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March 14, 2011 Link to this post

More Defiant codes, from WP
Adam Pavlacka let us know that WorthPlaying is giving away Defiant codes on Twitter - no later than end of day tomorrow. Start following! (Louis Wu 23:24:04 UTC)

March 14, 2011 Link to this post

Win a Defiant Code - with Skill
If you're hating the idea of being the fastest Twitter reader, we've got another way for you to win Defiant Map Pack codes - all you need to do is prove your skill at a retro Halo game. Back in 2002, BOLL created a Pelican Flash game - fly that Pelican as far as you can without hitting anything, and you can put yourself on the high score list. Get into the Top 3 list on any of the five levels, and you'll find yourself in possession of a Defiant Map Pack code this evening, at 7:30pm EST. (Yes, that's a bit late for Europeans. Sorry.) You can only win once, even if you show up more often than that. You'll be prompted for a name on the final screen, and an email address and a Gamertag after you submit your score - all of these are optional. If you choose not to submit a name, you'll never even see the email/gt screen. If you choose not to submit a valid email address or gamertag, your entry will not qualify for the prizes. Thanks to BOLL for the addictive game... and to 343 for the codes! Check your engines - and fly straight! (Louis Wu 18:29:26 UTC)

March 14, 2011 Link to this post

Defiant Preview from FTZ
FyreWulff wrote up a text-only review of the Defiant Map Pack (he's waiting for the official embargo to end to include screens/videos) - you can find it over at the Fire Team Zulu website. Interesting stuff! (Louis Wu 13:32:53 UTC)

March 11, 2011 Link to this post

Of Chairs, and Bees
jo's done a nice job of summarizing what we know so far about the Theseus, and the AIs and ONI agents we've met in a series of odd posts. (Things started here.) If you're interested, use this post to catch up! (Louis Wu 04:04:45 UTC)

March 10, 2011 Link to this post

Custom Elite - ooh, shiny
Sl'askia finished a gorgeous paint job on a Gamestop Exclusive Elite... check out the links in this post! Update: That should have read "...paint job based on a Gamestop Exclusive". It started life as a standard Orange Elite. Oops! (Louis Wu 21:33:03 UTC)

March 9, 2011 Link to this post

Don't Shake the Light Bulb.
Hedgemony had some issues with his Tumblr site... but he's returned with something new. Check out 'Don't Shake the Light Bulb' for seriously awesome 'shopped screenshots. (Louis Wu 22:54:39 UTC)

March 7, 2011 Link to this post

Comm Chatter Tasties
It's Monday, so Bungie's Comm Chatter probably has some video material for you... hmm, lessee...

While you're over there, you should check out the rules for Week 9 of Bungie's All Stars contest - if you want that elusive star on your gamertag, you'll need to take an epic screenshot of a Falcon. (Full instructions in the post.) You've got until Thursday. (Louis Wu 20:52:22 UTC)

March 7, 2011 Link to this post

Off-screen footage of Defiant MP
Mr.Sci-Fi was at the Emerald City Comicon this weekend, and grabbed some videos of the Defiant Map Pack with his phone... quality is what you'd expect, but hey, it's footage, right? (Louis Wu 18:10:27 UTC)

March 7, 2011 Link to this post

Halotracks Screenshot of the Month Contest
Spencermx14 sent word of a new contest up at Halotracks - come up with the bets Mongoose-themed screenshot, win a code to the Arcade game "Poker Smash". Full details on their forum! (Louis Wu 18:04:50 UTC)

March 4, 2011 Link to this post

Experimenting with the Halo Universe
Frank O'Connor told CVG that 343i's not working on a sequel to Halo Wars right now, but if they were, it could work with Kinect. Interesting! (This showed up in my Google feed, but thanks to ElzarTheBam for starting a thread on our forum.) (Louis Wu 15:56:38 UTC)

March 4, 2011 Link to this post

New avatar goodies coming with Defiant
onebitrocket noticed an article at OXM UK showing off screens of new avatar accessories coming with the Defiant Map Pack - a Pelican and a Scarab - along with one new T-shirt, in both male and female flavors. More stuff to spend your points on! Update: sorry, that's not a Pelican, it's a jetpack. Thanks, Harmanimus (and others). (Louis Wu 12:28:49 UTC)

March 4, 2011 Link to this post

Massively Multiplayer, Not So Massively Surprising
IGN posted a news item a bit over an hour ago from the GDC stating that Bungie's next game will indeed be a Massively Multiplayer venture. Injunfett also started a thread on our forums about the news, drop by and offer your opinions. We know you have them. Interesting times are afoot for Bungie fans, for certain! (GrimBrother One 02:35:17 UTC)

March 2, 2011 Link to this post

3D Screenies, ODST-style
doober187 noticed the Waypoint-hosted 3D screenshots we mentioned yesterday, and posted a bunch he'd made himself, right after ODST came out. Eye-popping! (Save yourself the headache, and use our local link for downloads.) (Louis Wu 14:23:18 UTC)

March 1, 2011 Link to this post

Waypoint Goodies
bs angel sent along a couple of pretty cool bits you should check out at Halo Waypoint - Mace Windex is back to creating 3D Screenshots, and there are a pair of cool examples already up (Assassination and Monitor)... and they've highlighted a new machinima short from Firelight Studios called 'The Lone Spartan' - great aesthetics, well-done story. Go explore! (Louis Wu 15:11:42 UTC)

February 28, 2011 Link to this post

CC Roundup, Monday Edition
A couple of videos for your viewing pleasure are up on Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

There's also a summary of some cool Forge creations, as chosen by the Forever Forgers, and information on how to enter Week Eight of Bungie's All-Stars contest (Chickenpede Edition). Busy day! (Louis Wu 21:06:19 UTC)

February 28, 2011 Link to this post

Domino's Cryptum Giveaway
Domino Theory has a new giveaway for you - he wants to get a copy of Halo: Cryptum into your hot little hands. Sign up on this page, and he'll be picking one name per day for the next four days (starting tomorrow)! One caveat, this time around - the contest is US-only (because he has the books in-hand, and has to mail them himself). If you're a US resident, though - go sign up! Update: my mistake - all four winners will be chosen on Friday. (Louis Wu 17:00:17 UTC)

February 26, 2011 Link to this post

The Chickenpede has slithy toves
The Bungie Weekly Update is online at Bungie.net (and in our Weekly Update Archive) - full of bizarre speculation, GDC info, and more than a few awesome screenshots. Definitely worth a visit - but if you're on a slow connection, you're gonna be waiting a while. (Louis Wu 00:48:30 UTC)

February 25, 2011 Link to this post

Defiant Assets Hit the Web
A set of screenshots and a couple of videos pertaining to the Defiant Map Pack hit the streets yesterday - Gamersyde has a nice roundup. (Lots of sites have a nice roundup. That's just the one I picked.) (Louis Wu 14:33:15 UTC)

February 24, 2011 Link to this post

Huge Reach-themed giveaway at Marissa's Bunny
Marissa's Dad sent word of another Reach Console giveaway at Marissa's Bunny, the site devoted to raising awareness for Infantile Spasms. This one's pretty massive - the winner will walk away with a Reach Special Edition xBox 360 Slim, a Kinect unit, a copy of the Reach Legendary Edition, and a $500 Gamestop gift card. Wonga. To be entered, you have to vote for the blog and let them know (read the instructions for full details). You can also get extra entries by letting them know what you'd do with the card. Not bad! This one runs for two weeks (it started a couple of days ago) - what do you have to lose? (While you're there, be sure to learn a little something about Marissa's disease, and consider dropping something in the hat.) (Louis Wu 02:59:20 UTC)

February 24, 2011 Link to this post

Digging in the Couch Cushions, Round Two
Took a LONG time - but I can still say "I read every single post on the HBO forum". Caught up! Here's what I found since the last roundup (well, through a day or two ago):

  • I almost skipped this, because I noticed Grim's posting about a 'Nasty' montage on our front page earlier this week... I'm glad I looked. FALL3Npro stopped by last week with word of his Halo Reach/Halo 3 montage, Lost Transmission - heavy on the editing, full of sick gameplay. Check it out!
  • Leviathan was inspired by Halo: Cryptum to try and visualize the War-Sphinx - those massive protectors set to guard the Didact. The end result is... awesome. (I mean, seriously awesome. Follow that link.)
  • masugn pointed out the most recent update to Isaac Hannaford's blog - more vehicle designs. Awesome stuff! (Don't miss the concept art for Deliver Hope Hannaford points you to over at Evan Shipard's site, either...)
  • pete_the_duck finished off his Fall of Beta comic... in text format. If you don't remember the comic, never fear, he's included a summary of Part 1 (which WAS finished), along with links to the original artwork. I have to say... had the story played out the way he wanted, I'd feel bad for the UNSC. Their finest hope... well, let's just say he's not the best shot around.
  • padraig08 ran across a parody song that's been on YouTube for several months now - but hasn't turned up here yet. ScreenTeamShow used CeeLo Green's tune to create Frag You - a pretty cool (if overly autotuned) parody with guest appearances by Cortana, the Chief, and a hanging pretzel.
  • BlueNinja finally broke through some of the barriers on Long Night of Solace... and found the filming location for one of Reach's cutscenes. If you don't enjoy seeing the struts holding up the play's set, don't read this post. (Me, I find this stuff fascinating.) He did some cool stuff in New Alexandria, too.

From here on in, forum posts that are front-paged will be current again! (I've still got to go through Bungie's Comm Chatter, of course... but that's for later.) (Louis Wu 00:15:18 UTC)

February 23, 2011 Link to this post

Capturing Reach
CGSociety just ran a pretty slick article on the development of Reach, specifically the technology used to capture and almost literally "film" the events of the game. It's a very cool look behind the scenes of how we get to the end result of the fantastic game playing out on our screens at home. Thanks to Reluctant Chaos for the heads-up! (GrimBrother One 07:51:21 UTC)

February 22, 2011 Link to this post

Surfacing... and HAFT
Not too long ago, a groundhog stuck his head out of a hole in northern Pennsylvania, and predicted that spring was near. I feel a lot like that groundhog - been buried for far too long, but warmer weather is coming. GrimBrother One's done an admirable job keeping this site online recently, but there are certainly a number of cool Halo-related tidbits that have slipped under our radar. I'm currently in the process of catching up on the last few thousand forum posts, looking for some of those tidbits - I'll probably start posting them tomorrow. In the meantime, why don't you go spend some time with the last few episodes of Halo Action Figure Theater? We've been remiss in letting you know about recent updates - February has already seen Snow What (groanworthy dialogue), Blink (Dr. Who crossovers), and Afterglow (warning: scantily-clad dolls). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 20:06:27 UTC)

February 21, 2011 Link to this post

The Art of Loving Leviathan
In a pretty awesome move of community support, Arithromaniac has started a petition designed to garner more recognition for a very talented member of the HBO community, Leviathan. If you know Levi's works, and like what you see, then by all means drop by and add your name to the list! You can also view what people have had to say so far both on the petition itself here, or by visiting the thread on our forum. (GrimBrother One 17:53:04 UTC)

February 16, 2011 Link to this post

The Mona Lisa is on Fast Approach
If you have been wondering what happened to the motion comic from 343 Industries on The Mona Lisa, head on over to the Waypoint Blog for information. You can also get some more details at author Teassa Kum's website as well as take a look at a couple of screenshots from the upcoming video. Nice! (GrimBrother One 22:30:54 UTC)

February 16, 2011 Link to this post

XForgery Race Tourney
DIEabolical D from XForgery wants to let you all know about the XForgery Cup Race Series Tournament that will be going on this weekend starting Friday. Hit the jump for more details and get those engines revved up! (GrimBrother One 22:24:00 UTC)

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