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November 7, 2008 Link to this post

H3RPG DXP - Team Pistols
Nick, from Halo 3 RPG, let us know that it's a Team Pistol Double XP weekend over there. Also, Mast3r-117 started an official Halo 3 FanClub on Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 15:42:40 UTC)

November 7, 2008 Link to this post

Pew Pew Pew
Jobyn ran across a website promising gesture-based control - Mgestyk Technologies uses a camera to film your hand movements, and software to interpret them. One of the examples in the video partway down the main page is a guy playing Halo PC - he fires the rocket launcher on Battle Creek simply by making a gun shape with his hand, and 'pulling the trigger'. (The Halo content starts around 55 seconds in.) Lots of possibilities! (Louis Wu 13:12:44 UTC)

November 6, 2008 Link to this post

Classic Halo Tricking
Wow. Ducain sent word of a thread over at High Impact Halo, started by Lone Starr - it contains a bunch of clips of Halo 1 tricks that are really, really impressive. Stuff I've never seen before - and we're now more than 7 years on! Go grab 'em and watch. (Louis Wu 17:32:17 UTC)

November 6, 2008 Link to this post

No, you can't haz Recon
Evil Otto (otherwise known as Bungie's UI wizard, Dave Candland) stopped in yesterday to remind people that there's absolutely nothing you can do to get Recon armor assigned to you - it's not your decision. Beating obstacle courses, challenging Bungie employees 1v1, passing along screenshots or maps... you're not going to get Recon this way. Ever. (He also wanted to point out that it's not even something that EVERY Bungie employee can give out - only a few people actually have that ability.) If you want Recon, do cool stuff. Eventually, someone will notice. (Louis Wu 14:13:24 UTC)

November 6, 2008 Link to this post

Let's get physical
SonofMacPhisto started an interesting thread yesterday - he was talking about body language in Halo cinematics. Lots of little details you might not notice your first time (or three) through - but things that really add to the overall ambience, even without your direct awareness! Go see what others have noticed, too. (Louis Wu 14:09:57 UTC)

November 5, 2008 Link to this post

Stats are Hot
The Community Spotlight series continues at Bungie.net - this time out, it's a look at Halo3.Junk.ws, the comprehensive stats website. Go read how they got started... and check out what they offer if you don't already use 'em! (Louis Wu 21:31:23 UTC)

November 4, 2008 Link to this post

Hawty McBloggy wants to make sure you understand the issues before you cast your ballot for the next president of the United States. (Assuming, of course, that you CAN cast a ballot for the next president of the US - sorry, kids/people in other countries). She's put together a comparison of candidates... using Halo resources. Noice! (Please don't take this too seriously... kthnx) (Louis Wu 19:08:37 UTC)

November 4, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Campaign Gameplay Footage - Cleaner
During the Tokyo Game Show, some Halo Wars footage was released showing the buildup of Alpha Base, and the kickoff of the game. It was watchable live, and later archived on GameTrailers - but it was recorded in the room, off the screen, so audio is a bit hollow, and video is darker than it probably should be. Yesterday, a cleaner version of this footage was released - Littlebigman found it at Kotaku (though you can watch (and download) larger versions directly at GameVideos, as well). This definitely gives you a sense of how Halo Wars works. (Louis Wu 14:43:21 UTC)

November 3, 2008 Link to this post

Halo video game cover art
New project just went live over at I <3 halo 3 screenshots - Halo video game cover art. That's right - they want you to build video game covers, using Halo 3 screenshots. Get to working! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 19:44:49 UTC)

October 29, 2008 Link to this post

Two Boxes - now available to the public
Bungie Favorites, the ever-changing fan-created collection of maps, gametypes, films and screenshots highlighted by Bungie, has been updated with a second batch of material from the NeoGAF community. If you want to learn a little more about the community and how they use Forge, urk has talked TJ Captain Blood about his map, Arabella (and about Forge in general). (Louis Wu 19:07:11 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

It goes up to G.
The Bungie Weekly Update is live over at Bungie.net (and, of course, in our Weekly Update Archive) - some cool screenshots, info about November's matchmaking updates, a short tidbit about a game you should be playing, if you're not, and some teasers about Halo 3: Recon. Go read! (Louis Wu 23:57:32 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

Beattie on Halo: 'Almost a responsibility to write it'
FriendlyFire noticed a new interview with Stuart Beattie over at Tom's Games - Beattie is the screenwriter who's trying to drum up interest for his Halo spec script. He talks about why he jumped on this project, and why he thinks someone should take him up on his offer. Go read! (Louis Wu 15:17:43 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

Finding Glitches through Boredom
Wow, this is one of the most useless glitches I've seen - but the fact that someone stumbled on it makes it newsworthy. ADD for the win! Apparently, if you jump back and forth between the main Halo 3 menu and a lobby menu, quickly and for a really long time, eventually the background that shows in the individual lobby will 'stick' - and that will be the background for ALL menus (until you start a game up). You can even see the image without the blue filter (well, part of it, anyway) if you go into Forge. As to WHY you'd want to do this... sorry, all out of ideas. (Louis Wu 14:32:59 UTC)

October 23, 2008 Link to this post

Detroit-area Halo 3 tourney
According to the Detroit Free Press, there's a Halo tournament coming up this Saturday in Ferndale (a suburb of Detroit) - admission is $20 in advance, $25 at the door, top prize is $100... but you get to play on 65 inch screens. Swing by if you're in the area! (Louis Wu 12:26:39 UTC)

October 22, 2008 Link to this post

Hail 'N' Kill
Kral, from Halo.fr, sent us word that he'd created a Halo 3 montage - it's called "Hail 'N' Kill", and while it's very heavy on the effects, they don't (usually) get in the way of the actual gameplay, which is pretty impressive. (It starts sort of slow, but builds up nicely.) I think if I had to pick my favorite kill, it would be the noscope on the man-cannoner on Isolation (about 3:07). It's just over 4 minutes long - give it a watch! (Louis Wu 14:19:11 UTC)

October 20, 2008 Link to this post

Coagulation appears for Far Cry 2
Coagulation has been rebuilt using the Far Cry 2 level editor - I'm not sure I see it, really, but it's cool that they're starting so quickly. Thanks, Shake Appeal. (Louis Wu 14:38:21 UTC)

October 19, 2008 Link to this post

Apples and Bananas
Cinema Blend has a 'screenshot comparison' between Resistance 2 and Halo 3; I'm not sure how you can do this in a reasonable manner, but hey, they tried. (Louis Wu 20:51:36 UTC)

October 18, 2008 Link to this post

Congrats, Urk. (And Thanks, Marty!)
Today's iteration of the Bungie Weekly Update is actually quite full of content - there's a File Share FAQ (one that should have been posted a week ago) - with even more info from Stosh, a cool trick for viewing screenshots (seems to be broken on Macs), more info about Bungie Cards, tips for maximizing your Bungie.net enjoyment, info about the Art of Halo book, the welcoming of a new Bungie employee, recruited directly from the community, and a bunch of fan questions (and Bungie answers). And the track from the Halo 3: Recon trailer, courtesy of Marty. (You rock, Marty.) And a scary, scary picture that should probably never have seen the light of day. Go read! (And listen.) You can, as always, read this in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 02:19:39 UTC)

October 10, 2008 Link to this post

Snipers are Wussies
Bryan Simon seems to have an issue with snipers - go listen to his latest song (#9 out of 10), 'Snipers are Wussies', on YouTube, or grab the mp3 version (3.5 mb) from our files server. There's a thread over on Bungie.net if you'd like to comment (or start one on our own forum!). (Louis Wu 18:00:14 UTC)

October 10, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Recon: Tokyo Interview Roundup
Here are some of the articles covering Luke Smith/Brian Jarrard interviews in Tokyo:

  • Guardian.co.uk has a 9 and a half minute video interview with the pair - lots of tidbits, including "Mythic Map Pack is coming early next year" and "Recon is a labor of love for our fans" (and that Luke is just in Tokyo for the girls)
  • IGN talked to both reps, and came away with quotes like "Recon is less of a galactic romp than Halo 3" and "When Halo 3: Recon launches, it will come bundled with two map packs that will be released as DLC beforehand. One is titled the Mythic Map Pack (coming early 2009) and another is still unnamed." They also learned that there will be no downloadable version of Recon - box only.
  • Bungie told Kotaku that "Halo 3: Recon is not a tactical squad based shooter." It will come with its own new achievements totalling 1000 points. Bungie say "We're not viewing this as a full game."
  • Gamesindustry.biz got more info about maps: "We actually have a Mythic map pack coming out early next year. We don't have firm details or a date yet, but we do have one more map pack coming out, and then we do have some maps associated with the actual Recon retail release." They also got Brian to agree that "Halo 3 Recon would be a 'final statement' from Bungie as far as the Halo trilogy was concerned". (Thanks, Eastbeast314.)
  • Eurogamer discovered that Recon has only been in full production for a couple of months, that Bungie isn't willing to divulge all the details they have about ODSTs, and that there "might be a surprise later that we'll talk about, that might benefit people who have Halo 3, but it's not a requirement." Brian said that "The word 'stealth' terrifies us."

I'm sure there'll be more interviews popping up throughout the day - depending on when they show up, we'll either update this post, or start a new one. Update: 1UP.com's preview is the first to ask about Recon armor, and whether it'll be available to buyers of the game. Update 2: Zeouterlimits let us know that Giant Bomb has some questions and answers as well. Not a lot new, but the comments about Recon armor might give some of you pause. Update 3: Joystiq has an audio version of a group interview Brian gave (probably the same one that many other sites used for their coverage). (Louis Wu 11:39:16 UTC)

October 8, 2008 Link to this post

Man, did you see that?
One thing that Halo 3 lends itself to very nicely, what with the saved film feature and built-in screenshots, is storytelling. Over at the NeoGAF forum, GhaleonEB has been entertaining the troops, weaving fascinating tales of heroism and carnage. (Here's a recent one.) On our very own forum, pete_the_duck has been doing the same thing - and now he's got a home for them. He let us know that he wrote up last night's exploits over on 'petetheduck Still Plays Halo 3' - pics, vid clips, funny stories. This is why Halo 3 remains popular - because this sort of reliving of events is so easy. (Louis Wu 21:08:57 UTC)

October 4, 2008 Link to this post

Bungie Weekly Update - with some meat on them bones!
Brian and Luke are in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show (which starts next Thursday, so the Bungie Weekly Update was left to Shishka this week. And as much as I'd like to say that one should never, ever leave Shishka in charge... I have to admit, it's a pretty sweet update. There's quite a bit of info about the upcoming changes to the Bungie.net filesharing capabilities - that screenshot search looks gorgeous! There's a very, very welcome new addition from Roger Wolfson - 'Render to Video' for Bungie.net film clips. (I love GameVee as much as the next guy, but having it built into the Halo 3 system makes far more sense.) There are details on the changes in store for Halo 3 matchmaking in October (the new playlists are finally nailed down on the Playlist page, so you can see just how long you're going to have to wait for that Oddball game in DLC FFA). There are details about getting the 7 on 7 Achievement, available for the first time this coming Tuesday - one tidbit I hadn't realized is that you have to enter the playlist AFTER you win your seventh game, or it won't register. (This is pretty critical if you decide to use the Icy Treats list that is going up specifically for the achievement... because if you log off after your seventh win, thinking you've gotten it, by the time you come back the next day, you won't have a CHANCE to get back in.) And finally, there's a description of how the new Banhammer features are deciding whether you're cheating or not - apparently, they haven't found a false positive yet, despite a LOT of complaining. That, to me, is pretty interesting. (If you want to sleep well at night, skip the final picture in the update.) You can, as always, read this update in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 12:23:18 UTC)

October 3, 2008 Link to this post

Pieces to the Puzzle
TTL Demag0gue pointed out that Reclaimer 95 is online - the pieces are starting to fall into place. Well, for the Reclaimer, anyway, if not for us. (Louis Wu 14:30:15 UTC)

October 2, 2008 Link to this post

Fight Like a Girl
KP has a way with words - but it's not always the way you want to go. A nice example is his intro to the Cavegirls' Fight Like a Girl tournament, coming up in 3 weeks - it will benefit breast and cervical cancer research, and it promises to be a blast, if the last couple of years are any indication. Signups started yesterday - read his post, laugh a little, then swing by and sign up! (Louis Wu 23:38:27 UTC)

October 2, 2008 Link to this post

MLG Pro Circuit - Dallas
The MLG Pro Circuit continues with MLG Dallas, opening tomorrow night. You can read the full preview here, on MLGPro.com. There's plenty of other Dallas content up now or coming soon - pro players put in their own predictions for which team will garner the 8th National Championship spot by winning this weekend, and there'll be lots of video coverage, starting with the Pre Game Show tomorrow night at 9 eastern. Swing by and root for your favorite team! (Louis Wu 18:46:26 UTC)

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