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Showing results 801 - 825 of 4250 matches

February 11, 2011 Link to this post

Splash, Remixed
Not really Halo-related, but cool nonetheless - Andrew Matecha, a long-time fan, has remixed 'Splash', a song from Bungie's Marathon soundtrack, and set it to a slideshow of Marathon screenshots and art. Triggers all sorts of memories! (Louis Wu 14:02:23 UTC)

February 10, 2011 Link to this post

Bungie Carnage Report, Issue Le Deux
As Mariachi pointed out, the second issue of Bungie's Carnage Report (a relatively new newsletter designed to keep fans informed of the latest goings-on at Bungie) was mailed out yesterday; we've started an archive for them. (Issue 001 is here - thanks, ZayneHumphrey! - and Issue 002 is here. One of these days, we'll even put up an index file for them.) If you're an avid fan, there's probably not a LOT new in here... but it's a good way to make sure you're caught up! (You can sign up for your very own copy by visiting your Bungie.net Profile, and editing the Profile info to include emailed updates.) (Louis Wu 14:06:18 UTC)

February 3, 2011 Link to this post

Halo: SPD Vol 2 - Flash
Hedgemony stopped in with more info about his upcoming webcomic - should be starting up in about 4 weeks. Go check out the promo! (Louis Wu 15:24:49 UTC)

February 3, 2011 Link to this post

Upcoming Playlists Described
Bungie's Playlists page has been updated - starting next week, four new lists will be available: Community Slayer (with new maps), Grifball, Firefight Limited, and Firefight Arcade. Nice! Thanks, FPS Fan. (Louis Wu 15:22:44 UTC)

February 2, 2011 Link to this post

Figuring out how gamers play
There's a pretty interesting article in Edge Magazine about the Science of Usability Testing in videogames - and Bungie's John Hopson (user research lead) gets some screen space. Go check it out! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 20:52:38 UTC)

February 1, 2011 Link to this post

Waypoint Goodies
bs angel dropped us a line to point out some pretty cool content at Halo Waypoint's website:

Go explore - I bet there's other stuff there you haven't seen yet! (Louis Wu 18:31:03 UTC)

February 1, 2011 Link to this post

Complete Chronological Halo Campaign Run-through
Podtacular's Dust Storm has just finished up a 50-part Chronological Campaign Run-through of Halo - starts on Reach, runs through Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3: ODST, and then Halo 3. A labor of love! (Louis Wu 13:02:15 UTC)

January 24, 2011 Link to this post

Coastline Racetrack Final Version Complete
CruelLEGACEY wants you all to know that the final version of his very cool Coastline Racetrack is up now. Details and download link can be found here. Go start your engines! (GrimBrother One 14:16:55 UTC)

January 22, 2011 Link to this post

Halo Reach Fails: Episode 7
Looks like multiple groups have started uploading the Halo Reach Fails series - I think we'll stick with the Halo3Fails link (the one we've been using all along). Some funny clips in here - sometimes, you simply can't blame your enemies for your deaths! Thanks, chris10023. (Louis Wu 14:53:57 UTC)

January 21, 2011 Link to this post

Showin' The Halo Love
Dan Baker's been a Halo fan for quite some time - in 2007 he built a display for his action figures, and in 2008 he started work on a very high-quality Halo comic. He got in touch today with information about three new Halo-related projects - Marine outfits for his kids this past Halloween, a very cool Spike Grenade for his brother this Christmas, and a metal sign he's selling at Etsy. Visit this page for details about all three of these projects! (I'm thinkin' seriously about that sign...) (Louis Wu 20:05:12 UTC)

January 21, 2011 Link to this post

GGL Season Two Starting Soon
Goosechecka from the awesome folks over at GrifballHub wanted to let us know that GrifballHub's Good Games League is starting up again for their second season in Reach. Signups are from Friday, January 21 - Jan 28th. You can find all of the shiny details here . If you still need some motivation, check out their pre-season highlight reel to get yourself psyched up. Go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 13:39:31 UTC)

January 16, 2011 Link to this post

Arby 'n' the Chief Season 5 Trailer
Joshua Allen pointed out the new trailer for Arby 'n' the Chief Season 5 - the actual series starts next Saturday, the 22nd. I'm definitely confused... (Louis Wu 17:56:36 UTC)

January 13, 2011 Link to this post

Sword Faves
bs angel certainly loves someone who knows how to use their sword, especially when they take pictures. That's right, her Favorite Halo Screenshots are back over at the Waypoint Blog, this time around focusing on the infamous and deadly Energy Sword. Some very cool shots in there; some of the effects are just gorgeous! (GrimBrother One 19:52:09 UTC)

January 8, 2011 Link to this post

Bungie Embedded Video Helper
While it's very, very cool that rendered videos from Bungie.net can be embedded anywhere, it's somewhat less cool that they're set to autostart for all embeds. This means if someone puts together a page with a bunch of videos, when you open the page, you'll be faced with a cacophony of sound and moving images. Francis stopped by yesterday - twice - to make your life a little better, if you use Firefox; he wrote a Greasemonkey script that gives you far more control over B.net embeds. Read the Update post for full details and the latest version... and breathe a little easier when you open a page full of vids. (Louis Wu 16:04:58 UTC)

January 7, 2011 Link to this post

Winter Game Fest VI in San Diego
Tex let us know that UC San Diego's annual Winter Game Fest kicks off on January 23 - lots of tournaments for lots of games (including, of course, Halo: Reach). Reach tourney starts at 2pm on the 23rd. If you're in the area - sign up! (Louis Wu 20:17:55 UTC)

January 7, 2011 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Five new pieces are up in the Fan Fiction section this week - story starts, story middles, and a poem. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:24:30 UTC)

January 5, 2011 Link to this post

HSH Roundup
RC Master kindly sent along a summary of some of the cool new content at High Speed Halo:

  • There's a 3:51 Legendary speedrun of Nightfall, by Ignatius - with no shots fired, no enemies killed. Wow.
  • Ensnared Cadaver and BishopOfAngst did a lot of co-op ODST speedrunning: NMPD HQ on Normal, Kikowani Stn. on Normal and Easy, Kizingo Blvd. on Normal, and Tayari Plaza on Heroic. Busy guys! (The runs are pretty slick, and worth watching.)
  • Ensnared Cadaver also has a solo run of Kikowani Stn. on Heroic.
  • Finally, Gocnak ran Uplift Reserve on Legendary, in a Zero Shot Pacifist Vidmaster Classic run... in 2:26. That's insanely quick.

He also wanted to remind you that Awesome games done quick starts tomorrow, and Cody Miller will be running Halo in between his Portal and MGS2 runs. Tune in! (Louis Wu 19:31:14 UTC)

January 5, 2011 Link to this post

Daily Reach
The Reach Stats apps for mobile phones continue to emerge - urk had word of a new one for the Windows Phone 7. Screenshots and a download link can be found on AppsFuze. (Louis Wu 18:50:02 UTC)

January 3, 2011 Link to this post

Upcoming Grifball Tournaments
Goosechecka wrote to let us know that GrifballHub is hosting 4 GRUNTs (Grifball in Reach Neighborhood Tournaments - cute, except missing a 'U') starting this upcoming Wednesday, January 5. These will help you prepare for the next Grifball Gaming League season, and everything you need to know is listed in an informative article on GrifballHub. Go read it! (Louis Wu 17:31:23 UTC)

January 2, 2011 Link to this post

Halo Fall of Reach Covenant?
CaptainTony noticed that Marvel will be releasing a new comic miniseries starting in February - it focuses on the Covenant, apparently. (There's no word about this on Marvel's website, so it's POSSIBLE that this is just a reprint of an earlier series.) (Louis Wu 14:36:02 UTC)

January 1, 2011 Link to this post

On the Precipice
Wow, what better way to start of the new year than by showing something that bridges the past to the present. Siliconmaster sends along word that Precipice, his Halo CE map is complete. I hesitate to even call it a simple mod because it is truly incredible. Definitely check out the trailer on YouTube, and if you like you can also check out his thread over at Modacity. You can also download the trailer here. At any rate, go and check this out! (GrimBrother One 16:39:28 UTC)

January 1, 2011 Link to this post

Hope you all partied hard and safe over the past 24 hours, HBO. Let's get 2011 started! (GrimBrother One 16:33:37 UTC)

December 28, 2010 Link to this post

Official HRD Screenshot Guide
Ender Xer0 told us about a feature up now at Halo Reach Daily: it's a guide to creating cool screenshots, created by Artful Fiver. Swing by and give it a read - and use some of the techniques to make your uploads prettier! (Louis Wu 13:03:28 UTC)

December 28, 2010 Link to this post

Fails of Reach Fan Challenge
CruelLEGACEY sent word that he's put up a fan challenge - if he can get 1000 subscribers to his YouTube channel (he's currently sitting at a bit over 600), he'll start taking fan submissions for a special "Fan Fails" episode of his 'Fails of Reach' series. Full details in his website post. (Louis Wu 13:03:02 UTC)

December 26, 2010 Link to this post

Team HBO Invades Christmas Eve
pete_the_duck and friends played a bunch of Invasion on Christmas Eve - and he had stories to tell, stories with pictures. (Well, video.) Man, I hope Bungie fixes their Silverlight player to allow turning off of auto-start... because pages like this can be PAINFUL. (Louis Wu 03:41:08 UTC)

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