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May 24, 2001 Link to this post

GamePC rates Halo a massive disappointment
Aginor pipes up on our forum, pointing out a GamePC E3 report, which gave Halo their 'Most Disappointing' award for the show (tied with the Xbox, in general). They didn't even like the single-player:

Their flagship game, Halo, was displayed in a four-way split screen (a la Golden Eye). The graphics were choppy and the resolution and detail obviously suffered from the split screen. Single player modes were being shown as well, but it was hard to see the visual differences between it and a game like Tribes 2.

Another victim of hype... (Louis Wu 16:35:46 UTC)

May 24, 2001 Link to this post

Another look at the Xbox controller
In what's quickly turning into Ph.D. day here at HBO, he points us to an MSXbox.com article that showcases some of the screenshots we took for the Fanfest V page and our E3 2001 coverage page. One that's worth a second look - the Xbox controller diagram. Never mind the errors... the diagram makes it clear how simple control really is. (Louis Wu 12:54:53 UTC)

May 24, 2001 Link to this post

8 megs of direct Halo goodness
Whoa - not sure how we (and every other Halo site out there, it seems) missed it, but Ph.D. posted an interesting link to our forum last week - xbox.ign posted a direct feed video (not filmed off a screen with a camcorder) of some Halo gameplay last Friday. It's in QuickTime format, and it's a bit dark... but definitely worth the 8 meg download. (Louis Wu 12:49:15 UTC)

May 22, 2001 Link to this post

3 gameplay movies at Coremagazine.com
Kudos to Aginor, who noticed that CoreMagazine.com posted a Halo impressions article, complete with movies. They had a bit of trouble with the jeep, but overall loved the game. There are three movies, all filmed with a camcorder off the plasma screens above the gaming rigs. The first two are solo play, the third is multiplay. (The multiplay shows four people obviously getting used to controls... hardly worth watching, except to see how splitscreen works.) The second movie shows the jeep driving in the ocean - you can see that the physics of vehicle/water interactions aren't finished yet. ;) All three films are 6-7 megs, in MPEG format, and showing roughly 30 seconds of gameplay each. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:50:26 UTC)

May 21, 2001 Link to this post

Maximum Halo
By Saturday, I was E3'd out - I'd seen all I wanted to see, and decided I'd spend most of the day getting in as much Halo playtime as possible. I wrote up some of my thoughts about the day, and posted them to our forum - there's a lot more that can be said, but this should at least be a start. Comments are, of course, always welcome. (Louis Wu 17:37:43 UTC)

May 21, 2001 Link to this post

Net recap, bonus screenshot
Man, I'm so far behind, it's not even funny. Here's a recap of Halo stuff from around the web that we've missed (thanks to Rampancy.net and Battleground: Halo for some of these):

News/comic reports

  • Firing Squad caught Joe Staten's Halo presentation last Wednesday
  • Penny Arcade comments on the size of the Xbox controller
  • MSJolt loved solo play, hated multiplay

Fan impressions:

Movie Stuff

  • HaloCenter has added mirrors for the fanfest movies - 1 | 2 | 3
  • FilePlanet now has downloadable versions of the Xbox wmv movies: hi | lo
  • pc.ign.com has more gameplay footage (filmed off the screen at the show) - thanks, Sokar and Sikora

I'll be organizing screenshots, updating the movies page, adding new concept art and fan fiction, and putting up my own impressions and comments over the course of the next few days - it's amazing how much information there was, and how hard it is to slam it all up quickly. :) To apologize for the lag, here's a bonus shot of the bottom of the Covenant Dropship. (Louis Wu 14:54:55 UTC)

May 19, 2001 Link to this post

E3 play report from xbox.ign.com
Aardvark points out that xbox.ign.com has updated their Halo section with an E3 report (they've put all their notes, starting with the original 1999 Macworld look, on a single page)... but this one has an... um, interesting claim.

Admittedly choppy when battling it out with four or more buddies, the frantic squad-level action still has a ways to go in terms of visuals. Not quite on par with the PC demo floating around out there, the character models and resolution arenÕt as pretty as its computer brethren.

We'll put this as simply as we can - the last PC build was in the spring of 2000 - EVERYTHING since then has been Xbox. Jimmy Hoffa is floating around out there somewhere, too... but your chances of running across him are probably better than those of finding a Halo PC build less than a year old. (Louis Wu 14:01:15 UTC)

May 16, 2001 Link to this post

15 new Halo screenshots
15 new Halo screenshots over that MSXbox. Thanks Siva (W'rk). The same shots without Xbox logos can be seen over at Blue's News. Thanks Anaphiel. (Wirehead 18:45:08 UTC)

May 12, 2001 Link to this post

Halo on CNBC Australia
Eldar-colonel sends word that CNBC Australia ran a piece recently about cheap computer prices, on the technology news program E-Generation. During the piece, the E3 2000 trailer was showing on a whole series of screens for about 30 seconds. Nice product placement! (Louis Wu 10:08:19 UTC)

May 11, 2001 Link to this post

Do you worry about Halo hype?
Often, our forum is full of flaming, and first-time visitors asking standard questions, and whimsical musings... but every once in a while a thread comes along that asks some serious questions, and brings up some serious issues. carbon started such a thread last night - he was worried about the Halo hype. (Yeah, not a new issue, but he spelled out his concerns pretty clearly.) There's a nice response from Matt Soell in there, as well. Check it out! (Louis Wu 12:57:06 UTC)

May 9, 2001 Link to this post

CS Scandal
Stephan writes to let us in on an ugly little secret - Halo is just a mod for Counter-Strike! Dang, those Bungie guys had us fooled... (Louis Wu 21:05:05 UTC)

May 7, 2001 Link to this post

Painted ponies
Last Friday's Weekly Halo Update has been added to the Halo Updates Database. word of the week is 'shader' - how many different types have the Halo team developed, and when did they start? Shaders can be thought of as textures that provide special effects - animation effects, lighting effects, and so on. (Louis Wu 03:41:48 UTC)

May 7, 2001 Link to this post

UGO is lukewarm
Thanks to Aginor, who noticed a Halo article at UGO.com - they're pretty ho-hum about the current build. Basically, though, they're just not interested in split-screen multiplayer:

In the end, we're still interested to see what Bungie will do with the finished version of the game; whether its vast outdoor environments can be put to good use and whether the variety and pace of gameplay can live up to the standards set by the graphics engine. But we'll probably wait for the Internet-capable PC version to get REALLY excited.

Fair enough - let's see if any opinions change after E3. (Louis Wu 00:50:31 UTC)

May 5, 2001 Link to this post

Nextgen screens added to Screenshots section
Took a couple of days, but we've put up the new screens from the NextGen May 2001 article (in higher-res beauty than you'll find in the press scans) in our Screenshots section. Check 'em out. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 15:17:24 UTC)

May 4, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots section updated
Okay, it didn't take so long - the new screenshots from the GamePro May 2001 Halo article are now in our Screenshots section, in higher resolution than you'll find in the scanned article mentioned below. NextGen coming soon. :) (Louis Wu 02:55:52 UTC)

May 4, 2001 Link to this post

May 2001 Gamepro Halo article scanned
Speaking of adding dead tree articles, we've also scanned in last month's GamePro article (it's only one page, but weighs in at a hefty 382K) - short, but again, there are new shots, and the info is mostly on target. If only they hadn't used that nasty 'X' background... Higher-res versions of the new shots here, too, will be added to the Screenshots section soon. (Louis Wu 02:19:03 UTC)

May 4, 2001 Link to this post

May 2001 NextGen article rescanned
Don't take this as a shot at Free... but we rescanned the May NextGen article, in a size that's intermediate to the two he offers on Bungie Sightings, and at a higher image quality level. You'll find it on our Press page. (We'll be adding hi-res versions of the actual new screens to the Screenshots section in the next few days.) There's some great info there, if you haven't read it yet... and some nice pics. (Louis Wu 02:11:47 UTC)

May 4, 2001 Link to this post

The start of a new fan fiction
Well, almost buried in the 100-odd posts of the most amusing flamewar to happen on our forum in a long time, Anonymous Coward has posted the first four paragraphs of what he calls 'Work in progress...'. I'm gonna hold off adding it immediately to the Fan Fiction section, in the hopes that he'll add to it first - but it's a pretty nice start, go read it! (Louis Wu 01:22:58 UTC)

May 2, 2001 Link to this post

'Wanna see my smiling jeep...'
arcarsenal dropped us a line to let us know that Halo made Rolling Stone magazine - it's just a tiny blurb, describing Halo as a 'long-awaited 3d shooter' on the Xbox, and displaying the flying jeep screenshot recently released... but hey, mainstream press is mainstream press! (Louis Wu 03:00:43 UTC)

April 30, 2001 Link to this post

Halo SETI Team 14 day stats posted
Dink!... despite the infusion of 16 new members, the Halo SETI Marines lost a position in the Battle of the Teams, dropping out of the top 50 for the first time in almost a year. Ouch! Part of the blame can be placed on the four deserters, who, between them, pulled almost 2000 units out of the Halo coffers... but a big part of the problem is the low crunching action of the majority of the team. (Don't blame DarthFlounder - he's pulled within 121 units of the top spot...) The rest of you... turn that SETI screensaver back on! To see how YOU are doing, check the 14 day stats page. (Louis Wu 14:49:28 UTC)

April 26, 2001 Link to this post

Bungie webcam mystery
Dorram sent us in this Bungie webcam pic from yesterday. If you've been following some of the discussion on our forum you'll know what it's all about. Just what is on that screen? Bungie's webcam page can be found here. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 17:34:33 UTC)

April 19, 2001 Link to this post

New Miscellaneous Art available
Speaking of new uploads, we received ANOTHER anonymous upload, this time of a modified screenshot - you'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. Someone should claim this, as well. (Louis Wu 09:29:08 UTC)

April 16, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Preview at Gamecritics.com
Gamecritics.com has put put up a Halo preview that's worth reading. There's one new screenshot (pretty nice, though unfortunately small), and a reasonbly good analysis of the current position of Halo. There a couple of notable problems with the review, however, which make you wonder... for example, on Page 4, there's this passage:

It's also worth mentioning that many of the weapons won't actually look like guns. As a Microsoft rep has said, "In order to be sensitive to the needs of the mainstream consumer market and curb recent trends towards violence."

Readers with good memories will recognize this information as coming from R.net's April Fools Day post... if the author was taken in by THIS info, what ELSE is wrong? Go read it and decide for yourself. Update: d-trexx writes to say that our 'new screenshot' isn't new at all - PlanetXbox has had it in their archives since Gamestock. Guess we just missed it... Update 2: DOH! It's been in OUR screenshots section since March 20 - I put it there myself! It came from Bungie's new Halo site. I gotta stop using those aluminum pots to cook my tomato sauce in... (Louis Wu 14:05:07 UTC)

April 15, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo preview at PlayNOW
Thanks to Aginor, who noticed another preview of Halo at PlayNOW. It's generally on-target... though the screenshots are 18 months old (again), the system is listed as 'PC' (though the article itself focuses on the Xbox), and the Publisher is listed as 'Jack Of All Games'. I thought that maybe they were an Australian distributor (PlayNOW is an Australian site), but they seem to be based in Ohio. My guess is PlayNOW's review posting script is a bit... messed up. (Louis Wu 00:17:17 UTC)

April 12, 2001 Link to this post

Preview (sort of) at eUniverseGames
Thanks to Aginor, who noted (on our forum) that there's a new Halo preview over at eUniverseGames.com. Pretty clearly written by someone who didn't do their homework - screenshots are 18 months old, team list more than a year out of date (and not attributed to its source), and comments like this:

For instance, say some annoying fool is snipering your teammates you from a nearby hill, you jump in the nearest truck and drive up to the sniper, get out of the car and cut him up with your knife or shoot him with your AK-47. Then you get back in your ride and a teammate sees you, he jumps in the car and becomes the gunner and takes down other peeps who are in range or enemy aircrafts.

- it's still a pretty positive review of a game we're ALL waiting for. (Louis Wu 17:34:20 UTC)

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