chapter 1, Page 6 - the reds start getting answers. And it's Friday, so TTL Demag0gue is around to tell us that Reclaimer 92 is online - 'Bloodhound' shows off the Reclaimer's latest effort to learn about his foes. (Louis Wu 11:57:26 UTC)

September 25, 2008 Link to this post

Fans tackle new trailer with passion
There's no way at all I'm going to be able to keep up with all the interesting speculation and analysis around the net today. I'll point out a few useful bits, and then you're on your own.

  • Gabe Hammond uploaded a copy of the trailer to YouTube, if you can't download a version from Microsoft.
  • Jordan117 did a frame-by-frame walkthrough on our forum.
  • Painkilla05 put up some interesting notes (including the observation that the final drop pod seen in the teaser is actually not the final drop pod at all, and a wonderful map showing the locations of all mentioned city neighborhoods on a New Mombasa grid) over at Podtacular.
  • thebruce (of Unfiction fame) has posted a Flickr stream containing all of the significant frames in the trailer - this might be the easiest way to find specific content. (In the time it's taken me to get this post online, he's started a thread on our forum.)
  • Everyone and their brother (I'm talking about gaming websites, not individual fans) is interpreting the multiple references to '01/06/09' as evidence that Bungie will release this new project on January 6, 2009. This is, of course, possible - but you also need to remember that the text being interpreted is ostensibly coming from an AI in Kenya, which uses the dd/mm/yy syntax for dates; we could be talking about June 1, 2009. And it might not be a release date at all. More when we know it.
  • Minor detail, but worth noting - SketchFactor apologizes for any confusion over the 'Maddie, where are you?' line in the trailer; it's an unfortunate coincidence, but has nothing whatsoever to do with Madeleine McCann, the four-year-old British child who disappeared in Portugal in May, 2007.

There has been quite a bit more than this - but again, keeping up with specific collections is past my capabilities today. Poke around... and enjoy yourself! This isn't supposed to be a chore, or a frustrating exercise - this is supposed to be fun! (Louis Wu 17:46:40 UTC)

September 25, 2008 Link to this post

Prepare to Drop
The countdown has ended, and the reveal is... staggering. A new teaser trailer, filled with win. I won't spoil it for you, but I WILL tell you that there is a TON of information in this one. This will be picked over, frame by frame, but the Halo faithful - but even a first watching should get your blood pumping. It's available on Bungie.net, of course (WMP9 and QuickTime, served up from speedy Microsoft hosts), and shortly on Xbox Live Marketplace, in glorious HD. If, for whatever reason, you can't get to Bungie.net, the download links are here:

QuickTime: 180p (13.5 mb) | 360p (33.2 mb) | 720p (66.7 mb)
WMP9: 180p (5.2 mb)| 360p (12.0 mb) | 720p (47.9 mb)

Watch it... and start discussing! (Louis Wu 14:10:03 UTC)

September 25, 2008 Link to this post

European Tourney Kicks off October 4
Team Dignitas and XyXEL are hosting a Halo 3 tournament in Europe, starting next week - read the details here. (There's a full press release at MCV.) (Louis Wu 13:23:55 UTC)

September 25, 2008 Link to this post

Looking Back - and winning Recon
In preparation for announcing the winner of her Recon Helmet Challenge, Hawty McBloggy has picked a number of submissions for the contest (which asked entrants to recreate a memorable scene from Halo or Halo 2, using Halo 3 screenshots) to illustrate the Halo storyline, in chronological order. Amazing work! (When you're finished with that, jump along to the actual contest wrapup article, and check out the winner!) (Louis Wu 13:10:42 UTC)

September 25, 2008 Link to this post

6' MC Statue on eBay
PlasmaFire ran across an auction on eBay for one of the 6' Halo 2 statues that pop up occasionally. It's in decent (but not perfect) shape. Starting bid is $700, and the auction closes in 2 days. Go look! (Louis Wu 12:57:36 UTC)

September 25, 2008 Link to this post

Getting an early start
Speaking of home-made costumes, Nola pointed out this one, at a site called 'Coolest Homemade Costumes'. Bulky... but definitely cool! (Louis Wu 12:54:58 UTC)

September 24, 2008 Link to this post

Halo MMO Concept Art
Kotaku posted a huge collection of concept art, ostensibly from the scrapped Halo MMO we mentioned yesterday. These range from interesting to downright silly. gunluva was the first to notice, but the thread I started (I hadn't seen his post) got a lot of heated responses. Join in and add your own comments! (Louis Wu 14:39:42 UTC)

September 23, 2008 Link to this post

Title Update 2
The big news today, of course, is TU2 - the second Title Update for Halo 3. It went live this morning at 2 am PST (about 3 hours ago), and there's already quite a bit of info around the net about it.

  • Bungie.net has a story about it, explaining the 10 new achievements that go live today (one will not be accessible before Thursday, and a second will actually not be accessible before October 7), along with playlist changes, ratings, and other stuff. (Conversation on our forum starts here.)
  • Gamerscoreblog talked to Brian Jarrard about the new achievements (thanks, MangoTru7h).
  • IGN talked to Brian Jarrard about the Title Update, the upcoming Mythic release (see below), and beard-growing - thanks, Lord Osiris.
  • Xbox.com has listed the 29 new achievements that are either available now, or WILL be available when the Mythic maps are released - you can see them by logging into your profile there, or by check out this image (764x2446, 108k). There is some (confused) discussion here.

The Mythic maps are now formally listed (see the Xbox.com achievement stuff - we're waiting for Assembly, Citadel, Heretic, Longshore, Orbital, and Sandbox), but no date has been set for their release. 500 of the newly-unveiled points are locked to those maps - the other 250 are available now (or soon), with TU2. I'm sure there'll be more news as the day goes on. (Louis Wu 12:20:22 UTC)

September 20, 2008 Link to this post

So the big news last night was the return of the Superintendent. (I suppose he's never really left; he pops up on Bungie.net's logo to this day. But we haven't HEARD a lot from him since the aborted attempt to reveal a new project at E3 this year.) There's a lot of speculation on our forum (thanks to Big Goalie Dan for starting the thread) - but right now hard info is scarce. Is Bungie gearing up for that huge reveal in the near future? Wait and see! (Louis Wu 11:49:22 UTC)

September 17, 2008 Link to this post

TRR Favs - Classic Halo 3 Moments
The Running Riot let us know that they've sorted through a large number of submitted screenshots and video clips to pick their TRR Favs - swing by to see the top three screens and top 3 clips. I loved 'Lucky Mine'! (Louis Wu 16:41:43 UTC)

September 17, 2008 Link to this post

Avoid Spikes - now with Halo Goodness
Our old friend dogsounds has gotten in touch - he has a comic strip called 'Avoid Spikes' which hasn't been about Halo... until recently. His graphic tablet died, so he's resorted to Halo 3 screenshots to tell his story - so until a new tablet can be afforded, you're likely to see a lot of Halo content in the strip! The Halo strips start with #24: Happy Birthday Mart! (Louis Wu 13:38:53 UTC)

September 17, 2008 Link to this post

Custom Hayabusa Armor on eBay
Hawty McBloggy found a fan-made Hayabusa Armor suit for sale on eBay - auction ends tomorrow. Starting bid is $1100 - go check it out! (Louis Wu 13:38:34 UTC)

September 17, 2008 Link to this post

Spriggs, Episode 12
Bradley Mileski let us know that we've been lax about keeping you informed about new releases from the Spriggs crew - they released Episode 12 Part A in late August, and Episode 12 Part B a couple of days ago. I'm starting to wonder if they haven't lost track of what they were aiming for when they began... but the videos are up, if you'd like to watch. (Louis Wu 13:37:46 UTC)

September 17, 2008 Link to this post

All The World's Problems
I wasn't going to get to Halo news for a little while today; it's a busy morning. However, Bryan Simon just sent along his newest ode to Bungie - this one is called "All The World's Problems" and it shows how Halo can solve everything. (Well, maybe not global warming.) As usual, if you're interested in the MP3, you can grab it from us (3.7 mb). Always good to start your day with a smile! (Louis Wu 11:54:15 UTC)

September 16, 2008 Link to this post

The Usual Suspects, Halo Style
chromeratt stopped by to point out a poster he'd created, using Halo figures to reproduce a promo piece for The Usual Suspects. It was inspired by the Halo Movie Scene project (which is going amazingly well, by the way - go look), but doesn't really qualify since it's a compilation shot. That's not to take anything away from the poster - it's a great job! (Louis Wu 18:55:56 UTC)

September 16, 2008 Link to this post

Mrs Doublefire and his amazing technicolor crates
Eastbeast314 dug up some blog posts written by Mrs Doublefire, who started out in the Halo:CE community and was eventually hired by Bungie, discussing the work he'd done on Halo 3. These posts are a year old now - but I'd never seen them before, and they're a fascinating glimpse into the world of environment building. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 18:39:16 UTC)

September 16, 2008 Link to this post

Who wants Recon?
Hawty McBloggy has kicked off a new contest - create a cool scene using Halo 3 screenshots, win Recon Armor. You really want to read all the rules in the news post for full details, but the bottom line is, someone's going home with Recon. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:30:02 UTC)

September 15, 2008 Link to this post

Leaked Halo Wars Brutes (and more)
Metalingus627 was the first to let us know of an article at Addict Gaming with leaked images of Halo Wars brutes. Interesting discussions in that thread... and 2900d4u started another thread with more pics. Go see what you think! (Louis Wu 17:25:51 UTC)

September 15, 2008 Link to this post

Pawns in a Game of Universal Chess
TTL Demag0gue let us know that Reclaimer 87 is now online - things are starting to make more sense as he jumps back to Ferial. While you're there, you might want to read up about the First Official Reclaimer Contest (scroll down below the comic) - create a cool comic, win cool schwag. Noice! (Louis Wu 17:21:00 UTC)

September 13, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Interview at TXB
Graeme Devine talked to TeamXbox about how Halo Wars got started, and about the HW story - swing by and give it a read! Thanks, Grady Durden. (Louis Wu 13:56:28 UTC)

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