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Showing results 926 - 950 of 4250 matches

August 19, 2010 Link to this post

Rocket Hog Action
It's offscreen, but it's still worth watching - VideoGamer.com has put up a video of some Rocket Hog gameplay on Beachhead, recorded at Gamescom. Thanks, Kibbles. (Louis Wu 20:24:11 UTC)

August 19, 2010 Link to this post

Fan Coverage in Unlikely Places
Wow. So a website devoted to materials handling, "ForkliftAction.com", has an article about the new forklift in Reach. How's THAT for fan coverage? (You can only read the article if you're a member of the site, so if you're interested, but NOT a part of that industry, we'll save them their bandwidth and the headaches of unnecessary signups and show you this screenshot. Forky Forever! (Louis Wu 17:23:34 UTC)

August 19, 2010 Link to this post

Also at Gamescom - Outpost
There's no footage of it that I can find, but apparently Outpost was shown at Gamescom, as well - G4TV has a short writeup. (Thanks, DarthYoda19.) If you don't remember which one Outpost is, CVG posted some screenshots a few weeks ago. (Louis Wu 16:05:14 UTC)

August 19, 2010 Link to this post

Gamescom Resource Compilation
Over at Bungie.net, Homeboyd903 has been keeping a list of media resources around the web devoted to Reach at Gamescom - if you want to make sure you haven't missed anything (you probably have, there's a TON), this is a good place to start! (Louis Wu 15:44:29 UTC)

August 18, 2010 Link to this post

Death by staring
More off-screen footage, this time from GamePro - awful color, even worse playing, but hey, you get to see Corvette. Thanks, Minime637. (Louis Wu 19:17:51 UTC)

August 18, 2010 Link to this post

Hard-to-come-by Concussion Rifle footage
Eye Drop suggested that folks looking for a view of the new Covenant Concussion Rifle in action take a look at a recent episode of 'Headshot' with The Dead Pixel - it's offscreen footage, but about 1:30 into the video is a kill using the gun. (Louis Wu 13:42:39 UTC)

August 17, 2010 Link to this post

HaloDesktops - Halo Wallpaper Central
Looking for cool Halo artwork to adorn your computer screen? Firestream has kicked off HaloDesktops - a collection of some of the best. Check it out - vote for your faves, add your own, make this an amazing crowdsourced site! (Louis Wu 19:46:47 UTC)

August 17, 2010 Link to this post

Multilevel Carnage
Awesome - 1UP's GameVideos has off-screen footage of Firefight gameplay on Corvette - it's a little blue, but you can get a good sense of the layout and flow. Thanks to butsomuch, over at NeoGAF, for the heads-up. Update: Part 2 is here (thanks, TravisSch). (Louis Wu 13:26:53 UTC)

August 17, 2010 Link to this post

A Spartan Will Rise
Swing by Bungie.net for the newest treat from our Reach overlords - 'A Spartan Will Rise' is a three-minute thrill-ride into Halo: Reach's campaign. (Will it spoil the game for you? Highly unlikely, since Bungie wants nothing more than for you to be bowled over on September 14. That said - if you're staying Campaign-dark, stay away. Will it whet your appetite for more? Well, if you're anything like me... yeah. Yeah, x1000.) Think you know Noble Team? Speculators... start your engines! (It's up on YouTube, too, if you have an aversion to downloads.) (Louis Wu 10:35:12 UTC)

August 16, 2010 Link to this post

ubald comic - Echoes in the Grave
Tony 'ubald' Marcotte continues his work on a Halo comic; he sent along what started as an attempt for the cover, but ended up a character shot. Either way - pretty cool! (Louis Wu 15:33:52 UTC)

August 14, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo Screenshots: Pleasurable Pastimes
This week's Top Ten Halo Screenshots feature at Halo3screenshots.com is called 'Pleasurable Pastimes' - when I saw that, I cringed, thinking bs angel might have filled it with Spartan Pr0n. She kept it clean, though, and the images are fantastic. Go look. (Louis Wu 14:41:00 UTC)

August 12, 2010 Link to this post

Building the Story
Marcus Lehto talked to CVG about the development of Reach's campaign - instead of starting with a story, and building missions around it, they started with mission ideas (lots of them - about 150, according to Lehto), narrowed them down to their favorite 20 or so, then turned THOSE into a story. (Clearly, many were merged, since the Achievement list for Reach suggests roughly 10 campaign missions.) Interesting! (It's unclear if his comment that you'll be able to play campaign 'matchmaking over Live' is a misstatement... or a super-cool feature Bungie hadn't announced before. More when we know it.) Thanks, chess. (Louis Wu 15:41:01 UTC)

August 11, 2010 Link to this post

Montage Mania
Bunch of new vids at Bungie's Comm Chatter (mostly montages):

That should keep you busy for a few minutes... (Louis Wu 17:22:08 UTC)

August 10, 2010 Link to this post

Whatever happened to 'brrring'?
Whatever happened to 'brrring'? Free Weights created a really complex ringtone for his phone - I think I'd scare everyone I knew if that sound started coming out of my pocket, but it works for him! Go listen. (Louis Wu 15:51:50 UTC)

August 9, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Scale Comparison - Revisited, AGAIN
Stephen Loftus wasn't content with his existing scale charts - he went back into the games and measured a whole bunch of new items and objects for his Halo Scale Comparison. The layout for the cascading images has been permanently changed to 1280x720 (he started using this format for his recent overhaul for the Halo Waypoint pages, and stuck with it because it allows more horizontal room for height comparisons). You can navigate the full set of images by starting on the largest items, and drilling down. (Changes begin around the Forerunner Dreadnaught scale.) Some surprises await you! (Louis Wu 20:53:15 UTC)

August 9, 2010 Link to this post

Forge World objects in SketchUp
Overdoziz built up a set of pieces that match the Forge World objects we know about - for SketchUp. You can't phase 'em - but you can certainly get started on planning! Update: sorry, misread - Overdoziz just found this, didn't make it himself. (Louis Wu 12:55:26 UTC)

August 8, 2010 Link to this post

Last week's screens, writ big
NeoGAF's Ajemsuhgao pointed out that the new screenshots released recently (70 of 'em, both campaign and multiplayer) are available at Gamersyde. Now, they're available ALL OVER the web, including Bungie.net... but if you want versions that are 3840x2160, Gamersyde is where you should go. (Louis Wu 15:37:54 UTC)

August 7, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo Screenshots: Frozen
Even though she's on vacation, bs angel managed to update Halo3Screenshots.com with this week's Top Ten Halo Screenshots. 'Frozen' is the theme - and the screens ROCK. Go see. (Louis Wu 13:37:19 UTC)

August 6, 2010 Link to this post

Yeah, that black Reach controller? No dice.
Followup on the black Reach controller that surfaced yesterday: we mentioned then that KP (who works as a content manager for Xbox.com) had asked around, found that nobody had heard of it, and called it a probable fake. Well, he's gone a little deeper now - it turns out that screenshots of the device are, indeed, on Microsoft's ProSource site (an official PR site)... but that the Hardware division has no knowledge of it at all (the pictures will likely be coming down soon). KP speculates that it was probably a concept product that accidentally got uploaded. Bummer! (I liked it.) (Louis Wu 16:54:09 UTC)

August 6, 2010 Link to this post

Three Red Lights Podcast: Episode 149
A couple of days ago, I spent some time chatting with a few IGN editors on an episode of their Three Red Lights podcast. Yesterday, that podcast was made available to the general public. If you're willing to soldier through some awkward pauses (when I couldn't find the words I wanted) and brain-fart moments, you can listen to me ramble on about bungie.org, the Halo series, and the future. The views expressed on this program are solely those of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the management of HBO. Waitaminute... yes they do. (Master Teeth started a thread in our forum, if you need to vent.) (Louis Wu 12:06:43 UTC)

August 5, 2010 Link to this post

ubald - now with more webcomic
Tony 'ubald' Marcotte has been threatening to create a comic based on his very cool renders for quite some time - he's started. The first two pages are up - no text yet, but he's got a writer, and that's coming. Enjoy the artwork! (Louis Wu 21:45:23 UTC)

August 5, 2010 Link to this post

McFarlane Reach Warthog and Ghost
McFarlane has posted official pages for their Reach Warthog and Ghost figures - go look, they should be out next month. (I first heard about this at NeoGAF - thanks, Eye Drop - but there's an interesting thread started by Dielectric on our own forum, too.) (Louis Wu 15:01:43 UTC)

August 5, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach - GOLD
Whoa. Not officially announced, as far as I know, but according to an interview with a Sydney Morning Herald blog, Joe Tung confirmed that Halo: Reach went gold yesterday. (The game was sent out for certification last week - "going gold" means it was approved. Next step: duplication! (Part One of that SMH interview is here. Read both parts - it's a good interview.) (Louis Wu 14:12:13 UTC)

August 4, 2010 Link to this post

IGN unloads Reach Stuff
Today is the day the campaign information embargo ends - and the floodgates have already begun to open. (Once again: if you're interested in a totally pristine Reach Campaign experience, stop visiting Halo sites NOW. We'll do our best to keep story spoilers off the front page, but if you disagree with us about what's considered a spoiler, and you read something you're unhappy with, you have only yourself to blame - we're telling you to stop NOW.) IGN posted a bunch of new content this morning:

Go check 'em out! (Louis Wu 15:04:30 UTC)

August 3, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: OWaW Update
Halo: Out With a Whimper has been improving steadily - newguy2445 stopped by with word of new screenshots (and a slightly older update for folks not keeping up on the day-to-day stuff). Looking fine! (Louis Wu 12:41:18 UTC)

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