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June 7, 2000 Link to this post

More Halo in Dutch mag
Over at the Haloplayers general forum, anno domini posts that the July issue of PC Zone Benelux (a Dutch PC gaming mag) contains a four page Halo article, "as well as four previously unreleased and exclusive screenshots, differing from those in the July issue of PC Gamer UK!" We're talking to our agent in Holland about getting hold of a copy of this mag. Stay tuned. (Louis Wu 20:35:36 UTC)

June 7, 2000 Link to this post

Yes ANOTHER new Halo screenshot
Whoa! The London offices of HBO snagged us a copy of PC Gamer UK July 2000. We're not worthy... we're not worthy! They also scanned in a full page Halo marine pic not previously seen on the net. Go grab it here before we're raided! Much to our amazement they ripped the mag apart to bring you a FULL shot of the Halo "Bobs" in action. Now you can see the unseen left half. It's pretty clear from this scan that the logo on the cap is not a Marathon logo. (Wirehead 14:20:17 UTC)

June 7, 2000 Link to this post

Wallpaper page updated
Another pair of screens from Private Meowman... quite the prolific screenmaker! You'll find them on our Wallpaper page. (Louis Wu 03:27:36 UTC)

June 6, 2000 Link to this post

Marathon-like logo on Commander's hat
The Marathon-Halo link again... silverfox, on the R.net forum, has noticed a Marathon-like logo on the hat in one of the new PC Gamer screens. What's going on here? (Louis Wu 22:31:10 UTC)

June 6, 2000 Link to this post

New Screens at Haloplayers
Haloplayers has posted small scans of the new PC Gamer screenshots... these seem to be screen grabs from the E3 trailer. Take a look! (And when you're done, swing by Rampancy.net, where Ferrex has posted a quick synopsis of the four pics.) (Louis Wu 22:30:44 UTC)

June 6, 2000 Link to this post

Latest PCGamer UK has Halo spread
Haloplayers has gotten their hands on the latest issue of PCGamer UK... with a 5-page Halo spread inside. Four new screenshots, and some interesting info, including this quote:

"Jason [Jones] believes that the balance is moving increasingly towards the first person model."

Now THERE'S a switch. Here's hoping Haloplayers gets permission to post this soon. (Louis Wu 17:32:57 UTC)

May 31, 2000 Link to this post

May and June PCXL text up
For those not up to downloading the large image files of yesterday's PCXL scans, we've transcribed the text from both articles. "Tired of Playing WIth Yourself?" (from the May issue) focuses mainly on multiplayer, while "Mission: 'The Angels Sing'" concentrates on solo play. There were two new screenshots, which can be found in our Screenshots archives (on the Magazine page). (Louis Wu 05:46:16 UTC)

May 30, 2000 Link to this post

No joy in usenetville
More info on the alt.games.halo newsgroup mentioned by Simon Brownlee... seems someone screwed up royally. There was no proposal posted to alt.config, which means that many newsservers will ignore the group as "unofficial". There's no valid "Approved" line in the newgroup control post (the post that actually starts the group), which means that MOST servers will ignore this group. (We've posted the newgroup control message, as it appeared on Simon's server.) And unfortunately, it means that a sanctioned Halo newsgroup will have to choose a different name than alt.games.halo... since that one is now taken. A great big rasberry to "Toolbox", who did such a wonderful (not!) job with this. On the upside... there's a link to HBO as the place to go for "more information about Halo". ;) (Louis Wu 15:22:05 UTC)

May 30, 2000 Link to this post

alt.games.halo newsgroup started
A bit earlier than some expected... but an alt.games.halo newsgroup has been started.(It may or may not have propagated to your local server by now... be patient, if it hasn't.) Yet another place to discuss the nooks and crannies of the Halo universe! Thanks to Simon Brownlee for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 12:03:12 UTC)

May 28, 2000 Link to this post

New Halo screenshot on the Voodoo5 5500 AGP box?
New Halo screenshot on the Voodoo5 5500 AGP box? MAK thinks so on our forums and posts this URL to a Voodoo5 5500 AGP box pic. Thanks MAK. (Wirehead 12:11:28 UTC)

May 27, 2000 Link to this post

Gamersyndicate Halo preview
Gamersyndicate.com has a Halo preview online. No new info (they start with the text from the E3 Halo movie brochure, and move on to some basics about the gaming environment), but the presentation is pretty nice. Worth a look. (Louis Wu 00:11:43 UTC)

May 26, 2000 Link to this post

New Featured Squad interview at HP
The boys of Haloplayers have put up another Featured Squad interview, this time with klown ofP.O.T.E.S. Swing on by and give it a read if you're interested in how one of the earlier groups got their start. (Louis Wu 00:03:04 UTC)

May 25, 2000 Link to this post

Halo preview at Gamecritics.com
Gamecritics.com (no relation to Game Critics Awards) has put up an extensive preview of Halo, with commentary on 15 individual screenshots. It's a good read... swing by and take a look! (Louis Wu 00:00:45 UTC)

May 23, 2000 Link to this post

Newsweek's Halo coverage
Halo scoop! The May 29 issue of Newsweek arrived... and here's the Halo review, in all its glory. Would you check out the tires on that baby? Just for the fun of it, here's a bigger version of the actual screenshot. Newsweek Online has most of that issue on their website... the only thing they're missing is the E3 article. :( Pax. (Crux Fidelis 18:52:51 UTC)

May 23, 2000 Link to this post

Oni E3 Flyer at Oni Central
Oni Central has put up the backside of the E3 flyer we brought you yesterday. No really new screens... but a beautiful layout! Go feast your eyes! (Louis Wu 13:18:41 UTC)

May 20, 2000 Link to this post

Incite PC says new screenshots... we say...
In aSpecial post-E3 RoundupIncite PC offer what they claim to be new Halo screenshots. While we'd all like to see new Halo screenshots these are not new. Sorry guys. :( (Wirehead 07:27:36 UTC)

May 19, 2000 Link to this post

New Screenshot from GameStar
Man, this e3 stuff makes us nuts. Somehow, this never made it to our Screenshots page... but GameStar put up an e3 writeup last week that included an not-seen-before-on-the web shot. Very nice pic of the covenant plasma cannon in action. (This WAS published in their print magazine,but hasn't appeared on the web before, except in bootlegged scans.) We'll catch up soon, we promise! (Louis Wu 14:46:55 UTC)

May 18, 2000 Link to this post

Louis Screws Up
OMG did our own Louis Wu screw up? Both noddy99 and Chris think so. They point out that this CD Mag screen is not a retouched version (according to Louis) of this shot since that comes from a Gamestar shot. There are also notable differences between the two jeep pics even if the general look appears the same. On behalf of the staff at HBO I humbly apologize to CD Mag, Bungie and HBO readers for this error. (Ding 07:12:58 UTC)

May 18, 2000 Link to this post

Fun with Photoshop
Thanks to Chris, who sent in a link to one of the CD Mag images... at first glance, it looks like a new screen, but upon closer examination, it appears that CD Mag just did a bit of background editing. (This is from the article that turned out earlier today to be recycled from last July.)Stay tuned, though... word from CD Mag was that they're working on some pretty good stuff, and put this up so there'd be something online. We'll keep you posted. (Louis Wu 00:35:34 UTC)

May 16, 2000 Link to this post

Gaming sites behind the times
For some reason, several big gaming sites (VoodooExtreme, Shugashack, Blue's News, probably others)are reporting the Gamecenter screens posted a couple of weeks ago as new, now. They're not new. They were posted on April 29. Just wanted to clear that up. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 00:56:13 UTC)

May 13, 2000 Link to this post

E3 report on Halo from IMG
Inside Mac Games have an E3 report on Halo. Here's an interesting piece:

Doug Zartman cleared up a few issues for us - when it comes to vehicles, you mount just by walking up and pressing an assigned key. Where you stand next to the vehicle when you press that key determines what position you take (gunner, driver, shotgun seat.) He confirmed that you would be able to play as either human or Covenant in multiplayer games, and of course as any combination therof.

They also claim to have new screenshots but they're not new. :( (Louis Wu 09:13:27 UTC)

May 13, 2000 Link to this post

Gamecenter E3 review posted
Bam! Matt Hilliard strikes again. Even before there was time to post his first tip, we got a second one... this time about a Gamecenter review. Matt points out a passage that either means the reporter goofed (my guess), or that the 'new' Marine isn't the ONLY marine:

Just as a Covenant alien moves in for the kill, the primary Halo soldier (the one clad in the gold armor and shown in most of the released screen shots), comes upon the scene and takes out the alien.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? (Thanks again, Matt!) (Louis Wu 00:10:45 UTC)

May 12, 2000 Link to this post

e3news.com shows old MWNY trailer... why?
Just in from Tribby... Gamespot's e3news.com is showing Halo info RIGHT NOW. (started 7:30 PST) Unfortunately, it seems to be the MWNY trailer they're showing... pretty lame, if you ask me. (Wow, time warp. On the main e3news.com page, there's a link for Halo, first impression... the text might be new (doesn't seem to match any of the previous gamespot releases), but the pics are the first four screens ever released!) (Louis Wu 02:53:45 UTC)

May 11, 2000 Link to this post

GameSpot has a Halo preview
GameSpot have an E3 news pagewhich points to a Halo preview. No real new info and they claim to have four new screenshots but they're not new. :( (Crux Fidelis 08:10:04 UTC)

May 11, 2000 Link to this post

New pic from PC Gamer
mad.max, founder of the Halo SETI Marines, has scanned in the small Halo screenshot from the UK edition of PC Gamer. There's also a neat shot of Doug Zartman. Go take a look here. Nice one Max. (Crux Fidelis 07:25:04 UTC)

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