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September 17, 2012 Link to this post

Breakdown - Halo 4 Boltshot Preview
u4iX put together a short look at the Halo 4 Boltshot, a new weapon we're starting to get info on. It's a pistol! It's a shotgun! It's a dessert topping! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 13:58:35 UTC)

September 14, 2012 Link to this post

Offscreen footage of Haven, from PAX
PodtacTV posted more PAX gameplay footage, this time showing some Regicide action on Haven... with ncsuDuncan as the protagonist. Go watch! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 17:12:08 UTC)

September 11, 2012 Link to this post

Live from the Spandex Palace
The latest Breaking In article at Bungie.net focuses on Rachel Swavely, who started working at Bungie earlier this year. She works with the mocap actors, translating their actions to things that the animators can work with. (This means that she gets to play with Spandex.) Wanna know more? Go read! (Louis Wu 18:14:26 UTC)

September 8, 2012 Link to this post

Multiplayer Gameplay from PAX, via GT
Gametrailers have gotten into the offscreen-Exile-footage-from-PAX game - pretty nice camera placement! (I feel a little sorry for whoever was actually playing; I'm guessing there was equipment in the way.) Thanks, DancingJesus. (Louis Wu 17:45:10 UTC)

September 7, 2012 Link to this post

Maybe we should call him Mister Chief
A guy from Kill Screen Daily is sad that when he tried to get his picture taken with Master Chief, they wouldn't let his 6'8" body up on the same platform as our Spartan hero - he was too tall! Ouch. Thanks, Beckx. (Louis Wu 20:05:22 UTC)

September 7, 2012 Link to this post

That's... an impressive wall.
Woo! Time for catch-up. CyReN dropped off a pretty cool pic at NeoGAF a couple of days ago - looks like the folks who work at Zynga play Halo 3 at lunchtime... and their hardware setup is AWESOME. (Louis Wu 18:37:26 UTC)

September 4, 2012 Link to this post

HaloGAF H4 Roundup
More Halo 4 content, courtesy of HaloGAF:

I had no idea that would turn into such a link dump. Sorry. (Louis Wu 22:22:50 UTC)

September 3, 2012 Link to this post

Link Dumps Hurt My Head
Okay, buckle in, this is gonna be a monster. I'm gonna try to summarize all the new Halo 4/PAX links we've got at this point... and there are a LOT. Before I get into individual links/posts, let's start with a summary Homeboyd put up on NeoGAF last night - it has links to a couple of dozen sources of information, nicely broken down by category. I'd recommend reading this first. THEN go through the list below.

There are other newsbits in the queue, and it's really possible I'll actually get to them today... but for now, that should help. (Louis Wu 18:00:27 UTC)

September 2, 2012 Link to this post

Oh, and...
If you read the last newspost, you probably saw that there's a 35-second video showing direct-feed footage of gameplay on Exile available from Xbox Press. You probably also know that there are a plethora of off-screen videos (in various qualities, ranging from bad to watchable) recorded at the show. What you DON'T have yet is a solid chunk of actual gameplay, recorded via direct feed (so that sounds are included, colors are right, text is readable)... until now. Thanks to the herculean efforts of 343 (I need to call out Alison Stroll, Jay Frechette, Kynan Pearson, and David Ellis in particular, though there were others involved), we've got 15 minutes of an actual CTF match between 5 343 developers (well, four plus Bravo) and 5 HaloGAF representatives, recorded at an after-hours party on Friday night. Technical difficulties precluded us showing you the first match of the contest, which is unfortunate, because David Ellis (whose POV was recorded) was ON FIRE that game. He did a little less well in this one (to be honest, HaloGAF rolled over the devs like a Hummer over baby rabbits), but the important thing is, it's high-quality footage showing off nearly a full game on a brand-new map! What I WANTED to do was release a 720p version of this footage for download - but unfortunately, we don't have the bandwidth to handle a file of this size, and I wasn't able to set up a BitTorrent seed (which would allow us to share the load). So for now, we're making this video available on YouTube - and we will look into other options once I'm back home. Go watch, and enjoy! (And for those who care: HaloGAF took the best-of-three competition in a two-game sweep.) Update: apparently, the YouTube version has screwed-up sound... I need to figure out why. (The original file is fine.) Link is down until I can work this out. Sorry. :( Update 2: This is why I don't use YouTube. :( Looks like it's going to be a couple of hours before a new high-quality version can be posted, so in the meantime, I'm posting a smaller, locally-hosted version. It's not perfect - but it's watchable. (I hope the server doesn't melt.) As soon as the HD version is uploaded (and WORKING) on YouTube, I'll link to that again. This is why we need a home team when we're at conventions... (Louis Wu 18:10:01 UTC)

August 30, 2012 Link to this post

2o2p Fan Expo Writeup
Missed this yesterday, but there's a Fan Expo writeup by 2old2play member i6 Hitman at their website, including a pair of offscreen vids - go check it out! Thanks, DEEP NNN. (Louis Wu 15:38:17 UTC)

August 29, 2012 Link to this post

More Halo 4 Gameplay footage from Fan Expo
CyReN pointed out some new offscreen footage from Toronto, as well - a decent look at the Carbine, and the Hardlight Shield. Go watch! (Louis Wu 22:02:24 UTC)

August 28, 2012 Link to this post

More Fan Expo Shakecam Footage
CyReN found another Fan Expo off-screen gameplay vid, this one full of Carbine action. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:30:19 UTC)

August 26, 2012 Link to this post

More offscreen Halo 4 MP (Fan Expo)
Fan Expo is happening right now in Toronto - and Twitter user xJumPeR_JumPzZ is keeping track of fan-uploaded Halo 4 matches. Thanks to Blublur1 on NeoGAF for pointing out a video from iMidNiteBoss yesterday (slayer gameplay on Haven, doing their best to experiment with new stuff), and then today, a link to this video, showing off some Scattershot gameplay from the same guy (with some weird blurring going on occasionally). Go watch 'em! PAX in 5 days... (Louis Wu 14:57:46 UTC)

August 25, 2012 Link to this post

Halo After Dawn Eps 2 and 3
Mr Sark and Adam Kovic started their Halo After Dawn series (in which they talk behind the scenes with principals on the Forward Unto Dawn set) last month, with their interview with Stewart Hendler - yesterday, nillapuddin pointed out another couple of vids you might enjoy. in early August, they interviewed Enisha Brewster, who plays April Orenski, and the main topic of discussion was the UNSC Warthog. Then, yesterday, a new installment was released - this one is called 'The Haircut', and they discuss the recent 'Enlist' short (we mentioned THAT yesterday) with Tom Green (who plays Thomas Lasky). Good stuff! Keep an eye on the full playlist for new releases. (Louis Wu 13:36:22 UTC)

August 23, 2012 Link to this post

Cosplaying at Gamescom
More from samurai - he and his brother visited Gamescom recently (the convention in Cologne, Germany), and they dressed up for the occasion. Check this thread... and this one. Nice! (Louis Wu 19:50:47 UTC)

August 9, 2012 Link to this post

New Bulletin and More. Believe What You Saw.
343 Industries dropped an absolutely lovely bowl of kibble to nibble with the latest Halo Bulletin. In it you'll find a megaton of info about UNSC weapons, including some surprises, info on the upcoming Reach matchmaking adjustments, and an OHI for the ages by Frank "Sir Walter Scott" O'Connor. It's an awesome read, definitely check it out! Afterwards, you can check out some impressions by community stalwarts from ReadyUpLive and The Halo Council, including a breakdown of a new weapon by Nexy. You've got lots to digest... GO GET STARTED! (GrimBrother One 16:03:17 UTC)

August 7, 2012 Link to this post

We should change his name to 'iWin'
Padraig08 announced the winner of his recent screenshot contest, and the winner was... iForge! Congrats to the winning submission; nice work! More details about the shot and the prize in the above-linked post. Give it a look! (GrimBrother One 21:10:27 UTC)

July 29, 2012 Link to this post

If It Were Realistic: Halo Marines
Euphorian Films released "If It Were Realistic: Halo Marines" - a machinima that speculates what Halo might look like if... well, if it were more realistic. It starts off with promise... but quickly fades into silliness (I question whether the creators REALLY thought that the Master Chief is being portrayed 'realistically' in their vid). Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Louis Wu 17:47:01 UTC)

July 28, 2012 Link to this post

Sack Time
Yesterday was Friday, so a new Bungie Mailsack found its way to the world wide web. Great questions, great answers. Get to know your friendly neighborhood employees just a little bit better! (Ibeechu started a thread on our forum, if you have anything to say about it.) (Louis Wu 19:48:07 UTC)

July 22, 2012 Link to this post

Pointing out the folly of man
A few days ago, Demoncarnotaur grabbed a few shots from some SDCC footage, showing off the new Halo 4 Jackal design. This led to some discussion on NeoGAF about how these puppies look a lot like Godzilla. Last night, he grabbed a few more - they're definitely freaky.Update: HaloBase's Legend put together a comparison. (Louis Wu 15:42:38 UTC)

July 21, 2012 Link to this post

Halo pops up in lots of places
Anthony Vaccaro, who worked as an environment artist on Halo: Reach (and now works at Naughty Dog) started a thread on Polycount about a workshop he's going to be teaching, showing how to create game environments using modular assets. The fun part? He's going to use a cool Halo concept of a hallway as his base. Pretty awesome! Thanks to Computron for noticing. (Louis Wu 14:21:49 UTC)

July 21, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 LE Console Custom Sounds, from Major Nelson
If you watched all the 343 panels from SDCC, you saw Kiki Wolfkill turn on the Halo 4 LE Console, and you MIGHT have heard the sounds that the console makes when you turn on the console, and when you eject a disc. (Adding these custom sounds to consoles started with the Reach console a couple of years ago - a nice little touch.) In yesterday's podcast from Major Nelson, these sounds were played in high-quality. If you just want to hear the sounds themselves, fast-forward to 1:09:44 in his podcast. If you would like a little bit of context (and a reminder of what you're about to hear), start a bit sooner (maybe around 1:09:10 or so). Thanks to Hypertrooper for pointing this out! Update: If you're too lazy to scrub through a long mp3 file, Legend from HaloBase tells us that he's put just the sounds themselves online in a YouTube video. (It's still 10 times longer than it has to be; it's 23 seconds long, while the sounds are about a second each... but hey, that's way better than a couple of hours!) (Louis Wu 14:09:48 UTC)

July 19, 2012 Link to this post

Wrapping up the SDCC Experience, by Tex
If you were following our SDCC Event Coverage last week, you saw a bunch of stuff from Tex - if you go visit her personal blog, there's a fantastic summary of her experience, start to finish. Plus some great pics! (Louis Wu 16:05:34 UTC)

July 18, 2012 Link to this post

Breaking In (and watching movies)
Ryan Cooper is an engineer who makes sure network code works - go read the latest Breaking In article at Bungie.net to see how he got there, and why he loves his job. (While you're there, check out a little piece about a private movie screening that took place in the Bungie offices recently...) (Louis Wu 20:44:45 UTC)

July 15, 2012 Link to this post

High-quality Haven Gameplay Video
Inside Gaming seemed to get some direct feed footage (Part 1 | Part 2) from the after-hours Halo 4 event at SDCC - the gameplay leaves a bit to be desired, but the quality of the video is light-years above all of the off-center, offscreen footage we've seen this week. (Actually, watching the second part suggests this is offscreen footage; you can see his hand pointing at one point. Awesome setup, in that case.) Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 16:56:50 UTC)

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