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Showing results 401 - 425 of 4250 matches

December 5, 2012 Link to this post

Brawling your eyes out
Kal let us know that there's a new Wednesday Night Grifbrawl tonight - it's a double header between Green Army and Four Guys One Ball, starting at 10pm Eastern. The note ended with this interesting line: "But we'll also be premiering an exciting new way to stream Grifball games that will revolutionize the sport!" Tune in to find out more! (Louis Wu 20:10:27 UTC)

December 1, 2012 Link to this post

Spartan Ops Solo Legendary (No Death): Rally Point
RC Master sent word of a new video - it's the start of a new series. He's running through Spartan Ops, Solo Legendary. This mission: Episode 4, Chapter 2. It's 13 minutes long, and contains lots of fun tips for maximizing your efficiency. (He completes the level with no deaths.) Great watch! (Louis Wu 13:39:05 UTC)

November 30, 2012 Link to this post

TL;DR - because sometimes you WTRL
Anyone who's read this site for any length of time has seen that a lot of good Halo content comes out of the NeoGAF forum - but finding older gems becomes difficult because there is just so much discussion with very little structure. nscuDuncan has decided to start archiving posts he really enjoys, to make them easier to get back to in the future. Keep an eye on the new 'TL;DR' section of HaloGAF.com! First up - a thoughtful what-if post by FyreWulff about Forge. (Louis Wu 15:57:20 UTC)

November 29, 2012 Link to this post

Crimson Map Pack Assets Released
The Crimson Map Pack is the first of three known DLC packs - and it's coming in less than two weeks. We knew this last week - but now there is official info. Swing by the Xbox.com Press Center for promo screenshots and a 90-second HD teaser. (We've put up a local version if you'd like streaming instead of WMV.) Update: Looks like it's already up on YouTube... and our forum is not really happy with what they see. (Louis Wu 20:27:09 UTC)

November 25, 2012 Link to this post

Visualizing the Halo Universe: Round 4
Postmortem announced Round 4 of his 'Visualizing the Halo Universe' contest - this time out, you'll be working towards a Precursor. Start your imagination engines! (Louis Wu 23:07:40 UTC)

November 21, 2012 Link to this post

Not quite a panorama
mecka used the recently-announced Screenshot Extractor to pull together enough shots to show off Adrift in an awesome light. Go appreciate! (Louis Wu 19:39:45 UTC)

November 20, 2012 Link to this post

The Environment Art of Halo 4
Polycount has an article put together by members of 343's Environment Art team - it talks about they went about building those oh-so-pretty environments we've been playing through. Great read! Thanks, TDSpiral. (Louis Wu 21:14:45 UTC)

November 20, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Screenshots - on your computer
HaLo2FrEeEk stopped in to announce that he's updated his Halo Screenshot Extractor (read about it on his site) - it now supports grabbing screenshots en masse from Halo 3, ODST, Reach: Beta, Reach, and Halo 4. Nice! (Especially nice since the official tools don't exist yet!) It's a Windows executable, and the source code is available, too. (Louis Wu 20:43:07 UTC)

November 19, 2012 Link to this post

The Gym v2.0
Schooly D has revisited his idea of a practice environment (he'd built one for Reach) - swing by his post for screenshots and a video showing off The Gym 2.0, now for Halo 4! (Louis Wu 15:18:35 UTC)

November 13, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Green Screen Tutorial
GeneticSpartan stopped in to let us know he'd recorded a green screen tutorial for Halo 4 - including setting up the map you'll need. Watch it, and then get to making some cool machinima! (Louis Wu 16:55:04 UTC)

November 13, 2012 Link to this post

T-Rex Hands!
Captain Spark spent a little time in Shutdown's vehicle bay, and recorded 30 Marine audio clips. Some of them are hilarious! (He's not starting up collecting dialogue again... but that doesn't mean we wouldn't set up a page for it if people started submitting clips.) (Louis Wu 16:53:52 UTC)

November 12, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Achievement Guide(s)
MixMaker1 let us know that he's started a video Halo 4 Achievement Guide - the first installment covers the Terminals. Take a look! (Seraph XXVII pointed out a text-based guide at Xbox360Achievements, if that works better for your brain.) (Louis Wu 19:05:45 UTC)

November 11, 2012 Link to this post

The Expanded View
The Panorama truck came around twice today - and there's tasty goodies to be had both times! Despite a lack of Screenshot upload functionality so far in Halo 4, Beorn put up a series of gorgeous shots... and Hedgemony followed soon after with his own collection (plus one more). Not that it didn't before... but they make this game look beautiful. (Louis Wu 18:29:37 UTC)

November 5, 2012 Link to this post

Shield and Sword - the Wrapup
There is more Halo 4 content out there than you can shake a Gravity Hammer at - let's start with some local stuff. Leviathan has been posting a series of thought experiments - he calls the project 'Shield and Sword', and it shows, via text, sketches, maps, and more, how he might have gone about making a Halo-related campaign. The final bits were ready to go this weekend - but we were offline. He posted them on his personal blog, but we've put up local copies, so that the full run is visible on our forum, as he intended it to be. Check out Mission Seven: United, and when you're through, jump over to The Final Threads (missions eight and nine, plus an epilogue). The forum is still closed for comments - but it will reopen tomorrow, so you can add your thoughts then! (Louis Wu 19:07:59 UTC)

October 26, 2012 Link to this post

Halloween Awakens
padraig08 put together some cool screenshot artwork to celebrate Halloween - go see! (Louis Wu 17:27:13 UTC)

October 25, 2012 Link to this post

German Gameplay from FirstLook
samurai let us know that HaloOrbit has posted a FirstLook 2012 hands-on article - in includes videos showing Regicide on Exile (offscreen, recorded at FirstLook). Text is in German, but readable even with a Google translation. (Louis Wu 17:40:28 UTC)

October 25, 2012 Link to this post

Podcast Thursday!
In short order last night and this morning, we received three separate reports of new Halo podcasts:

  • Robowski told us about Post Game Carnage Report 135 - there's talk of a lemonade stand (in the context of Master Chief)? Odd.
  • Dust Storm let us know about a pair of Podtaculars - Ep 321 discusses Infinity Multiplayer, while Ep 322 covers Forward Unto Dawn Episode 3. There's even a PodTV episode discussing the hidden text in last week's Bulletin.
  • Woaf announced that Dust and Echoes Ep 25 went live - special guest is Forward Unto Dawn's David Fuchs, discussing the Community Evolved Kickstarter project. (Plenty of other stuff, too.)

Go listen! (Louis Wu 14:08:10 UTC)

October 24, 2012 Link to this post

Community Evolved update
davidfuchs stopped in with word of an update to the Community Evolved Kickstarter project - it's available only to backers, but it's a pretty interesting tidbit (and you can get in on the action for as little as $1). One thing I hadn't noticed before now - if you want a copy of this book, once it's finished... backing the Kickstarter project is the only way to get it. You've still got 22 days... go check it out! (Louis Wu 15:50:33 UTC)

October 19, 2012 Link to this post

Guilt O' Lantern Prizes - Preliminary List Up
Took longer than I'd expected, and I still don't have it all photographed... but the preliminary prize list for the Guilt O' Lantern contest has been posted. (Thanks to both Bungie and 343, not to mention Lawnmower172, for their generous contributions!) If you haven't started carving yet... use this as incentive! The boxes I'm going to be shipping out in mid/late November are going to be absurd. (Louis Wu 18:22:38 UTC)

October 18, 2012 Link to this post

Halo Bulletin - Puzzleicious
As is the case on most Wednesday evenings, the Halo Bulletin went live last night. It contains a bunch of stuff you probably could have predicted it would have (new shots of a Halo 4 map - in this case, Meltdown; information about a Halo weapon - in this case, the Mantis) - it also contains stuff you might not have thought about. 'Section 3' has a puzzle which will require people with careful fingers and maybe out-of-the-ordinary tools to solve. There is hidden text that, when combined with similar text in previous Bulletins, might start telling its own story. (thebruce0 has begun to compile the relevant tidbits to make them easier to put together.) And it has pumpkin templates (that you might want to consider for our Guilt O' Lantern contest, whose deadline is coming up in less than 2 weeks!). We, of course, have a local copy (it is much, much easier on low-bandwidth connections) - but wherever you read it... definitely read it. (Louis Wu 20:01:03 UTC)

October 18, 2012 Link to this post

For people with too much money...
Wow. I've seen overpriced Halo auctions before... but this one might take the cake. Over at Halo Waypoint, Pocket Dorkfish has posted a link to an eBay auction in which he's selling some sealed games, some giveaways from release parties/conventions, and a couple of books (including a signed copy of The Art of Halo 3, which is pretty rare). Starting bid? $5,000. Buy It Now for $12,000! Wow. Just... wow. (Louis Wu 19:46:37 UTC)

October 18, 2012 Link to this post

IGN/343 Halo 4 Haven Walkthrough
One of the earliest Halo 4 multiplayer maps we got to see was Haven - interestingly, it's near the end of IGN's series of Map Walkthroughs. The Haven episode was released this morning - take a look to make sure you've found all the nooks and crannies before you start rampaging on November 6! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 19:17:01 UTC)

October 16, 2012 Link to this post

Community Evolved
This is an incredibly cool project. Postmortem and the ForwardUntoDawn crew have launched an absolutely awesome tribute to celebrate the first 10 years of the Halo Community. Titled Community Evolved, the still-in-production book takes a look back at the last ten years of community support, activity, and involvement that the Halo franchise has inspired. Some wonderful special guests will be included throughout, and some amazing artwork will be included. If you are a Halo fan, this won't be something you want to miss. As we mentioned, it's still in production, and could use your support to reach its full potential, so please check out their Kickstarter page to see how you can become involved. Things like this continue to show how powerful the bond is between Halo fans, and how special the last ten years has been for all the content created and friendships forged. Go check it out! (GrimBrother One 20:59:01 UTC)

October 15, 2012 Link to this post

Offscreen footage from NYCC... maybe
Sometimes, I am sad that 3 days with no sleep will force me to take a day off. My hat goes off to GrimBrother One for staying on top of things this week! Lessee what we got... there were a couple of new gameplay vids posted, showing off-screen footage of Ragnarok from NYCC... but at least one (Halo 4 Ragnarok Gameplay, showing off gameplay by Tashi and filmed by Bravo) is already offline - the automated copyright crushers are being a bit overzealous today. (Halo Waypoint's own BTS, mentioned yesterday, has been pulled down 'due to a copyright claim by Microsoft'.) You can still watch HaloGAF at NYCC: Mantis Gameplay (posted by ncsuDuncan) - but I'm not sure for how much longer. (Louis Wu 19:18:26 UTC)

October 11, 2012 Link to this post

IGNiting a Sense of Nostalgia
Morpheus let us know that IGN has run a feature showing some of their favorite game franchises in a then & now-style display. While they certain employ some... curious screenshot placement, it is interesting to see some well-known game franchises shown side-by-side with their original iterations. Go give it a look! (GrimBrother One 20:35:35 UTC)

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