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July 17, 2002 Link to this post

Bungie.net scheduled downtime
Bungie.net has put up a notice that all Bungie web services will be down for several hours tomorrow, starting at 10:30 AM PDT. (Obviously, you won't be able to read it THERE after that point, so we're mentioning it here.) This means a couple of hours of webcam downtime... (Louis Wu 01:18:46 UTC)

July 13, 2002 Link to this post

New Captions shots posted
Overshadowed just a little bit by the official MS PR announcement about PC Halo was an update to the Screenshot Captions section of Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site. There are 4 new photos... and some of 'em just make you want to break in to Bungie Headquarters and steal that dev kit. First heads-up props to MasterOmok, who sent us email about it. (Louis Wu 10:56:12 UTC)

July 7, 2002 Link to this post

Freedom to Kill webcam
'Freedom to Kill' Quick Update: We've set up a webcam showing the gameplay on one of the screens here - a beautiful projector image provided by Freewill. There's no guarantee that what you see will be interesting... but you'll see what we see, refreshed every 30 seconds. ;) (We may actually move the camera around a bit... or we may forget it's there, and simply play. :) ) At the moment, a couple of guys are cooping through T&R on Legendary... but who knows how long that's gonna last? Enjoy! (Louis Wu 15:52:51 UTC)

July 7, 2002 Link to this post

Movies, and an explanation
News is backing up a little - the HBO Junkies have been having a weekend-long lanfest (started Friday evening, we're just getting going again today after knocking off at 3 am last night), so news has been sparse... but there are a couple of movies for you anyway today. First up is yet another addition to Warbow's Bottom of the Maw Jump Trick - Halo Wannabe has submitted a movie showing a much more reproducible route to the bottom. (This film is 2.7 mb.) For a wider audience, Skavenger_s7 (and Renegade Theatre) have melded Robert Redford and Halo in a beautiful way - check out The Castle, a 4.7 mb, 60-second short. Enjoy the vids, enjoy the day! We'll be back soon. (Time to start shooting again...) (To all content submitters - we'll get to your stuff as soon as we can. Please don't send new copies, thinking we didn't get it. Thanks!)

July 6, 2002 Link to this post

Start the weekend reading
Gonna be scarce around here for a bit... but here's some Fan Fiction to keep you busy:

Enjoy your weekend! (Louis Wu 03:44:45 UTC)

July 4, 2002 Link to this post

Piles and piles of Halo updates at B.net
Juicy Bungie goodness - on the one hand, we've got the next chapter of Bungie's Halo Legendary Walkthrough, created by CandyMan - Assault on the Control Room never looked so gorgeous. (mnemesis, who pointed out all the nice links, especially wanted you to notice Sarge, the incredible one-handed sniper.) On the other hand, we have "Halo: A 'Her'spective", an article written by Tinuviel, of WolfePack (a team that made it to the finals of the Seventh Column Halo Competition a month ago), giving a female perspective on this game. And finally, on the other other hand, Matt wanted to point out that Halo soundtracks are finally in local stores. Get over to Tru7h and Reconciliation and get readin'! (Louis Wu 00:31:46 UTC)

July 1, 2002 Link to this post

Dr. Seuss's got nothin' on us...
Another desktop submission by Justin - Red vs. Blue, all over your screen. Check it out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 19:03:07 UTC)

June 30, 2002 Link to this post

Stories and links
For the Fan Fiction readers, we have two new stories:

For the Fan Fiction authors, I'd like to take an opportunity to point out a couple of sites you guys should know about:

  • Zenith - a site devoted to helping Fan Fiction writers be better at their craft. Check it out.
  • The Halo Fan Fiction Project - A collection of writers attempting to recreate Halo as a novel. The project officially starts tomorrow!

And now back to your regularly schedules Sunday activities... (Louis Wu 15:36:35 UTC)

June 30, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Installation 004 comes online
A new site for ya - Halo Installation 004. Lots of game info, gameplay tips, speculation. Not your average 'put up a bunch of screenshots and call it a site' site. (Now if only they didn't refer to us as 'official' in the links section... :) ) (Louis Wu 15:10:55 UTC)

June 24, 2002 Link to this post

Start your week with reading
Monday Morning Fan Fiction:

Go to it! (Louis Wu 15:17:30 UTC)

June 23, 2002 Link to this post

FAQ updated with Bungie Screenshots question
These things seem to go in cycles... and recently, there have been a lot of questions on our forum, asking how Bungie gets those incredibly beautiful screenshots. We've finally added the answer to our Most-Asked Questions list. Feel free to point others here. (Louis Wu 01:18:23 UTC)

June 22, 2002 Link to this post

When Bungie stacks levels funny
Caught again... miles did some fancy footwork in order to leave a nav-pointed grunt alive at the start of Truth and Reconciliation... and hence was able to measure the distance from the arrival bay inside the Truth and Reconciliation (where you end up after going through the gravity lift) and the starting point of the level... and the interesting thing is that the ship is BELOW the start point, not above it! Bizarre... (Louis Wu 17:51:55 UTC)

June 19, 2002 Link to this post

Forces behind the scenes?
What's this? There are story-related tidbits we don't know yet? Mnemesis titillates with a snippet from the recent OXM UK article... could this be the start of serious speculation? Head on over to the Halo Story page and find out! (Louis Wu 20:07:02 UTC)

June 18, 2002 Link to this post

Silent Cartog Walkthrough at T&R
Yet MORE new Bungie material at Tru7h and Reconciliation... this time it's a walkthrough for Silent Cartographer. Zee peekturs... zey are awesome! Thanks once again to mnemesis (who pointed out this particular shot...) (Louis Wu 23:57:54 UTC)

June 18, 2002 Link to this post

Caption the Flag... or something
Woohoo! 8 new screenies over at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliaton site, just ITCHING for your captions. This is just one amazing shot... Thanks to mnemesis for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:53:29 UTC)

June 18, 2002 Link to this post

Halo ideas?
Ross Mills has started up a site called 'Halo Ideas' - and as he says on our forum, he's looking for content to fill it. If you have any speculations about either Halo 2 or Halo Online (neither of which have actually been announced, of course, and nothing says they won't end up being the same game), drop him a line! (Louis Wu 17:24:09 UTC)

June 16, 2002 Link to this post

Fragfests are Fun
Happy Father's Day, to all you fathers out there! (If you're not a father, let your own dad know...) There are a boatload of movies in our inbox - there's no way we can release them all at once. (Part of that is a bandwidth issue; the other part is that it's Father's day, and there just isn't time to process it all.) We'll start you off with Dave Driggs' Fragfest footage - a 1:38 romp through Blood Gulch, with some fun commentary. (He also made a nice little 'trophy' for the evening - check out the details!) More when we get the chance! (Louis Wu 14:49:05 UTC)

June 15, 2002 Link to this post

He's got bigger ears than Dubya...
Okay, this better not start a flood of cheesy compositing... but we're putting this up because 1) it's been a bit slow, newswise (mostly my fault - real life intrudes), and 2) Mourneblade was very polite. :) Check our Miscellaneous Art section for some... miscellaneous art. (Louis Wu 00:54:42 UTC)

June 11, 2002 Link to this post

Images and Words
New content over at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site - there's a pretty fun new 'Caption This!' section, wherein Bungie puts up great screenshots (warning: spoilers), and you write captions for them (and vote on other people's attempts)... and in honor of tomorrow's release of the Halo Soundtrack, there's an interview with Marty O'Donnell. Thanks to mnemesis and Ape Man for the heads-up on the screenshots section - even though BOTH of them missed the Marty interview... (he doesn't get no respect!) Check it all out. Good stuff. (Louis Wu 00:01:20 UTC)

June 8, 2002 Link to this post

Halo's Star(s)...
Thanks to Phreak, who noted on our forum that he's started a compilation of the stars in the Halo (game) universe... there are some gaps in his chart, so if you can help out, drop him a line! (Louis Wu 02:30:18 UTC)

June 7, 2002 Link to this post

Screenshots Database Updated
The last two batches of screenshots from Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site were added to our Screenshots database last night - apologies for neglecting to note that here. These include the 12 Closeup shots put up last week, as well as the 48 shots that accompany the Truth and Reconciliation Legendary walkthrough. (It should be clear that there are spoilers in the walkthrough pics - it is, after all, a walkthrough of the level - but just in case...) (Louis Wu 12:55:22 UTC)

June 6, 2002 Link to this post

Old Spicy McHunter...
Looks like this is turning out to be Movie day. We'll start with a submission from Djoey154 - it's called Scottish Hunter, and we'll warn you now, the music is mature-rated. He originally submitted this as a Windows Media Player file (11.8 mb) - but with some coaxing, submitted an .avi which has been converted to QuickTime 5 format (12.9 mb). Currently, they're both on mythica.org - but we will almost certainly need mirrors for this - please let us know if you can put this up. (I''ll be adding a Hotline version for both of these in the next couple of hours, at least.) Take a look... Update: A mirror list has been added for this film - hopefully we can populate it soon! All movies from the last few days have been added to the Movies database - and while you're there, you might notice an extra data chunk; movies with spoilers are now labeled in red, near the bottom of the entry. There's currently no way to REMOVE spoiler-laden movies from the list... but there will be, eventually. (Louis Wu 09:40:26 UTC)

June 6, 2002 Link to this post

A new day, a new pair of links
A couple of new links for you folks - StarWarsFanMan has started a new Halo photos site, called Halo Onslaught... and Team Overkill has pointed out their clan's Halo section on our forum. Get to viewin'! (Louis Wu 09:14:33 UTC)

May 31, 2002 Link to this post

The first mirrors for Warthog Revisited
Mirror sites have begun to come in for the Warthog Revisited movie - we've started a mirror list. Hopefully, the bandwidth will continue to hold up once the Oz.net servers drop off that list... but if you haven't seen this, grab it now. it's hilarious. (Louis Wu 19:02:14 UTC)

May 31, 2002 Link to this post

What the heck IS that?
Whoa - thanks to Frogblast, who noticed a new set of screenshots over at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation; another set of Eyeball Benders! This one's tougher than the last set... add your guesses to Froggy's thread! (Louis Wu 02:15:32 UTC)

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