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December 21, 2010 Link to this post

No More Begging
One of the roughest Reach Achievements is 'If They Came to Hear Me Beg' - where you need to jump onto an Elite and assassinate him from a height that would otherwise kill you. Most people try this on Reach's 9th mission - and an AWFUL lot of Spartans have died jumping off that first cliff during the attempts. CruelLEGACEY has put together a guide to earning that Achievement on Nightfall - he's not (by far) the first, but his video is fun to watch (unless you're scarred for life from your own attempts), and shows you exactly where to start. (Louis Wu 11:34:19 UTC)

December 20, 2010 Link to this post

Waypoint - Chock-full of Halo Goodness
Totally spaced on the Weekly Wrap-up at Halo Waypoint - there are a few things you may not have seen:

There are also plenty of screenshots worth seeing. And there are some exclusive bits you might have missed:

  • MEGA Bloks' Assault on Squad 45 is now up - both Part 1 (which we mentioned last week) and Part 2 (which is exclusive to Waypoint) - amazing stop-motion stuff!
  • The Return, a story from Halo: Evolutions, was turned into an animated comic on Xbox LIVE back this spring, and makes its web debut now. It's 20 minutes long, the art is spectacular, and if you missed it on LIVE, here's your chance to see it.
  • The latest OutREACH segment is an interview with XerxdeeJ, the leader of Tied the Leader. Great discussion about how a little bit of planning can make your Halo experience much more positive!

Go explore - there's tons more! Update: looks like Assault on Squad 45 Part 2 is available on YouTube, as well, if you have any problem with Silverlight. (Louis Wu 14:05:53 UTC)

December 15, 2010 Link to this post

Another Legendary Guide Surfaces
CruelLEGACEY let us know that he's started a Halo Reach Legendary guide; Winter Contingency is up now. The guide consists of YouTubed videos, with commentary included as annotations. You can compare these runs to Tyrant's Legendary guide, for multiple techniques! (Louis Wu 17:51:37 UTC)

December 12, 2010 Link to this post

Waypoint Weekend Wrapup
Ooh, it's Sunday - that means Halo Waypoint has a Weekly Wrapup to tell us what we missed!

In addition to these fan creations, there was a bunch of new Waypoint-created content, as well:

Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:41:48 UTC)

December 11, 2010 Link to this post

The Hushed Apprentice
Bones153 wants to share his Forgetacular entry with the HBO community - and as a thank-you for all the testing help and feedback he's gotten, he's gonna make it worth your while. Download the map, take a screenshot of yourself playing on it, and upload that to B.net, and you could win a 1600 MS Point Card. Noice! Check his post for full details - and a movie showing highlights of the map. (Louis Wu 21:11:14 UTC)

December 6, 2010 Link to this post

Guard Duty pages 17-23
Hedgemony has posted pages 17-23 of his "Guard Duty" comic - start in this post, then follow his links. His artwork is fantastic! (Louis Wu 18:00:51 UTC)

December 6, 2010 Link to this post

I'm an Armor-Lockin' Fool!
Hypertrooper got some cool Reach schwag from Microsoft Germany, but couldn't use it - so he's offering to give it to you. All you've got to do is provide him with a crazy Armor-Lock clip. It has to be yours (no submitting your friend's cool kill or fail), it has to be a clip (not a screenshot), and it needs to be on Bungie.net (doesn't need to be rendered, though that's helpful). Submit your best shot before Friday, and a cool Reach hat and shirt can be yours! (Louis Wu 17:39:46 UTC)

December 2, 2010 Link to this post

Movies, Maps Chattered About
Bungie's Comm Chatter has a couple of community map-making stories:

It also has a couple of movies:

Go check it all out! (Louis Wu 20:36:27 UTC)

December 1, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Guard Duty Pages 8-16
Hedgemony has posted the next batch of Halo: Guard Duty pages - start here for pages 8-10, then follow his links for pages 11-16! (Louis Wu 15:59:34 UTC)

November 29, 2010 Link to this post

The Noblest Moment - Results
munky-058 held a screenshot contest recently - and because he was offering Noble Map Pack codes as prizes, he got a LOT of submissions. Well, he's picked his faves - and you can see them, along with a number of honorable mentions, in this post. Congrats to the winners! And to everyone involved - fantastic shots, all around. (Louis Wu 18:08:19 UTC)

November 28, 2010 Link to this post

Forgineers Giveaway
Yeshy let us know that the Forgineers are holding a monthly giveaway; December's starts now. You've got a chance at the Special Edition Wireless Xbox 360 controller with Play and Charge kit - go see what you need to do! (Louis Wu 23:03:38 UTC)

November 24, 2010 Link to this post

More Noble Quick Looks
Bungie wants to make sure that everyone knows about their Noble Map Pack Quick Look videos that have been hitting the web the past two days. An awesome look at the new maps with great commentary. YouTube links are now up for Tempest, joining Anchor 9 from yesterday. JDQuackers also started a thread about it on our forum, where urk let us know that Breakpoint's Quick Look would be out tomorrow. Go and watch! (GrimBrother One 17:11:49 UTC)

November 24, 2010 Link to this post

Sparkast 002
Yesterday David Ellis from 343 sent word that Sparkast 002 was live. It's a great listen, with one segment spent talking with urk and Mantis at Bungie about the Noble Map Pack, and the second segment involving David, Frankie, and Burnie Burns (from Rooster Teeth) talking about... well... lots of odd stuff. Mix in some good conversation between David and 343's Vociferous, and you've got a plesant time for your ears. Direct download is here, and you can also get it from Zune, iTunes, or Waypoint. padraig08 also started a topic on our forum about it. Check it out! (GrimBrother One 16:46:31 UTC)

November 22, 2010 Link to this post

Halo (the original) for really cheap
Whoa. FyreWulff pointed out that starting tomorrow, and running through November 29, Halo: Combat Evolved will cost 400MSP (a 67% price reduction) - if you don't have a copy, $5 is a hard price to pass up! (There are a bunch of other games with vastly reduced prices - check his post for full details.) Update: KP clarified that the list from Kotaku (which is where FyreWulff found this info) was incomplete; Halo will ONLY be on sale on Friday, November 26. Keep that in mind when you're gearing up to purchase... (Louis Wu 22:56:16 UTC)

November 22, 2010 Link to this post

Euro Grifball League Signups - Open Now
Goosechecka sent along another piece of Grifball news - Signups for the European Grifball Winter League opened today, and will run through November 27th. Play starts on November 29. Full info can be found at GrifballHub. (Louis Wu 19:45:44 UTC)

November 22, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Service Record App
On NeoGAF, user bluestuff pointed out a free app for iPhones/iPods/iPads to give you B.net stats, challenges, and screenshots - not bad! (Louis Wu 17:22:07 UTC)

November 17, 2010 Link to this post

Comic Teaser
Sl'askia has been inspired to build her own comic - she's starting with a rendered model that she'll work from. Go see how it begins! (Louis Wu 14:39:13 UTC)

November 11, 2010 Link to this post

Nightfall - Ninja-fied
A few days ago (Sunday, to be precise), Halo Waypoint added a new 'Different Way to Campaign' feature - "Way of the Ninja". It described an interesting way to run Nightfall - be stealthy, like a ninja. No bullets, no grenades. Melee kills ONLY. HaloChallenges took them up on this, and has added it as a new challenge to their roster - there are specific kill limits you need to hit to get HC credit. Check it out... and start stabbing! (Louis Wu 18:32:03 UTC)

November 8, 2010 Link to this post

Vanity: a Reach Player Image Generator
Veegie's back - and he comes bearing gifts. He and a friend have created a Windows-based app that will let you put together your favorite Reach armor combination... offline. I haven't seen it in use (won't run under Wine on MacOSX, because it needs a Windows-specific version of a .NET framework), but the screenshots look great, and the description of the work that went into this is really promising. Go check it out! Update: Veegie's host didn't take kindly to the download fervor - so a mirror is now hosted here. (Louis Wu 14:14:09 UTC)

November 8, 2010 Link to this post

More eBay'd Halo History
Suircata put up a few more old and rare Halo goodies on eBay - I'm pretty sure the first edition of Halo is overpriced, but the starting bid is what he's ALREADY BEEN OFFERED, so who am I to judge? swing by for stickers, a standee, and a factory-sealed copy of Halo. (Louis Wu 13:31:44 UTC)

November 6, 2010 Link to this post

Guard Duty
Hedge is starting up soon... (Louis Wu 22:37:48 UTC)

November 6, 2010 Link to this post

HSH - Now Accepting Reach Speedruns
LotsofLuck let us know that High Speed Halo is now accepting Reach speedruns. To start the ball rolling, RC Master has a TotS dash on Legendary that comes in at 9:03. Go explore - there are a couple of other Reach runs, as well as plenty of Halo/Halo 2/Halo 3/ODST runs! If you would like to submit your own run, activate an account and fill out the submission form. (Louis Wu 22:36:27 UTC)

November 6, 2010 Link to this post

Catching up on Waypoint
bs angel kindly summarizes the Halo goodies posted on Waypoint each week; we catch most of 'em as we go (thanks, Grim!), but there are some cool ones that get missed, so the summary is welcome. Stuff you should see, if you haven't already:

  • xSoGx Grim created Jun-A266... in Forge. The dude even shoots.
  • NeeKo217 created the most adorable Elite plushy I've ever seen. I wanna hold him, and squeeze him, and... plant a fur-covered stickydoom on his noggin.
  • Have you ever thought to yourself, "man, Carter's helmet looks so good I wish I could eat it!"? No, me either. But if you did, you should hunt down Gemma and grab her Halo Reach Helmet Cake, because it almost certainly tastes better than a normal helmet.
  • aVeryEasyTarget has been building some Reach panoramas - stunning! (There are also some tips for making your own, if you'd like to play along.)
  • The latest 'Different Way to Campaign" entry is called 'Superior Firepower' - vociferous shows you how crazy it can get if you bring, say, a Gauss Hog to a foot battle.

There's more - screenshots, some stuff that was time-sensitive and now past, etc - so be sure to explore. (Louis Wu 17:24:01 UTC)

November 5, 2010 Link to this post

Leveraging IP the MS Way
Kotaku has a video of the Kinect launch game Kinectimals - and surprisingly, Halo plays a sizeable role. (Pretty darned cute to see a cat riding a ghost...) Thomas Prince was first, via email, but ChenK started a thread on our forum, if you want to chime in. (Louis Wu 11:04:49 UTC)

November 4, 2010 Link to this post

The Headshot Heard 'Round The World - Results
The day did NOT go as planned - I thought I'd get the Headshot Heard Round The World results posted, and the voting started on the Guilt O' Lantern pumpkins. Neither one happened. I do, in fact, have results for the Headshot contest - but the pumpkin voting will have to wait a bit longer. (There are a lot of them! I'm really sorry!) Congratulations to Amish Butter, AWW CRAIG, and cagman40 for taking First, Second, and Third Place, respectively. More than 6500 individuals cast almost 19,000 votes - an amazing turnout! We've also listed 29 of the 30 Early Bird winners - the first 30 folks who sent in a clip (and answered the email notifying them of a prize) won FPS Freek Legendarys. (We're still waiting for one answer; the original winner has already lost out, the email is now out to the first backup.) If you didn't win, but you still want these puppies, remember... they're offering a discount to HBO readers through Sunday! (Check the Q&A page for full details.) Thanks to everyone for playing, thanks especially to KontrolFreek for providing the awesome prizes, and congratulations once again to our top winners! (Louis Wu 02:34:53 UTC)

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