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September 17, 2009 Link to this post

It's not just a game... it's a COUNTRY
Hehe - it looks like Howard Ryan has a new title. The Kirkland Reporter has a Police Blotter for last week - and the incident involving the sniper model made the list. The funny part? "The president of Halo was contacted after..." It's like he's a king or something! (Quick screenshot, in case they fix it.) Thanks to Max Dyckhoff for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 12:12:20 UTC)

September 16, 2009 Link to this post

Looking for the start of last night's chat...
Thanks to Jordan117, we have a transcript of all but the first 30 minutes of the Best Buy live chat with Brian Jarrard and Joe Staten last night - but I'd like to post a full transcript, if possible. If anyone saved the first 30 minutes or so, we'll compile them into the full document and make it available on the web. Thanks! (An email to halo@bungie.org would be perfect.) (Louis Wu 13:55:05 UTC)

September 15, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Assets - Image Overload
Microsoft distributed a LOT of visual assets today - we've got nearly 150 images, in rather absurd screensizes. (This concept painting, for example, is suitable for framing, and can be downloaded in a 4166x5820 version.) Most gaming sites will give you tiny versions - and will watermark those. We think you deserve better. Go check out the goodies. Update: EEP - I forgot to mention, there are potential spoilers in there. Sorry! (Nothing huge - nothing actually story-related at all, in fact - but certainly some minor gameplay spoilers.) Update 2: I was very, very careless, and broke embargo with some these assets; they've been removed again until this weekend. Apologies to everyone involved! (The non-embargoed images are still up.) (Louis Wu 18:16:19 UTC)

September 11, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie Weekly Update: Swine Flu Edition
The latest Bungie Weekly Update is live - a recap of PAX, new campaign screenshots, an interview with a fan that kicked some serious butt at Firefight, an interview with the creator of Mega Man (and a recent visitor to Bungie's studio). And a cool piece of art we featured earlier in the week. Check it out! (As always, it's also available in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 23:36:08 UTC)

September 11, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Campaign Previews Begin
Previews based on Campaign play are starting to appear - we saw two new ones this morning. Both of them looked at the same level (NMPD HQ) - neither contains story spoilers. IGN's article (thanks, DancingJesus) summarizes how gameplay in the campaign actually works, and then discusses the level, with a focus on how gameplay is different between Halo 3 and ODST. WorthPlaying's article (Thanks, Adam) focuses more on how the level is laid out, and discusses the voice acting (and AI) of the non-player denizens of this world. (It also has a summary of the new Mythic multiplayer maps.) Go read 'em - and get psyched! ODST drops in 11 days. (Louis Wu 13:01:06 UTC)

September 11, 2009 Link to this post

GTTV: Behind the Scenes of We Are ODST
As we mentioned yesterday, the most recent GameTrailers TV has a feature on the making of the live-action 'We Are ODST' short. It's only a couple of minutes long, but you get a good look at the props they created for this film, and it's fun to see the 'set' (a strip mine in Hungary) without its trappings. Go watch! (ODST segment starts at about 12:45.) (Louis Wu 12:58:27 UTC)

September 11, 2009 Link to this post

Friday Caption Fun, PAX Edition
Hawty McBloggy let us know that this week's Friday Caption Fun is a little different; rather than have you come up with pithy one-liners about an in-game screenshot, she's provided a passel of pictures snapped at PAX - shots of her with various community members. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make people laugh with your interpretation of events. This newspost will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck. (Louis Wu 12:57:46 UTC)

September 11, 2009 Link to this post

G4TV goes ODST-Crazy
G4TV has created a special 'Launch Center' for Halo 3: ODST - a dedicated page with a TON of new content. Much of this (but nowhere near all) was taken from last night's TV special on the game - there are eighteen new video clips online, covering everything from multiplayer gameplay to story discussion. Fair warning, there are plenty of potential spoilers in these vids, so if you're looking to stay pure, skip 'em. With the exception of the direct-feed gameplay vids, most of these are interviews with Bungie personnel, interspersed with video footage from Firefight and the campaign - Mr Sark (who did the interviewing) and Bungie have both done a decent job of staying away from story spoilers in the conversation, so you could certainly listen to these without being spoiled. But watching them will show you tidbits you might prefer to see for yourself, as you play through... one option is to simply start a movie and then bury the browser window. (For many of you, the possibility of a glimpse of a character or situation that might provide a surprise is not a problem - and for you, this collection is a treasure lode.) (Louis Wu 11:30:24 UTC)

September 10, 2009 Link to this post

Movie Madness on the Bungie Blog
Another day, another huge batch of videos, courtesy of the BungLog™:

Send urk a note - tell him he's making me watch a LOT of movies, and could he slow down? Thanks. (Louis Wu 17:30:03 UTC)

September 10, 2009 Link to this post

G4TV covers ODST - on screen and in print
LoneRanger 2.5 pointed out a couple of G4TV pieces you might be interested in - they interviewed Brian Jarrard at PAX (sort of a wide-ranging discussion about game sales, and ODST, and Reach, and Bungie, and marketing, and more - it's huge), and there's info about an episode of X-Play broadcasting tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 pm focusing on ODST. Worth the reads! (Louis Wu 16:02:40 UTC)

September 7, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Live-Action Extended Version
ConK3rS let us know that Halo.fr found the extended version of the Halo 3: ODST live-action trailer - it's got extra footage compared to the original 90 second version (and some scenes are slightly different, as well). Take a look! Update: some on our forum believe this might be an early, unfinished version; there seems to be much that is missing. The 'official' release should be coming sometime today; hopefully we'll know more soon. Update 2 (8 September 09, 11:30am UTC): We've been asked by MS to pull the link to this unfinished version. The finished version debuted last night on Spike TV, and should be available some time this morning on GameTrailers.com. GrimBrother One found a taped-off-the-screen version, and ElusiveEagle519 pointed out another IGN-released version that has been cut very differently (though with the same content). When the high-quality final makes it on to GT, we'll update this post again. Update 3: 2good4u2 pointed out that this last one is probably fan-made, based on the soundtrack. Okay, no more updates until the real one is live. (Louis Wu 19:06:05 UTC)

September 7, 2009 Link to this post

Interest in Halo movie respawns
The recent release of the Rupert-Sanders-directed live action ODST short has rejuvenated the question about a full-length Halo movie - Screen Rant wonders if it's time to start talking about it again, and Examiner.com's Justin Mack thinks that this release might be aimed at just such a goal. What do you think? (Louis Wu 16:40:17 UTC)

September 4, 2009 Link to this post

MLG's Halo 3 Forge Forum Map Pack
MLG's Kyle Magee sent word that their community has put together a map pack featuring twelve maps created on Foundry and Sandbox. All were built with competitive play in mind, all have been extensively playtested. You can find more info about the maps themselves (along with screenshots and descriptions) in this forum thread... and you can download the maps from this FileShare. Nice work! (Louis Wu 17:50:07 UTC)

September 4, 2009 Link to this post

Friday Caption Fun, Round 62
Hawty McBloggy has the latest Friday Caption Fun online - captions from last week, a new screenshot to riff on... what else do you need? Go make funnies! (Louis Wu 11:16:05 UTC)

September 3, 2009 Link to this post

ManKitten's 5th Annual Halo Treasure Hunt: Solved
I didn't even get a chance to post a front-page note for the clues ManKitten posted last night for his Treasure Hunt - there was a message this morning declaring that pete_the_duck had successfully solved the hunt. Although no prizes were announced at the start (it was all for fun), ManKitten is sending along a McFarlane Hunter model - nice! (Louis Wu 13:49:49 UTC)

September 1, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Leaked
Mirel warns that Halo 3: ODST has now shown up on warez sites - it's only a matter of time before videos and other spoilers start making the rounds. If you're looking to stay unspoiled... now's the time to start being REALLY careful. Three more weeks! (Louis Wu 14:45:31 UTC)

August 29, 2009 Link to this post

Aesthetic Artist Interview: A Deaf Boy
COL0NEL SANDERS sent along an interview with A Deaf Boy for the Aesthetic Artist Interview series - go read about how this guy got into the Halo screenshot world, and look at some of his work! (As is the case with some of his predecessors, his Bungie.net name (A Deaf Boy) doesn't match up with his gamertag, which is currently 'Velocithon', but has been in the past 'The Diktator' and 'I Vigilante V I', among others.) (Louis Wu 15:04:37 UTC)

August 28, 2009 Link to this post

HMB: Twitter Thursdays and Caption Fridays
It's Friday - which means it's time for funny screenshots at Hawty McBloggy's. Friday Caption Fun, Round 61 has a summary of the best lines from last week... and a new image you can really sink your teeth into. (While you're there, check out Twitter T&A Thursday - Angel invited people to consider a what-if scenario that I'm sure has occurred to more than one Halo fan...) (Louis Wu 11:36:54 UTC)

August 27, 2009 Link to this post

And... more vids.
Not enough video footage to sate your multimedia obsession yet? Never fear, the Bungie Blog has even more:

If you start now, you might finish before tomorrow's postings. (Louis Wu 17:53:55 UTC)

August 27, 2009 Link to this post

HaloContest.com - enter contests, win stuff
Morpheus stopped in with word of a new site - HaloContest.com. You submit film clips and screenshots from Halo 3, and you win stuff. Seems pretty straightforward... (Submissions are accepted for the first contest now, voting begins in early September.) (Louis Wu 17:05:01 UTC)

August 26, 2009 Link to this post

Mythtacular - a chance to fall, many times
pete_the_duck's back with another challenge - and it's a doozy. He calls it 'Mythtacular', and it's an obstacle course on Sandbox. Beat it... and you win pete's undying admiration. (Well, it might die after a little while.) Don't play it to win stuff - play it because it looks like a WHOLE lotta fun. (Why am I hearing Led Zeppelin in my head?) Go download the map, read Pete's exhaustive writeup... and start jumpin'! (Louis Wu 16:54:23 UTC)

August 26, 2009 Link to this post

ODST available really early... in France
And... it looks like another Bungie game is about to be leaked... by the French. CaLL Me ZeNy pointed out a YouTube vid showing the unpacking of a copy of Halo 3: ODST, purchased over the counter from a French store almost 4 weeks before its official release. There are no spoilers in this video (it's just the unwrapping of the box, and showing off of what's inside)... but if it's real, it won't be long before Campaign vids start showing up on YouTube, as well. If you're looking to be unspoiled when you play through the first time, now might be a good time to stop reading Halo websites.Update: Microsoft France has issued a statement (thanks again, CMZ) that anyone caught playing the game before its release date will be banned from LIVE. (Relatively harsh punishment, given that they're buying the game in a regular retail outlet... but it might help protect the rest of us.) (Louis Wu 10:55:32 UTC)

August 26, 2009 Link to this post

GT Solo Play Walkthrough from Gamescom
GameTrailers has posted another filmed-off-the-screen presentation (Part 1 | Part 2) from Gamescom - this one's an awful lot like the Gamersyde recording we mentioned on Sunday - but if you're doing your best to see everything out there, you should watch this too. (Louis Wu 10:54:31 UTC)

August 24, 2009 Link to this post

I'm on a 'ship!
A tad later than expected - but Bungie has posted an in-depth look at the third and final new Mythic map coming out with Halo 3: ODST next month. Designer Dan Miller, environment artist Jason Keith, and art director Justin Hayward chewed the fat with urk about Heretic, née Midship, and how it came to be part of this package. Have you been wondering about the rocking platform under the sword, and why it's no longer rocking? Wonder no more - they've explained the reasoning. Want to know if anything else is different? Go read. (Don't worry. They worked really hard to make sure your beloved map plays the way it did in Halo 2.) Some new high-res screenies, too. Go look! (Louis Wu 23:09:49 UTC)

August 24, 2009 Link to this post

Watch the mustard!
Hawty McBloggy has highlighted another Halo cross-stitch creation - this one started life as a bad callout, and ended up as a pretty cool wall-hanging. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 11:07:50 UTC)

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