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October 4, 2011 Link to this post

Reach Customz Ep 1: Double Rainbow
Timgie stopped in with word of a new series called Reach Customz - it will feature a new custom map every week. First episode looks at Double Rainbow, which starts with the standard Writer's Mind/NASCAR gametype, removes the infection, and adds sniper rifles. Go give him feedback! (Louis Wu 14:17:42 UTC)

September 30, 2011 Link to this post

Custom Arbiter Thel 'Vadam [Reach Scale]
Kaidon continues to amaze with his custom action figures - this time, he started with a Halo Wars Ripa 'Moramee (from McFarlane's Series Eight), and customized it to look like Bungie's Arbiter. Awesome! (Louis Wu 16:11:18 UTC)

September 24, 2011 Link to this post

TU issues cleared up
So as anyone who's played Reach online recently knows, the Title Update went live a few days ago - and a small group of people were suddenly locked out of Matchmaking, inadvertently. (Folks who participated in a LIVE beta recently received a 'preview disc' with Halo: Reach on it - this version was supposed to be identical to the retail version, but turned out not to be.) It took a couple of days, but a fix has been settled upon - people with the preview disc received an email with a code for a Games on Demand version of Halo: Reach. (Thanks to Vlad356 for the screenshot.) If you're in this boat, be sure to check for this code in the email account linked to your Gamertag. (Louis Wu 18:46:23 UTC)

September 23, 2011 Link to this post

The Ultimate Jump - a CVG look at Halo Tricking
Computer and Video Games has an article about the Two Towers trick, which finally fell to Halo tricksters this past June. It's a surprisingly in-depth article; I'd have thought this sort of activity wouldn't earn attention like this from a general gaming mag... but I'd have been wrong. Give it a read - pretty cool stuff! (ElzarTheBam started up a discussion thread on our forum, if you've got comments.) (Louis Wu 13:30:52 UTC)

September 16, 2011 Link to this post

Data Drop #2 from the Office of Bellybutton Awareness
Meanwhile, back on the Front Page™, Grim was busy putting up the latest news on Data Drop 2 from the spooks over at the Office of Nav- I mean Halo Waypoint. Definitely an interesting read. Go and check it out! If you would like to discuss, ElzarTheBam also started a thread about it on our forum. (GrimBrother One 13:12:21 UTC)

September 15, 2011 Link to this post

GameTrailers GC and TGS vids
ZZoMBiE13 pointed out a few vids at GameTrailers, courtesy of Gamescom and the Tokyo Game Show - there's an interview with Dan Ayoub, recorded at Gamescom (we MIGHT have covered this already; I'm not willing to watch through the half-dozen interviews Dan gave to OTHER news outlets to figure out if this is original or not), there's a copy of the Headlong video we mentioned yesterday (in case you aren't happy with IGN's player), and there's some off-screen footage of gameplay on Installation 04, the new Firefight map. (The japanese announcer isn't anywhere NEAR as epic-sounding as Jeff Steitzer.) Go catch up! (Louis Wu 14:08:29 UTC)

September 14, 2011 Link to this post

Welcome back, Master Chief
In addition to the Headlong (sorry, Breakneck) reveal, 343 has also released a few screenshots from the remastered Pillar of Autumn - you get a great look at the new Master Chief. Thanks to Moorpheusl9 for posting this on our forum. (Louis Wu 20:17:24 UTC)

September 14, 2011 Link to this post

Halo Wars Modding Tool
kornman00 is back with a new tool - it lets you mod the game files of Halo Wars. Swing by HaloMods for more details and a download link for KSoft.Tool - and start building Halo Wars 2 on your own! (Louis Wu 13:28:59 UTC)

September 9, 2011 Link to this post

Instillation OH!-Four
While we are on the subject of fabulous artistic expression, you should check out what Hedgemony was able to do with the aforementioned screenshot from the Instillation 04 Firefight map from Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. The results are breathtaking, creating an ocular ecstasy that is typically only reserved for the third sphere of Heaven, sunrises in the Australian bush, and my wife. You might want to slip into something more comfortable before clicking this. (GrimBrother One 16:08:19 UTC)

September 9, 2011 Link to this post

No Thanks Necessary
Leviathan was inspired by the recent screenshots from the Installation 04 Firefight map to create another masterpiece highlighting the gas giant of Threshold's more subtle hues. Simply breathtaking. (GrimBrother One 15:35:19 UTC)

September 9, 2011 Link to this post

This Headline Is Not A Natur... Ahh, Nevermind
We start your HBO news Friday with this week's Halo Bulletin, courtesy of the lovely bs angel from 343 Industries. You'll find talk of costumes that look to the future, and a Firefight map giving nods toward the past, all wrapped up in one kitten-loving package. You can also find it locally in our archive. Go read it! (GrimBrother One 04:05:31 UTC)

September 8, 2011 Link to this post

Engineering Awesome Screenshots
We interrupt this news day to bring you two awesome images from HBO forum denizens. From BlueNinja, a gorgeous shot of Huragok in the night. From AngelicLionheart, a Mk V Spartan ready to wreak havoc within a Covenant ship. Both are gorgeous, and well worth the look! (GrimBrother One 13:39:04 UTC)

September 6, 2011 Link to this post

First - make a million dollars.
Physics Remastered is back with a tutorial showing how to get into the Ice Cave on The Package. (I'm amused by the fact that it STARTS with what might be the hardest glitch to activate in the game.) Pretty cool, if you can pull it off! Thanks, Carnage A51. (Louis Wu 17:55:04 UTC)

September 6, 2011 Link to this post

The end... and a beginning
TDSpiral is starting college, so he's probably done with Halo-related fan art... but he's going out with a bang. Check out Red Rocky Goodbye. (And wish him luck in his next stage!) (Louis Wu 14:42:41 UTC)

September 2, 2011 Link to this post

Movie Movie Movie INTERVIEW
Lots of cool vids are available over at Halo Waypoint. First up - Assault on Squad 45, Part 3 went up a few days ago. This amazing stop-motion Mega Bloks-based series has been fun from the start, and this episode is the best yet. I want more toys! (The Hunter doing a Nixon impression is priceless.) When you're done with that one, check out the Halo Fest Machinima finalists - and the overall winner (HBO's own Bryan Newman!). Finally, a new Grifball Highlight vid from GrifballHub is live - these guys are amazing. If movies aren't your thing, Waypoint's STILL got you covered - The Halo Book Club just published a Q&A with Tobias Buckell, who wrote both the novel Halo: The Cole Protocol and the Halo short story Dirt. Great read! Go spend some time over there. (Louis Wu 14:23:04 UTC)

September 1, 2011 Link to this post

Spartan Cosplay
nam found a cool video from Otakuthon 2011 in Montreal - starting at about 1:45 is a fun little enactment by a pair of Spartans. Check it! (If people around you have sensitive ears, turn the volume down; the song's lyrics are not very SFW.) (Louis Wu 21:54:24 UTC)

September 1, 2011 Link to this post

HCEA Promo Screens
Joystiq posted a few new pics of Halo Anniversary (thanks, macgyver10), and so did Game Informer (larger, but still scaled down - thanks, TDSpiral). You guys should have the FULL-sized versions, with NO watermarks - so we've put them up that way. Enjoy. (This collection contains both older and newer promo shots.) (Louis Wu 21:51:29 UTC)

August 31, 2011 Link to this post

Oh, come on. He's at LEAST 12.
In celebration of Halo Fest, Frank O'Connor created a new Mister Chief masterpiece. It hung on the wall in the display space. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer wrote up the event... and noticed the picture. The caption on their photo is priceless. Thanks to ChenK for noticing. Update: the caption at SeattlePI.com has been edited, unfortunately. Luckily, bs angel grabbed a screenshot before it became tame. (Louis Wu 18:26:57 UTC)

August 31, 2011 Link to this post

Nake3dHalo Guide to Co-op Dash in under 4 minutes
Nak3d Eli has some rather huge ambitions - he plans to create tutorials for every Halo: Reach challenge ever posted. (That's a lot of challenges.) He's starting with a tutorial showing you how to beat the current extremely-high-value Weekly Challenge. (Yes, it's been done before. Many times. But his run is pretty clean, the video's sharp, and he's provided some decent voiceover.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:51:40 UTC)

August 25, 2011 Link to this post

One hour, and one hour only
As you might expect, the Halo Bulletin published 2 days before Halo Fest starts is pretty focused on... well, Halo Fest. You should read it. Really. (It's in our Halo Bulletin Archive, too.) (Louis Wu 03:25:38 UTC)

August 21, 2011 Link to this post

Halo Community Panel - get an early start!
bs angel sent word that there's a thread set up on the Waypoint Community forums where folks who aren't going to be able to make it to PAX next week can post questions for the Halo Community Panel, to be held Friday at noon. Swing by and drop off those questions you've been burning to ask! (Yesterday, I discussed the concept of gaming communities with someone who began the conversation with "When I think of gamers, I think of Matthew Broderick from WarGames playing Asteroids." If I can have a productive discussion from THIS humble beginning... next week's panel should be AWESOME.) (Louis Wu 11:20:33 UTC)

August 20, 2011 Link to this post

Flood Campaign Teaser Trailer 1
Well, this is pretty interesting - we got an email from Flood Campaign, the group behind a Halo CE campaign mod in which you play from the perspective of the Flood. (They've got a page up at HaloMaps, and another at ModDB.) Check out their first Teaser Trailer! (Louis Wu 15:34:44 UTC)

August 17, 2011 Link to this post

The Halo Bulletin: 8/17/11
This week's Halo Bulletin has been posted on Halo Waypoint - and it's chock-full of stuff you might like. Screenshots of Beaver Creek and Damnation, hot off the H:A presses, along with a new video showing gameplay on Damnation. (A full game, this time.) And other cool stuff. (There's confirmation that the lower walkway on Damnation stays true to the original in Classic variants of the map, for all those worried that 343 was going to do something horrible like making it a solid bridge.) Go read! As always, it's available in our Halo Bulletin Archive, if you'd rather read it there. (Louis Wu 23:08:01 UTC)

August 14, 2011 Link to this post

The Halo Human Timeline
Stewie2552 put together a Halo Human Timeline - pretty nice! (Starts WAY earlier than I'd have expected, but he's right.) (Louis Wu 21:38:42 UTC)

August 14, 2011 Link to this post

Halo SPD: Flash Pt. 3 Prelude
Halo SPD: Flash looks to be starting up again tomorrow - and to whet your appetite, Hedgemony has posted a short prelude to Part Three. Check it out. (Part One is here, and Part Two is here - plus a bonus.) (Louis Wu 16:49:24 UTC)

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