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June 29, 2009 Link to this post

Master Chief and Cortana Tribute
j m sent us a link to a tribute video he made, paying homage to the love between Cortana and the Chief. Starts slow, but the overall feeling is quite good. (Louis Wu 13:35:29 UTC)

June 27, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3: ODST/Halo 2 The beginning
jakebryant1330 has put together a video showing the start of Halo 3: ODST, using footage from Halo 2, Halo 3: ODST, and released trailers. Very nicely done! Check it out. 4 minutes long. Thanks, CaLL Me ZeNy. (Louis Wu 02:34:55 UTC)

June 25, 2009 Link to this post

Honoring Bungie Day, Fan-Style
FyreWulff is going to try and hit 7,777 games played on Xbox LIVE on Bungie Day, July 7 - he's starting tomorrow morning. (As of right now, he's got 7,343 games played - I don't think he could have asked for a better (more Bungie-ish) starting place.) He's got 12 days to play 434 games... that's a non-trivial task, given that he's planning on playing every single one of those as legit games. (If you figure 10 minutes a game, average, you're looking at 72 hours of playing time, spread over 12 days - that's 6 hours per day, every day.) If you play with him during this time (and aren't disqualified by a few simple rules), you're in the running for some cool prizes. Check out his post for all the details! (Louis Wu 21:26:57 UTC)

June 25, 2009 Link to this post

Calvin and Hobbes... with bigger guns
Bungie.net has put up an article showing off a very cool large-scale Sandbox map created by GhaleonEB - go check out screenshots and an interview, with lots of good info from Ghaleon himself. (Louis Wu 21:12:15 UTC)

June 24, 2009 Link to this post

Wednesday Comic Roundup
Let's see what we've got today...

That's it for now! (Louis Wu 12:40:54 UTC)

June 22, 2009 Link to this post

Render to Video Beta - now for all Bungie Pro members
For all those Bungie Pro members who got that service by buying Mythic Maps (or bundled with something else) - you can now try out the Render to Video service for yourself! Looks like you start off with 5 render minutes - that's 5 minutes of SD footage, or 1 minute of HD footage. Go play! (Louis Wu 21:09:27 UTC)

June 20, 2009 Link to this post

Keeping track of peripheral action is REALLY hard.
Wow. Them Texans, not wanting to EVER be outdone, went and set up a game of Halo 3 (among other games) on a 160-by-72-foot (not inch) screen; the Cowboys Stadium LED wall was used to play some 360 stuff during downtime. That has got to be the biggest screen hosting a game of Halo... ever. Thanks, Blackstar. (Louis Wu 22:17:39 UTC)

June 20, 2009 Link to this post

Security Zone, in SketchUp
juzzz is back - this time with a SketchUp file of 'Security Zone', the other Firefight map shown at E3. Once again, the work does a great job of detailing the space! We've added local copies of all screens and the SketchUp file itself to CaLL Me ZeNy's HBO forum post - we'd hate for you to miss this! (Louis Wu 15:03:52 UTC)

June 20, 2009 Link to this post

Zee update - she eez up!
What happens on Fridays? Oh, yeah, Bungie releases its Weekly Update - and this Friday is no different. This one focuses heavily on Crater[night], one of the maps you'll be getting well acquainted with once you get your hands on ODST's Firefight mode. It's not all that's in there, though - there's also some important Render-To-Video beta news (they're deleting ALL rendered videos on Monday, so download the ones you want NOW - and also on Monday, ALL Bungie Pro subscribers - not just those who paid for it - will be able to use the service), and some Haloscreenshots.com contest info, and a few other tidbits. Including some awesome sound clips from Johnson. Go read! (Either at Bungie.net, or here, in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 01:16:59 UTC)

June 19, 2009 Link to this post

A Gamer's Alphabet - a charity project
I received an email from mick, a friend of Marissa's dad, Mike. (Marissa, if you haven't been reading long, is a little girl with infantile spasms; her dad started a program whereby Fairfax, a stuffed bunny, has been visiting people and places around the world (and getting photographed doing it) to raise awareness about Marissa's illness.) mick came up with the idea of creating a Gamer's Alphabet - a small book which would (in theory) contain a set of illustrated gamer words. (There is a conversation over at fazyluckers that might help explain what's involved.) If you'd like to help, swing by and sign up - you'll need to tell Chris, who approves all members, that mick sent you. There are so many amazing artists in the Halo community - by adding your skills to this project, you can help create a really cool little book that can be sold to help out Marissa! (Louis Wu 20:19:01 UTC)

June 19, 2009 Link to this post

Aesthetic Artist Interview: Alec 944
The Aesthetic Artist Interview series is back - well, on its new bi-weekly schedule. The latest interview is with Alec 944, the man who started the whole 'interview a screenshot artist' idea in the first place. Go read - and check out some of his work! (Louis Wu 18:13:37 UTC)

June 19, 2009 Link to this post

The Community Marches On
Some goodies from the BungLog™ today:

  • The Hope Unto Dawn charity event undertaken by Facility B5D was a success - over $2000 was raised for the Child's Play charity, and fun was had by a lot of people. A 'Supertage' (screenshots, clips, and pics commemorating the event) is linked, along with the thank-you message from the receiving charity. (Actually, the thank-you message redirects to msn.com; I'd guess B5D deep-linking is frowned upon. You can read it by visiting this forum post.)
  • A couple of Forge groups got together for some friendly custom games, and wrote the results up, Halo Humpday-style.
  • Bryan Simon has another song online - this one is a remix (well, rewrite) of Beyonce's Halo. If you don't know the original song, you should listen to it so you know how good Bryan's tribute is!

What would I do without urk? (Wait, I know... cry less. That man is mean to me.) (Louis Wu 18:04:18 UTC)

June 19, 2009 Link to this post

A look at Reach, from IGN
Brooks Kuester was the first to let us know about an article at IGN entitled 'What to Expect from Halo: Reach' (though a thread started up not long afterward on our forum, thanks to GrimBrother One). The article contains a nice summary of what we know about Reach from all sources (books, games, trailers), and picks apart the trailer for as much detail as can be found. (Did you notice the drifting Spartan behind the damaged UNSC frigate?) Go check it out! (Louis Wu 13:18:57 UTC)

June 18, 2009 Link to this post

When Failing is Winning
chris10023 let us know that Halo 3 Fails: Episode 21 is online - there are some GREAT clips in there this time. I think my favorite is the 'Let It Go Fail' that starts around 50 seconds in. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:57:24 UTC)

June 18, 2009 Link to this post

Crater[night] - in much more detail
Remember a couple of days ago, when we mentioned a model of the nighttime map for Firefight that Bungie showed off at E3, done in Google's SketchUp? Yeah, well, Juzzz, over at Bungie.net, wanted to get a bit more detailed. His version looks a LOT more like what I played at E3. Swing by for screenshots and a downloadable SketchUp file. (We've added links to local copies of all the screenshots, plus a copy of the SketchUp file (in case the MegaUpload option disappears), to CaLL Me ZeNy's forum post - thanks for finding this, CMZ!) (Louis Wu 16:23:41 UTC)

June 18, 2009 Link to this post

Prepare to drop and give me ten!
The bonus of Sgt. Johnson for those who pre-order Halo 3: ODST got a serious hype boost this morning - pages went up both at Bungie.net (with great new screenshots of a never-before-seen Firefight map) and Xbox.com touting the offer. In the US, you can avail yourself of this deal by pre-ordering from Amazon, Best Buy, Gamestop, or Wal-Mart - the outside-the-US list hasn't been fully compiled yet. C'mon... you KNOW you wanna play with a cee-gar in your mouth! Update: urk points out that high-res versions of the pics are now in the ODST Image Gallery, for your enjoyment. Update 2: looks like the original article was amended to include the initial retailers in Europe that are participating - check it for stores in France, Germany, Italy, and the UK. (Louis Wu 16:22:46 UTC)

June 16, 2009 Link to this post

...Transform to motorcycle mode? Whoa.
Red vs Blue Recreation Chapter 1 ("Don't Get Me Started") is live now for sponsors, and will be available for everyone in just a few minutes from the writing of this post. Sarge wants to beat the Blues... in an honorable way. Sort of. Grif, on the other hand, wants to go home. Go watch! (Looks like Dratt was first with the news - but that's just because I forgot that it's got a fixed release time these days.) (Louis Wu 00:49:00 UTC)

June 15, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Crater (night) map from E3 - in SketchUp
wwm0nkey1 played a lot of the night-versioned Firefight map at E3 - enough that he felt he could create a decent model of map layout for those who weren't there. He used Google's SketchUp - a free download, for which he's provided a link - and he's made the model available. If you want to get an idea of what you'd be looking at, here's a screenshot (35k). (Louis Wu 13:32:53 UTC)

June 14, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Speed Painting
CaLL Me ZeNy stopped in with word of a speed painting of ODSTs, done by Orkimede - it's up on his DeviantART site, but you can find sharper versions at HaloDestiny - screen res (717x800) and high res (2248x2507). 5 hours in Photoshop - it's fantastic! (Roscoe-128 added a link to this image to the thread - it's not speed art, and it's not by Orkimede (it's by wiredgear), but it IS pretty cool ODST art.) (Louis Wu 13:43:34 UTC)

June 13, 2009 Link to this post

They'll leave the light on for ya.
urk apologizes for the lightness of today's Bungie Weekly Update - but then, what can you really expect, after a week like last week? Well, he's actually got some more Firefight info for you, as a matter of fact. Screenshots, a Q&A with Lars Bakken, the works. And a bunch of other little bits. (I was going to make a joke about little bits here, but decided it was too easy. You're welcome.) Go read! Remember, there's always a searchable copy in our Weekly Update Archive, if you need it... (Louis Wu 01:27:06 UTC)

June 12, 2009 Link to this post

Interviews slowing down
We heard from both jdars, of the Aesthetic Artist Interviews, and RandomSauce, of Director Dialogues, that there are some changes being implemented; AAI is switching to a bi-weekly release (so the next one will be next week), and DD is taking a break until the end of the summer. Everybody needs time off sometimes! (Louis Wu 15:08:16 UTC)

June 12, 2009 Link to this post

Haloscreenshots.com - another look
Hawty McBloggy tried out the Haloscreenshots.com printing service - and wrote up her experience. Check out her review! (Louis Wu 14:44:18 UTC)

June 8, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Artwork Printing Service - a Review
A week and a half ago, Bungie mentioned the screenshot printing services offered by haloscreenshots.com. We've sampled the work, and have written up the experience, in the hopes that it will aid you in your decision-making. Take a look! (Louis Wu 19:26:23 UTC)

June 8, 2009 Link to this post

Flying Monkeys - or something
Couple of videos to enjoy, courtesy of B.net: Lagout is the start of a series in which several players get trapped in a game they can't quit, and Shenanigans 3 is the latest montage from ChrisOfTheDead, containing some truly bizarre events taken from matchmaking games. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:59:19 UTC)

June 7, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie gets a new tagline
Awesome - Split-Screen noticed that a new trademark application has been filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office by Bungie, LLC - "We make games that we want to play". Sounds about right! (Bungie has been saying that this is what they do for a dozen years - but this application was filed just 3 days ago. Guess they finally decided to make a decent woman out of the phrase!) (Louis Wu 20:56:54 UTC)

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