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April 11, 2002 Link to this post

Roadkill, huh?
Wow. That's all I have to say. Update: Credit where credit is due: Jester asked this, then this, a couple of weeks ago. Thanks, Psyrixx. (Louis Wu 09:33:37 UTC)

April 11, 2002 Link to this post

xbox.com interviews Max
xbox.com has posted a small interview with Max Hoberman, our friendly neighbourhood Online Guy. Here's a quote:

S: What were some of the greatest challenges to overcome during production?

MH: Two things come to mind. First, switching from the PC to the Xbox necessitated a huge change in the direction we were going with Halo. Traditionally we implement the multiplayer game first, then single player. When we started developing on the Xbox we changed our primary focus to single player. Fortunately the team did a great job, and the multiplayer implementation didn't suffer too much. Second, getting the interface right just the controls, but the way information is delivered to the player. If we do the job well, you'll barely notice the user interface at all if we blow it, it's something everyone complains about.

Go here for the full interview. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 00:04:19 UTC)

April 10, 2002 Link to this post

Hurricane mirror list started
Thanks muchly to SonicStorm and the Battleground: Halo crew - the latest movie, 'Halo Hurricane', now has another set of download links at FilePlanet. We've started a mirror list, to provide easy access to existing mirrors. More as we hear about 'em! Update: Alan Wu (no relation) points out that his Project MJOLNIR now has mirrors for both Hurricane Halo and the .wmv version of 'Halo: The Movie'. Links have been added to the respective mirror pages. Thanks, Alan! (Louis Wu 11:34:02 UTC)

April 10, 2002 Link to this post

Girl, you're my angel
Just a small note of concern... this peep stuff is getting a little out of hand; you people are starting to scare me. (Louis Wu 01:23:54 UTC)

April 7, 2002 Link to this post

Halo 'announcement' this week?
Apologies for the news blackout of the last 36 hours - HBO HQ was host to a 15-player lanfest yesterday (guests started arriving at 9 am, we closed the last door around 11 pm), so updating took a second seat. :) In that time, Computer Gaming World columnist Jeff Green put up an article at Gamers.com in which he (once again) called into question the PC versions of Halo. Bungie's own Matt Soell commented on Mr. Green's words on our forum this morning... but we're still intrigued about the Halo 'announcement' happening at a Microsoft party in San Francisco this week. More details when we find them... (Thanks to Cesar Berardini, of TeamXbox, who provided us with the first heads-up on this issue.) (Louis Wu 17:24:45 UTC)

April 5, 2002 Link to this post

Three guns in Halo - Confirmed!
Heh - it's not every day that fans find out something that BUNGIE didn't know... three weeks ago, Matt Soell created the Rumor Control Database in an effort to debunk the most common (false) rumors concerning Halo that have been circulating the internet. One of the most persistent has been "If you beat the game on Normal, then on Legendary, all in 3 hours, you'll get a third weapon." Matt's response?

"Nope. You'll always have a two-weapon limit."

Heh - today, Reckless Angel posted a note to our forum stating that this was not true... and 12 hours and 8 minutes later, Frogblast posted video proof of his claim. Turns out it's a timing issue, and getting that third weapon depends on beating a timed checkpoint... but apparently, it's not so tough to beat. The fans of this game continue to amaze me. (In all fairness, this glitch will turn up on no other level, because there is nowhere else that you start with no weapons. However, you CAN play an entire level of Halo - 10% of the game - with three weapons instead of two... and that's just plain cool.) (Louis Wu 21:24:43 UTC)

April 3, 2002 Link to this post

Do the Rocket Dance!
When it rains, it pours... we've got another one, and this one's worth watching, too! It's a gameplay vid, not a cinematic piece... but it's got some laugh-out-loud footage in it. It was recorded by Ian Haddock during last weekend's Battle of the Bay... and man, now I wanna play 16-player rockets-only on Blood Gulch! There are two versions: A 10 meg, 320x240 version and a 6 meg, 160x120 version. The originals can be found on Ian's mac.com filespace - and we've started the ball rolling with one mirror each; b.org is handling the large version, and Mythica is handling the small one. More mirrors are, of course, seriously welcome - we know how tight space is right now, with Halo: The Movie making the rounds. (Louis Wu 02:54:00 UTC)

March 31, 2002 Link to this post

Serious influx of FF
We wish you peace on this day, in a world gone mad... and we offer you a new batch of Fan Fiction:

These are all available in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 03:00:03 UTC)

March 30, 2002 Link to this post

Friday night reading
Four new Fan Fiction entries:

You'll find 'em all in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 03:15:12 UTC)

March 29, 2002 Link to this post

Movies are fun
ShdwPnthr points out a pair of movies he's made - one shows the carnage you can wreak with the chaingun on the Warthog (I'd have done a bit more driving damage before getting in the back; you suffer less personal damage that way, but the wreckage is undeniably vast in any case), and the second shows a pretty slick start to the Maw Run. They're in QT5 format, and weigh in at 1.5 mb and 900k, respectively. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 13:23:40 UTC)

March 28, 2002 Link to this post

Cool new Misc Art
Two new (and very cool) bits of artwork came in recently - bikeman704 sent in a screenshot of a Halo Pelican, built in Worldcraft... and StormSinger sent along a slick rendering of the sniper rifle ammo. Check 'em both out in our Miscellaneous Art section! (More news coming soon - been afk for the last 18 hours or so...) (Louis Wu 14:51:01 UTC)

March 27, 2002 Link to this post

Starcraft maps now have pics
Thanks to craZy, who (in answer to my plea for pictures), sent in a few screenshots of the Halo maps for Starcraft that have been coming in recently. Now you can see images and grab the maps in one convenient location! (Louis Wu 05:19:09 UTC)

March 26, 2002 Link to this post

Arrival converted for Starcraft
The Halo-to-Starcraft conversions continue - Alan Wu sends along Arrival, based on the first part of the Halo mission. (All we need now are in-game screenshots, for those of us without Starcraft...) (Louis Wu 10:06:23 UTC)

March 26, 2002 Link to this post

X VGA Box reviewed at TXB
Cesar Berardini, of Team Xbox, has put up a review of the X VGA Box (an Xbox-to-VGA solution). If you've been dying to play Halo on your computer screen... check this out. (Louis Wu 10:02:34 UTC)

March 26, 2002 Link to this post

Mirrors for Hogball begin to surface
Mirror, mirror, on the net... halo-game.com (in France) and That Weasel Television (in the US) have both stepped up to provide Hogball mirrors - and That Weasel also created a much smaller version, for those on slower connections - screensize is 160x120, but filesize is only 6 megs. Grab 'em while they're hot! Update: Two more mirrors: Mr. Zarquon and The Repertory both house this puppy now. (Louis Wu 00:16:21 UTC)

March 25, 2002 Link to this post

Truth and Recon screenies added
We've added the 33 screenshots that go along with the Legendary Walkthrough posted a couple of days ago at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site to our Screenshots Database. Needless to say, some of these contain spoilers. (However, some are simply astounding.) (Louis Wu 03:50:50 UTC)

March 23, 2002 Link to this post

Freewill and Halo - what a pair!
Major updates at Bungie's websites: Truth and Reconciliation's Legendary Walkthrough has gotten a second chapter (with some GORGEOUS screenshots, thanks to Mordia), and the Seventh Column has a monster interview with bungie.org's own Miguel Chavez, Bungie's Number One Fan. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 04:03:15 UTC)

March 23, 2002 Link to this post

Maw 700 Contest 2 - Complete!
It hasn't been without roadblocks, but the Maw 700 has finally come to a successful conclusion. Contest 2, in which participants needed to get from one end of the Maw Run to the other with Maximum Style, closed 27 hours ago - but instead of a few screenshots (and a well-defined goal, as Contest 1 had with its time target), the judges had to get hold of 4 separate 15-megabyte files (a feat in itself), rate them on content and composition, and come to a consensus on the conclusions - something that took a bit longer than we'd anticipated. Then, we had to make sure the files were hosted, so that visitors could download and view them for themselves - major thanks go out to Brian Towne, of mythica.org, and Vector40, of The Repertory, for handling this part. All our ducks are finally lined up now, though, so stop by the Maw 700 Contest 2 page for all the details! (Louis Wu 02:43:08 UTC)

March 22, 2002 Link to this post

Starcraft now gets Sidewinder
Whoa - a new fad has started. Bezerk Fury follows the lead of Jonathon Cairns, and creates another Starcraft map - this time of Sidewinder. (It's 40k.) The question is... can anyone do the SOLO levels? :) (Louis Wu 14:38:25 UTC)

March 21, 2002 Link to this post

Maybe it should have been 'donut'
The Halo plot hole defined by this quote from Truth and Reconciliation:

While the Covenant had us locked up in here, I overheard the guards talking about this ring world. They call it... "Halo."

has been discussed extensively on our forum. (Why could Keyes understand what the guards were saying when the super-duper translator in our own suit can't even do that?) However, Master Chief IV used this line to ask an even better question - why, if Keyes is just now learning what the Covenant call this ring, does the screen behind him on the bridge of the Pillar of Autumn ALSO call it 'Halo'? (Yes, it's just a game. Bungie makes few enough mistakes like this, though, that it's worth pointing them out when they DO happen.) (Louis Wu 10:39:02 UTC)

March 20, 2002 Link to this post

Long, sappy bandwidth thanks
And now, a word from our sponsors... in a manner of speaking. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Halo community is the ability to see what insane - erm, intrepid people are doing to push the Halo engine. However, because Halo's got no built-in film feature, stunts have to be recorded as video... and video eats bandwidth like Homer Simpson eats donuts. We'd like to take this opportunity, then, to thank some of the bandwidth providers from this community (and point out the newest files they have for you to download):

  • Mythica.org - Brian Towne has been here since Day 1, pretty much, and has provided homes for most of the high-ticket items out there. He hosts all the iBonk movies, as well as almost everything that's been mentioned here at HBO. Latest morsels: Eleet Ops Faction's Various - EOF film, and the Xbox Goodies that disappeared recently from Team Xbox.
  • The Repertory - Vector40 started this site up with the express purpose of giving a home to homeless movies. Latest tidbits: Various - EOF and Dan Chosich's Montage Video.
  • That Weasel Television - That Weasel started off with the Warthog Jump movie, but has recently put up the Xbox Goodies (both the full package and the music tracks by themselves), and created an HBO Video Mirror page in case there is more to add.

There are others, of course... but these three had new content RIGHT NOW. :) To all in the community that make it possible for us to keep people informed about the latest funkiness... thanks! (Louis Wu 18:21:59 UTC)

March 20, 2002 Link to this post

XBox Japan goodies for grabs
Alan Wu did the community a nice favor, and extracted all the interesting stuff off the Xbox Japan site we mentioned yesterday. Three music clips (in MP3 format), and a bunch of mini-screenshots... plus one bizarre grunt sound. All in a package only 260k! Grab it today. (Louis Wu 17:40:49 UTC)

March 19, 2002 Link to this post

Japanese Halo site up - nice!
Nice find by protexts... The Official Japanese Halo site is up, and it's not simply a copy of the US site (as so many others are). Nice Flash layout, nice music, good screenies (if a bit too small). Now if only I could read Japanese... (Louis Wu 10:23:03 UTC)

March 17, 2002 Link to this post

Links, Links, who's got the links?
Link action - halo24.de is now listed correctly on our Links page, and Silent Halo has been added. German Halo action and... some rather strange pictures, respectively. Additionally, we got word from Cal that he's started a new Xbox portal site, to help people find Xbox-related sites. We decided a long time ago that we weren't going to include Xbox sites in our Links section (there are too many of them, and this isn't an Xbox site, it's a Halo site) - but if you want to check it out, look at Xboxx.org. (Louis Wu 16:50:48 UTC)

March 15, 2002 Link to this post

Multiplayer pointers at drunkgamers.com
Drunkgamers.com has started a new feature - It's a section with multiplayer pointers, accompanied by movies. The first one shows a nice flag recovery in a game of CTF Pro - and some damn good pistol shooting. guS, of drunkgamers, says to expect regular updates with more movies and pointers in the coming days. Worth a look! (Louis Wu 18:35:51 UTC)

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