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July 13, 2012 Link to this post

Forward Unto Dawn Day Continues
Still MORE FUD stuff, this time at Halo Waypoint:

What are you waiting for? This stuff ain't gonna watch itself! (Louis Wu 12:39:20 UTC)

July 11, 2012 Link to this post

German Screenshot Contest
Legend, from Halo Base, sent word that there's a new screenshot contest for German-speaking Halo fans (from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland only, apparently) detailed on their website. Submit a cool shot by July 17, maybe win cool schwag. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:07:57 UTC)

July 11, 2012 Link to this post

Halo: Team Noble
Hmm. Shadders noticed another fan-driven movie Kickstarter project... they're ambitious. VERY ambitious. Halo: Team Noble is looking to raise half a million dollars in the next month - you can watch their video to see why they think they need that much. I guess if you're gonna go, go big. (Louis Wu 14:13:52 UTC)

July 11, 2012 Link to this post

IGN Previews Forward Unto Dawn
If you are looking for a particularly awesome way to start your morning, look no further than IGN's Behind the Scenes Preview of the new live-action Halo film project Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. It's a great overview of what's going on with this project, as well as some insight from cast and crew. Don't miss it! I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more from this in the coming days and weeks. Update: More information here (thanks, Elzar). (GrimBrother One 13:09:19 UTC)

July 10, 2012 Link to this post

How to Sneaky Cap
CyReN pointed out a short clip from Status Quo's Flamesword that shows a pretty funny flag cap (with commentary) - the gameplay at the start of the match is amazing, but the cap itself is worth watching. (He's right - this will almost never work... but man, when it does...) (Louis Wu 16:02:44 UTC)

July 10, 2012 Link to this post

Telikos Protocol Needs You
This is completely non-Halo-related, but it's a new Kickstarter project from a Halo fan with some deep roots in our community, and it looks pretty amazing to boot, so we're tossing in some love. Pete Cooper stopped in to let us know that he and artist Adam Burn are working on a graphic novel they call Telikos Protocol. If you visit the Kickstarter page, you can see a bunch of the artwork (astounding) and a video explaining how they hope the project will work. They're looking to raise $9500, and one day in, they're more than a quarter of the way there. (That should tell you something about the enthusiasm of the project's fans!) Pete's good people, and this project looks spectacular; if you've got a few bucks, toss 'em into the pot! If they don't reach their goal, you're not out a penny. And if they do, you have the satisfaction of knowing you helped launch something beautiful. (Louis Wu 15:50:14 UTC)

July 8, 2012 Link to this post

RTX Day 1 Halo 4 Roundup
Yesterday was CHOCK-FULL of goodies from RTX. Let's see if I can summarize what's out there:

  • The RTX Live Feed has archived most of the Halo 4 stuff - unfortunately, it's not all separated. This video (which is 7 and a half hours long) contains the HORSE competition starting around 5:10:40, some convention shenanigans at 6:40:30, and the Rooster Teeth vs the Community Halo 4 matches at 6:51:00.
  • Those last two matches were actually pulled out into this video, as well.
  • A fan did a really nice job of putting up the 343 Panel (including Forge), the PIG competition, and the Q&A with the audience in a YouTube video.
  • The same fan captured the second of the two community games, also on YouTube.
  • Bravo posted a live commentary vid on some Infinity Slayer on Haven - thanks, CyReN.
  • A fan captured a full FFA game on Adrift (offscreen) in two parts (1 | 2) - thanks again, CyReN.
  • The Halo Forge Epidemic put up a group impressions video of the new Forge reveal - if you're looking for comments from folks who use this stuff every day, watch this. Thanks, Gabotron ES.

I'm sure I've missed stuff - but this is a pretty good start. :) (Louis Wu 17:45:49 UTC)

July 6, 2012 Link to this post

RumorTime: Halo 2 Anniversary
A number of sites (the Examiner, for example) are reporting that the newest OXM has a tidbit about 343 starting development of Halo 2 Anniversary - it's in their 'Rumor and Speculation', section, though, so who knows. (Over at NeoGAF, TheOddOne pointed out an article quoting an unnamed source confirming that the game has, indeed, been a topic of conversation. I'm not sure it could get any more sketchy than that.) (Louis Wu 15:21:10 UTC)

July 5, 2012 Link to this post

Halo goodies coming from Sideshow?
Demoncarnotaur was watching a video preview for a new statue from Sideshow Collectibles... and he noticed some interesting sketches showing up in the intro. Check his post on NeoGAF for screenshots, if you don't want to watch yourself! (Louis Wu 13:33:41 UTC)

July 2, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Teaser
The Official Forward Unto Dawn trailer is available both on YouTube, or on Halo Waypoint (watch on your Xbox for higher resolution) - it's short, it's really just a teaser... but it's got ME fired up! Enfinit started a thread on our forum, if you want to discuss it. (Louis Wu 14:16:03 UTC)

July 1, 2012 Link to this post

Bitten by the Bug (again)
Chris Bryan was one of the very first people to build fan-made Spartan Armor - we documented his work starting back in 2003. (He was building props even earlier.) Yesterday, we heard from him again - looks like Halo 4 has fired up his creative juices! He sent along this screenshot (larger version here), and tells us that he hopes the final product will be finished before November 6! Go Chris! (Louis Wu 14:25:22 UTC)

July 1, 2012 Link to this post

Tri-per-fecta! Reach Screenshot Contest!
padraig08 wants to celebrate his birthday by giving you presents. But not FREE presents - you have to EARN them... with screenshots. Go read his post for details! (Louis Wu 14:18:56 UTC)

June 28, 2012 Link to this post

Corn Dogs for All
Halo Waypoint has posted the latest Halo Bulletin - it contains stories about crunch time, screenshots of Longbow (a map first showed off at E3), details about Halo 4's presence at RTX, details about Halo 4's presence at San Diego Comic-Con, and more. Go read! (As always, it's in our Halo Bulletin Archive, if you would like it on a lighter background, or with validating code, or just... less complicated.) (Louis Wu 17:45:37 UTC)

June 25, 2012 Link to this post

Arby 'n' the Chief Bytes: Divided We Stand
Arby 'n' the Chief posted a new Bytes yesterday - Chief's views on splitscreen are rather... neanderthal. Thanks, Ogan Pavano. (Louis Wu 15:14:21 UTC)

June 23, 2012 Link to this post

Getting out of Exodus - Again
T00LBOX stopped in with a tutorial showing you how to get out of Exodus at the start of the mission. (This is similar to the Physics Remastered technique, but doesn't require the tricky Armor Lock bounce to get on top of the Spirit.) Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:37:57 UTC)

June 18, 2012 Link to this post

The Fallen Needs Your Help - This Week!
Whoa. I've been keeping an eye on the Kickstarter page for The Fallen, the Halo fan film project we most recently mentioned last week (and which we added a sidebar link to as well) - there's just one week left in their fundraising cycle, and as of yesterday, it wasn't looking great. However, overnight they've received a $5,000 pledge, putting them less than $2,000 from their goal - it's in reach! And you can help! Swing by, pledge a few bucks. 100 fans pledging $20 each would do the trick - and if the project is funded, that $20 would net you an 11x17 poster to boot. The trailers they've released so far (they're linked from their Kickstarter page) show real promise - see if you can help make this project a reality! Update: YOU DID IT! As of the time of this update (4:30pm, they've passed the $10,000 mark! You guys rock. (Louis Wu 13:12:54 UTC)

June 16, 2012 Link to this post

ARG content moves to ABO
UnrealCh13f stopped by to announce that a thread has been started over at args.bungie.org to keep up on any developments in the potential ARG revealed on ESPN.com yesterday. If you want to know where that's going - bookmark the link! (Louis Wu 13:43:42 UTC)

June 15, 2012 Link to this post

A new viral campaign?
So... the Halo 4 60-second TV spot (which had its world debut during the England vs France Euro 2012 game this week) made its US debut during last night's basketball game between the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder. Today, if you visit ESPN.com (and ensure that your ad blockers are turned off), you'll see a banner at the top with a Halo 4 video; play it, and some weird stuff happens. Read the entirety of the thread started by Hoovaloov to see what's already been discovered - and be sure to add your own thoughts to the mix! (Louis Wu 14:15:06 UTC)

June 14, 2012 Link to this post

Halo: Fall of Reach Comic - Complete
Dogiojoe was excited and wanted all fans to know that the final comic in the Halo Fall of Reach series - Invasion #4 - was released yesterday (it's been almost two years since this started!). If you want more info on the overall series, Halo Nation has you covered, and Marvel's got info about the Invasion series specifically. (Louis Wu 16:10:35 UTC)

June 13, 2012 Link to this post

Feminist Frequency host talks about video games
Gamespot has interviewed Anita Sarkeesian about feminism, her recent visit to Bungie, and her new Kickstarter project (currently funded at 1500% of its goal, with less than 3 days to go) - if you're interested in how female characters are portrayed in video games (and how this affects players and non-players alike), give this a read! Thanks, mastrbiggy. (Louis Wu 14:21:42 UTC)

June 13, 2012 Link to this post

A new contender emerges
Th3AverageKid is looking to start a new series called Buttery Halo Clips - watch the promo vid to see an example of what he's trying to do. (Even if you don't have anything to offer, this is a pretty insane Living Dead clip on Powerhouse.) He's also posted a discussion with UKD, focusing on how to prep for Halo 4. Are you ready? (Louis Wu 13:51:10 UTC)

June 11, 2012 Link to this post

The Fallen Needs Your Help
The crew from the live-action fan film 'The Fallen' have put up a new request for funding - with a pretty clear explanation of what they need it for. The entire 5 minute piece is pretty nicely done, with humor, some example footage, and general information - if you like what you see, visit their Kickstarter page and throw 'em a few bucks! (I just did.) Remember - if they don't reach their goal, you don't owe 'em a penny. Thanks again, Ogan Pavano. (Louis Wu 17:35:22 UTC)

June 10, 2012 Link to this post

The Man Behind The Commissioning
/Film has a small article about Nicolai's Fuglsig's involvement in the live-action trailer seen at the start of the Halo 4 E3 reveal - if you like knowing who's behind the work you enjoy, check this out! (Louis Wu 18:59:09 UTC)

June 8, 2012 Link to this post

Unexpected Landing
Looks like earlier this week, Isaac Hannaford posted a new bit of artwork that started out as a Memorial Day tribute, but somehow ended up with some Master Chief lovin'. Awesome! Thanks, scarab. (Louis Wu 15:52:27 UTC)

June 8, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 2: The Movie
The Tyrant has released Halo 2: The Movie - a complete runthrough of Halo 2, start to finish (cutscenes included, no commentary, no deaths), in one video. It's nearly six hours long - go enjoy it with him! (Louis Wu 15:43:32 UTC)

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