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November 3, 2001 Link to this post

Score Central interviews Marty O
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that Score Central was putting together an interview of Marty O'Donnell, the sound guy behind Halo, and was asking for fan questions. Tonight, they've posted the result - and overall, it's a lot of information. A snippet:

SC: How has sound and music changed in the gaming world from say 5-10 years ago.

MO: I think it keeps getting better, both sound quality and aesthetically. We?re moving away from the concept of music that plays constantly throughout a ?level? and towards the more movie scoring approach that music should underscore the feeling of a scene or event. That means figuring out how to respond dynamically to what the player is doing without calling attention to the fact the player can control the musical events. It?s not easy but it?s starting to work. Having the ability to record players from the Chicago Symphony for example and have that kind of music played in Dolby Surround while you play the game helps a bit too.

Go read the whole thing, and learn a little more about Marty as you do! (Louis Wu 04:21:48 UTC)

November 3, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots section updated
Well... this probably means we've caught up for a day or so... but we've added 75 screenshots to our Screenshots section. (They're all in the 'Sites' pages, and come from the 5 new articles published in the last few days.) Whew! (Louis Wu 01:00:20 UTC)

November 2, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo Review at Gamestar.de
Uriel points out a new review at Gamestar.de - it's part of their print review, and it contains a couple of new screens. Uriel promises a translation soon, too. :) (Louis Wu 18:39:31 UTC)

November 2, 2001 Link to this post

Multiplayer Impressions at GS
To go with the new movies, GameSpot has put up a Multiplayer Impressions article - a description of the 13 maps (similar to the description IGN put up a couple of days ago) and some tips and comments. They were playing a 'near-final' build... and they commented on the framerate blips; I'm wondering if we're going to continue hearing about these with the gold version. In any case, it's an information-dense read, and comes complete with 25 screenshots. Check it out. (Louis Wu 01:43:45 UTC)

November 1, 2001 Link to this post

A pair of new desktops
Dusty sends in a pair of desktops for our Wallpaper section. That green one is pretty slick! Update: Bounty, from Battleground: Halo, points out that the green wallpaper submitted earlier today by Dusty was, in fact, taken from the screensaver included in the Microsoft-released Halo XP Theme released a week ago. The entry has been updated to reflect this. Please, folks - if you submit work, claim credit for it only if it's yours. Update 2: Sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately, I don't have a machine I can install this theme on (the Win98 boxes I have access to cannot be used for this) - I need to rely on others to let me know when stuff isn't right. From the original documents that Dusty has sent, it's clear that while the elements might have come from the screensaver, quite a bit of the enhancement work is his alone. The Wallpaper entry has been adjusted yet again. (Louis Wu 18:59:43 UTC)

November 1, 2001 Link to this post

Counter-Strike AR model for grabs
strykerwolf created a Counter-Strike model of the Halo assault rifle a little while ago - it's been polished since then (here's a newer screenshot), and we're hosting it for him. It's a tad over 400k - if you play Counter-Strike, go ahead and grab this! (There are no sounds included, for copyright reasons... but as we said last week, there's a nice little .wav of the assault rifle firing in the Halo XP theme Microsoft released recently. (Louis Wu 10:47:43 UTC)

November 1, 2001 Link to this post

GS looks at Halo Basics
Cesar Berardini, of TeamXbox, points out a pretty nice article over at GameSpot - it's called 'Halo: Weapon, Enemy, and Vehicle Basics'. It's a solid article, with 9 new screens (okay, 8, since they screwed up one of them Update - okay, they've fixed it), and no SERIOUS spoilers. The info in here has been elsewhere - but it's nicely put together. Check it out! (Louis Wu 01:54:39 UTC)

October 30, 2001 Link to this post

Xbox Odyssey info
W00t! Heads-up kudos to Cesar, from TeamXbox - Xbox.com has put up an information page about the Xbox Odyssey (which TeamXbox mentioned last week) - one of the photos shows an ENORMOUS plasma screen, running Halo... if you live in (or near) San Fransisco, LA, San Diego, or Phoenix, GET YOURSELF INTO THIS THING. (It's coming to 40 cities - this is just the first leg.) (Louis Wu 10:44:11 UTC)

October 30, 2001 Link to this post

Multiplayer Guide at IGNinsider
IGN Insider has posted a Multiplayer Halo Guide (or at least the first part of one) - it's only available to Insiders, those who pay the subscription fee for their premium service. (Insider access costs $10/3 months or $20/year, but there are several ways of getting it free.) 13 multiplayer maps are described, with a screenshot of each one in action. Apparently, one of our forum-goers decided to post the text from this article on our forum. For future reference - we'd rather this didn't happen. Hopefully, IGN will release this information on their non-subscription site in the not-too-distant future. (Louis Wu 10:35:10 UTC)

October 30, 2001 Link to this post

Halo preview at Gamers.com
Thanks to Bob Blandeburgo, who pointed out a new Halo preview at Gamers.com - it's a good read. The control scheme is described in detail, for those who have been curious, and there aren't any spoilers, for those trying to avoid too much information. They complain about the standard thing PC gamers complain about - lack of mouse and keyboard support - and they mention framerate stutters, though they point out that they have a pre-gold release of the game... generally, they liked it. Also included are 25 screen captures, many showing areas not seen before. These are 640x480; it's clear, however, that these were grabbed from a 320x240 movie and blown up to double-size. However, they're still worth a look; some are just plain fun. (Louis Wu 09:56:06 UTC)

October 29, 2001 Link to this post

VE continues the Halo love
Thanks to CubanB, who noticed more Halo commentary at VoodooExtreme; seems Apache finished it this weekend, and he's

sticking with my "best first person shooter ever" statement, as the game kicks ass from start to finish.

He goes on to explain why. In case you weren't already having trouble waiting... (Louis Wu 16:21:57 UTC)

October 27, 2001 Link to this post

Fun content, lousy presentation
Very interesting movie out there - FULL OF SPOILER MATERIAL. It's filmed with a handheld off a small TV screen, with no sound... but it has some very interesting content, such as interface screens, help screens, the fact that you can have closed captioning of spoken text... It starts with the player turning over an upturned Ghost - and later an overturned Warthog. (How is not clear.) It's hosted by an Italian site with a VERY fast connection... which is good, because it's 42 megabytes. (Thanks to incude-stdlib, on the IGN Xbox forums, for the heads-up.) Update: Matt Soell points out that what I noted as 'closed captioning' is, in fact, the result of a developer build - some of the text is even status messages. (This suggests that pressing 'X' to overturn an upended vehicle might not actually work in the game you bring home... don't get your hopes up.) (Louis Wu 02:30:01 UTC)

October 27, 2001 Link to this post

Thanks to Mavruss, for the heads-up: Matt Soell has posted a note over on the Bungie Sightings forums, giving details about the RSVP situation for the Halo Launch Party. He needs the standard stuff - who, when, why... okay, maybe not why. Go read it at BS, or wait a bit for it to show up on Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 01:37:55 UTC)

October 27, 2001 Link to this post

Screen caps from OXM DVD
Whoa - very cool. Chanan has sent in 15 screen captures (720x480) from the features movies on the December 2001 DVD bundled with the Official Xbox Magazine - there are a few Halo snippets in there. Some of the shots are similar to what's been seen before, some are mediocre... and some just make your mind spin. (This one, for example...) Check 'em out... and remember how cool the Halo community can be sometimes! (Louis Wu 01:21:06 UTC)

October 26, 2001 Link to this post

Xbox Odyssey Tour
TeamXbox has a story about the Xbox "Odyssey" Tour - a 40-city rolling Xbox circus; 50 Xboxes with plasma monitors and giant projection screens. There are a few pics, including one of a Halo game in progress. (Thanks to TomeOne for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 19:46:18 UTC)

October 26, 2001 Link to this post

New movie at Fileplanet
Well... the Cinematics team said not to watch intro films posted to the net, because they would spoil the 'first-time' experience of playing for yourself... but many have said they're waiting for the PC version of Halo, and in any case, we would be remiss if we didn't tell you what's out there. Fileplanet has posted what they call a 'Halo Intro and Gameplay Movie' - it's a 50 MB, 6 and a half minute film that contains footage similar to the GameSpot films released a week ago. It starts with the Halo opening sequence - this makes up half the movie. The rest gets the Master Chief from his cryo tube to the bridge. The player is very much a novice - in all the running around, they NEVER pick up a weapon of any kind! In a way, this is nice - your view of the scenery is not hampered by the gun in front of you... but a good chunk of the time is spent trying to get through obviously locked doors, and the like. Bottom line: it's out there, it hasn't been seen before. There - we've told you. (Louis Wu 17:12:43 UTC)

October 25, 2001 Link to this post

Another Hands-on at TeamXbox
Another one... TeamXbox has put up an 'Early Hands-On Halo Preview' as well. Like VoodooExtreme, they liked it - a lot:

If any of you had any doubts that Halo would live up to the hype, you can put all that to rest. Period.

There are also three .asf clips showing gameplay - all new, as far as I can tell. They're short enough that they shouldn't spoil much for anyone, but you DO get a look at splitscreen coop in the last two (with actual gunplay this time!). Definitely worth a look! (Louis Wu 13:36:26 UTC)

October 25, 2001 Link to this post

Do you remember Blam?
Thanks to Lophan, for starting a pretty fun thread on our forum yesterday. What is your favorite "waiting for Halo" memory? Add your thoughts, now that the light at the end of the tunnel has been shown not to be a train! (Louis Wu 01:00:19 UTC)

October 25, 2001 Link to this post

StC is Infinite
Halo "Start to Crate" value: infinite. So says Gothmog, and he should know. As one of the faithful forumgoers says, that's worth celebrating. (Louis Wu 00:54:29 UTC)

October 23, 2001 Link to this post

OXBM December preview scanned
Over on the IGN Xbox General Board, game132 has scanned in the Halo preview from the December 2001 issue of the Official Xbox Magazine. Colors are a little funky, and text can be hard to read in sections... but the screens are amazing! The verdict? They liked it (9.5/10):

This, then, is Halo, for my money the best game of the year on any system.

Go check out the thread! (Louis Wu 22:17:34 UTC)

October 19, 2001 Link to this post

Arny Staten lays it down
Joseph Staten stopped in to rag on Marty's anility, and to second Marty's suggestion that you ignore (if you can) the Gamespot movies, to keep from becoming jaded. He also, almost as an aside, passed along the tidbit that the Certification that Microsoft is putting Halo through at the moment is a two-week process... so that Gold Master isn't as close as we thought. Hmm... two weeks... started on the 16th, or so... that means assuming no problems, they've got just over two weeks for manufacturing and distribution of at least 350,000 DVDs. Wow. (That number, btw, came from Ed Fries' estimation that 70% of Xbox preorders include Halo, coupled with a WAG of 500,000 units available at launch.) (Louis Wu 02:06:05 UTC)

October 18, 2001 Link to this post

MS starts Xbox Usenet groups
Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi - seems Microsoft has started a bunch of new Usenet news groups, including microsoft.public.xbox.halo. Doesn't show up yet on my server... but I'll keep looking! Update: Thanks again to Harry "I'm planning to infiltrate every news post today" Al-Shakarchi, who noted that you can use Microsoft's news server to see this group. Not a lot there yet... (Louis Wu 14:35:43 UTC)

October 18, 2001 Link to this post

Screen caps up
For those on slower connections, we've thrown up a page of screen captures from the movies. They're predominantly taken from the intro movie and the cutscene, since the PoA level was already shown quite nicely in the Staten/O'Donnell discussion video a few weeks ago. They're dark because... well, the movies are dark. :) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 14:11:47 UTC)

October 18, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Movie Overload
Holy mother of... Looks like the whole first level (and more!) has just been made available by Gamespot. 9 movies, a total of 115 megs if you grab the mpegs... I (obviously) haven't had time to watch 'em all... but the first couple are jaw-dropping enough. Bad news - Cortana's still the same voice as was used at E3, so those that didn't like her there will still not like her. Geez - stop reading and DOWNLOAD! (A huge shout out to Draikin for the heads-up.) Update for those who don't want spoilers: The first movie (the biggest) contains the opening sequence of Halo - the Pillar of Autumn entering the Halo system. (You'll see this first thing when you play the game.) The second through the fourth are gameplay sequences from the first level. The fifth is a cutscene - banter between Cortana and Master Chief, and the decision to abandon the Pillar of Autumn. The next two are more gameplay sequences on the ship. The last pair show splitscreen coop play on the Halo itself, but have very little action in them. They're good for a look at what splitscreen coop might feel like (green arrows over your partner's head, etc). On the page, they're listed from newest to oldest... so 'the last pair', for example, refers to Movie 17 and 18. (Louis Wu 02:26:43 UTC)

October 16, 2001 Link to this post

Slayer - you're it
Thanks to a random, 6-month-old thread on the IGN Xbox forum, a new tidbit has come to light - in an interview that IGN Xbox did with John Howard and Joe Staten in April, Joe mentioned a multiplayer mode we haven't heard of before:

I just got done whupping arse in a game of split-screen "Slayer" with some programmer chumps (it's all about over-charging the Covenant Plasma Rifle btw), and I can assure you Halo multiplayer is alive and well and definitely a part of the final product.

Slayer... hmm. Wonder how we all missed that when the interview was first noticed? (Louis Wu 14:30:51 UTC)

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