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November 18, 2001 Link to this post

GotY voting at Gamespy
Gamespy has started the fan voting on their Game of the Year 2001 Awards - you all know what to do in the Xbox category... thanks to Darkman for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 00:20:49 UTC)

November 17, 2001 Link to this post

FunXbox says oh, yeah...
FunXbox has posted its full review of Halo - and it's simply overflowing with praise.

Imagine Half-Life, Tribes 2, and Goldeneye all mashed together, then multiply it by one thousand, and you still wouldn't have a game as captivating, exciting, intense and fun as Halo.

(That's how it STARTS.) Bottom line - they liked it. (We think.) Go read it for yourself. (We've added it to our Reviews page.) (Louis Wu 21:23:21 UTC)

November 16, 2001 Link to this post

Bungie goes site crazy
As about 8 million of you noticed, all the new Bungie sites went live last night. (Don't ask me why MS is approving launches after 10 pm local time...) The 7th Column, the new gathering place for local fan clubs, is open and accepting new club applications. Truth and Reconciliation, Bungie's new official Halo site (with exclusive screenshots, concept art, storyboards, and more) woke up some time this morning. And the overall Bungie.net site is live again, as well. (The Myth Vault still needs a bit of tweaking.) Spend a little time looking around... (Louis Wu 12:50:39 UTC)

November 15, 2001 Link to this post

GameSpot UK adds some Halo content
GameSpot UK has repackaged the preview GameSpot (US) published two weeks ago (UK spelling, a final paragraph acknowledging that it won't be available in the UK for quite some time), and added a subset of the huge collection of screens Gamespot US put up last week. I suppose if you space it out... (Louis Wu 19:24:56 UTC)

November 15, 2001 Link to this post

FiringSquad looks at Xbox (and Halo)
Thanks to fate, who noticed new Halo coverage (and media) in a FiringSquad article on the Xbox launch. (Halo's section is 2 pages long, starting on page 4.) Included is a passel of screens (20-someodd, mostly stuff you've seen before, but with occasional interesting variations) and a 20 MB DivX-encoded AVI (no spoilers). This isn't their official Halo review - they said that's coming. They have more framerate issues than any other coverage I've read. Take a look! (Louis Wu 15:05:15 UTC)

November 15, 2001 Link to this post

Halo at home... finally
Our forum is starting to see stories of folks and their first Xbox experiences with Halo in their own living room. Nij and The Shrike seem to be the first forum-ites to report back... and the news is good. (Louis Wu 10:14:21 UTC)

November 15, 2001 Link to this post

Another Halo domain up for grabs
vladinn@msn.com lets us know that another Halo domain, halogame.com, is up for auction - starting bid is $500. Given that haloserver.com failed to sell for $61 last week, this seems rather steep... but hey - who are we to judge? (Louis Wu 01:39:56 UTC)

November 14, 2001 Link to this post

Halo commentary in article.
Thanks to Lophan who spotted an article on the Xbox at MSNBC that makes mention of Halo:

Halo, a first-person shooter in which players lead a squad of marines in a battle on an alien planet, still has some frame-rate problems. To read about the game online, you think the frame rate was a very slow 10 frames per second. Ê Ê Ê Ê

In truth, Halo generally stays at a constant 30 frames per second. Granted, this is not as fast as the 60 frames per second you see in some games, but it is well within an acceptable limit. Ê Ê Ê Ê

I noticed the frame rate drop a few times during a demo I saw last summer, but those problems have been fixed. Halo has enormous worlds and crossing certain junctures within those worlds used to trigger half-second load ups that looked mostly like hiccups but did not detract from gameplay. There were also times, when the game slowed because too much was happening on screen, such as firefights with multiple vehicles. But in its final form, these problems have been fixed.

Read the rest of the article here. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 20:18:34 UTC)

November 14, 2001 Link to this post

8 new PCGames.de screens
More new screens, from Germany's PC Games Magazine - 8 of 'em, in all. Some pretty nice stuff - a cool shot of a Jeep just off its dropship, a jeep in water, and a dead hunter. Available in both 768x576 and 640x480 formats. Thanks to Uriel for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 00:22:54 UTC)

November 13, 2001 Link to this post

Launch Party Pics start coming in
Shadab, one of our reporters for the Launch Party, submitted a passel of pics earlier today. They're finally up. As more pictures roll in, you'll be able to find them in the Pictures section of the Launch Party Coverage page. (Louis Wu 02:23:26 UTC)

November 12, 2001 Link to this post

Halo T-shirt pics
There are more in the works, we hear... but the first screenshots sent to us of the Launch Party have been uploaded - a few shots showing the Halo T-shirt Bungie was selling at the event. Take a look... this'll be available to the public as soon as the Bungie Store goes live again! (Louis Wu 15:36:43 UTC)

November 11, 2001 Link to this post

Launch Party reports start
The first few reports have trickled in from the Launch Party last night (folks having too much fun to report back, it seems!) - overall response seems to be pretty positive. jaslak summed up the general attitude towards Bungie's willingness to do stuff like this:

It was an impressive sight, to see bungie employees and fans talking one on one. I have yet to see another company as cool as Bungie.

Lots of little details, including the unveiling (at least verbally) of the new Truth and Reconciliation site Bungie's putting up (you almost got the name right, Theocracity)... read the reports to soak it up. An Xbox and several copies of Halo (as well as t-shirts) were given away... and several people (from Marty O'Donnell to TeamXbox) were conducting interviews. No7orious mentioned on our forum that the only new media he saw was a sort of training video (sounds like fun, though) - but we have yet to hear from the Bungie guys themselves.

General announcement: if you were at the party, and would like your thoughts/comments preserved for posterity on the coverage page, drop us a line - we'll set you up with access so you can post there. (This goes for Bungie employees, as well, if you're so inclined.) A search function will be added soon, so that finding that tidbit you wanted will be simple. For those of us not at the party... looks like we missed a good one! (Louis Wu 16:12:58 UTC)

November 11, 2001 Link to this post

New screens at PCGames.de
Thanks to Uriel, who discovered 15 new Halo screens at PC Games.de (you can see them in 640x480 format, or 768x576 format). Some nice ones in there... (Louis Wu 04:38:46 UTC)

November 9, 2001 Link to this post

Full Halo review at VE
VoodooExtreme's full Halo review has been posted. An overall score of 95% (lowest rating: 90% for Replay value and Stability). It is a nearly perfectly positive review:

After playing through Halo a couple times I can safely say with no repentance that it's one of the most engrossing games I've ever played in my entire life.


Not many games with multiyear development cycles live up to fans? expectations, but I think that Halo is one of those rare exceptions. If you love sci-fi themed first person shooters, Halo is a must buy even if you have to wait for the PC or Mac version. If you have an Xbox, you must own Halo. It's just that simple.

However, there were a couple of things listed in the 'Cons' summary: framerate stutters (yes, still) and 'a somewhat anti-climactic ending'. (That's actually not an uncommon complaint about Bungie games - Oni is the most recent example.) There are no major spoilers - Apache goes out of his way to keep the scope of the information limited to what's already out there on the net. There are also two brand-new screens to go with the 5 released a few days ago (hi-res, and gorgeous). Go read this! (Louis Wu 14:11:53 UTC)

November 9, 2001 Link to this post

I want one. No, two.
Seen over at TXB - MSN Games|Denmark has posted some pictures of an amazing gaming setup. That is one big screen... (Louis Wu 06:51:20 UTC)

November 9, 2001 Link to this post

Halo reviewed at TechTV
Nice catch - Hyperium found a TechTV Halo review. Except for implying that Halo will not come out on a PC, it's a decent review. They had some troubles with the controls... but nothing they couldn't handle. One odd thing - the video clip enclosed (generic splitscreen coop play - no spoilers) at one point shows the two teammates in a jeep... and BOTH screens are in 3rd person mode. (There is no way to see what the gunner in the back is actually shooting at; the camera remains on him.) Several months ago, the gunner was first-person - either this has changed, or something was pretty screwy over at TechTV. Hmm... (Louis Wu 05:43:17 UTC)

November 7, 2001 Link to this post

VE gets hi-res
Five gorgeous hi-res screens at VoodooExtreme - go get 'em. First notification props to jan luow. (Who loves ya, baby?) (Louis Wu 23:10:53 UTC)

November 7, 2001 Link to this post

He's gonna start swearing soon...
Okay, for most regulars here, this is a broken record. However, with the proximity of the Xbox launch, there are many newcomers... and this issue has become hot recently. A few days ago, Matt Soell, in response to a forum post in which an Xbox Germany representative was quoted as saying that PC Halo would be released in late fall 2002, said this:

If Jason Jones is still unsure how we're handling the PC version (and he is - I talked to him about it two days ago) then it's pretty unlikely that some MS guy in Germany has the inside track.

Some jumped on this as proof that Bungie was waffling about doing the PC port in the first place. Matt has posted a new missive on our forum, in an attempt to be perfectly clear about one thing: a PC version of Halo is still in the works.

I have asked many questions about the Mac/PC versions in recent days, because I want to know what's going on so I can get the "I have confirmation it's never coming" wankers off the community's back. I have asked people who are in the best position to know what's going on, like Alex and Jason. They don't have answers to all the questions yet, and they don't want to say anything until all the ducks are in a row, but they know what they have to do. If pressed to choose between an "anonymous source" referenced by some random guy on a web forum, and two real people with names who have confided Bungie secrets to me for years, I'll pick the latter. And I cheerfully invite the anonymous sources, if they actually exist, to come on over to Bungie HQ and chat with Alex and Jason and myself so we can eliminate the communication breakdown.

The short version? BUNGIE HAS NOT SCRAPPED PLANS FOR A PC PORT. This, of course, will not stop people from speculating that they have, indeed, scrapped plans for a PC port (or even better, haven't been told by their Microsoft overlords that the PC port is history, and are toiling away in ignorance)... but as of today, a week before the Xbox launch, the PC port is officially in the works. (Louis Wu 21:35:18 UTC)

November 7, 2001 Link to this post

FAQ updated
The Gameplay page of the HBO FAQ has been updated. Old info has been pulled, new info added... one more question (coop splitscreen play) is there. This is a work in progress... more to come. Update: The Weapons and Vehicles pages have been updated, as well, this time using information from the Halo Manual. (Louis Wu 17:47:02 UTC)

November 7, 2001 Link to this post

New french preview at GameKult
genohunter writes to let us know that a second Halo french preview has come out, at GameKult.com.

For those whose french is as clear as the covenant language, I'll just say that the Gamekult team found the game quite exciting, and, of course, really wonderful (especially all the bumpmapping effectsÊwith dynamic lights). They tested it on a beta version, and they deplore the framerate problem that we heard telling about (too) many times. As a conclusion, they think that Halo is one of the best Xbox first games, and, apart of the framerate problem,Êthey really enjoyed playing it.

The fact that it's a development build is clear from some of the 57 (!!!) screenshots included with this article... some of which could be considered SERIOUS spoilers. (Louis Wu 17:36:38 UTC)

November 6, 2001 Link to this post

26 more screens added
We've added the latest batch of GameSpot screens - these are the 26 released on November 2 with the Updated Halo Preview. You'll find them in our Screenshots section. It's gettin' easier... (Louis Wu 18:19:16 UTC)

November 6, 2001 Link to this post

Multiplayer types revealed... to Insiders
IGN Xbox has put up part 2 of its Multiplayer Guide - this one details the 26 multiplayer types, with a few (small) screens. Unfortunately... it's Insider-only for the time being. Credit goes to Dan for noticing this first... (Louis Wu 02:55:01 UTC)

November 4, 2001 Link to this post

Halo-ey Texture Goodness
In a HORRENDOUSLY long thread over on the IGNCube.com forums, Matt Casamassina, Editor-in-Chief of IGNCube.com, put up a few screenshots to point out what textures SHOULD look like - he'd started the thread by complaining about what was being done on the GameCube. His example? Halo. We've added 4 of these shots to the Unofficial Screenshots page - they're nothing special, in terms of what's going on... but as a peek into what Halo is capable of, texturewise... they're awesome. (That grass one just blows me away! (Louis Wu 00:35:07 UTC)

November 4, 2001 Link to this post

More Halo at Cloudchaser
Cloudchaser Microsoft has put up part 4 of their Halo impressions - this time, it's a fan-written commentary on the level known as 'Flawless Cowboy'. It's interesting, given that it's written by someone who has either never seen Halo before, or is pretending that they've never seen Halo before:

Well, this lady told me over a radio or something that a enemy dropship was approaching and that I should cross some tubes or pipes to the other side of the river to escape being detected. I promptly ignored the command and starting scanning the horizon for the enemy. I wanted some action. I got it pretty quick. The drop ship arrived along with two of those personal fighter like thingies. I was instantly under heavy fire. The drop ship dropped about 6 bad-guys (Covenent right?) and then took off in a flurry of gunfire.

A fun read, in either case. Check it out! (Louis Wu 00:04:12 UTC)

November 3, 2001 Link to this post

Too much stuff at GameSpot
<sigh> Right about the time we get caught up with screenshots and movies, places like GameSpot have to go and release tons more. There's an updated preview, a 75 meg movie (!!), and 20-someodd new screens. (They say it's 30, but there are at least a few repeats - but they can be forgiven, it's hard work releasing THIS much new info in such a short time.) I can't tell you what's in the movie - I've only got 5 megs of it so far. My guess is, though, we're talking MAJOR spoiler action. Media overload... (Louis Wu 04:45:33 UTC)

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