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August 31, 2002 Link to this post

Start-of-weekend reading
Life's been busy - this is Fan Fiction from the last couple of days:

Give it a read! (Louis Wu 02:53:20 UTC)

August 31, 2002 Link to this post

Halo National Championship pre-pictures
Pictures - not of the HNC itself, but of the reception on Thursday night. Check out the setup! (The actual finals were played with 2 players per console on 36" plasma screens.) We bring you what we can... (Louis Wu 01:19:53 UTC)

August 30, 2002 Link to this post

HNC Finals Commence!
Our spies are everywhere. Here's a snapshot of the postgame carnage report from a 16-player CTF game at the reception for the Halo National Championships, held last night at the DoubleTree in Westwood, CA. From our trenchcoat-wearing guy in the field:

It's the postgame carnage screen shot from a 16 player CTF on Blood Gulch. The game approx 30-40 min. with the players mostly running around playing slayer. Not alot of team play was evident, which figures since none of the 16 guys playing knew or played with each other before the NC. All the players are good, but not as good as those two Canadians from the E3 fan fest.

'Those two Canadians' would be Finn and Shovelface, of Team 7hr33. (Louis Wu 17:30:22 UTC)

August 21, 2002 Link to this post

The Warthog, HBO Edition
Whoa - does this mean we have to start selling clothing? (Louis Wu 13:23:58 UTC)

August 17, 2002 Link to this post

Gamitopia says 'Eh.'
Gamitopia reviewed Halo last week - and were unimpressed. While I'm loathe to sneer at Halo criticism for fear of being seen as an overbiased fanboi, the reviewer picked some of the silliest things to complain about:

When you move onto each successive chapter of Halo, you'll restart with Marine guns, regardless of what you ended the previous chapter with. Once, after battling my way out of an end of chapter fortress with a needler and a rocket launcher, I nearly had a heart attack when the next chapter, which started right where the last left off, started me off with the crappy pistol and machine gun from the beginning of the game. I didn't play for days after that one, and it happened all too often.

Other complaints included too-low ammo-carrying limits, too-few-gun carrying limits, bad driving controls, and a tired storyline. Overall, they rated it 81%. We've added it to our Reviews database. Thanks to Blue's News for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:33:46 UTC)

August 17, 2002 Link to this post

Halo on the Big Screen
Vector40 went to the MaxGames competition at the San Jose Tech Museum of Innovation - read his insanely long (but quite entertaining) account of the goings-on on our forum. (Louis Wu 10:07:53 UTC)

August 17, 2002 Link to this post

A 'Cingular' discovery
When Bungie released the Halo 2 screenshots last week, one of them sparked some debate - people wondered about a symbol visible on one of them. Some thought it was the men's room... others thought maybe it signified who won the cellphone wars in the future. Jaime Griesemer, Halo 2's lead designer, suggested that it was present in the first Halo. Aginor finally found it - it's a symbol for 'airlock'. (He made a homemade image showing where he thought it turned up - but i snagged a screenshot, showing it in place. This is this first airlock you come to in the first level.) Nice eyes! (Louis Wu 01:54:07 UTC)

August 15, 2002 Link to this post

More pics for your desktop
A pair of new desktop images for you - Ken Schreiber compares Halo and Halo 2, and Allenthar colors in a cool Bungie wallpaper (in a multitude of sizes). Check 'em out in our Wallpaper section! Update: We've added a third image for the morning - this one from Deimos™, over at Subnova.com... it utilizes an exclusive screenshot and a classic quote; check it out! (Louis Wu 14:52:51 UTC)

August 12, 2002 Link to this post

Phoenix? No, Rampancy...
Once upon a time, a big star in the Halo fan firmament was The Core, which morphed into Rampancy.net. Time went by, and R.net slipped off the radar screen - dns woes, loss of maintainers to the Bungie developer stable, and maintainer change of focus all contributed. Narcogen has resurrected the site, however, and it now sports a Halo 2 forum, an emerging Halo 2 FAQ, and more. Stop by and say hello! (Louis Wu 20:09:04 UTC)

August 12, 2002 Link to this post

And the Fan Music collection grows... SilverBrin has submitted a new piece for your listening pleasure. He writes:

      I just uploaded a file called "Mahdrigalo.mp3". It's a piece I wrote the day I heard Halo 2 was announced.Ê It is also in honor of Marty O'Donnell's timeless music.Ê It is exciting to think he is now working on new stuff for the new game!

      Anyway, I twist around the Halo and The Siege of Madrigal themes into my own interpretation and then combine them at the end.Ê It is entirely Midi and does not use any audio from Marty's music.Ê Everything was rendered using cheap midi software (hence the poor quality). I still think the dramatic interpretation may entertain...but you guys can be the judges.Ê

Just as Halo wallpaper starts with Bungie-created artwork and presents the submitter's vision, this piece starts with Marty's Halo theme and 'Siege of Madrigal' piece, and presents SilverBrin's vision. We've upped it to Mythica.org - it's 5.3 mb. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:24:18 UTC)

August 12, 2002 Link to this post

The Competitive Systems Arena
Skavenger_s7 found a pretty interesting little device which will take the four panels of a split screen and send 'em out in different directions - no more cheating by looking at your buddy's screen in multiplayer! Mirrors and cardboard can bring fair competition back to your lan gatherings... (Louis Wu 02:04:06 UTC)

August 12, 2002 Link to this post

New Press material from Xbox.com
Strato99| noticed some new Halo 2 material over at the Xbox.com press site - a couple of isolated shots of MC (that is, separated from any background), a nice version of the Halo 2 logo, and the four main screens with no watermarks on them. These aren't really hi-res or anything... but if you're building Halo 2 stuff for the web, they just might come in handy. (Louis Wu 01:59:38 UTC)

August 12, 2002 Link to this post

More desk coverings
Take a day off, come back to a flood of submissions. We'll start with desktops - there are 5 new ones:

  • h2_wait.jpg, by Justin
  • halo2wal102.jpg, by Chome (3 flavors)
  • hippopaper.jpg, by Justin
  • MC.is.back.jpg, by Chromejr45
  • One.More.Time.jpg, by Dusty Patt

You'll find 'em all in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 01:44:13 UTC)

August 9, 2002 Link to this post

Now just hold on a minute...
Miscellaneous, indeed:

  • Mr Bill Jr V pushes the limits of what can legitimately be called Halo misc. art
  • Team Overkill pushes some other limits

You can find their work in the Miscellaneous Art section. (We may have to start cracking down.) (Louis Wu 15:25:17 UTC)

August 8, 2002 Link to this post

News of the Month
You knew it was coming, right? Halo 2 has been announced. Swing by Bungie.net, and read all about it... new screens, new desktops... and a new movie, coming soon. This is gonna Rock Your World. (Louis Wu 13:16:47 UTC)

August 7, 2002 Link to this post

Another Halo Mini-Game
A little while ago, we posted a small Halo game created by a fan - now we've got another one for you. This one was created by Drew and Taylor (Lion on our forums), and the object is to simply shoot (click on) the grunts and elites floating around the screen. Grunts are 2 points, Elites are 5. Hit a Master Chief, though, you lose 5. PC-only, and 733k zipped. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 15:44:13 UTC)

August 5, 2002 Link to this post

There oughtta be a law...
Bungie's Number One Fan Miguel 'Freewill' Chavez competed in the first round of the Halo National Tournament... and has written up his experiences, complete with pics. Check it out at Bungie Sightings! Correction: Miguel competed in a warm-up event, not the actual tournament. Silly me - the tournament doesn't even start until next week! (Louis Wu 04:37:26 UTC)

August 3, 2002 Link to this post

Pictures say stuff
Art for the day: bikeman704 has cobbled together a 'screenshot' of a wished-for Half-Life mod... minor spoilers here. You'll find this in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 14:27:29 UTC)

July 31, 2002 Link to this post

Not porn, we promise
Artistic submissions today:

  • CrAzYjOhN911 submitted a VERY large scan of a Halo sketch
  • BOLL submitted a modified screenshot using Swedish candy, inspired by this forum thread

You can find both in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 13:59:39 UTC)

July 27, 2002 Link to this post

Emily Litella would be proud...
Joseph "Zef" Howells sent in a modified screenie for our Miscellaneous Art section... I like that logo. (Louis Wu 02:06:20 UTC)

July 26, 2002 Link to this post

Chaos II is Coming..
Wonga. Remember Chaos on the Ring? (Back when Warthog Jumping was relatively new, this flick pushed the limits.) Well, these guys are putting the finishing touches on Chaos II... and their website says it'll be ready by Saturday! The hitch? It's gonna be HUGE. (Like 400 megs huge, if I read their blurb right.) I'd be happy to talk to them about making it smaller... but in the meantime, we're gonna start collecting offers for mirrors. :) (Brian Towne says Mythica.org should be back up by tomorrow... we hope he's right. :) ) Every byte is gonna count! (Louis Wu 00:01:23 UTC)

July 23, 2002 Link to this post

New Truth & Reconciliation updates
Bungie's Truth & Reconciliation site has been updated with a bunch of new screenshots for you to caption as well as a new installment of the Legendary Walkthrough (complete with cool shots and tactics!). Pax. (Crux Fidelis 11:48:25 UTC)

July 21, 2002 Link to this post

Lots to read - last for a bit
The Fan Fiction just doesn't stop - here's the stuff that's been building while we've been out of town at Macworld:

There were some mixups this time around - mostly owing to my very erratic schedule this past week. Halo 2: Jupiter has already had chapter 2 posted - because I missed chapter 1. You might want to read the whole thing as a series, for continuity. Also, Ascendant, part 7, actually came in over a week ago - it got lost in the inbox. Enjoy this batch - I'm out of town for a few days, starting tomorrow, and it's unclear if stuff coming in before Wednesday will be posted by one of the others. Please be patient! (Louis Wu 06:24:49 UTC)

July 20, 2002 Link to this post

Halo National Tourney
A Halo National Championship? Microsoft, EB, and iGames (a game center company) have teamed up to offer you a nationwide competition with prizes like a 50 inch flat screen TV, amazing audio systems, and lots of Xbox-related hardware. You can read Bungie's description at Bungie.net, or visit Xbox.com for links and a movie with some fun content. (To see if there's an iGames near you, check this participating centers list.) Thanks to Grail, of CWB, who sent us a notice of this before Bungie had even put up its page! (Louis Wu 10:53:16 UTC)

July 18, 2002 Link to this post

Attack of the 50-foot Elite
Whoa. Do you live anywhere near San Jose, California? Would you be willing to pay $30 for the chance to play Halo on a screen that is 40 feet by 60 feet (12x18 meters)? Swing by this page, then, and register forMax Games, at the Tech Museum of Innovation - on August 15, they'll be holding a competition, in which the final round for various games will be held on the IMAX Dome theater screen. Wowza. (First heads-up for this puppy goes to Ryan Foote.) (Louis Wu 08:11:14 UTC)

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