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Showing results 1251 - 1275 of 4250 matches

October 30, 2009 Link to this post

Friday Caption Fun, Round 68
It's Friday, and Hawty McBloggy is back with another episode of Friday Caption Fun! Episode 68 has some pretty funny captions for the last entry, along with a great screenshot we featured recently - here's your chance to caption it! (Louis Wu 13:35:03 UTC)

October 29, 2009 Link to this post

Community Spotlight: ReconLIVE
A new batch of Bungie Favorites went live last night - this group was picked by ReconLIVE, a group started when the founders couldn't find an easy way to play tourneys over LIVE. Read a little about them on B.net, then check out their favorite files! (Louis Wu 14:17:31 UTC)

October 28, 2009 Link to this post

Is that Green Thumb...? No, wait...
Frankie stopped in to announce that he was affronted by the bad simulated Halo playing on an episode of Glee, a Fox drama. You can watch the clip yourself - it starts about 11:20 into the episode. Can you get vaporized in Halo 3? (Louis Wu 13:53:14 UTC)

October 26, 2009 Link to this post

Do Zombies have Bone Marrow?
Nori 'kilaMOMjaro' Fox reminded us that the time is fast approaching for the 2nd Annual HALOween Zombies Charity Tournament - have you registered yet? There are plenty of goodies to win, and all proceeds go to Be the Match Foundation - play Halo, kill zombies, help people who need bone marrow! The first day of the tourney (Saturday, Halloween) has competition starting at 2pm Eastern - so you're finished LONG before you need to be dressed to go candy-hunting. The second day (November 1) also starts at 2pm. Go sign up! (Louis Wu 12:45:01 UTC)

October 24, 2009 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Orange
I <3 Halo 3 Screenshots has their latest Top Ten Screens of the Week online - I'm seeing stuff in there that would be suitable for framing at HaloScreenshots.com. Gorgeous stuff - go look! (Louis Wu 13:24:34 UTC)

October 23, 2009 Link to this post

How to Suck Less at Firefight - Week 1: Crater
Geekscape's Teabag Prevention Team is starting a series of FIrefight tips, broken down by map. Week One focuses on Crater; swing by to see what they can help with! (Louis Wu 15:17:46 UTC)

October 22, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie has your vids
Comm Chatter video roundup this afternoon:

Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:09:34 UTC)

October 19, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Waypoint: Coming Soon
Halo Waypoint has sent out some press materials; we've posted the release, a whole passel of screenshots, and a 30 mb video preview of the service, which goes live on November 5. Swing by and see what you're in for! (Louis Wu 17:49:26 UTC)

October 19, 2009 Link to this post

Animatronic Elite
Whoa - Brandon pointed out a pair of videos from Kre8-fx, showing off the start of an animatronic Elite costume being whipped up for Halloween - (the first shows off the servo controls for the jaws, while the second - much shorter - shows off the moving eyeballs, along with lots of other small but really cool tidbits). (Louis Wu 12:48:01 UTC)

October 17, 2009 Link to this post

Top 10 Skull Screenshots
bs angel is kicking off a new feature at ihearthalo3screenshots - themed top 10 collections, every Friday. This week, it's a Top 10 Skull Screens list. Some really amazing shots there! Check 'em out. (Louis Wu 11:51:04 UTC)

October 17, 2009 Link to this post

Outside the Drop Pod, Redux
XMixMasterX noticed a post at Bungie.net, by squidhands - someone has come up with a more consistent way of getting the game to start Firefight with no selected map (which gives you the chance to explore the opening Campaign cutscene and surrounding area). (We talked about this glitch a little while back - but there was no really reproducible technique for folks to try it themselves (and the original video didn't show NEARLY as much detail as this new one does). Take a look! (Louis Wu 11:43:17 UTC)

October 16, 2009 Link to this post

Breast Cancer Awareness Screenshot Contest
Black Water Ops has yet another screenshot contest running - this one is to bring awareness to breast cancer. Win, and you get some cool XBL prizes. Thanks again, urk. (Louis Wu 17:10:08 UTC)

October 16, 2009 Link to this post

This Spartan Life - win a dream date with Amber!
Damian Lacedaemion is back with This Spartan Life - they're looking to raise some money by offering (virtual) dates with TSL cast members (Solid Gold Dancer Amber, Fyb3roptik and MC Aero are all on the menu) for those who enter a raffle. Swing by Kickstarter for a video that explains all the details - and help keep TSL online! (They're looking to raise $5,000 by November 15, so visit soon.) (Louis Wu 14:27:01 UTC)

October 15, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Top 10: Killtacular
IGN is starting up a 'Top 10 Kills' video series - the first movie is online now, and you can submit to future ones (instructions are in the newspost). Top clip each week will win a $60 Gamestop gift card. (You have to be a US resident, and you have to render your video with Bungie Pro render points.) The first 10 are decent (but not great) - here's hoping that with fan submissions, the quality will go up! (Louis Wu 13:23:50 UTC)

October 13, 2009 Link to this post

Bad Cyborg: Bridge Onslaught Challenge
Rockslider's been having fun finding huge battles in ODST - he's written up a guide to playing with the Covenant forces you generally ignore at the start of ONI Alpha Site (you blow the bridge, and they're on the far side). Give it a read if you like masses of enemies all at once! (Louis Wu 16:27:22 UTC)

October 13, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Cutscene Library - More HD Scenes Up
Servers are holding up well to demand for the ODST cutscenes (we've served almost a terabyte of 'em since Sunday afternoon), so we're turning on the next batch of HD versions in the Cutscene Library. NMPD HQ, Kikowani Station, and the start of the end of the game... go get 'em! (Some people are reporting playback issues on the HD versions - both WMP9 and QuickTime - and the common factor, so far, seems to be Vista. If you're seeing stuttering framerates on playback of the HD versions, and you're NOT using Vista, can you let us know? This assumes, of course, that you're trying this out on a machine that can generally handle HD video.) (Louis Wu 12:18:52 UTC)

October 10, 2009 Link to this post

HaloContest Sept 09 Winners Announced
Morpheus announced that the winners of the September 2009 HaloContest are now posted - swing by HaloContest to view the screenshot, and the video clip! If you think you can do better, October's contest is open for entries. (Louis Wu 12:47:14 UTC)

October 9, 2009 Link to this post

Watch the burritos!
The Bungie Weekly Update this time around is chock-full of info that might make your Firefight games less frustrating - but there's lots of other stuff too. An appeal for donations, some info about sports bigwigs getting special treatment, details about a group of former Bungie guys starting their own team, cool cars from Forza 3 (HBO readers will have already seen some of this)... and some other stuff. Definitely worth a read, either on Bungie.net or here, in our Weekly Update Archive. (Yes, ours validates.) (Louis Wu 23:18:46 UTC)

October 9, 2009 Link to this post

BWO Screenshot Contest Winners
Recently, we mentioned a screenshot contest from Black Water Ops - today, according to Bungie.net, they've announced the winners. Go see! (Louis Wu 17:49:32 UTC)

October 9, 2009 Link to this post

Dipping in to the Civilian Experience
VentureBeat has written up a history of Sadie's Story, the tale within a tale in Halo 3: ODST - great read! Lots of background on the company that built it, and how it fits into the overall game. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 15:07:08 UTC)

October 7, 2009 Link to this post

Outside, Looking In
A couple of days ago, we let you know about some pics that Jammerfer [MunKy] took from outside the starting drop pod... that he got to via Firefight. NeoGAF's CrazedArabMan repeated the feat - and though the film didn't show up in his Recent Games list, he was able to record it via capture card. Pretty interesting flythrough of the space Bungie built to start the game! (Louis Wu 12:53:01 UTC)

October 5, 2009 Link to this post

It's a long way down...
Jammerfer [MunKy] accidentally got himself outside the drop pod you start in on ODST. Pics aren't perfect, because he wasn't on his own Xbox... but they're pretty intriguing! (Louis Wu 22:17:24 UTC)

October 5, 2009 Link to this post

Tag and Release: Firefight
Wanna see some really cool battle pics? Search Bungie.net's screenshot collection for 'Firefight'-tagged images. Or just check out the specimens urk found in his latest Tag and Release feature. Hunters look so sad when their armor gets cut off 'em... (Louis Wu 18:04:33 UTC)

October 2, 2009 Link to this post

Cool PAX Schwag Giveaway
A Match Made in Halo (the site started up to document a Halo wedding) collected a bunch of schwag at PAX this year - including a Master Chief dogtag and a bunch of Superintendent pins. You can enter to win the whole shebang by leaving a comment on the blog post. Nice! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:48:13 UTC)

October 2, 2009 Link to this post

Mythic Forging
Black Water Ops is just dying to give stuff away - a couple of days ago, they mentioned a Screenshot contest, and today they've got a Forge contest (thanks, urk). Create a cool map, using one of the latest three levels, win MS points or BWO site points. Full details at Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 16:45:23 UTC)

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