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October 6, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach Fan Trailer
NeoGAF's Popeck put together a trailer for Reach that started with the premise, "what if you played the game as Master Chief?" Interesting piece of work! (Spoilers abound, of course.) (Louis Wu 17:49:30 UTC)

October 6, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Movie Rumor Surface Yet Again
According to IGN, Stephen Spielberg is interested in obtaining the screen rights to make a Halo movie based on one or more Halo novels. (He's staying away from the games themselves to avoid a lawsuit from Fox/Universal, apparently.) Interesting to see if this goes anywhere... thanks, Gilver. (Louis Wu 16:12:54 UTC)

October 6, 2010 Link to this post

Frankie Talks Halo
OXM's Ryan McCaffrey let NeoGAF know that the latest OXM podcast contains a monster interview with Frank O'Connor - talk ranges from Halo merch to universe canon, with lots of stuff in between. As Ryan says, the Frankie interview starts at 40:00. Go listen! (Louis Wu 11:53:52 UTC)

October 3, 2010 Link to this post

Get your hands on some classic Halo schwag
Suircata is selling off a bunch of Halo memorabilia - starting with some unopened Series 1 Joyride Action Figures. Read the post for details on future offerings! (Louis Wu 18:44:34 UTC)

October 1, 2010 Link to this post

Screenshot Heaven
Hedgemony surfaced last night to announce that HedgemonyLovesHalo has hit 800 images - the man has NOT lost his touch. Go look. (Louis Wu 15:26:40 UTC)

September 27, 2010 Link to this post

BWU - on time, even if we don't say so
Bungie's Weekly Update went live on Friday, as expected (and in fact even made it into our Weekly Update Archive on Friday) - but the newspost has been a bit delayed. If you haven't read it yet, go do so - there's info about upcoming matchmaking changes, corrections of bad intel released last week, advice to install your copy of Reach to the hard drive (and some teases at DLC that might be coming soon hidden in the screenshots for that section), advice on voice tweaks, discussion of credit limits and similar topics, melee info, cool vids, cool screenshots, and more. It's chock-full of nutritious goodness! (Not too many calories, though.) (Louis Wu 00:55:25 UTC)

September 25, 2010 Link to this post

Terminator: Salvation Trailer
JIMBOTHY decided to try and reproduce the Terminator Salvation theatrical trailer (the third one, to be precise) in the Reach engine. He did a pretty impressive job! (If you want to see them side-by-side, try this link; the synch is a touch off, but you can get a pretty good sense of what he was doing.) (Louis Wu 19:30:57 UTC)

September 25, 2010 Link to this post

Prisoner Remake
Andz whipped up a nice remake of Prisoner - check his post for screenies, and a download link. Mmmm... rockets... (Louis Wu 19:29:20 UTC)

September 25, 2010 Link to this post

GameOverCast Talks Reach
Catching up - going back over our forum, picking out the gems you might have missed. (Certainly ones WE missed.) The only order here is chronological. I've got 7 so far, starting on Thursday morning, running through Thursday midday. After I post these, I'll go back and pick up another 7, and continue until I'm current. (There's also a ton of email to get to.) First up: GameOverCast has posted Episode 16 of their podcast, and it's devoted to Reach. You can read a summary in radarhead's forum post. (They're already up to Episode 17, so scroll down to 16.) (Louis Wu 19:28:50 UTC)

September 23, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Reach Melee By The Bay Tournament
Allie Wester let us know about the Halo Reach Melee By The Bay Tournament - the first round takes place at participating Gamestops in the US on September 24 at 9pm (that's tomorrow night!), with subsequent games online at GGL.com. This is a 1v1 tourney, but a 4v4 version starts in October, with signups beginning tomorrow night. Winners will share in a $15,000 prize pool. Check it out! (Louis Wu 07:57:56 UTC)

September 22, 2010 Link to this post

HaloCharts Screenshot Contest Winner Announced
Firestream sent word that HaloCharts held a Halo Reach Elite Assassination Screenshot contest - and they've announced the winner. 72 entries came in - some are spectacular! Go see 'em. (Louis Wu 05:55:31 UTC)

September 21, 2010 Link to this post

Sculpey Noble Team
Antithesis sent along a bunch of pics of new models he's been making - we've added them to his gallery here. Some are a month or so old, but the last few are brand-spankin-new. Start here, and step through to the end. The man's amazing. (And... with that, I'll call it a (very early) day; leaving for the airport in less than 30 minutes, so no more Halo news for a bit. Try to be good.) (Louis Wu 06:55:34 UTC)

September 20, 2010 Link to this post

Tag and Release: Elite
w00t! Tag and Release is back at Bungie.net - which means two things: cool screenshots are a link away, and (more importantly) the B.net tag search is fixed! Yay! Go look at what 'Elite' brings up. (Louis Wu 18:28:56 UTC)

September 20, 2010 Link to this post

A Brief History of Halo
KP was the first to point out a screenshot-based History of Halo at Time Magazine. The piece itself is nothing special - but the fact that it's 15 pictures long in a huge national magazine is pretty impressive! (Louis Wu 14:59:28 UTC)

September 19, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Armor Permutation Glitch
Dojorkan found a way to glitch some funky armor permutations out of Reach; you can't use 'em in the regular game, but you can certainly grab some cool screens. Give his post a read! (Louis Wu 15:43:58 UTC)

September 17, 2010 Link to this post

Reach: a couple of views
We haven't been posting reviews of Halo: Reach, because there are lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of them (Metacritic currently lists 60 critic reviews, and 127 user reviews), but here are a couple of items - one local and one not - that are not quite reviews, but worth checking out. G4's Adam Sessler talks about Reach in the context of the buzz it's created - it's a decent watch. (Minor spoilers, if you watch the screens behind Adam.) Thanks, Morpheus. And Cody Miller writes four thousand words on Reach, and how it feels to him. You can certainly disagree with some of his points, but you can't deny he explains his positions. (Spoilers abound.) (Louis Wu 20:22:48 UTC)

September 15, 2010 Link to this post

And... they've started.
Over at High Impact Halo, you'll find a launchoff a Banshee onto a much, much bigger vessel. Minor spoilers if you haven't played Tip of the Spear yet. I love you guys, HIH. Thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 14:45:24 UTC)

September 15, 2010 Link to this post

Unique Halo 3 shirt
I've never heard the term 'upcycled' before - but there's a pretty interesting women's top on Etsy right now, and it started with a Halo 3 shirt. If you like it, hurry - there's only one. (Louis Wu 13:05:43 UTC)

September 15, 2010 Link to this post

Smoothing out the bumps
When you launch a new title, and a few million people all start accessing things at once, I suppose you can expect issues. Yesterday, Bungie posted a bunch of things that might help you if you're having trouble:

  • Folks having trouble redeeming codes that come with the Limited or Legendary editions, read this
  • Folks having trouble with networking, read this
  • Folks wondering about Campaign Matchmaking, read this
  • Folks wondering what happened to their favorite Bungie.net feature that was JUST THERE, read this

Keep an open mind, and if you run into a problem, don't panic - it's early days, yet. (Louis Wu 12:39:19 UTC)

September 14, 2010 Link to this post

Reach: Now with Auto Mute
Anton P. Nym's sharp eyes saw a quote in a recent ars technica article about surviving the idiots on Xbox LIVE - ferrex says that Reach has a feature where if too many people mute you in-game, you'll start being auto-muted by the system. Nice! (Louis Wu 19:15:35 UTC)

September 14, 2010 Link to this post

The Policy
Getting a late start - blame Frankie, the Bungie guys, and Best Buy for a fine Reach launch party in New York City last night. Let's see if we can reduce some of the news backlog... For those who missed it, yesterday's Penny Arcade comic was Reach-related (discussion, as usual, is in the associated blog post) - thanks, AfroRyan. (Louis Wu 18:55:17 UTC)

September 13, 2010 Link to this post

Armory, Challenges, and Files
Bungie.net has posted Welcome to Noble Team, a primer for the new player customization system. Worth a read while you're waiting to get your disc! Thanks, DHalo. (This will be our last newspost of the day - time to start preparing for the trip to the Times Square launch event this evening. For those going to a midnight launch - enjoy yourselves! And for the rest of you - see you online!) (Louis Wu 19:13:53 UTC)

September 13, 2010 Link to this post

Festivities Start Early
So it turns out that if you're insane, and get into the Best Buy Reach Launch Party Line in Times Square more than 24 hours before the door opens, you MIGHT just get your picture taken with some Bungie bigwigs and show up on the Reach Developer Blog. (It was raining in NY yesterday...) (Louis Wu 14:09:12 UTC)

September 12, 2010 Link to this post

Review Embargo Ends
The reviews are beginning to pour in - the embargo ended this morning about 5 hours before I wrote these words. We could try and keep up with each individual review (there are a number mentioned on our forum - IGN, Giantbomb, Joystiq, Destructoid, Wired, Kotaku, Gametrailers), or you could just keep your eye on Metacritic; as of this writing, it has 21 reviews listed for Reach, with eight of them being perfect scores. (I'll be gone most of today, so you can either do your own work searching our forum (and the web) for more of these, or you can simply let Metacritic do it for you.) Beware - the embargo that lifted includes information about the campaign, so it's quite possible that if you read all these reviews, or peruse new screenshot dumps, you WILL get spoiled. (Louis Wu 10:34:58 UTC)

September 11, 2010 Link to this post

Shades of IRIS
Wow, bizarre - Eternity 117 was watching a video found on Gizmodo - it shows a jet landing in Honduras. It's pretty mundane... until you get to about 1:09 in. At that point, check out the ground in the bottom left corner of the screen... (for folks not interested in looking for themselves, here's a screenshot from the area in question.) Cue Twilight Zone music... (Louis Wu 19:13:10 UTC)

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