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Search results for start screen

Showing results 501 - 525 of 4250 matches

June 7, 2012 Link to this post

Shakeycam MP Love
IGN posted a bunch of offscreen gameplay vids (well, a single session, in five segments) yesterday - I thought we were past this stage, but for folks who want every view they can get, check 'em out! Part 1 is here. (Sound-free, unfortunately.) Thanks, Vire. Update: Gah, didn't notice Grim hit these last night. IT'S SO HARD TO KEEP UP! (Louis Wu 16:18:46 UTC)

June 6, 2012 Link to this post

Don't Go Vireless & Stay Connected
If off-screen gameplay videos are more your thing, Vire has posted a group of them over at the GAF. Check them out! (GrimBrother One 21:22:39 UTC)

June 4, 2012 Link to this post

The Flood Begins
Of new info I mean, as Halo Waypoint has now put up a couple of new addition to their site, including new screenshots and renders. Go and check them out! (GrimBrother One 18:37:24 UTC)

June 4, 2012 Link to this post

The Skybox is No Longer the Limit
Thanks to David Ellis for arousing all sorts of excitement in the Halo Community with the mention of a new interview over at The Guardian featuring Frank O'Connor and talking specifically about the new Spartan Ops mode, episodic content in general, and what it might mean for games and specifically Halo, going forward. Included in the article as well are some stunning new screenshots of the Halo 4 engine at work (dat SKYBOX!) that you really shouldn't miss. Go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 04:53:24 UTC)

May 30, 2012 Link to this post

Of Audio Books and Game Case Arrangement
Last night yours truly joined Justin for Episode 49 of the Drunken Halo Podcast. What started out as a discussion on Glasslands eventually took some weird turns that included a state-of-the-gaming-union soapbox dissertation and storytime with the Burger King. It's both less, and more, bizzare than it sounds. Give it a listen! (GrimBrother One 18:55:00 UTC)

May 30, 2012 Link to this post

Breaking In: Dave Mongan
Bungie's latest Breaking In article is an interview with Dave Mongan, a Senior Writer. It's a spectacular read. Go see - you'll learn what he does all day, where he came from, and why he stays. And you'll learn a little bit more about Bungie, the company. Great stuff! There's a thread started by ChrisTheeCrappy on our forum, if you want to chime in. (Louis Wu 14:30:39 UTC)

May 29, 2012 Link to this post

HCEA (Full Campaign and Cutscenes)
The Tyrant sent word of a new video he's uploaded to YouTube... it's 5 hours long. It's the entire Halo Anniversary Campaign, start to finish, including cutscenes. (There is no commentary; it's meant to be a theatrical experience.) Difficulty is set to Normal, because he believes that's what the Human-Covenant war would look like (from the Marine standpoint). It's a zero-death playthrough (I'd be disappointed if it weren't), but set up to give you the full experience. No shortcuts, no glitches, no cheats. Go experience! (Louis Wu 13:18:39 UTC)

May 20, 2012 Link to this post

The HaloGAF Montage (Reach Edition)
ncsuDuncan took on the task of putting together a montage video made up of clips from HaloGAF members - and last night, the 14 minute monstrosity was released. It is NOT your typical montage - while it certainly has its share of unbelievable gameplay and sniper insanity, it also has hilarious goofing around, fails that will have you in tears, and plenty of GAF in-jokes. Really well-done, even if you're not a GAF regular. Take a look! Update: Duncan re-rendered the film, fixed some blackscreen issues, smoothed out some transitions. New version is linked above. (Louis Wu 17:36:05 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

More Minecraft Magic
Sl'askia noticed someone building Truth and Reconciliation in Minecraft - amazing start! (Louis Wu 17:27:41 UTC)

May 14, 2012 Link to this post

BigTeamBattle.net vs MLG Pros
Last night, a bunch of MLG pros (mostly used to playing 4v4 games with MLG rules) joined up and played against the number one-rated BigTeamBattles.net team 'Wake Up' - watching the carnage is fascinating. Carbon's Assault streamed it last night, and you can watch his archived footage starting around 4 hours into this video. The first game (Slayer on Utopie) will show you how the best Banshee flyer in the game, coupled with a team that knows the map inside and out, can DESTROY a team of some of the best shooters in Reach. (It illustrated how important knowledge of the maps can be - and how hard it is to switch between Bloom/No-Bloom settings on the fly.) Thanks to CyReN, who posted relevant links at HaloCouncil, along with an interview with the pros after the fact. (Tom Van Sinden 20:27:54 UTC)

May 13, 2012 Link to this post

Expand your creativity, explore new realms
Geek and Sundry interviewed Rod Roddenberry - son of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek. He loves Halo so much that he named his DOG Halo. Go watch and see what grips him about the title! (Halo content starts around 1:40.) Thanks, Elnea. (Tom Van Sinden 14:06:01 UTC)

May 10, 2012 Link to this post

Sangheili, B-flat
Not long ago, OboeCrazy set up a Kickstarter project to expand her Musiter offerings - she'd promised to deliver more Halo content, if funded. She was funded - and delivery starts now. She stopped in to our forum with word of the new content, and a bit of info about the future. Go read, go watch! (headline hijacked by Grim <3) (Tom Van Sinden 16:57:33 UTC)

May 9, 2012 Link to this post

Life is a Game
NeoGAF's mastrbiggy pointed out a Halo: Reach 'funtage' (with a couple of Halo 3 clips) from Bang Bang TV, a french group - it's not like other montages. It's Halo... through the lens of the other games you grew up with. And it's fantastic. You can turn Closed Captioning on if you really need the translation on the few French words shown in the video... or you can just sit back and watch. It's 14 minutes long, and I, like many others, said "I'm not watching the whole thing!" at the start... only to watch the whole thing. It's great. (Tom Van Sinden 12:55:33 UTC)

May 8, 2012 Link to this post

Our Future Past
Kill Screen ties 1950s architecture to video games. Beckx thinks it's a stretch. Either way, Halo gets a mention. Go read! (Tom Van Sinden 20:28:39 UTC)

May 8, 2012 Link to this post

The Tyrant Documentaries 20: Zara Plays Halo
The Tyrant has started a new mini-series in his Tyrant Documentaries vlog - Zara is a gamer who's never played Halo before, so Tyrant's taken her under his wing. Will she become a Halo expert before the mini-series ends? You'll have to watch to find out! (Tom Van Sinden 15:44:01 UTC)

May 7, 2012 Link to this post

OXM's thoughts on MC's new nemesis
OXM UK wishes they knew more about the new enemies we're going to face in Halo 4 - and because we don't have any hard data, they've decided to start speculating. The first article is up now. Thanks, ElzarTheBam (who seems to be unhappy with the speculation). (Tom Van Sinden 17:24:25 UTC)

May 5, 2012 Link to this post

Sackin' it Up
After closing down a whole bunch of files this afternoon, I found a note I'd made last night about the newest Mail Sack on Bungie.net - you should go read it. There are a couple of clips from the Halo 2 Limited Edition DVD, and a funny story about a Reach bug (and its resolution) that made me smile... and lots and lots and lots of other stuff. Pro Tip - don't start the video that shows 'Clarissa Explains it All' in the preview image. (Tom Van Sinden 19:52:18 UTC)

May 5, 2012 Link to this post

Still more cut Halo Wars animations
Quirel found yet another animation reel showing off more unused Halo Wars animations by Juan Martinez. (The bulk of the video is NOT Halo Wars - but it starts off with Halo content.) (Tom Van Sinden 13:20:21 UTC)

May 4, 2012 Link to this post

The Halo Council Top 5 Halo Plays Ep 2
CyReN let us know about Episode 2 of Halo Council's Top 5 Halo Plays of the Week... good stuff. (I'd be pretty discouraged if someone on the other team started the game with a Killtrocity...) (Tom Van Sinden 18:13:29 UTC)

May 4, 2012 Link to this post

Zion Unknown Hero
Phat M0nk3y let us know about Zion UH, a massive (40 minute) machinima from Meanscreen Productions - it tells the story of a man who wakes up with unknown powers. Take a look! (Tom Van Sinden 17:49:30 UTC)

May 3, 2012 Link to this post

Yeah... there's definitely a skill gap.
This seems to be the thing, now. Mikwin, playing with Classic, leads a suicide start, and plays an MLG Slayer match in standard Matchmaking against a team of randoms - the pro players kill themselves until the score is 18 to -58, a 76-kill spread. Six minutes later, they've climbed out of the hole and won the game, 50-41 (outscoring their opponents 108-23 in that final stretch). You can see the full game stats here. I guess it give randoms a CHANCE to beat pros... but mostly, it looks like a pretty bad pummeling. Thanks again, CyReN. (Tom Van Sinden 17:33:59 UTC)

May 1, 2012 Link to this post

Grab your ankles...
Wow. Team Carbon didn't feel like they had enough of a challenge in standard matchmaking... so when this game started up, they continually committed suicide until they were down 57 kills (17 to -40; the other team got credit for a bunch of their deaths, by getting a shot or two in before they died). At that point, they started playing for real... and pulled out the win, 50-49. You can watch the entire game from Snipedown's point of view. Thanks, CyReN. (Tom Van Sinden 18:27:06 UTC)

April 30, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Preview from the Daily News
The New York Daily News had a piece on Halo 4 - they had a representative at the event in New York City last week, and you can read about both Multiplayer and the campaign demo shown at the event. (The demo showed off 5 or 10 minutes of gameplay from near the start of the game; there are really not many spoilers in there, but if you want to go into Halo 4's campaign with zero information, you should probably skip this. (Tom Van Sinden 13:57:38 UTC)

April 28, 2012 Link to this post

If Hedge Didn't Take Screenshots, Did Community Customs Really Happen?
When life gets you down, there are often many options to try and get back that happy feeling... A good book, a home-cooked meal, a sunny day... Or you could just skip straight to visual ecstasy and look at the latest round of Community Customs screenshots from Hedgemony. Your call. Either way, Hedge's shots will always make you want to come out and play. (GrimBrother One 20:21:55 UTC)

April 24, 2012 Link to this post

Some amazing figures coming from ThreeA
ThreeA is releasing some very high-quality Halo figures - starting with Carter. Kotaku's got the teaser image (that wasn't actually supposed to be released yet). Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Tom Van Sinden 15:31:49 UTC)

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