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April 12, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo preview in PC Gamer UK
fAt1 informs us that he finally got his subscription copy of PC Gamer UK (general release on the 14th) which has a new Halo preview. While there are no new in-game screenshots there is a piece of concept art of the human dropship (woohoo!). Here are some juicey quotes from the article courtesy of fAt1:

"As with Half-Life and the other great leaps in gaming, it's attention to detail that'll inspire knowing glances among gamers."

"Stealing their technology isn't just going to give you some cool ways to blow them to space-chunks, it's going to be essential to you success in the game."

"While levels are big, they're basically designed for recapturing that pillar-to-post fighting feel that was so inspiring in Half-life"


"Well, sex sells and Halo, in an eye-meets-game and make beautiful love kind of way, is digital sex... It's going to be a feverish wait"

(Wirehead 07:49:06 UTC)

April 10, 2001 Link to this post

Halo to use the Tribes 2 engine?
News flash! We called him a troll, but maybe he knows more than we do! The Bungie Webcam is now showing a new Halo screenshot (here if you miss it)... it IS the Tribes 2 engine! (Before you hit that email link, ask yourself... did we really mean it?) Thanks, Aaron... (Louis Wu 22:36:35 UTC)

April 10, 2001 Link to this post

Fun with Photoshop
Nate writes that an early Halo screenshot has always annoyed him... so he decided to fix it. (Louis Wu 18:53:30 UTC)

April 9, 2001 Link to this post

This Grenade's For You
Last Friday's update has been added to the Halo Update Database - this week's search word is 'grenade'. See how long it took for Rob to go from 'hop[ing] to start working on a hand grenade soon' to being able to read the stenciling... (Louis Wu 02:28:51 UTC)

April 6, 2001 Link to this post

They're closer than we thought
Sam Kite points out a Tribes 2 preview at PC Zone UK with an... interesting screenshot. Go to the second page of the review, and check out the top left screenie. (Louis Wu 20:51:42 UTC)

April 4, 2001 Link to this post

Inside out and upside down
Harry Al-Shakarchi asks What if...

...it were the other way around: sitting in the jeep, you are in first person view, and on foot, third person...

Interesting question, Harry. :) (Thanks to Shacknews for the Planetside screenshots.) (Louis Wu 20:50:02 UTC)

April 4, 2001 Link to this post

They love it in Melbourne
John the Replicant writes to say that his local newspaper, the Melbourne, Australia Herald Sun, reviewed up-and-coming console technologies, and focused on the Xbox:

The interesting part was that even though they didn't use a screenshot from Halo, the author wrote that Halo was by far the most popular game at the recent M$ GameStock. It states that people were climbing over one another to play the game.

It's always nice when the mainstream print press (that is, not the gaming press) notices Halo. Thanks, John! (Louis Wu 12:53:26 UTC)

April 4, 2001 Link to this post

The first Halo game server starts up
Mike Larson writes to say that they've started up what aims to be the first and best dedicated Halo gaming server: HALOServer.com. There's nothing there yet (the site redirects to phiberoptix.com, a web hosting company), but they're configuring now. Guess it pays to get ready early! (Louis Wu 12:50:08 UTC)

April 3, 2001 Link to this post

New version of the Gamestock movie?
Thanks to Char (IMG), who noted on the R.net forum that ign.com has posted an edited version of the Gamestock movie - it's a bit over 4 megs in size, 320x240 in screen size, and 35 seconds in length, with a new (non-Marty-sounding) soundtrack... Char thinks it's what was shown at the Tokyo Game Show. (I poked around on a few ign.com sites, but couldn't find a story that went with this movie.) Worth a look, for those who can't handle a 182 MB download, or those who want to see every last tidbit of Halo media. (Louis Wu 08:51:09 UTC)

April 2, 2001 Link to this post

Set sail for a different kind of booty
Not Halo news, but new games don't come out of Bungie all that often... Pimps at Sea was announced recently. The site contains screenshots, a description of gameplay, and a large (100 MB) movie giving viewers a peek at the making of the game. Worth a look! (bungie.org has opened a fansite for the game, though it's rather sparse at the moment...) (Louis Wu 02:15:30 UTC)

March 28, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo coming in PC Gamer UK magazine?
$erial-ki!!A sends word that PC Gamer UK magazine are also advertising their next edition as follows:

'We VISIT BUNGIE to get all the latest news and incredible SCREENSHOTS of this stunning tactical shooter!'

$erial-ki!!A goes on to note that PC Gamer UK got new previously unseen shots in their last feature on Halo. So we might be lucky. :) (Ding 17:13:52 UTC)

March 26, 2001 Link to this post

The rumors have started
The rumor mill cometh... Justin Lambert sends in notice that ps2.ign.com is reporting a rumor that the Xbox will be delayed until mid-spring of 2002... could this be real, or just sour grapes from a site that covers a rival console? (Louis Wu 05:03:13 UTC)

March 23, 2001 Link to this post

EGM covers Halo in May 01 issue
B5RobMan@aol.com sends word that the May 2001 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly contains an article on the Xbox version of Halo. The screens all use the original marine... but apparently, there's some additional coverage. When we know more, you'll know more. :) (Louis Wu 21:58:09 UTC)

March 23, 2001 Link to this post

High quality Halo screenshots (TIFF format)
Kudos to Char over on the Rampancy forum for spotting an archive of high quality Halo screenshots (TIFF format) over at xbox.com. The screenshots are the nine most recently released ones. Judging from the URL this is the Halo press material from the Games Developers Conference (GDC) 2001. The screenshots are huge so if you have a fast line grab them before they shut the shop! (Wirehead 09:50:51 UTC)

March 22, 2001 Link to this post

Halo in next month's PCGUK
fAt1, of MPZ Halo, writes to say that the latest copy of PC Gamer UK has a teaser for the next issue:

Exclusive, Halo: It's back, we visit Bungie to get all the latest news and incredible screenshots of this stunning new tactical shooter!

That issue should be on the stands on April 19th, and possibly in the hands of subscribers a few days before that... let's see who's fastest with the details! (Louis Wu 19:56:56 UTC)

March 22, 2001 Link to this post

More PC musings
And the questioning begins... Tom Van Sinden writes

A couple of observations:

(Sat Mar 10 15:26)
That glowing red light is a Microsoft Optical mouse.

(Sat Mar 10 15:47)
THAT looks like four-way split screen... hmm...

We just report what gets sent to us, folks... (Louis Wu 00:35:18 UTC)

March 21, 2001 Link to this post

Sound Hijinks
More behind-the-scenes stuff... Marty O'Donnell explains a bit about how the sound worked during the demo. To set the scene, Joe Staten said this in his reply to Mark Levin's post:

If my shooting style seemed erratic, it's because I was trying to stay in sync with the music. Notice how the last Grunt in the penetration fight dies "on cue"? To accomplish that I had to miss the Elite with most of a clip.

When I first read this, I said, 'Huh?' Marty cleared up what was happening:

I was in the back of the auditorium playing a CD of the music that was made for Joe's choreographed gameplay. There were four pieces, each with some cool internal hit points (as long as Joe hits his marks) and then I started each new piece to correspond to Joe's location. The sound engine will do this in the game, of course it won't be wall to wall music like this presentation was, but it'll be pretty cool.

Thank God Joe didn't crash... or fall into that first big shaft. It would have kind of screwed up the choreography.

The things you have to do to successfully demo a game! (Louis Wu 20:42:17 UTC)

March 21, 2001 Link to this post

New Fan Fiction for your perusal
While you're waiting for some server to unclog enough to download the hi-res version of the new Gamestock footage, we've got some reading material for you.

He was about to move the camera back when he noticed something that made his blood chill. A pair of Covenant elite were slowly moving through the woods about 150 yards from the two Marines, on a path designed to intersect.

Bastard sends in the next installment of the storyline he started with 'Tides of War'. You can find 'Last Stand', the new story, in our Fan Fiction section. I'm beginning to realize that this section might have value to the Halo storywriting team... some interesting missions could be developed from some of these stories. (Louis Wu 14:56:40 UTC)

March 21, 2001 Link to this post

Halo movie screen captures
Kudos to Harry for creating a page of screen captures from the latest Halo movie. If you can't grab the movie then get the next best thing. (Ding 13:15:40 UTC)

March 21, 2001 Link to this post

Oceans of Halo goodness... if you can get it
Well, as everyone this side of Katmandu probably already knows, bungie.com and Bungie's Halo site were both updated this evening, and the highlight of the update is a nearly inaccessible new trailer, in two flavors. The big version is 182 MB, the smaller version is 35 MB. Bachus has kindly written up a synopsis for those frustrated by the overwhelmed Microsoft servers... and when mirrors go up, we'll do our best to tell you about them. In the meantime, we've updated our Screenshots section with the two new shots Bungie released... you might find them easier to view here. :) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 04:36:53 UTC)

March 16, 2001 Link to this post

screenshot analysis reconstructed
A few days ago, we mentioned that Noctavis, of Rampancy.net, had posted a pretty nice analysis of the new screenshots. Soon after that, though, the R.net forum exploded, showering its denizens with shards of broken verbiage, injuring 14, killing 4. One of the casualties was Noc's analysis post. Luckily, he's taken the time to reproduce it, and in fact add to it. You can check it out here. (Louis Wu 14:03:55 UTC)

March 15, 2001 Link to this post

old news roundup
A couple of items we noted on R.net, missed 'em first time around: There's a gushing Halo review (with some interesting multiplayer comments) written in mid-January over at GlobalXbox.com - old screens, but probably worth a read. Also, Mac Halo, IMG's Halo site, has awoken from its torpor and is back up and running. Easy to lose track of stuff during this media blitz... (Louis Wu 10:13:39 UTC)

March 15, 2001 Link to this post

Another first-person account
Thanks to Char (IMG), who noted on the R.net forum that this thread in the ign.com forum contains another hands-on review of Halo, from a Team 17 member who was at Gamestock. His final summary:

he Conclusion: Everything I thought it would be, and more! It was so visually stunning on the Xbox. The jeep, the player, the aliens, down to the waves, all of it was so jawdropping. I was impressed to say the least.

Questions Answered: The presentation briefly discussed Halo singleplayer and the online features of the game. This should clear up anything with this strange rumor saying that there is no multiplayer. They also mentioned the split screen coop and deathmatch modes if it's just you and your friends.

Good news,that! Go read the rest - there's more in his post, and more in the thread, about controller use, among other things. (Louis Wu 02:18:41 UTC)

March 14, 2001 Link to this post

One more new screenie
We've added one more screenshot to our Screenshots section. This was found at the beginning of the Flash animation on MS's Gamestock site. (We snagged it yesterday, but want to thank Razorback for the heads-up, anyway. :) ) (Louis Wu 16:38:16 UTC)

March 14, 2001 Link to this post

Noc looks at screens
Noctavis, of Rampancy.net, has posted a pretty nice screenshot analysis to R.net's forum. The rest of the thread covers some points he missed. Worth a read! (Louis Wu 15:12:54 UTC)

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