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Search results for start screen

Showing results 1101 - 1125 of 4250 matches

March 22, 2010 Link to this post

Wow, that's... wow.
There's a new Tag and Release feature up at Bungie.net - the term is 'owned', and the sample screens are pure ownage. Can you find better ones? Give it a try. (Louis Wu 17:13:05 UTC)

March 22, 2010 Link to this post

AotCR Bridge Descent: the start of a full study
Rockslider has decided to summarize the ways down from the first AotCR Bridge - he's got a few methods up now. He's still looking for more info. Give his forum post a read, watch the videos, read the commentary on his website, and see if you can help him out! (Louis Wu 14:54:34 UTC)

March 20, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Swords
This week's Top Ten list at Halo 3 Screenshots focuses on Swords... and the pics range from funny to seriously badass. Go see. (Louis Wu 19:34:15 UTC)

March 20, 2010 Link to this post

It's all shiny. And stuff.
The Bungie Weekly Update continues the pattern of the last few days - information, and lots of it. Swing by and give it a read - there's lots of clarifications about new game modes and social features. You can, as always, read it in our Weekly Update Archive. (In fact, this week, there's a tangible advantage to doing so - the UI screens are linked to large versions, a feature not (currently) available on the Bungie.net copy.) (Louis Wu 00:14:44 UTC)

March 19, 2010 Link to this post

FB5D: Spring Break Screenshot Contest
Facility B5D is hosting a Spring Break Screenshot Contest - take a cool shot, win 1600 points. There are a few rules - check the newspost for full details. Thanks again, urk. (Louis Wu 17:15:19 UTC)

March 17, 2010 Link to this post

Descended Vale: Conquest, Reborn
We don't often get looks at individual Forged maps - but Bungie.net highlighted one they picked up from Forge Hub this morning, and it looks pretty cool! Swing by and read about Descended Vale - or visit Forge Hub and view screenshots and a download link! (Louis Wu 18:30:47 UTC)

March 17, 2010 Link to this post

2old2play 40+ers say goodbye to Halo 2
The over-40 crowd at 2old2play held their final Halo 2 tournament last night - DEEP NNN has a few links for you, if you want to see how it went (and where this all started). Old folks playing an old game! (Louis Wu 15:54:40 UTC)

March 16, 2010 Link to this post

Commander Tony on TRR Tonight
Hey - it's time for another Running Riot Podcast - they're recording live, tonight, starting at 9:30 eastern! Special Guest this episode: CommanderTony, from Halopedia. Go listen! Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:23:44 UTC)

March 16, 2010 Link to this post

Spring Elite Bundle - now at Gamestop, too
Bryan4208 sent word that the 'Spring Bundle', containing an Xbox 360 Elite, Halo 3: ODST, and Forza 3, which went live a week ago at Amazon, is now also available at Gamestop. It's available in-store (he has it in his store), or online (starting tomorrow). (Louis Wu 14:00:13 UTC)

March 15, 2010 Link to this post

Bungie Aerospace Sighting - in the wild
L0U1F3R noticed the Bungie Aerospace logo (we mentioned it on Friday) being worn by Joe Staten in a photo of the Fireside Chat he participated in with Ray Muzyka - definitely starting to get interesting! (Louis Wu 21:20:39 UTC)

March 13, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Off With His Head
This week's Top 10 Halo Screenshots feature is called 'Off With His Head' (I guess in honor of the recent release of Alice in Wonderland), and shows off some pretty funny screens. Swing by Halo 3 Screenshots and see for yourself! (Louis Wu 15:10:26 UTC)

March 13, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach App
NJ Shlice whipped up an iPhone/iPod Touch app called "Halo: Reach Guide". Swing by his post for screenshots, descriptions, and some codes! (Louis Wu 15:09:48 UTC)

March 12, 2010 Link to this post

A Comic Contest - and a familiar entrant
The Escapist Magazine recently hosted a contest for webcomic artists - ZZoMBiE13 submitted four strips from a comic he called 'Wasting Potential'. Two of his submissions are Halo-related, but you should check out all four. (They start here.) I'd have loved to see this on the web! (Louis Wu 13:56:28 UTC)

March 12, 2010 Link to this post

Thursday Movies
Beginning of stuff missed because nobody was home at HBO HQ for most of Thursday:

  • Master Chief Theater 3000 Episode 406 covers the cutscenes from ODST's NMPD HQ level. Your mom jokes and funky Brute dialogue.
  • Alec944 created his fourth montage by culling good clips from the community files.
  • There's a contest where you can send in a cool screenshot, with a caption that reads "Where ________ Happens" (you fill in the blank), and win a spot in the next one of these vids. Sort of cool, if you'd ever heard of these vids...
  • Simple As That is a Halo 3 montage from Inxy - I really liked this one. Great footage, nice composition.

Go watch. (Louis Wu 00:53:15 UTC)

March 10, 2010 Link to this post

H3 Multi, H2 Jumping
Two new vids for you today, courtesy of Bungie's Comm Chatter: a Halo 3 Montage called 'Splitscreen', showing off gameplay fromEpisone and Samsquatch (original gameplay was all splitscreen, though the montage isn't), and a jump video from Team Zenith, called 'Z2' - all Halo 2 stuff. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:44:39 UTC)

March 6, 2010 Link to this post

Saving Money on Halo Stuff
Two Halo-related deals popped up in the Google news feed this morning. Amazon.com will be offering a pretty cool bundle, starting Tuesday: an Xbox 360 Elite, bundled with Halo 3: ODST and Forza 3, for $300. And Buy.com is offering the Halo Wars Limited Collector's Edition for $30 - well below its original $80 pricetag. Stock up! (Louis Wu 19:20:22 UTC)

March 6, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Faces
The Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots theme this week is "Faces' - if you hated Oonsk, don't visit, because these will get stuck in your head. Shots like 'The Inner Child', though, are simply amazing. (Louis Wu 15:40:04 UTC)

March 2, 2010 Link to this post

Playtest Going Well. MP Content Inbound.
nobleactual.com, Bungie's Dev Blog, has been updated again - the lack of timestamps is frustrating, but the content is pretty intriguing. Progress on the playtest is really positive - this is awesome! And a multiplayer "bomb" (Marcus' word) will be dropped either today or tomorrow - so keep your eyes peeled. (There's a thread started on our forum - thanks, Ragashingo - if you're interested in speculating...) Update: many people let us know that the Dev Blog RSS feed has timestamps. DOH! (Louis Wu 12:44:37 UTC)

March 2, 2010 Link to this post

Giving up on Hide Seek Snap
Well, it's been more than a week since anyone even TRIED to locate one of the final three screens for the Hide, Seek, Snap contest - I think it's time to retire this one. We do still have a few codes - I'm out all day today, but I'll give them away on our forum later this afternoon or this evening, if there are still people who need one. It was a good run, and I'd like to thank AfroRyan for his generosity in supplying so many of these codes. Congrats to all the participants! (Louis Wu 12:41:45 UTC)

March 1, 2010 Link to this post

Red vs Blue Cookies!
Man, those look yummy. DeviantARTists RubyQuinn and SolitaireLost whipped up some Red vs Blue cookies a couple of weeks ago - you can see more of the process (and LOTS more cookies) at Photobucket. Thanks to bs angel for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 21:04:40 UTC)

March 1, 2010 Link to this post

Tag and Release: UFO
There's a new Tag and Release feature up at Bungie.net - the term is 'UFO', and the screens are varied. Go see! (Louis Wu 21:04:21 UTC)

March 1, 2010 Link to this post

Scaling Death
Just one montage today on Bungie's Comm Chatter - 'Scaling Death' has some great gameplay, though if you're not a screamo fan, you might want to use your computer's volume controls before you start it up. The gameplay... wow. (Louis Wu 19:29:46 UTC)

March 1, 2010 Link to this post

Reach concept art surfaces
serpx pointed out some concept art by Gary Huang, showing off an in-game model for a human soldier. Awesome work! (Apparently, these came to light yesterday, when Split-Screen used them as evidence that Reach can't even match Killzone 1's head poly count, much less Killzone 2's... there are a lot of reasons why that argument is silly, but bringing the artwork to light is enough to thank them for.) Update: in a funny turn of events, SketchFactor pointed out that Gary's models aren't Reach game assets at all:

They are models created as part of a submission portfolio/test when the artist was seeking contract employment with Bungie.

Oops! Guess Split-Screen has some egg on their faces! (Louis Wu 13:04:12 UTC)

February 27, 2010 Link to this post

Brokeback Time
Yesterday's Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots collection is called 'Brokeback Time', and there are some AMAZING screenshots in there. I think 'Fractured' and 'Demoralized' are my two favorites - but there's really not a bad shot in the group. Go look. (Louis Wu 21:48:16 UTC)

February 27, 2010 Link to this post

The Port that Wouldn't Die
Man, oh man... you write something down and put it on the internet, SOMEONE's gonna find it. Matt Waggle is a 3D and Concept Artist that's been working in the game industry for about 5 years. For the first half of 2007, he was working as a contractor on Halo 3. If you check his resume, you'll see that he's listed this time as "Halo 3 (X-box 360 and PC)" - which led Game Guru (who found the same info on Matt's LinkedIn profile) to conclude that Halo 3 PC was in development as late as May 2007. What happened to it? Well, there hasn't been any word - but other than this snippet, the only evidence that it existed at all has been a banner that appeared on some Microsoft pages showing a picture of Halo 3 in a 'Games for Windows' context. In fact, in August 2007, CVG concluded that work hadn't started yet, since Frank O'Connor had said that Halo 3 PC wasn't even "a twinkle in [Bungie's] eye" during an interview at that point. Hmm... Update: Frankie is pretty unequivocal about the status of Halo 3 PC:

Halo 3 was not then, and is not currently planned for PC.

In the words of Emily Litella, never mind. (Louis Wu 17:12:46 UTC)

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