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Showing results 3826 - 3850 of 4250 matches

December 14, 2001 Link to this post

zipped screens at HaloOrbit
Halo Orbit has packaged up some 200+ screenshots, ranging from July 1999 through this month, and made them available in a single zip download. You can find the link on their Downloads page (It's called 'Screenshotarchiv #1'). Only 16 megabytes! Get yours today. (Louis Wu 20:37:22 UTC)

December 14, 2001 Link to this post

LAN Party Venues...
Last month, Matt Soell wrote an article for the opening of Bungie's Seventh Column community site called 'Hosting a LAN Party'. Now Part 2, written by David 'Candyman' Candland, has been posted: 'Finding the Right Venue'. It has some great ideas about places to get together, if your living room just doesn't cut it. It also has a hilarious screenshot to go with it. Thanks to No7orious for being the first of many to point this out. (Louis Wu 14:10:00 UTC)

December 13, 2001 Link to this post

Dutch ShrimpTV looks at Halo
Thanks to LK.Rage, who pointed out a Dutch review of Halo, in video format. Okay, it's not really a review - ShrimpTV simply played the game on camera for about 5 minutes. It's not bad footage... and it's relatively understandable for non-Dutch speakers (there isn't much voice-over stuff, and a chunk of what there is is actually in English), but it's a rather large file. It's episode 11 of ShrimpTV, available as a 95 MB download (in zipped WMV format) from this page. The Halo segment starts about 9 minutes in. (There's some footage of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as well, for those intrigued with the graphics of that game.) They liked it... the 'Positief' listed at the end is simply 'moehahahahaaa', which sums up Halo pretty well. (Their negative has to do with the wait Europeans are faced with.) (Louis Wu 13:06:31 UTC)

December 6, 2001 Link to this post

PDF Halo Guide at IGN
Thanks to Acrappa, who noted on Rampancy.net that IGN Xbox has put up a PDF Halo Guide for its Insiders. This is just the previously posted Halo Walkthrough, packaged up as a PDF document - in fact, the HTML version (available to all, not just insiders) has screenshots the PDF version doesn't have. Still, the search function is pretty nice... As a side note, IGN has reported that Thursday evening, for about 24 hours, they'll unlock the Insider site and let folks look around - they're hoping that the taste of what's available will get you to want to subscribe. Whether this tactic works or not, realize that you'll have 24 hours to grab whatever content you've heard about in the past that you haven't been able to see... (Louis Wu 10:09:10 UTC)

December 5, 2001 Link to this post

Wallpaper competition at Halo Orbit
German Halo site Halo Orbit is running another Wallpaper competition - the winner will be showcased on their site for a full month. Check out the details (in German) here! (Louis Wu 18:56:27 UTC)

December 4, 2001 Link to this post

Playing with numbers
You've gotta love statistics - even when everyone uses the same numbers, they look different. IGN GameCube (in an ironically-titled article called 'The Numbers Don't Lie') is reporting that in the week following the release of the GameCube, the GC outsold the Xbox 469,000 to 186,000 units. (Halo, with 97,000 units, was nearly tripled by Luigi's Mansion, at 257,000 units.) IGN Xbox, on the other hand, points out that the Xbox had a 3-day headstart on sales... and its total sales up to the 24th (the same ending date as cube.ign.com is using) are 556,000 units. This jibes nicely with Rampancy.net's numbers - they reported last week that CSFB (the same firm IGN got numbers from) published a report showing Microsoft sold 370,000 units in the first 2 days - 370,000 plus 186,000 equals 556,000. (This also suggests that Halo's total sales in the first 10 days are closer to 275,000 units, since 176,000 sold in the first weekend.) Thanks to No7orious for noticing this discrepancy first. (Louis Wu 16:14:55 UTC)

December 4, 2001 Link to this post

Tru7h and Recon updated
Another day, another dollar... and another 12 shots on Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation website. Dang, what I wouldn't give for those screenshot tools... Also, Part 4 of the Multiplayer Guide (Power-Ups) and a new batch of Storyboards have come online. The new screens will be added to our Screenshots database in the next hour or so. WARNING: story spoilers present in this batch of screenshots. (Louis Wu 01:24:29 UTC)

December 2, 2001 Link to this post

Gamers.com reviews Halo
Gotta stop that pokin'... This time it turned up a Halo review at Gamers.com. It's a nicely written rave:

Featuring as many shocking and exciting plot twists as Metal Gear Solid 2, Halo sheds the ultra-stealth focus of that title and replaces it with white-knuckle intensity Goldeneye wishes it had.

They don't list an editorial number rating... but they combined the 34 user-submitted values (averaging 9.1/10) with 6 magazine/site reviews (averaging 9.6/10) to give it an overall 9.3/10 consensus score. We've added it to our Reviews page, and added the three new screens to our Screenshots database. Update: On this page, they give it a 10 in-house. Reviews page updated. (Louis Wu 03:04:44 UTC)

December 2, 2001 Link to this post

More new screens - from Halomedia
While poking around in German sites I can't read, I discovered a number of screenshots I'd never seen before at Halomedia - they're not attributed to anyone, but they're very high quality - absolutely worth a look. We've added them to our Screenshots database. (Don't miss the obligatory Matrix shot...) Update: Uriel writes to say that the five new screens came from AreaXbox.de - you can see them here. (Louis Wu 02:35:00 UTC)

December 2, 2001 Link to this post

New screens from Gamestar.de
A few days ago, the German site GameStar put up a small article covering 4 launch titles for the Xbox. Halo gets the thumbs up (not really a suprise), but the real reason for this mention was a pair of screens they put up - well, one, in particular. We've added both to our Screenshots database. Might be worth a look. (Louis Wu 02:19:25 UTC)

November 30, 2001 Link to this post

New Wallpaper
Strider has created a new desktop image for our Wallpaper collection - go take a look. Them Bungie boyz sure know how to take screenshots... (Louis Wu 16:17:11 UTC)

November 30, 2001 Link to this post

VideoGameGal reviews Halo
VideoGameGal has reviewed Halo - their review is bundled in a streaming video with a review for DOA3 (the total length is 11 and a half minutes, Halo starts about 4 minutes in). They gave it an 8.5; The breakdown was Graphics, 9/10 (human character models could use work); Sound, 8/10 (it seems they didn't like the 'heavy metal' bits of the soundtrack - their words); Controls, 8/10 ("almost as good as a keyboard and mouse"), and Replay 8/10 ("Deathmatch is so-so"). Go check it out on their site - we've added the listing to our Reviews page. (Louis Wu 13:56:10 UTC)

November 28, 2001 Link to this post

New T&R content and JJ interview, coming up!
Hot on the heels of an accusation that Bungie doesn't care about its fans, the Online Team has updated the Tru7h and Reconciliation site. New concept art (don't look if you're anal about spoilers), a new section of the multiplayer guide (vehicles), with three GORGEOUS new screens (you'll find 'em in our Screenshot database, as well), and maybe most interesting of all - information about a fan-conducted interview with Jason Jones.

Here's how it will work. Think up a question for Jason (no huge lists, please) and send it to haloqna@microsoft.com. We'll accept submissions for the rest of this week, then pick the best ones and hand them to Jason. We'll return with his answers next week.

If all goes well this may be the start of a semi-regular feature wherein you can ask questions of a variety of people from the Halo team. So think up a good question and ask away!

Remember - this guy doesn't talk much... so this is a huge opportunity! (Thanks to Vector40, who pointed out how slow we're being on reporting this.) (Louis Wu 03:15:27 UTC)

November 27, 2001 Link to this post

GameKult reviews Halo
genohunter writes to point out that GameKult, the French gaming site, has put up a large halo review (they liked it, except for the lack of bots), and a ridiculous number of screenshots from the first couple of levels.

"Halo is a majestic title that you must own if you plan to buy an Xbox."

Overall rating was a 9/10. We've added it to our Reviews page. (Louis Wu 19:50:40 UTC)

November 26, 2001 Link to this post

Second Xboxweb review
And the reviews continue... XboxWeb has put up a SECOND review - the breakdown was slightly different, but the final result (9.8) was the same. WARNING: There are major spoilers in the accompanying screen captures. We've added the shots to our database... but there's a spoiler warning on them. (Louis Wu 19:40:03 UTC)

November 26, 2001 Link to this post

Reviews roundup
Some older reviews have turned up - thanks to the news archive at Blue's News for these. Game Revolution looked at Halo a couple of weeks ago - they gave it an A. GamesFirst was not as impressed - Halo got 4 out of 5 stars (though the reviewer said it was a solid title - he was unhappy with the paucity of weapons, the lack of bots, and the lack of flexibility in gameplay). Game Nation liked it a lot, and gave it a 96/100. And finally, Gamesmania reprinted the review seen on the Electric Playground. All of these have been added to our Reviews page, and the new screens with the Gaming Nation review have been added to our Screenshots database. (Louis Wu 18:15:11 UTC)

November 22, 2001 Link to this post

AV reviews Halo
Charles D. Clifford told us that The Adrenaline Vault has put up their Halo Review (and 9 new screens) - they loved it. They obviously didn't read The Fall of Reach (it's becoming clear how much of the backstory was buried in that book), but it didn't stop them from seriously enjoying the game.

In the later sections, the single player experience actually feels less entertaining than pairing up with a buddy to fight back the hordes of enemies, and I have a seven hour, five AM finishing, side-by-side stretch of gaming to back me up in that assertion.

(That's, what... MTB = 300?) Go read it. (We've added it to our Reviews page, and the screens to our Screenshots database.) (Louis Wu 11:23:52 UTC)

November 22, 2001 Link to this post

MPB - the new standard
Forensic proposes a new rating scale to replace the (in Halo's case inapplicable) StC ('Start to Crate') system for rating shooters: MPB ('Minutes Past Bedtime'):

You measure how long you stayed up past midnight playing, despite having to go to class or work the next day, and you've got your rating. In this case, Halo earns a respectable score of 120.

A few days ago here, Halo earned a 220... (Louis Wu 10:41:11 UTC)

November 22, 2001 Link to this post

CD screens added to db
Thanks to bullseye, for pointing out that two of the screens in this week's ConsoleDomain Halo Review hadn't yet been posted. They've now been added to the screenshots archive. (Louis Wu 00:58:48 UTC)

November 21, 2001 Link to this post

New wallpaper
Anthony Tilford dropped off a new desktop using some of the cool new concept art and screenshots at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site. You'll find it in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 21:42:41 UTC)

November 21, 2001 Link to this post

Happy Halo Xperience
NaliGun noticed a review at Blueyonder of the Xbox Xperience tour currently in the UK. While they hated the event itself, they loved Halo:

Even the poor LCD screens in Nutopia had difficulty disguising the sensational visuals.

Worth a read - gives props to Marty and the Sound team, as well! (Louis Wu 15:28:47 UTC)

November 20, 2001 Link to this post

Pushed too far...
Raymond Makowski drops off a newly-captioned screenshot... I think he's captured the feeling pretty well. You'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 10:29:42 UTC)

November 20, 2001 Link to this post

Bungie Content, online fast!
Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site has been updated again - new screenshots, and Part 2 of the Multiplayer Guide. Check it out! (Screens will be up in our database shortly.) Update: 13 new shots have been added to our Screenshots section. (Louis Wu 00:54:10 UTC)

November 18, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots section overhauled
The time has come. Our Screenshots Collection passed 400 items recently, and that's just way too many images to nagivate (or maintain) by hand - so it's been completely overhauled. You should find it far easier to look through now. Comments are always welcome, though we may choose not to implement your suggestions. (We'll do our best to explain why not, if we can.) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 18:20:32 UTC)

November 18, 2001 Link to this post

GamePro reviews Halo
Thanks to NeXuS, who noticed a Halo review at GamePro. There's no date on it (nor any reference to a date in their news), so I've no idea when it was actually posted... we've dated it today on our Reviews page. It's positive - a few minor gripes (the 'Ewoks on helium' sound of the grunts, for example, and the 'fussy' handling of the vehicles), but for them, it's one of 2001's best games. (There are also 15 new, albeit small, screenshots.) (Louis Wu 15:42:03 UTC)

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