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February 10, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Webcomics: Aesthetic Sets
TTL Demag0gue stopped in with word of a new article at Halo 3 Webcomics - this one helps you come up with pretty sets to take your screenshots on. Check it out! (Louis Wu 20:49:42 UTC)

February 9, 2009 Link to this post

Playing Halo Wars Early
Davis Beutler stopped in to announce that he'd won one of five spots given out by Kotaku AU to a Halo Wars preview this week; the winners will get to play the whole game through, and write a review. He's offering to ask questions, if anyone there is answering - swing by with your suggestions! (If you're in the Sydney area, there are still chances to get in on this event; atomic, for example, is giving away 5 slots, as well, starting today. Read the rules page for full details.) (Louis Wu 18:17:53 UTC)

February 9, 2009 Link to this post

Brute Spiker Replica on eBay
smick6 auctioned off a Brute Spiker replica last September - if you were interested then, but missed it, you've got another chance. He's put up another one - starting bid is $275, close is just under 7 days. If you're curious about what you'd be getting, we put together a gallery last August, showing his progress. (Louis Wu 02:18:18 UTC)

February 7, 2009 Link to this post

Can't finish what you started? Start something else.
Wow, this is just... silly. Back in mid-2006, Marvel announced that they'd be publishing a monthly Halo comic, starting a few months before the release of Halo 3. The delivery of these issues has become a joke - the fourth (and last) comic is STILL not out, having had its release date pushed back AGAIN, to March 4, 2009 (given that it's been pushed back more than a dozen times, the chances that we see it in March are slim to none). With that horrible record, you'd think Marvel would stay pretty far away from the Halo franchise... but you'd be wrong. According to io9.com, they used New York Comic Con to announce that they're launching not one, but TWO new Halo-based comic series, the first this summer (a five-issue run), the second, 'Halo: Spartan Black', next winter. Thanks to Bongo for the heads-up (and subsequent rise in blood pressure). (Louis Wu 21:17:57 UTC)

February 4, 2009 Link to this post

New Sandbox Info at IGN
IGN sat down with Brian Jarrard and Lars Bakken to talk about Sandbox - they've got 10 new screens, and some tasty info about the map itself. Give it a read! Thanks, CaLL Me ZeNy. Update: sketchfactor pointed out that a UK site, T3, also had an interview and a bunch of new screens - different ones. (They're formatted to be much smaller - but they're still new.) The interview, too, contains some... intriguing information. (Louis Wu 13:03:11 UTC)

February 4, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Wars Insanity
On the eve of the release of the Halo Wars demo, there are a number of hands-on articles around the web: MLive.com has one, and so does NextGen Player. Gamerzines has a 17-page issue (downloadable, and free) entirely devoted to Halo Wars (thanks, Ndositwe Chizimbi). Australia's The Age has lined up an interview with Jason Pace, and is soliciting questions to be answered tomorrow. And finally, an update on the second Halo ViDoc: the Marketplace server is back up and running, so you can queue up a download of the HD version to your Xbox 360 - or if you'd rather watch the HD version on your computer, we've put up both a WMP9 version (205 mb) and a QuickTime version (207 mb). It's available in smaller resolutions just about everywhere today, so if those downloads are too big for you, visit YouTube, or Kotaku, or the Joystiq link we posted yesterday, or... Update: Another impressions article at PC World (interesting, since Halo Wars won't ever be available on a PC). (Louis Wu 12:48:26 UTC)

February 3, 2009 Link to this post

Wet and Mangled, with the Stench of Dog Breath
Another Tuesday, another Average Joe. This week, it's Ascendant Justice's Vociferous, the man who's way fitter (and way balder) than his writing implies. Go see what got him started in the Halo community... and what keeps him fueled. And make sure you yell at him for starting all those rumors. (Louis Wu 20:33:59 UTC)

February 3, 2009 Link to this post

Screenshot Spotlight: Phenomenon IV
The second in Alec9224's spotlight series on screenshot artists is now online at Bungie.net - he talks to Phenomenon IV, who talks about how not to oversaturate your shots, along with other tips. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:58:51 UTC)

February 2, 2009 Link to this post

Context is everything
TTL Demag0gue directed our attention towards a new tutorial on Halo3Webcomics - this one is written by The Catfish, and it's the first in a series of articles that will help you capture good screens for your comic. (Louis Wu 22:47:02 UTC)

February 1, 2009 Link to this post

A cool fan render... made to look like more
Master Ph0bia was first on our forum with word of a new render someone's created of Sandbox; DopeteK, from the Kill 4 Fun clan, posted it up on Bungie.net this morning, but it nearly immediately started making the rounds without any attribution... and so has appeared in a number of places as a leak from Bungie. It's not a leak from Bungie. It's not even really real - it's just a cool render built by some guy, and PRESENTED AS SUCH by him. Blame the rumors on other idiots. (Louis Wu 20:42:05 UTC)

January 31, 2009 Link to this post

Comic Saturday
The Catfish let us know that 2501 Episode 9 is live, and anthraxgoon also told us that X36 Chapter 2 Issue 1 is online. Have you gotten your Halo 3 Screenshot comic dose today? (Louis Wu 17:04:03 UTC)

January 30, 2009 Link to this post

Back of the napkin... er, forum post
pete_the_duck took a few minutes to compare the size of Sandbox (as shown in the newest screenshot) to the size of Foundry (our last extensively-Forgeable map). Go see what he came up with! (Louis Wu 17:45:01 UTC)

January 29, 2009 Link to this post

Interesting... an Austrian xbox site called 'Xbox Austria' posted an article about the upcoming Mythic maps... and they've got a shot of Sandbox. This is the first one I know of; it remains to be seen if it's real/photoshopped/leaked (I'm sure we'll hear soon). Thanks to Domino Theory (at NeoGAF), who found it at B.net somewhere. Update: Kibbles, at NeoGAF, put up a full 720p version - pulled out of a press kit. (Thanks, Cocopjojo.) It's too bad we don't get press kits... Update 2: for anyone who had doubts about its veracity, it can now be found in Bungie's Halo 3 Screenshots section, complete with Bungie logo. (Apparently, more news about it is coming tomorrow.) (Louis Wu 21:51:54 UTC)

January 29, 2009 Link to this post

Halo, Tilt-Shifted
The 'Tilt Shift' effect isn't unheard of with respect to Halo 3 - we mentioned a site that described a technique for working with Halo 3 screens back in September. However, we just got word from J.R. that he'd found a website that will make these for you... and he used it to whip up some pretty cool-looking Halo 3-based images! (He was quick to point out that not all screens were taken by him - please don't get on his case if you see your own work in there.) I absolutely LOVE the Sierra 117 shot. (Louis Wu 18:01:36 UTC)

January 29, 2009 Link to this post

Comic Thursday
A couple of new Halo 3 screenshot comic eps today - anthraxgoon told us about X36 Chapter 1 Episode 15 (the PHOENIX has risen), and The Catfish provided word of 2501 Episode 8 (you gotta wonder about lines like "I never miss a second time"). Check 'em! (Louis Wu 14:58:07 UTC)

January 28, 2009 Link to this post

Chronicles of ODS Steve: Enter Sunef
It was hard to beat Hawty's heads-up about the latest ODS Steve episode - she sent it along two hours before the strip was actually live. That said, there's a thread on our forum, started by the light show, which might prove fun over time... (Louis Wu 15:13:56 UTC)

January 28, 2009 Link to this post

Happy Halodays Grand Winner
mrsmiley let us know that the Grand Winner in the Happy Halodays screenshot contest has been announced - if you swing by, you can also see the other four finalists! Great pics. (Louis Wu 15:12:50 UTC)

January 27, 2009 Link to this post

Screenshot Artist Spotlight: Predator5791
Alec9224, the author of last week's Screenshot Tips article at Bungie.net, is back with a new series of spotlights on Screenshot artists. First up: Predator5791. Interesting interview - give it a read! (Louis Wu 18:33:39 UTC)

January 27, 2009 Link to this post

IAC, over the countryside
Mid7night went back to work on his X-Plane version of In Amber Clad - you can see a video from this forum post. I think that would give me a little bit of a start if it flew over me... (There's a bridge walkthrough in this post, as well.) (Louis Wu 12:13:47 UTC)

January 27, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Wars Media Blowout
TeamXbox has a Halo Wars media feast - screenshots, gameplay movies, and a pair of cutscenes. (One of them actually contains the transition from cutscene to gameplay at the end... and for folks who were disappointed by the color forcings in Halo Wars multiplayer... you're going to be disappointed that those same forcings seem to exist in Campaign.) Thanks to Planet Halo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:55:38 UTC)

January 27, 2009 Link to this post

Master Chief, Tagged
We passed over yesterday's Tag and Release post at Bungie.net - mostly because it contained a pun so bad we thought we were doing the world a favor by not spreading it. But the screenshots, this time found with a "master Chief' tag, are pretty cool - so cover your eyes and visit. (Okay, that's not going to work. But don't read the text.) (Louis Wu 11:41:01 UTC)

January 26, 2009 Link to this post

Hard Justice: Episode 9
DigitalPh33r's Hard Justice series continues with Episode 9 - Bernard is starting to come off as unbelievably naive. Smart... but naive. Also some other weird stuff. Go watch! Thanks to urk, and the Bungie Blog, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:26:47 UTC)

January 26, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Wars Screens - in Hi-Res
Last week, we mentioned that some new Halo Wars screens had been released. You can find these at most gaming sites around the net by now... but always in a screen-sized version, and almost always with a watermark. We don't believe you should have to be limited by watermarks, or by arbitrarily-resized shots - so we're provding them to you at the resolution they were released in - 5120x2188, for the most part. Gives you a chance to look over the character artwork pretty well. (Louis Wu 16:40:27 UTC)

January 26, 2009 Link to this post

iPhront opens its doors
oriol003 stopped in to announce the launch of iPhront, a community machinima site. The Halo content (so far) is a bunch of high-quality stuff culled from recent announcements - I'd assume that as time went on, they'll start to see new stuff there. Check it out! (Louis Wu 02:45:18 UTC)

January 25, 2009 Link to this post

Airsoft Rifle with Halo flavor
FriggenFragger noticed this airsoft rifle - if you're looking for a decent start for a rifle you can mod to look like Halo material, this isn't a bad choice! (Louis Wu 18:11:45 UTC)

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