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October 16, 2001 Link to this post

Xbox meets anime
Thanks to Uriel, who pointed out on the forum that dom, an artist for Megatokyo, has posted an Xbox/GameCube rant. (Scroll down the page to the area below the comic - look for dom's column.) After reaming the controller, and running down some of the good and bad stuff he saw recently, he hit on Halo:

Finally, the little aliens in Halo may just be the most fun bastards to shoot in a while.Ê They give you such crap when you die ("Not so tough NOW, are ya?") that you can't wait to respawn and pop a few more of them so they start scattering and screaming "Run!ÊIt's him!".Ê When Cortana buys himself an Xbox for DoA3 and Halo, I'll spend some time with Halo.

Someone with issues, certainly... but a fun read nonetheless. (Louis Wu 13:20:47 UTC)

October 16, 2001 Link to this post

Marty's gonna scalp someone...
A boatload of updates coming... bear with me as I write 'em up, one by one. First up: the TGS movie. Many people have been complaining about a couple of features of this movie - first, that there are three separate cov kills at the start that use the same bit of soundtrack (same covenant grunt, same background chatter), and second, that the Covenant commander who's taken down with a pair of sniper rounds (and a miss between them, to boot) doesn't show a lot of smarts in terms of saving his own hide. Matt Soell was kind enough to jump into our forum with a pair of responses - here's what he had to say about the repetitive soundtrack, and here was his AI reply. Hope this clarifies a bit! (And for those who were wondering about the much-vaunted Covenant commander, taken down with a measly pair of sniper rounds:

Which brings up another point: whoever was playing in this footage was playing at something less than the normal difficulty level. It's not that easy, folks.

Heh - makes me wish even more for a film mode. :) Go read 'em for yourself! (Louis Wu 01:16:07 UTC)

October 14, 2001 Link to this post

Screen caps from GS TGS movie
For those having trouble getting through to Gamespot's servers, or simply on lower-bandwidth connections, we've put together a screen capture page, showing some of the more interesting features of the movie. You can check it out here. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 19:51:52 UTC)

October 14, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo movie at Gamespot
Thanks to vein13, who pointed out a new movie at Gamespot. (It's the Halo Trailer 1 - Direct-Feed entry on their Media Index.) It seems to be an extended version of the IGN movie mentioned yesterday. It's available as a downloadable wmv file, a downloadable mpeg, or streamed .asf formats (in several speeds). It's 320x240, and just under a minute long... and it has some very nice footage. There are a couple of points brought up in this post, and this one... I'll probably be putting up a screen capture page in the near future. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:20:33 UTC)

October 14, 2001 Link to this post

Halo in Wired
Thanks to Noah "MigraineBoy" Brimhall, who pointed out that Halo got a couple of mentions in the November issue of Wired Magazine, during a story on Flextronics, the company that Microsoft outsourced the manufacturing of the Xbox to. (Eep - ending sentences with prepositions again...) I'd found it a pretty interesting article, but not all that Halo-related... but Noah noticed a quote I managed to miss:

So what about the games? Though the console pushes the envelope graphically, its first line of games isn't nearly as inventive. With the exception of Halo and Fusion Frenzy, most of the launch titles feel like souped-up versions of the games you know by other names.

(Fusion Frenzy has been mentioned the past as a game that has sucked up the spare time of Halo Dev Team members... Jaime Griesemer, in particular.) They also picked a Halo screen as a representative Xbox screen... nice exposure! (Louis Wu 14:32:53 UTC)

October 14, 2001 Link to this post

Lots more wallpaper...
Once again, new screens means new desktop images. Three came in overnight - one from Sikora, two from Shaun Brookman. You'll find all three in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 14:27:08 UTC)

October 13, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots section updated
Okay, we lied. We decided to put the new screens up after all - they're just so nice to look at... The Screenshots section has been updated. The first 13 shots are brand-spankin' new, never seen before. (They're a lot more reasonably-sized here than they were in Tokyo, because they're no longer TIFF files.) The remaining four have been seen before, but never at this size, or without text obscuring the image. (The cover art is included because 1) details show up better, and 2) It's not cluttered with lots of text.) Enjoy! (Side note: TeamXbox has also extracted some of the shots - they've picked 9 of the new ones, and put them up here.) (Louis Wu 10:26:39 UTC)

October 13, 2001 Link to this post

Halo out the yin-yang
Boatloads (and I mean BOATLOADS of new screens at the official Xbox Japan Press Information site... there's no WAY we'll get 'em up tonight (too damn many to thumbnail and categorize), so go and grab 'em for yourself! 8 zipped archives, a total of 27 megabytes (yeah, you read that right) of Halo goodness. GO! (Thanks to TeamXbox for the general heads-up.) Followup: Read this forum post to see what's what, and maybe save yourself a little downloading. (Louis Wu 01:06:15 UTC)

October 10, 2001 Link to this post

Evihcra says yes to Halo archive
Goodness... we didn't notice this last week, but it's GREAT news: Evihcra.com, a large file archive site (they started as the Mill, for Myth files, and have expanded to Marathon, Unreal Tournament, and the Sims), has pledged the creation of a Halo archive site, to be opened the day Halo ships for the Mac/PC. If you're a modmaker... there WILL be mods for the Mac and PC version, whether or not Bungie releases tools (previous experience with the Bungie community shows that), and now you know you'll have a place to showcase your work. Thanks, Fm! (Louis Wu 15:23:47 UTC)

October 9, 2001 Link to this post

New Wallpaper, dying for modification
Eric 'Siva' Salzman adds another entry to his 'Curves' collection - and this one has been left mostly open, so that someone could add a "stats" sidbar about the Pillar of Autumn to the image. (If you're interested, contact Eric and he'll get you a layered Photoshop file to work with.) The recent Wallpaper additions have been gorgeous! (Nothing like fantastic screens to start with...) (Louis Wu 00:25:18 UTC)

October 8, 2001 Link to this post

The final (?) Weekly Halo Update, capping a full year of updates, has been added to the Halo Update Database. A fine tradition... we'll be sorry to see it end. Word of the week - 'Chucky'. Known only as The Bear in weekly updates since June 29, he's finally Chucky again... we missed you, Chuck. The two new screenshots have been added to the Screenshots section, as well - filesizes are a bit different than the versions available at Haloplayers, because we recompressed them from the originals - they're a bit cleaner than before. (We're not taking anything away from HP - they did a fine job. We were just willing to spend a bit more time. :) 99% of our visitors won't be able to tell the difference.) (Louis Wu 00:47:06 UTC)

October 8, 2001 Link to this post

Art inspires art
New screenshots, especially ones this cinematic, inspire new desktops. We got two today - check 'em out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 00:17:15 UTC)

October 8, 2001 Link to this post

Yeah, yeah, we know.
I didn't think this was anything that folks didn't know, so I didn't report it - but I want the mail to stop now. Various people in various forums posted information about the Marathon symbol on the side of the Pillar of Autumn in the latest screenshot - Harry Al-Shakarchi was one of the first to make a nice graphic for it. The first public comment came within 10 minutes of the shot first hitting the web, and discussions have been raging for two days about it. Please - no more mail, telling us you've found it, okay? (Louis Wu 00:09:50 UTC)

October 7, 2001 Link to this post

The End is Near
Joseph E. Haake sends in an interesting modification of the Pillar of Autumn screenshot released last week. We've added it to the Miscellaneous Art section, though in retrospect, it would probably make a great desktop image... (Louis Wu 21:26:33 UTC)

October 6, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Update... mmmm
MASSIVE Halo update, finally, at Haloplayers - GO NOW. Two gorgeous screenshots (in two resolutions each, to be nice to the bandwidth impaired and the broadband-enabled both), an entertaining tale giving you a bit of the backstory behind the halo updates, and, finally, a few tidbits that might be recognizable as a Halo Update (but mostly not). They've gone out with a bang, folks - go read and enjoy it. Thanks, Matt! (Update: Louis doesn't seem to be around, so I fixed the links myself. --CZ) (Louis Wu 14:25:52 UTC)

October 5, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshot requests!
Wonga - we're probably too late, but you never know... Joseph Staten jumped onto our forum about an hour ago, and asked for requests for tonight's screenshot subject. It's likely that the job is done... but add to the thread if you'd like! (The update, if all goes according to plan, should be at Haloplayers tonight.) (Louis Wu 19:10:20 UTC)

October 5, 2001 Link to this post

Coop = splitscreen, sorry
Details on gameplay continue to emerge - Rampancy.net gets confirmation from Matt Soell (via email) that cooperative mode is limited to two players, on a single XBox in splitscreen mode. This is the only multiplayer mode with this restriction - all others can handle up to 16 players with a maximum of 4 linked XBoxes, with no splitscreen requirements. (Of course, if you're putting 16 players on 4 boxes, you have to employ splitscreen... but you can play 4 players on 4 screens if you choose. Coop play, in contrast, cannot be played on two screens.) (Louis Wu 13:50:25 UTC)

October 4, 2001 Link to this post

Gamespot pics are OLD
Before we get MORE mail about it - it seems that Gamespot has updated their Halo screenshots recently (yesterday, actually)... but all the new shots are OLD. There are some from October 1999... others that are screen captures from the E3 2000 movie... they're ALL old. (Interestingly enough, the screen grabs from E3 2001, listed as having been posted May 18, have some very nice shots in the collection... The fun stuff starts on page 4, and runs through the top of page 7.) (Louis Wu 09:29:42 UTC)

October 3, 2001 Link to this post

Movie list finally updated
Took us long enough... but we've finally added the two latest movies (the Bungie Commentary movie available at Microsoft's official Halo site and the TeamXbox gameplay movie) to our Movie list. You'll find all the current mirrors (in all the various formats) that were still active as of this morning, as well as links to screen captures for the bandwidth-impaired. If you haven't seen these films... grab them now! (Louis Wu 17:19:39 UTC)

October 2, 2001 Link to this post

Command THIS!
Occasionally, mention is made of Halo's ability to take absurdly high-resolution screenshots. We thought, when we saw the 1920x1440 shots posted by Daily Radar in March, we thought we were seeing an example of this. How silly we were... Bungie has kindly sent along an absurdly high-resolution shot - the original (440K) is 2664x2562 - and this one is obviously shrunk from its original size. Here's the new yellow commander, in all his multi-toothed glory... for those who want more manageable sizes, we've created a 1024x768 version (92K) and a 1280x1024 version (178K) - both padded with black to make the non-standard size fit your desktop. Enjoy!

(Louis Wu 09:17:25 UTC)

October 1, 2001 Link to this post

HUD and Screenshots updated
Last week's Halo Update has been added to the Halo Update Database... word of the week is 'screenshot'. Not bad - only two updates between the promised screen and its appearance! (The shot itself has been added to the Screenshots section, as well.) (Louis Wu 00:35:29 UTC)

September 30, 2001 Link to this post

How much do YOU see?
Wow. I can't remember when a single screenshot was subjected to the sort of scrutiny that the 'Cortana shot' is enduring... there are threads on our forum, at Rampancy.net, the Marathon's Story page, Battleground: Halo, and probably a few other places around the net. Add your thoughts to the discussions! (Or simply marvel at the effort going in to the analysis of one single screenshot...) (Louis Wu 15:03:50 UTC)

September 29, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Update comes with a screenie
The Weekly Halo Update, now one week shy of its first birthday, was over at Battleground: Halo this time around... and while it's short (mostly tweaks - Halo is currently at Release Candidate 2, there's not much left to do), it DOES come with a new screenshot - you can finally see what Cortana looks like. Go read it for yourself... and check out the shot! (Louis Wu 09:17:45 UTC)

September 22, 2001 Link to this post

Halo backstory leaked
Major screwup in the Microsoft Marketing division: If you visit the official Halo site, you'll find a section labeled 'Timeline'. At the end of the text, it says

For more in-depth information on the historical events leading up to this current predicament, simply click on any of the highlighted years below. Please be sure to check back often for the latest back story installment.

Down below, there's a single entry - 'Early Conflicts'. This section (indeed, the whole site) pulls its information an XML data file - this is convenient, in terms of development, because you can build the Flash framework, and add content later. Someone, it seems, decided it would be easier to simply put all of the content in at the start... and simply comment out the parts they didn't want showing at first. (Most people aren't that familiar with XML files yet, and you can't exactly read the 'source' of the Flash animation... so it seemed safe.) Unfortunately for MS, a diligent Bungie fan was poking around in his browser cache this evening, and FOUND the XML file. (You can grab it for yourself here - but my guess is, it'll be changed PDQ, so you might not find anything useful. Update: as of 11 pm EST, the new info is gone - only the 'Early Conflicts' entry remains.) Chlazza posted the contents of this file to the Marathon's Story page forum this evening... and for better or for worse, the Halo backstory is now far better known than it was yesterday. First reading says that tying this into the Marathon storyline is going to be nearly impossible - in Halo's universe, FTL travel was developed (by humans) in 2291... and none of the Marathon datapoints show up at all. Discussion should commence immediately on our forum. (Louis Wu 01:27:37 UTC)

September 20, 2001 Link to this post

Work starts on first Halo ad
jonki, Halo's product planner, dropped into our forum to clarify that the first Halo ad is just now getting into production. October was the last date we heard... (Louis Wu 08:45:41 UTC)

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